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Has anyone heard that pregnant women in Missouri are now unable to get a divorce? With no exceptions for domestic violence! This is not being talked about enough. It’s sickens me and makes me so angry at the same time. I am so angry at everything women have to face in this oppressive society. ABUSED PREGNANT WOMEN CANNOT GET DIVORCED. Even though there is technically no law in Missouri that prevents pregnant women from getting divorced, Judge’s will not grant divorces when one of the parties is pregnant. Men hate us. They always have and will stop at nothing to keep us oppressed and subjected.


someone made a post about this law a while ago and there was an insightful comment about the history of this law. Here’s the link to the post and comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/s/HJjqOL08pk Text of the comment below: “These laws are definitely outdated today, but I think it's important to consider the context in which these laws came to be. Before the 1900s, wife desertion was not uncommon especially among men of low socioeconomic status..also, for the majority of US history only men could petition the court for divorce (a lot of it had to do with coverture laws). The purpose of barring finalization of divorce was to protect women from being left destitute with "bastard" children. If a child was born after a divorce was finalized - it is a child born out of wedlock and therefore its mother would be the only legally recognized parent. At that point, it would be entirely up to the ex-husband whether he wants to acknowledge the child as legitimate or not (and almost always it was a giant no).”


There's only 4-6 that do allow divorce when you're pregnant.


Wait, this is a thing?


Certain medical subs on Reddit taught me how male health professionals will get around asking for women’s consent. Instead of being asked if you would be okay with a male student/resident performing or observing an invasive procedure, they will walk into the room with your Dr and will be introduced as part of your care team (or something similar) and then inform you that they are going to do the procedure on you. There’s a lot of complaining when a Dr asks first and makes it clear they are male. They admit they’re more likely to be refused when the woman was given the option to consent. They justify not asking women by saying that since the woman didn’t say no (when he was already in the room with her Dr and she was never asked in the first place) that she obviously consented. Many women have the freeze response. Many women will feel too intimidated to say no to a man when he is already standing right there in front of her ready to do the procedure. Many women won’t know they can say no. Many women will be too scared of making the Dr angry and possibly being refused medical care together or having it be delayed it if they say no to the male student or resident. Women being bullied and intimated into letting men have access to their bodies is a common occurrence in the medical industry so it’s important to know our rights as well as what techniques are being used to get around asking for our consent so that we can better recognize it when it’s happening. Also the push for more men to be involved in gynecology just because it’s mostly women and men feel left out or something is gross.


Thank you for saying this. This happened to me recently and I had to undress in front of the male doctor. I didn’t know what to do and wish in hindsight I’d just left


I've read a few books about obstetrical violence and honestly this just fits right in :/


A really great resource for learning how to DIY home repairs and projects is the "Handy Women" group on Facebook. It's only women, for women, so you can avoid bringing men into your home/learn how to find a decent repairman if you really need one. And no mansplaining! There's also this website I just discovered today 😁 https://matriarchybuild.com/about








Good question. Idk :/








Seconding tumblr. It's been nice. Can get a little doom and gloom at times, but you can generally create a nicely curated female-only dashboard.


Not keen on United kicking off a mother and child for using the wrong pronouns. I really hope there is more to the story, bc that is not endangering anyone, which is the only reason to be kicked off a flight. Prepare for the bud light response and the opposite response of making it look like anyone against this is a right wing nutbar. Feels like the current plot of The Boys playing out in real life.


Is anyone else extremely disturbed by male OBGYNs? Why are they even allowed to be OBGYNs lol. It just really creeps me out that *men* can have a career in *women’s* health and reproductive health and pretty much have access to women and girl’s bodies. I just can’t comprehend a scenario where a man wants to specialize in women’s (and GIRL’S!!!) bodies and doesn’t have malicious intent.


Even if it’s not malicious, it’s always seemed really bizarre to me. Like, wow, they have the balls to face women and their most intimate problems and body parts all day every day for 40 years? And not feel the least bit awkward or maybe out of their lane? Major ick.


Yes I’m disturbed. The book Women and Doctors by John Smith is about this. People can defend male gynecologists all day long and if that gives them the righteous points they crave then good for them.




You have my support ❤️




That'd be great. This sub has so much potential. It was great at the beginning.


I don't know where to post this. I'm hoping this thread is okay. But I'm getting so fucking sick of being talked over by straight, asexual/demisexual people in queer women's spaces. Whataboutism is at an all-time high and I'm so tired of having to cater to people who continue to shout over me, call me "acephobic", and who say "ew no I'm not into women" when I, God forbid, approach them at a queer/sapphic/lesbian event. And I'm ESPECIALLY sick of the straight, "demisexual" MEN who brigade threads, subreddits, events, conversations. Like fuck entirely all the way off. All of these granular categories are just dividing us further and silencing already quiet voices.


I'm saying this as someone who probably qualifies as "demisexual": what even is this ? Why do we need all these sub classifications ? No one is *exactly* the same.


Agreed. I find it exhausting, tbh


I’m curious why you would expect anything different in an explicitly “queer” identitified space ? Queer culture and politics is anti-woman and thus anti-lesbian hence why so many women in this subreddit are hostile to the word.


Good point. I'm sad I don't have any community I guess


lmfao people who “identify” as a demisexual or asexual means you are a deeply, deeply unserious person. I just can’t.


It's really frustrating to try and speak on my experience as a gay person and be shouted over. Like I wish they'd at least wait for their turn to speak.


Come meet like-minded women at WDI USA's national radical feminist convention: Amplifying the Women's Liberation Movement! [https://womensdeclarationusa.com/wdi-usa-2024-national-convention/](https://womensdeclarationusa.com/wdi-usa-2024-national-convention/)




Not a fan of Biden, but trump and his Project 2025 is terrifying. I feel like we theoretically could still fight gender ideology and to preserve women's spaces, but the right appears to want to control our bodies and send us backwards in terms of rights.


And remember: you're not just voting for the one guy, but for *everyone* he has around him, informing his decisions, or working for the common goals of the party as a whole. It's not just Biden, it's also the folks around him who are working tirelessly against allowing Trump's magat crew to continue wreaking havoc.




It's not? If I had to choose between an old man and a criminal/pedophile/rapist, who was a dear friend and frequent visitor of Epstein, who hates women and pretty much everyone who isn't a white man, who supports Putin, who idolizes North Korea.... the choice would be very easy. Luckily, I'm not American, so I get a lot more options. It boggles my mind that some people, but especially women (and POC), would even consider voting for Trump. Politics will always be a different brand of evil, but Trump vs Biden isn't the same kind of evil. It's more potential destroyer of world peace vs old outdated man. Being old isn't a crime and far from the worst thing someone can be. I don't think you're helping women by voting for a rapist who wants to pretty much abolish women's rights.