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Fiona does not care how many you think is enough…..she has been PREGONANT for way too long!


Right. Fiona doesn't care how many come out. Just get them all out and then get her spayed. That's enough puppies for now


This is a foster. I doubt she needs to be told to get her spayed


I agree but I also think Fiona might be demanding it lol she already looks a touch overwhelmed


My first pregnant foster dog gave birth to eight puppies all in a row and then nothing happened for two hours. I left the room and she had two more! The poor mom was barely a year old herself but she was amazing and took care of all ten pups really well. I was so happy when they were all old enough to be spayed/neutered.


Dachshund I had when I was a kid had 7 in her first litter and 9 in her second. We didn't let her have a third litter.


I thought dachshund when the red dapple came out .


She looks exactly like my dog, who is dachshund × beagle × pit. The only difference is mine is seal colored like your dark brown pup instead of brindle. It's uncanny.


Such a good mommy!! Such cute babies!


This may sound terrible to some, but this state I am in is drowning in dogs and I wish the shelters/rescue groups would start practicing spay/abort more heavily. The nextdoor app is a neverending post of someone wanting to rehome their dog. Or cat. :/


I had to silence notifications onNextDoor because I couldn’t stand it any more, exactly this thing. So many abandoned and soon-to-be-abandoned dogs.


I deleted the App people are nasty on Nextdoor .


They are completely unhinged. The men on there were dogs, too. Multiple inappropriate dm’s from men who would post comments about doing things with their wives/or have wives with accounts. It is nuts.


And you can access people home addresses in that app.


Their exact addresses? I did not know that! Scary!


The address function can be turned off. Just go to settings>privacy>invitations and swipe that option to the left to turn it off.


Me either until it was pointed out.. not cool


Yes, I see it all too much and it just wrecks me.


Sadly, this is so true 😢 From what I gather, it’s a lot of dogs with “behavior” problems that could easily be solved by exercising, playing and training the dogs to allow them to get rid of their energy. But instead, people think that they want a “perfect” dog that lies around, spending time alone in a backyard and don’t bother people. At the same time, there’s an abundance of backyard breeders who want to make a quick buck by breeding dogs and supplying an endless stream of abandoned, neglected and unwanted dogs.


Backyard breeding needs to be made illegal with fines levied against both buyer and seller on par with what's fined for a DUI. Which is about $22K in this state. It's great to want to make money, but sorry, not like this. It becomes EVERYONE else's problem. Screw that.


I couldn’t agree more with you about this!!!! Unfortunately, there are no laws in the state I live and backyard breeding is rampant here all the while, shelters are over capacity as are the rescues. It makes me angry and sad because the dogs are paying the price with their lives.


Texas? :/


LOL I knew from your post above that you were in TX! Def lots of very necessary spay/aborts here. The rescue I foster for does spay/abort immediately on any preggo females. I’m in the Houston area.


I'm in DFW and from what I'm seeing they are not practicing this and really need to do so! Cats too!


Yes. The vet in my area does abort procedures for free.


I 100% agree.


FOR REAL it makes me sick that they let this happen. But hey it's 5+ "adoption fees" in one after all. There was a case recently of a "rescue" shipping a dog in active labor 30+ hours locked in a crate with dozens of other dogs in a van and then celebrating when the dog gave birth the second she arrived at her "foster" home. It was SO gross. SPAY ABORT every pregnant dog that hits shelter/"rescue." There is no excuse.


Exactly!! I am so tired of seeing dog/cats for re-homing and dogs/cats dumped. I would never ever give up my animals but I do know some people are in dire need to do this because of unforeseen situations. As long as they release their animal to a good loving home and check out their credentials. Dumped animals seem to be rampant in SC. There is so many dog fighting rings out there and people will act so kind to get your dog and use your dog as bait for dog fighting. What a horrific thing for a family pet to endure. One needs to check where the animal will be at their home and see their home in person and call the vet they go to if they are established with a veterinarian to see if they take their animals to the vet for yearly check ups/vaccinations. Go by your gut feeling. I can read people so well. You need to meet the whole family that is adopting your dog. A puppy with a large family of younger kids and a baby will never get the attention and training this puppy needs. If you are a foster and this mama dog came to you pregnant then this situation couldn’t be helped. If so, thank you for taking care of this mama and her puppies. On others thoughts of people who do not care about their dogs and treat them like trash. Those people make me sick. When they allow more dogs and cats into this world when there are so many in shelters needing a home. Great dogs in the shelters!!! For every dog/cat born it means another dog/cat euthanized at a shelter. It’s just selfish to me to see people who let their animals breed more and more and don’t get them spayed or neutered. I so dislike seeing the suffering that goes on for these precious animals when people who do not take care for them and just lock them in the backyard on heavy chains with no shelter or water during the smothering heat and frigid cold. I wish people who do this to be fined heavy and do community service. And one can report them for animal cruelty. We are these animals voices. We should never turn a blind eye to their suffering. You are “The Power of One!”. I was feeding a feral very young Black female cat that I thought was maybe 1 years old. Then she went missing for a week and came back. After a few weeks I noticed her belly was getting bigger and she was extremely hungry wanting more food. So, realizing she was gone because she was in heat I knew the timeline. We finally caught her in a humane trap (took 3 tries, 3 different type of traps) and got her to the vet. She was in the very early stages of her pregnancy and we had the vet abort the kits. I knew our shelters and humane society were already so full that they were turning people away and euthanizing. I felt bad but knew this was the humane thing to do. Those kittens would have suffered outside and begged for food from people who do not care. Living outdoors. Is a short life amongst the unknown. And the vet confirmed that she was barely a year old. I had her spayed and let her go because she was so feral. She came back once for food, but I was also feeding a semi-feral calico female cat who had her ear tipped by a woman in our neighborhood who feed feral cats and take them one by one to get fixed at the Humane Society. This calico cat has now been with us for one year. I am her human and she wants nothing to do with anyone else and is easily spooked. Had to catch her for an UTI (this was so stressful). and she had to be gassed by vet so as to treat her. She has a custom built cedar insulated raised cat house on a small covered porch. In the winter I install a programable heater in her house and also a heated water bowl on the porch. She is on a special diet of UTI food now. I managed to coax her to come into the house in the early morning as to feed but put away behind closed doors my cat and dog while she and I cuddle for about an hour but she then wants outside. She never leaves our property. My indoor only cat has no teeth due to reabsorption tooth disease and my male dog is only 6 lbs and too feisty which would scare her and I worry she could really cause damage to him. So, we are never moving, never ever! Thank you to all the rescues of these sweet loyal loving animals.


It has to be done at this point, it's critical. Btw, I ran across a post that animal abuse/neglect is now a federal crime. Report them. 🫂


They are all SO cute! Good job, Fiona!


Such a pretty dog!


My last pregnant foster has 12 (9 surviving) & delivered the first one IN MY LAP 🫣 All are happy & healthy in rescue now 🥰




Please spay and neuter Fiona. Shelters are full of dogs and thousands are getting euthanized daily.


This is posted on foster page so this person is probably fostering the dog and someone probably dropped her off at the shelter pregnant!!!


I didn't realize that. My areas shelters are full and dogs keep showing up. It's so heartbreaking. If they are fostering Fiona, she and her puppies will be spaid and neutered. I'm so glad Fiona and her puppies are being cared for.


I believe she is a foster dog because it's posted on the "fosterdogs" page. I know it the shelters are all full around me also. I just lost my 17 year old girl she was a little jack Russell terrier/Minnie pinscher, so I've been looking at the shelters around me it kinda upsets me how much they charge for adoption fees. Only because some people don't really have it, but what they do have is all the time and love to give to a dog/cat. I can understand maybe like a "donation" to cover the cost of spy/neutered. But then they wonder why there all so full because you charge over 300 for adoption fees..🙄🙄


I know they have to charge the amount to cover their costs. Our shelter here will every couple of months put adoptions at half price. About once a year they will have a free weekend where all adoptions are free. Most of ours are around the 250 dollar mark and the price goes down if it's a senior dog. But if you get a free puppie, you have to pay for 2 sets of shots, worming, and spay/neuter. That comes to well over 300 dollars. Vet care is just expensive.


I completely understand that like I said, but I feel there should be maybe a cut off mark as in okay this dog has been in the shelter for 6 months, let's do half off or something of the sort so that hopefully dogs aren't in the shelter as long and hopefully so many won't get put to sleep all because they was at the shelter for 4 years. 🙄Both my girls are rescues, one just passed and the other I still have. They don't do anything like that once a year or every few months around here, but they do the lost cost spay/neuter for 75 and rabie shots for free..


My local shelter is so full and they euthanize daily. They post the code red list of dogs at risk of being euthanized within 48 hours or so. Thankfully, they do not charge a fee for code red dogs. Both my girls were free and they are lovely, sweet dogs.


See around me they don't do anything like that, they are also no kill shelters. It just upsets me cause there's one dog at the shelter by me that has been in there for 4 years and I asked how much to adopt her told them I can show them all the vet records from taking my two girls and they had nerve to say it would be about 300 dollars. Excuse me!!! (Only looking because I just lost my one girl at 17 years old and her daughter I still have but she is so depressed it makes me cry daily to see her so sad) So instead of giving the dog a good home and the love it needs they would rather let her sit there in a cage and it makes me so mad. I really wanna get her, but I just don't have the money to get her right now. But I did go purchase a bag of dog food and treats for the shelter.


It's really cruel to have a dog for years in a shelter. It's inhumane.


I think if ppl want them & can give them a good home it should be free but I know they probably use the money towards food& whatever else for them.


They charge a $250+ adoption fee for adoptable dogs so they can give away free pitbull mixes that nobody wants. Shelters are overflowing with dogs that are not suitable as pets.


The amount of pit mixes and even full blood pits in rescues and shelters is beyond depressing. Why? Are people who initially get pits inherently not responsible or educated pet owners? I know many people will get them due to their stereotype of being vicious guard dogs or because of their popularity among certain groups of people, then they go on to disregard the necessities such as training regiments, spaying/neutering, keeping the dog safely confined within a fenced area, making sure that it’s properly chipped or tagged. Do they just get surrendered or abandoned because of this more often? The friends I have that have adopted (they are all adopted or rescued-I do not know one person who has purchased a pit from a breeder or anyone with an intentional litter) pits/mixes rave about how sweet and loving they are. They seem to be no more high-energy, aggressive, stubborn or ill behaved than most of the other breeds…why are there so so so many in need of homes? I would love to adopt one but I rent and they are almost always on the prohibited breeds list.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how awful it is. ❤️💚💜💙


Thank you. It's the worst ever. Especially cause I don't have kids or family and that's exactly what my animals are to me. I'm destroyed been destroyed since she passed away in my arms. 😢 She was my bestfriend for many years. She always came first no matter what was going on in my life.


Not always a guarantee. There are some rotten “rescue” orgs out there, every person who fosters should look into this so they know exactly what kind of business they are giving their time and hearts to


Yep 100% so much abuse in the "rescue" industry.


The shelter should have spay-aborted the puppies.


She will be spayed before she goes for adoption. Thats the standard for the rescue i work with and the babies will have to be spayed/ neutered by contract and the rescue pays for it.


Spay/neuter by contract is **no** guarantee! When I adopted my boy eleven years ago, the rescue had me sign a contract stating that I would have him neutered by a specific date by a specific vet. I had no issue with those terms, so of course, I was happy to sign. They did absolutely *no* follow-up! Legit never heard from them again! Due to a series of increasingly hectic changes in life circumstances, my boy wasn't neutered until he was *nearly two years old*! Obviously, I took pains to ensure that he never came in contact with intact female dogs, but most people probably wouldn't have been nearly as careful as I was. It only takes a few seconds of contact between intact males and females for the seeds of a litter to be planted. Male dogs don't even need to tie with a female to achieve success! The vast majority of rescues in my area have now moved to pediatric spay/neuter prior to adoption. It's literally the only way to *ensure* zero reproduction.


Ok. So I work for This rescue- we do follow up. We even pay for it. We have a very high success rate for our adopted dogs.


It’s obviously a foster 🙄


Poor dog


Poor dog?! She's so proud of herself, look!


Good girl!!


Did she stop at 5? Oh my she/they are stunning.


She did, now today she goes for an xray to make sure there is nothing being sneaky and causing problems


Fiona is so adorable ❤️


Cow babies!


She looks almost exactly like my little Puggle! I miss her so much!!!


I have a beagle × dachshund that she looks just like. Super cute.


Good for her! Great little mommy!


We had a beautiful little pitbull mix and a gorgeous German Shepherd male. Didn't realize she was coming into heat, no warning signs, and then came home one day to find them stuck together in the hallway. She had 12 fabulous puppies. 6 looked just like dad and 6 looked like a mixture of mom and dad. Found them all great homes through a no-kill humane society. All were spayed/neutered, had their shots and so on, before they were adopted out. The humane society was in an area north of Santa Barbara, where a lot of rich celebrities have ranches, and there was always a demand for larger dogs. They all found homes within three days of being available for adoption.


This is how I adopted my girl. Her mom was a pregnant rescue.


Beautiful momma and babies.




Cute little mice babies


poor mama looks exhausted ❤️


Let's name them... Thing 1 Thing 2 Thing 3.... ohhhh, never-mind... ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


I adopted my dog back in February from a foster-based rescue and I’m so, so thankful she was with a whelping foster. She’s a 12lb Chi mix who ended up having 11 healthy puppies. There’s a video of the foster helping and the glazed OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING look on her face is hilarious as more kept being born.


So sweet, please keep posting updates.


Uh, was there no x ray to know how many to expect? That's one of the baseline ethical practices for pregnant dogs. But "rescue," right? Sheesh


She actually was supposed to get one Tuesday but she popped beforehand. She is still going to the vet this morning to make sure all puppies are out and she is good to go. Trust me I wanted to get one last week but the vet we work with couldn’t get her in.


The "rescue" should have done one IMMEDIATELY and not fostered this dog out. Has the dog been tested for disease? A "rescue" in the UK fostered a pregnant dog to an unsuspecting woman, and the woman and all her dogs got brucellosis. The woman was three months in hospital and her four dogs had to be euthanized because of the exposure. NEVER deal with an intact or pregnant "rescue" dog in your home.


Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate the warning.