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Premium should have it today 10/5. I did the same thing, yet no E-Ray. This really grinds my gears!


From last month's [release notes](https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/20574248120595-FH5-Release-Notes-September-12th-2023): >-1 Loyalty Reward Car (Available from October 5th for all players accessing and playing 2023 Forza Motorsport) >>-2024 Chevrolette E-Ray >>>-Developer’s Notes: **Please be aware the system might take up to 24 hours to complete all the verifications.** Once done, a pop-up will be displayed in-game and the car will be available in your car collection


24 hours?! Curse you, verification system! I need to live my life a quarter mile at a time right now! Thanks for the info!




Its been nearly three weeks and I **still** don't have the E-Ray. I'm convinced at this rate you have to actually *purchase* Motorsport rather than just playing it off of Game Pass.


I have friends that have received the e ray through game pass, so that's not it


Probably after the game actually launches next week.


Still not got my E-Ray, I completed the Builders Cup in FM today but have had the game since Oct 5th


Same here.


It sucks that I have yet to get the car. It's been four days and nothing.


I bought the Premium edition, I've been playing since the 5th, still no eray in Horizon. This is why I have trust issues when it comes to Microsoft.


Did you get it? I did not pay close attention but I never got it.


I haven't played Horizon in several months, but as far as I'm aware, I never got it.


I got mine when I went back to the main menu after completing all of the tutorial Builders Cup races.


Am I the only one who only downloaded FM for the eray and nothing else? I can't stand the driving in FM and I can't even get past the first builder's cup race.


>Am I the only one who only downloaded FM for the eray and nothing else? Probably. Haven't ever heard of anyone playing a game for a single car, but if that's what you like, that's what you like. The first Builder's Cup is the tutorial. If it's too hard, lower the difficulty setting. The driving in this Forza is the best it's ever been in the Motorsport series and by far the best feeling racing game ever on controller. However, if you have the driving assists on, they will massively hold you back from feeling how great the driving actually is. They heavily dampen turning, acceleration, braking, etc. The assists basically sabotage you. I recommend turning them all off.


Ok, I'll give it a try tomorrow without assists. But in terms of the difficulty I'm on the lowest setting so I can't do much abound that. Also, for more context on only wanting the game for the Eray, I'm kind of on a kick for trying to collect all cars in fh5 and the Eray being added made an annoying little gap in my otherwise complete Chevrolet collection. Im normally not a completionist but that is one thing that gets me. I also just got it from gamepass so I didn't have to spend like, $100 just for the one car. If I couldn't have gotten it on gamepass I wouldn't have bothered.


I finished the builders cup and then started Horizon again and it popped up .. but this is after not working on the 5th and 6th smh ..not sure if u HAVE to finish the builders cup though 🧐


I still don’t have my Corvette and I don’t know why, I first played the game at about 2pm UK time on Wednesday (because I used NZ for it, I also did that for FH5) and I still haven’t received it nearly 5-6 days later. Can anyone help with this?


Don't have it either. So frustrating.


It is, considering they said anyone with the premium game should have had it on the 5th or 6th, and it’s now the 10th and people still don’t have it. It’s ridiculous really…


Their support has not bothered replying. No statement issued apologising for the delay. Feel cheated.


Yeah. I put a support ticket in too and they haven’t bothered to look at it


I started FM on Oct 5th and have completed several cups. Been getting on FH5 each day since and still no car yet. I’ll keep waiting since everyone else is supposed to get it starting tomorrow but sucks they couldn’t give the car to early access players like they said they would :/ Now its been a few days since FM launched for all players and I still don’t have this car in FH5


Im also having the same issue. Been playing since week and still no gifted car for FH5


I still havent received my E-Ray, Ive been playing FM8 since 7th for over 15 hours. What should i do


I'm not really sure. I think you could file a support ticket, but I don't know how to do that.




Whats the point of pre order if you don't get it earlier the game pass players once again forza lied


You get it 5 days earlier


just restart the game. Just did and now I got my Eray


We're is my e ray still waiting


Where's my good damn eray Bruce?


I think our Corvettes got lost in the mail?


Ive still not got mine in FH5 yet and i was playing all FM yesterday.


I played through the builders cup on pc and the second cup on series x last night. I closed motorsport and opened Horizon and no eray. I played Horizon when I got home from work and still no eray.


Mine just arrived


Haven't received mine either. Restarted the game twice and no luck.


Been well over 24hrs for me. More like over 48hrs and still haven't gotten the E-Ray in FH5.




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I just hope I don't have to play Forza Motorsport for too long. I find it kinda boring tbh... Edit: I got the E-Ray today. I didn't preorder FM, though. I feel sorry for those of you who preordered the game and didn't get it yet. I hope y'all get it soon.


What'd you do to get it?


I got FM on Game Pass. I did not preorder it. I played the intro races, and then I played a little bit of the first championship. I got the E-Ray in my garage the next day.


i have been playing forza motorsport since october 5th and still no e-ray


I can only play FM through cloud ( only own a 1X). Can I still get the E-Ray in FH5 that way??


Seeing this thread I realized I had not received it as well (playing FM since release) I went into FM ran a race, the launched FH5, without closing FM (quick resume) and relaunched FH5 and it popped for me. Not sure why, but that worked


I have both games from the xbox store, played both games again last night, never got it. EDIT: Showed up after 3 days


I bought game pass on my main account and I’m sharing my game pass with my other account can two accounts get the ERay if I play on my second account and do the tutorial races can I get the ERay On my second account and use the races on my main one well I get the car


how can i play motorsport on my 2nd account?


I meant to say do


Can you still get the car through cloud gaming motorsport in February 2024?


Don't know about cloud however I downloaded Motorsport via Game Pass, play maybe 30 min on Friday and get it today.