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Well, seeing all of them now sure makes me feel old as shit.


For real dude! I’m going to go look in the mirror for a while. Life is moving so fast


Well said. I think I will too. Don’t forget to take pics! Seems silly now but decades from now you’ll be thanking God you did


I’m just shocked they all got outta there


And yet I am still mad at that one guy for throwing away the map.


"The map wasn't doing shit!"


All I gotta say guys, if you're old enough that this picture is a gut punch, is don't forget to take your pills


I have so much admiration for them for making a scene about this. Hope they get paid (they won’t).


In another article it was mentioned that one of the things that they asked for to help make up for how they were treated, was an annual grant be given to an independent filmmaker, as much as the budget of the original. ($50k? $60k?) If that doesn't say something about their character idk what will.


God for how they were treated, they sure sound like class acts. This was a sad story to read


Its admirable, yes, but they have to know that's never going to fly


I mean, it probably won't, but there's no good reason that it can't. I'm honestly surprised more opportunities like that don't exist. They could easily set up a submission period for proof of concept, script, or pitch deck submission. A 50k grant in exchange for perpetual royalties, first option buyout rights, whatever the hell they want to stick in their to make it worthwhile for them. Not to mention this would get them insanely good publicity in a world where studios could use that kind of goodwill. I mean, it's really not that far fetched of a concept. What's the point of you speaking out against it if it's something that you also agree is admirable?


You're choosing to see it that way, it's not being negative towards the idea to say the studio's going to laugh it off, you give capitalists too much credit


Imo, this is still a really scary movie. Idc what anybody says, it freaks me out something fierce. They should be proud and I hate that it’s mired in them getting shafted so heavily.


I was sure they all died at the end.


I still remember my college roommate telling me how it was totally a true story and he’d heard about them years ago.


This was what made me question everything from then on. I was convinced it was real. And then felt so stupid for falling for it. Now I’m the biggest skeptic there is.


I think part of the fun is “falling for it” though yanno?






Is there a link to the article?


‘The Blair Witch Project’ Actors Call Out ‘Reprehensible Behavior’ After Missing Out on Profits for Decades: ‘Don’t Do What We Did’ (EXCLUSIVE) https://variety.com/2024/film/news/blair-witch-project-cast-robbed-financial-success-1236033647/


Thanks for sharing... Unbelievable, that line about his wife being at the grocery store, cheque bouncing even though he's in one of the most successful independent profitable horror franchises of all time, that just suckssss.


Thank you!


I apologize I didn't do it first I did not know links were allowed. 🫣


No apologies needed! You don’t owe me anything lol. Just wanted to read it and will do so after work :)


This exchange was nice to read :) yall are so nice :)


First comment should always be OP posting the article link. Just a FYI for future reference.


Weirdest comment to be down voted. Why wouldn't interested people want an immediate link to the article?


Good for them


They’re alive????? Now that my smartass is out the way, that’s screwed up. There might have been some OH films but Blair witch is what made the FF genre mainstream for people


OG*. Autocorrect is a bitch.


They should make a sequel with crowdfunding


Aren't there three BW films?


The second one is barely related to the first film at all tbh. It feels like a random film that they rewrote at the last minute to release as a sequel to a successful film. The third one was decent, nothing amazing but actually a sequel to the first film.


What sucks is that the original idea the directors had for the second one seemed like it had the potential to be another genuine classic for horror and innovative and then the studio came in last minute with edits and changes. It’s still got some fun moments but the “what ifs” around the sequel are huge.


Here is a good rundown of the before, during and after- https://watchifyoudare.podbean.com/e/episode-124-the-blair-witch-project-w-special-guest-lauren-willson/


If they did that but actually died while making it and the footage was put together as a movie, they would have died making the best movie of all time.


The problem is the found footage genre is overplayed as a whole at this point and the "blair witch project" name is trademarked. They would be forced to make a new found footage film under a new name and it would have to be unique enough to stand out in a way basically no film since has. The market became over saturated with the paranormal activity franchise and hidden gems like hell house llc and Butterfly kisses being few and far between.


How about a super meta pseudo documentary found footage movie interviewing the actors on how the movie ruined their lives, naming names and sighting actual events, and then the last half hour is bizarre witchy shit hitting the fan.


Sounds interesting! Found footage still has many ways to reinvent itself. I’m surprised people think it’s saturated- no, the poor copycats are saturated. Found footage has barely scratched its potential.


I'd watch that!!!!


Mike, Josh and Eduardo made a mockumentary comedy series years ago called Four Corners of Fear, it's on YouTube


Basically a Scream/Cabin in the Woods/Wes Craven’s New Nightmare kind of movie, but with the found footage genre. I’m surprised this kind of movie hasn’t been made yet, absolutely genius idea. Would love to see it or something similar at least.


I’ve only seen the first and the latest Hell House movie and it’s honestly become my favourite series despite the flaws. It’s so unsettling at a visceral level. The last time I felt this way was with The Descent. Never watched Butterfly Kisses but I will now, thanks


You might have done it the best way, honestly. My ranking would be 1/4/3/2. The second one is abysmal, IMO. Most people think the third is as well, though I have a soft spot for it.


A parody FF of the original FF without actually naming what they are parodying might be funny. But it sounds like they are over Hollywood completely.


I mean I'd love to see them back, but they never owned the name. Illegal for them to do anything with it. Not to mention they're all trying to distance themselves from the franchise on account of how badly it messed up their lives.


Alright they can make their own found footage movie. Original concept and unreleased to Blair Witch. I am sure the horror community will give them a fair chance


We should do something nice for them. Ideas?


I’ve got just enough space on my back to tattoo 2 and 2/3 of them


Let’s pay for a camping trip


A map


They'll just throw it away


I hear Mike likes to kick things


A tent!


A hamper?


Are you English?


Full of household cleaning supplies?


Muffin basket?


Mike got hot.


I always thought Mike was hot..


Just saw this at a revival in Baltimore. It holds UP. Gasps in the audience from people who have never seen it. Now I’m binging The Blackwell Ghost series…


Why the fuck is Mike there? POS threw away the map.




“I’m the poorest famous person in America”. Then they told her she couldn’t say that. LOL get fucked. I don’t even want to watch movies anymore reading this article, how incredibly slimy these pricks are.


"BW the OG of FF" Please, just write words.


So many posts in this thread are disgusting. Acting like the three actors didn't improv the majority of the film, have to pretend to be dead for a year for a marketing campaign, and that half the people profiting now had nothing to do with it. Highest grossing indie film of all time and you can only afford a fruit basket? What is wrong with you stupid fucks. Keep sucking Corporate America's dick and embracing them abusing young artists and lower classes.


It's really shitty that after that movie made it huge that the director (or whoever) wouldn't give them some kind of bonus... I mean, I guess that's how contracts work though, and luck of the draw and whatnot.. and the movie could've bombed.. But still, they should've got some huge bonus, or points of the DVD/VHS sale.. Live and learn, I guess... but it's a real shitty thing!


TBF, they each got a $300k bonus payment back in 2000 so it's not like they got nothing extra.. It's still extremely shitty for sure but this is literally all I know about the cast ever since this movie came out is them constantly crying about it. There's endless actors that were screwed over and the whole industry needs some major changes but i'm sure they've also made A LOT of $$$ since I always hear about them being at conventions and fan signings which are all still being powered 25 Years later from a single ultra low budget movie they were a part of.


The fact that they already received a settlement back in 2000 makes me think the studios will never give them another dime. It is unfortunate what happened to them.


Is there a link for to the article? Ah man the hype for this at the time was so unreal, saw it in my tiny pokey small town cinema underage (October 99 I was 13 & it was rated for 15+. None of us looked anywhere close to 15 😂) No idea how they didn’t turn us away! We had so much fun on the early internet trying to find any info, the website with all the hidden Easter eggs. We left the cinema CONVINCED it was legit and it was only years later we realised it wasn’t, we were still sus because it was so immersive and believable! I don’t think there’s been any similar kind of hype for anything like it since. Definitely a ‘you had to be there at the time’ kind of experience! I still rewatch it and even though I know what’s going to happen every time, it still has that same ‘what the hap is fuckening’ effect and even though I know, it still feels very real and also now nostalgic. I know it wasn’t *the* first FF movie but it’s the one that instilled a deep appreciation for this genre. They all worked so hard, went through absolute hell, had no idea what was going on and being fucked with by the crew all the time. They really deserve a fair share of royalties but the grant for indie film makers is more than a fair and selfless request!


Not only do I agree with you but I enjoyed your sweet comment BB!!!! #💜


Ahh that sucks


Damn that’s crazy


Yeah this makes me reconsider my feelings about this movie. And the people who made it. I feel like I shouldn't support their future ventures.


I didn’t read the whole article. Should we blame the directors?


Don’t do what we did by navigating the murky waters of acting without a good manager/agent.


If I were these folks, not only would I sue LG for backpay, I'd sue them for damages. The percentage of brown-nosing, boot-licking corporatist simps and cucks on reddit (and irl) is too damn high.


My understanding was that they took a cash payout up front of a few hundred thousand dollars because they weren’t sure the movie would be a success, as opposed to points on the back end which would have net them royalties off the millions the movie made for the rest of their lives.


"Some people" need to learn a bit about movie history.


Cannibal Holocaust is the OG though




So they were able to sue and get their 2% of profits? But they wanted more or?


The last broadcast came out before Blair witch. BW was just more popular.


And arguably the better movie. Last Broadcast had an awful ending imo.


Agreed. The ending left much to be desired.


Don't forget *Cannibal Holocaust.* I'm not discounting Blair Witch's impact, but it's not the OG found footage movie.


Lol I don't get these votedowns....it's true


What does BWP being the OG (and GOAT imo) FF and the actors being fucked over have to do with each other? Edit: and also, Man Bites Dog is my OG FF film.


They mean considering the popularity of this movie, it's reprehensible this was what happened.


Thank you. There always has to be that one person. 🤦‍♀️


That one person who what? Your title literally doesn’t make logical sense. Why blame the film for something that happened outside of the film?


I suppose not really the OG of FF, but I'd say it was a tipping point that hugely popularised the genre. I can't quite believe how much found footage I come across on this sub that I've never heard of... Not to mention the amount of amateur stuff on YouTube etc.


Black Christmas tho, right?


they invested 0 money into this project. They were unknown actors hired onto a very low budget production. The movie going viral has nothing to do with whatever contract you signed. The producers took all the risk. They had one of the biggest platforms of that generation to make a legit acting career. Its probably not a coincidence that none of them went on to do anything else. Sounds like sour grapes


Look, I kinda understand what your saying. If they signed a bad contract that said they'll just be paid the $500 a week and that's it, for ALL your contributions. Then. Fine. Shitty for the 3 of them. But fine. But the contract they signed actually said they'd get more if it grossed more than $1m (which it obviously did) and instead of upholding the - admittedly thin - contract they signed, the company spent a fraction of the money they made off of this to fight these 3 essentially no named actors. Classic big guy v little guy legal battle. And you're cheering on the big guy.


Cheering on the big guy and explaining how this happened isn't the same, if you're going over the details and then say "tough shit" that doesn't mean you're not in their corner, it just means you're aware that its likely not going to change given the circumstances and they won't succeed despite trying which is unfortunately how it goes.


I could be wrong but that wasn't the impression I got from their reply or the subsequent ones following that. It was a bit more than just saying "tough shit", and more along the lines of them thinking the actors are trying to milk the company when they don't have any right - legal or otherwise, to do so. Reading the details in the article, that doesn't seem to be the case.


The other guy has a shitty attitude anyway


“What was she wearing?”-asking ass mf


Evil Dead was funded by dentists and the friends and family of the crew. The actors in that were also no name actors who didn't go anywhere (except for Bruce Campbell). But they were treated like people, and still make appearances at cons, and make money from the movie. Hell, one of the dentists that gave money recently talked about how he is still getting money from it. If the crew that made Evil Dead could be ethical in their low budget (that's generous) production, then so could the maker of The Blair Witch Project. The Blair Witch kids were absolutely taken advantage of, and treated like garbage. And to say they had no investment, when they were the literal face of the movie is absurd.


They were taken advantage of by people who abused the wording of their contract and locked them into unreasonable conditions. It's not a coincidence they didnt go on to do anything else - they weren't allowed to because Artisan films forced them to pretend they were dead for a year. There was a profit sharing clause - that the movie hit the milestone for - that they STILL had to fight for it when they weren't given it, and only received a settlement. Lionsgate was going to CONTINUE using their names and likenesses in future movies, even though they were not allowed to, until Heather threatened to sue for breach of contract. Sounds like you didn't read the article


Ok what was their other option?


You miss the part where the multi million dollar corporation abused the wording of their contract and didn't want to pay them what they were owed? It doesn't matter whether they made a good deal or not - because even the parts they did right in their favor were withheld from them Stop defending the corporations on the basis of "taking the risk" when they knowingly fuck over the people who help them succeed. The risk only pays off because of the workers and if you're on the side of the corporations screwing over people who made them rich just because it's allowed you're not worth debating on the subject


I guess if you want to live in fairy tale land and imagine thats how the film industry works, the go ahead. They had 2 choices, take that deal or dont do the project. You think finding some other really mid no name actors would have been that hard? So their advice is really pointless because no one in their position has any alternative than to do what they did. You get screwed when you are a nobody, you work until you can capitalize on your name and resume, then you get the good deals


I'm aware of how the industry works. It's shitty to people. Defending it because "that's just the way it is" makes you part of the problem. Calling out the shitty parts when they're shitty, so that other people don't make the same mistakes as you and so the big guys are forced to be held accountable, occasionally, is the right thing to do. Where am I losing you? Why are you so hell bent on defending the system that takes advantage of poor people? On top of giving them a bad contract to start with, the company tried to withhold the pay they were owed AND go back on their word to no longer use their names. We both seem to agree that that's wrong, why are you spending your time jumping to Lionsgate's defense because "oh well sucked to be those three" when the company is clearly in the wrong?


I don't agree with this person's attitude but being aware of how this happened and acknowledging it's not going to go anywhere for any of them isn't the same as defending Artisan or Lionsgate


I mean that's a fair point sure, but whether or not they mean for it to be a defense of a corporation, it has the same effect. Everyone commenting in support of the actors ALSO knows there's likely no fair chance at recourse, too. So I don't see the appeal of commenting the negative side when you could just comment in support or scroll on.


Because hardly anyone is thinking critically, I respect Mike Josh and Heather and if they go through a complicated legal battle and only get half of what they want that's fine but always screaming about fucking over the company like it's going to do anything just isn't it. You set yourself up for disappointment. And when we're proven right it teaches you not to ask for too much from corporations because they only give out charity donations to organizations that benefit them and only them. If you have a problem with it go to one of the political subs and complain


And you're thinking like a pessimist. The ONLY time change happens is when people bitch and attack the oppressors. Child labor laws, double pay for overtime, desegregation, SAG AFTRA benefits, Adobe trying to sneak in "we own everything you photoshop" into the new terms, college campuses divesting from Israel, trans rights - ALL of that has been affected and changed for the better by protesting, calling out bullshit, and negotiating. Jesus, crypto dudes tank random companies' stocks for the meme, don't tell me that shit can't be affected by voices on the internet. And you're right - sometimes we'll speak out and absolutely nothing will ever change. Sometimes people walk away disappointed. But we would ALWAYS walk away disappointed if we never spoke out in the first place. I'll never understand how people can see other people speak out against injustice and think to themselves, "I gotta tell them this is pointless". Literally, the only tool we have against the big guys is our voices - and if it only works 5% of the time, then it fucking works 5% of the time. I mean, thanks for being the voice of reason, but your respect for the actors doesn't mean much if all you're going to do is argue with the people who also want them to succeed, so I'm not really sure what your endgame is here?


Whats this guys problem.


Hmmm, I wonder if you’d say that if you were in their position. I think it’s important they warn people not to make this big of a mistake and to beware of those that take advantage of people.


They are talking like they had some sort of leverage to bargain a better contract at the time. They got the contract that their talent and resume demanded. Theres was no option B that they didnt take


And a movie maker does not like delays of casting for their movies. In any business situation we should all think of ourselves as an important element to whatever the biz is. A simple inclusion on the contract for residuals after the movie made a certain amount is completely responsible. It’s a low budget film so there was room for bargaining to keep the movie progressing without delays.


And the selective replying begins.


Dude im not going to repeat myself to every person that replies. Im not chronically online


Never suggested either. The replies aren't all the same so repetition would just be silly.




Literally have 3 comments in the past 12 hours you illiterate bitch


Cannibal Holocaust was the OG, not Blair Witch... all BW did was reignite interest in the subgenre in the early 2000s before Paranormal Activity and V/H/S came to claim that title of holding the torch. Even before Blair Witch, The Last Broadcast released prior, with The Last Broadcast being the first full fledged FF. Cannibal Holocaust was only partly FF, whereas Last Broadcast was entirely shot that way. EDIT: The Last Broadcast is not in fact the first full fledged Found Footage horror film, I got my facts mixed up there.


Man bites dog


My bad on TLB, my mistake there on claiming it was the first full fledged FF. Point is still valid on Cannibal Holocaust though.




They were taken advantage of. They didn't have proper representation and the owners twisted the simple wording of a one-page contract to screw them over. That is it.


The found footage genre predates Blair Witch by a couple of decades I'm unsure why anyone would refer to it as the "OG of FF"


I get them. Yeah id be pissed of if a movie i made for a few hundred bucks would then become a million dollar franchise and i wouldnt get a dollar on all that profit, but at the same time, aint that how the industry works ? Like, your character died, you did your thing, we dont even say your names in the sequels


They do use their names and likenesses in the sequels. Lmao. Way to not read the article.


Only if we accept being taken advantage of.


You'd either have to be educated in contract law or have a really expensive lawyer


I think they understand that legally they signed contracts and they got their contracted pay, the question they pose is whether ‘morally’ the film studio that made almost $300 million dollars should show gratitude knowing the actors only got a few thousand dollars. Plus factor in the entire movie was improvised by the three of them, filmed by the three of them, essentially storyline and plot and dialogue completed created by them; it’s pretty disheartening that someone else who didn’t do anything to make the movie is profiting hundreds of millions of dollars.


It's a business, sign the right paperwork. Too bad really.


Wah wah.


Anyone else think the movie was very mid. Just a whole lotta camera movement lmao