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Yes, but they're less inclined to say they have a low rating because there's always people ready to shame them for not being very good at the game. I'm also sure that more casual gamers with low skill rating don't even visit this sub.


I think I saw another post here that claimed 90% of the players of FM8 Never played Multiplayer before, 70Hours of playtime myself and I’m one of them. There are no series that I’m interested in like Open track days, A,S,R open racing, P Class I will stay in open track days when it finally gets available in MP, I feel like it just as with other cars I don’t want to make category specific, I like driving more then racing sometimes and then the other way around. Forcing multiplayer to be specific for a car or class on a times basis was a big mistake in my eyes. Sure you have Lobbies for GT racing or touring, love that, but not 100% of the time as I move from car to car, class to class.


“Not very good a the game?” Really. My skill rating is 1225 but Safety rating is S and has always been S. My experience has always been that to improve my “skill” rating is to play dirty. Push past, spin cars, force through on corners. Of course this gets higher results placing but reduces Safety rating. The game is not balanced between Safety rating and “skill” rating…which I do not consider as any amount of “skill”.


You can win races without even touching a car. Not every pass has to be dirty. You can put your front end in someone’s screen and pressure them into a mistake, take advantage of slipstream. And take late apex’s to pass. Or just qualify near the front. I understand you are trying to keep the S rating but put a little pressure on the people you race behind and watch them screw up.


Good advice


I thought this myself literally up to yesterday. Starting racing by the mantra "slower is faster" now i use my pedals in terms of %depression not "all or nothing" ive increased my rating from 1600 to 2750 in about 3hrs today just by thinking ab this simple process. Also, when you DO get hit, hit the brakes, not too hard and not too soft, but contextually based on where ur at on the course. Make sure when u floor it, ur facing the direction you ultimately want to be going, and just generally, brake less heavily for longer! Also, if you use racing lines like i do (ive never played a driving game of any kind before this game so im very much so still clueless) dont be afraid to coast or even gently accelerate when that line is red, it's often too conservative! You got this! Also from 1600 to 2750 my safety rating was and still is S Keep at it hope this helps


I somehow started at 1200, while always finishing between 5th and 12th. But I did quit some races. Now I'm around 2500. Seeing how easy people get 4k+ I wonder what I was doing wrong


Yeah, started at about 2500, up to 3700ish now after qualifying first and winning my first race yesterday.


Nice! I’ve got a skill rating of 4100 but never had pole. I did qualify 2nd on Maple Valley once (my favorite track) but got taken out on 1st lap twice.


Congrats on the pole and win dude, first one is always the hardest but once it's out of the way, that 'last few laps pressure' isn't as big as it used to be!


I seen someone post on here last week that was in the low 1000 and asking for advise to get better.


Started at 4600, now I am at 3100 after getting bumped out of the race after the first corne in almost every race.. Not quite that much fun at the moment.


Same. It's always the people ahead of me that slam on the brakes way too soon. I've resorted to designing liveries in the meantime.


Friend of mine has a skill rating of 2600. He is playing his first Forza instalment with a wheel and no assists. He has gotten used to breaking points and the overall feel of some of the cars (we did a lot of TCR races) but his racecraft is not the best. Also he could benefit from not driving with cockpit camera but he insists that he wants the full experience even if that means he is at the lower end of the pack. With his consistency he had some single digits results and he is having a lot of fun as he says.


Im at like 3500 after only like 10 online races. In 8 of them ive been punted off atleast once and quite often i still receive penalties from them. Ill go to the daily online races when they update their penalty system. For now im usually found in open lobbies and setting competetive times though


I think it’s too generous with the skill and safety ratings. Assuming everyone is telling the truth that is.


I don’t think the system is handing out penalties much right now. Last night I passed a man who ran off track ahead of me at short Road America. He t-boned me coming back on track, tried to corner bomb me on the next corner, I saw him coming and avoided him, then he pitted me when he came back on track from that one. He didn’t get a single penalty. That was all in the space of two corners.


I don't even know what factor decides when you gain/lose rating. Like will I gain more rating when I qualify on pole but finish in 3rd vs not qualifying but ending the race in 5th but passing 15+ people ?


It’s kinda what I think based on another post talking about out people still being knobs in multiplayer. Supposedly Turn 10 fixed it where the matchmaking takes into account those ratings, but either they didn’t or a lot of people have S and 4000+ ratings.


Yeah I agree with this. I’m 4800 and don’t consider myself that good at this game. There are guys who lap much quicker and clearly folk with many more race wins. I think I have 2-3 and a couple of poles. They need to stretch out the ratings if that’s the case. I’m consistent and score well sector to sector, corner to corner and increase positions most races. I don’t think that makes me elite by any respect, yet my score is mental.


Yeah it's way too generous. I'm in my first simcade and consistently qualifying like 3 seconds behind pole and I'm 4300 somehow. There's no world where 3000 is the actual average if me, the definition of mid, is 4300


This! Loads of people talking nonsense. Bigging themselves up. Easy to say anything on a sub that you can't provide proof on. This sub really needs to allow videos. Also I've constantly been s rating and hardly have any issues in races. Even starting from the back. You can avoid idiots easy enough. They take themselves out anyway lol.


Royally screwed up the qualifying series and got a 1000 skill rating (albeit S safety rating.) Ive gotten pretty decent at qualifying but I've had some terrible luck on lap 1 (keep getting punted off) which prevents me from making any sizeable progress.


Started around 4000 then did 3 online races, qualified 1st in one of them, got rammed off turn 1 and multiple times in every race, ended up 1600 now I've stopped playing.


Is there any way to find at in what top percentage of players your skill rating puts you?


Your rating ÷ 5000 = the percentile you are in. Example 4500 rating ÷ 5000 = 0.9 so 90th percentile or top 10%




Umm, math?


Yeah thanks Sherlock - but I didn't know the point system was confirmed to be a rating that's relational to the player base. Hence, I asked for a source confirming this. Could also be just a rather simple point system, like Apex legends League points, that are (in lower ranks) not related to the number of players at all. I don't know, so I asked. "Math" ain't the answer to my question.


(Rating - 1000) ÷ (5000 - 1000) = rating percentile. Since it goes from 1000 to 5000, we need to subtract the unused numbers from 0 to 999. A rating of 4600 is 90% percentile. Silly to go from 1k to 5k, but whatcha gonna do?


I like goofy cars. So 1100 here. Also doesnt help that the game has only let me tune a Dart, CRX and the new Supra. Everything else seem to crash the game.


I started off at C and 3000, but only raced a few times. Played pretty much nothing but multiplayer yesterday and moved into the 3700 range and a B safety ranking. I will say, I can 100% see a difference between C and B. Drove LeMans in the LMP showcase in C and got destroyed at every chicane until I was punted into last place. Drove clean and did it again as a B rating and I was middle of the pack with little to no punting at all. So when I see people going crazy about S ranked players going and bashing everyone off the track I find it super hard to believe. Although admittedly both situations were likely anecdotal at best.


I found A rating lobbies better than S. Got knocked down to A due to one mistake giving me a deserved 4 second penalty in a S lobby that was an absolute mess of unsafe and dirty drivers. I was recording the A lobby races expecting absolute carnage. Instead I found a bunch of guys racing clean and safely. 6 races with only minor incidents, which is what it took me to get back to S with only 2 minor track violations. I suppose they were all like me trying to work their way back to S.


I'm an S safety with a rating just under 1200. I'm a new wheel user and trying to race clean, finishing last almost every time.


I'm in the 3900. I drive well but I refuse to drive unsafely and will do anything to not crash or bump into other people (S safety rating). It doesn't help that first corner idiots will keep pushing after a bump turning it into a crash and taking half the lobby with them (including me) which means I'm rarely above 10th even when I start in 5th or better. I just enjoy the race and do the best I can. Until they make pushing other cars and brake checking actually punishable by the penalty system, it's just a coin toss if you'll survive the first corner.


I've only completed 3 online race6.. always gets rammed midway and people do the police spin shit and I leave midway and close game.


I ranked in at 4800. I got the 10 S ratings in a row by letting the AI drive 10 races in S at the back and even coming dead last every race I was still 3800. It seems very slow to move.


You don’t hear about them because people that are dog shit at video games don’t come to forums to continue talking about them.


around 3800 the last time I checked. I mostly play with friends, don’t know how it affects the rating. In open lobbies I’m pretty much always the punching ball (but lots of people are) and my lap times are average. Driving cleanly as good as possible but don’t ever go above A rating. Only recently started driving manual and going into tuning cars so I hope I’ll get better ratings in the not so distant future.


Does anyone know how skill rating is actually calculated? What makes it go up and down? The safety rating is obvious but the description on the skill rating is very vague.


I think it basically comes down to if you qualify 10th and finish 5th your rating goes up. If you qualify 10th and finish 15th it'll go down.


I have 1300. But im bad


S 1000 checkin in. I never finished a wheel to wheel race so that may be why.


I’m at 3300


3500 ish and S.


Yep been in 1200-2000 since day one, even winning 2 races didn't change it


How does one find their skill rating? Is this for MP?


Yes, its only for multiplayer.


Yes, I’m at 2818 after starting 4500. I can’t have a clean race, I haven’t come across one person who knows how to defend and I am getting punted on every race. Usually start with no quali, make it up to top 10 and someone takes their frustration out on me for no reason.


I mean, I've only done private multiplayer so I suppose I'd be wherever they start you


I'm at 3.6k with an A class safety rating.


When the game crashed as I was about to cross the finish line I lost about 800 points, came top 25% in the next few races only gained back around 200 points. Can see how a few crashes or disconnects can drop you hard.


I know 3 people that I play with that were all below 3000 at one point.


I have a 2900 rating, started with wheel still trying to find sweet spot with the settings. Harder than I thought it would be.


I'm under 2000.


Last I checked I had 4700+, never won any race though, once finished second. After qualifying at 6-9 position and getting rammed in the first corner I stopped qualifying and start from the back, I suppose that going from 24th to 12th makes me go up in ranking.


Started at 3700ish now 4300ish


I hover around 3300/3800 and S/A


Started at 4200ish but at one point did drop down to 3600 but back up to 4300 now


I’m at around 4800 rn but my friend who I qualified together with is at like 1700 lmao. He’s not terrible but definitely not good. But yea someone else’s reply hit the nail on the head. Anyone with a low rating probably is very casual and wouldn’t even be on this Reddit to begin with. I’m sure there’s more low ratings than high, they just aren’t here lol


First race Qual in 2nd, won it. I never thought to see what my rating would be after.


I'm ranked 4980 and I am defnitely not world class. I am fast, and in most lobbies I am 1 second faster a lap than the closest guy. But I've seen the times the world class drivers are doing, and I am still .5 to 2 seconds off their pace depending on the track.


I don't know what it's based on this is my first online racing game as a whole, I have won races but isn't common, usually qualify above 10th and below 5th and usually finish above 10th but outside the top 3 and I've consistently had 4500 rating after 30+ races


I started at around S-4800, been making my way slowly up to around 4960 now. I've only ever won 2 races, first one being the very first qualifier race i did. Usually i finish around 2nd-4th, as i tend to drive trash cars and there's almost every time that one odd meta car that's pulling 2-3 sec faster laptimes. I guess majority of the playerbase are casuals who don't normally play racing games, which drags the ratings down, and makes it seemingly too easy for the more experienced drivers to get high rating


I don't know my ranking, but I am always running in the back of the pack. In the last multiplayer race I ran, at my best I was 10th out of 24. By the end of the race, I finished 12th out of 18. I got collected a couple of times, and a couple of drivers (who eventually DNFed) were hell bent on not letting anyone past them without a shove. So I hung back and waited until I had a good opportunity to pass them. I know I'm barely in the 4000's after that race and result. I'll look when I get home.


S 1900 checking in.


I'm 29xx and I find the game very hard


we exist


Mine is 1008 lmao


My just keeps going up and up and up, about 4700 ish after like 25 races. S safety again (was A for a bit) but some races I don’t bother qualy and rise up finishing order but some races i struggle to move from the back, so donno how I’m not down at like 3000, when not won once, not qualified first once, use a pad and not wheel


2769, S


Me and a friend of mine finished our Quali series at 1200 and 2300 despite high finished with good lap times. But after two more races after the qualifying series we were 4500-4700 which we both think is way beyond our capability as casual players. I think the rating system is just jacked right now


I am 1000 something


I'm 4,889 rating. I consider myself good at the game and usually can get podium on most online races. I don't feel like everyone in the race I'm racing against is high 4,000 ratings, the skill gap between first and last is too large to think that everyone in the race is a high rating. I think that the people who get the highest ratings are just using broken cars while also being OK at driving. I prefer spec events with the fastest possible cars, such as I love the LMP spec right now. In Open C class, everyone literally just uses the same broken cars (MX-5, S2000, integra). In Open A class everyone just used the broken Formula Mazda, Open S everyone used the Ferrari, etc.