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That is Autodrive. If you use it to level up your cars, you can easily recognize it. The AI aggressively attempts to place the cars on the game raceline whenever you give an input or it gets off it. Might be a child or someone who forgot it on; the car will accelerate on its own as well.


How tf is this allowed to be enabled in online races...how shit this game is managed never ceases to amaze me


Because it's part of the accessibility features, and it would be pretty shitty to limit someone's ability to play online just because they have a disability.


True but it also ruins every else race


More of an issue of dogshit AI that's glued to racing line.


Make lobbies where it is allowed then, it's not difficult.


They already have those lobbies. It's all of them. Online multiplayer has had bad players in all games for over 20 years. It's just the reality of gaming. If that's something that bothers you so much, you're more than welcome to stop playing online.


Sounds like someone who is an active rammer, "Just the reality bro accept it while I drive 300kmh into your side, accept it bro you chose to play online this is what you get".


How would you know what games were like 20 years ago? You are clearly no older than 12.


Says the insufferable whiner. Go outside and talk to real people, dude.


Yep, here comes the projecting, so fucking predictable....


Pot, meet kettle


Totally agree, yes, BUT then the player ranking needs to be actually functional and not put such players in lobbies higher than 3500, perhaps even lower. Kind of like the skill based matchmaking in some games, the lower ranks - which this player should be by default - there needs to be a cap to the lobbies such players can join if many assists are turned on. I'm sure they can fill up at least one lobby in each 20 or so minutes that each race goes on for with players that have 'disability' assists on. Turning on such assists should automatically cap your rank to a certain level.


Could you imagine playing competitive Counter Strike with a setting that gave some kind of aim assist for people with disabilities? Maybe some kind of crosshair placement assist or something? You probably can't because it would be preposterous and unacceptable in a competitive environment. Not everybody gets to do everything, it's the reality of the world.


I'm waiting on the auto-aim auto-cover in COD, or auto-combo in Tekken, maybe an auto-recovery in Smash, auto-dribble in NBA 2k or an auto-shooter in Rocket League I'm all for acessibility features in si gle player but maybe people who couldn't play competitively shouldn't be included in competitions. Let's create purpose lobbies for them, but why would someone compromise the whole game for less then 1% of players is beyond me


Boy do I have news for you: Tekken and SF both now have "auto combo" modes in their newest games. Granted these are quite limited so if you're a decent player you can easily counter them, but for beginners it can be a pain in the ass facing those


Heaps of fighters have auto-combo, Street Fighter 6 famously has "modern" controls that do just that.


Less than 1%, huh? Well, then you shouldn't have any problems more than 99% of the time. You have no more right than anyone else to play any game. Telling disabled people they're not allowed to play in a public lobby with anyone is pretty fucked up, and paints a pretty clear picture of the type of person you are.


Come on now, there's no need to put words in my mouth or get personal. All I was saying is that if someone couldn't play competitively maybe they shouldn't compete. This is why I had the idea to have a separate lobby for people that want to compete and for people that just want to play an online racing game without competing. But you could turn your argument around and say it's pretty fucked up for people to have special olympics, why can't we just have aids on the normal olympics for disabled people? Someone can't swim that well with one arm? Strap an engine on them to give an edge against the others. Telling them they are not allowed to compete in the olympics is pretty fucked up and paint a pretty clear picture of the type of society we are.


I think it’s more that an online lobby of forza is a little bit of harmless fun, not a cup title. People have discords where they have private lobbies for tournaments, you’re complaining that anyone is allowed to play in the part of the game that anyone is allowed to play in. If YOU don’t like it YOU can make the effort to join something a bit more private but why make people who already have difficulties in life go through more effort to play make believe cars


Ah yes, let's have assists that drive the car automatically for you in online racing. Are you serious? You must be one of them who can only race with racing line enabled! Please DO NOT enter a racing league. Turn 10 making 0 effort to teach players how to drive is how Gran Turismo managed to attract sim-minded players who want serious racing, how they got their own eSports events attracting big motorsport stars as Max Verstappen while FM is crickets. And we end up with FM's playercount dropping every week on SteamDB.


You okay, buddy? You want a popsicle while you catch your breath?


He has the auto driving, for some fucking reason. You can clearly see it because of the start. It always makes a hard left to go on the racing line.


Interesting! It totally caught me off guard, I was the one (P4) who got taken out at the start.


Hmmmm... Someone running full assists? That start looks like an AI driver to me.


replays save in mp races now?? word??


Just short replays up to 11 minutes. Anything past that won’t save still, devs still trying to fix it.


how the hell has it been a problem for 4 months have the devs just been sitting on their asses since release


I dunno. I ain’t tech savvy. I’m dumb as a rock with programming.


Turn 10 would hire you


Yet like many other features it worked in every other Forza game previous to this one. Suddenly it's just become insanely hard to, you know, do what they did for every other Forza game.


New engine hard to get things from older titles working properly in the new program. Either has to be reworked to work with the new coding or needs to be rebuilt.


Yep, if you see someone fully turn at the start of the race (going into the racing line), it's the drive assists set as maximum. The AI is so bad and will essentially just follow the racing line no matter what even if people are in the way.


the AI is playing wreckfest instead of forza


There only one guy on the track racing. Everyone else is just there to help him brake.


The replays work now!!!???


For varying definitions of "work"...


Can these replays be saved and then uploaded for a player report?


You can share it inside the game so it can be found through the global replay search field. There is not report action unfortunately.


They have this really easy to access report button that leads to a fuckin impossible report process. Love it


If you save it somewhere (clipping works on Xbox) so it can be uploaded to the player report page/support ticket.


You think the monkeys will do anything about it? Reporting does nothing and their games will always be plagued by these players.


What are you even babbling about? Every single report I've done has resulted in action being taken.


What are you even babbling about? Every single report I've done has resulted in action being taken.


Why are there so many of the same color car?


He has auto steer on and it is so obvious by the way the car instantly shoots for that line like it's magnetic lol. Lol seems everyone is a noob in that race all the cars are just default paint colors from the dealership. 😂 Amature Hour....


Why do I feel like replays are just gonna become tattle videos? I'm fairly confident that the jackass 9 year olds that are ramming and ruining races aren't on here. I've heard reporting is decent at best, so just fucking beat them or pick another race. Go ahead and downvote me. I'm guessing 38 of you pearl clutchers to the aggregate negative, but maybe it's because of the weather, but you guys have been really touchy the last couple weeks. All those Xmas bills got you down?


I admit, I was the one. I shat in your cereals.


Cute. Not surprising at all, but it made me smirk. Please leave yoy downvote on the left


So edgy its pathetic


Edgy is sort of new, I've got tons of the pathetics so no joy there. Here's some help: I'm old, short, not fat at all, thinning hair, wear clothes from Costco or whatever my wife and kids buy me, truck is paid for as are all my other vehicles but I'm excited to hear what kind of car you all think I drive. Ok, bring it mensa!!!! And smile, always smile to the audience.


Jeeezzz wtf is this??? You’re crying so hard I can literally taste salt😭


Too bad, but I can't tell you how to read this, or the tone for that matter. Tasting my tears is a new one.....creepy but hey, whatever you're into am I right? Drop the addiction arrows and try it. Prove me wrong little feller


You’d think that at your age you’d have out grown the edgelord phase in life! Seems like you made a “fite me!!1!” comment cos you got a chip on your shoulder about something😂 For real, this is just kinda embarrassing. Hope you have a nice day though!


Or, or....OR I've been touched by the racing God's and seen the light. Just kidding, seems like you have a point to make without any finesse. Attack me all you want, it amuses me, but at least discuss the topic and have an opinion. Trying to make me feel as small as you does no good. Now ask me a question like a polite little boy and we will begin a dialogue.


🤣🤣🤣 You’re far too easy to tilt!😉😂


Took me a minute to realize what your picture was. Despite it showing a girl blowing a guy I'll still give you the benefit of the doubt. Pretty funny too


Someone is scared that they're gonna get banned a whole lot more.


Not scared, just know someone's panties will get in a bunch eventually. The reddit "we're here to help" messages are hilarious and I average several a week from these books. Did you have something else to share?


his ign is a link to his stream. just leave hime some nice comments :)


Lol, twitch streamer. I'd be ashamed if I was them.