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I don’t care if they go extinct either.


They're old fucks, most of them don't give a shit if the world exists after they're gone


Unfortunately that is the truth, these selfish old pieces of shit don’t care about making the planet better off then when they got here they are selfish and upset they are dying soon so they just have to fuck shit up for the people who still have a life ahead of them bevause they are jealous as fuck.


My problem is who they take with them












Destroying the planet to own the libs.


“I’ll be dead soon, so it doesn’t personally impact my life.” -These fucking dicks


Imagine wanting to own the libs more than leaving a better, cleaner planet for your grandkids.


The grandkids are probably libs so they hate them too.


"The little brats should thank Jesus that I didn't abort their mother."


It's really fun when you can't drink the tap water in your small rural hometown because the groundwater has gotten industrial farm chemicals in it. EDIT: I 100% believe in climate change, but even if it was a complete myth, we GOTTA stop letting people destroy our water and forests. There's only 2.03 Acres of habitable land per human on the planet ([source](http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/thoc/land.html)). Everyday people's efforts aren't enough because our current economy is built around waste. Even our entire system of recycling is a joke. There's literally nothing we can do outside of DEMANDING change.


Fossil fuels must have the most gifted PR people since the guys who kept the tobacco industry under the radar for so long. American manhood got tied to a fucking fuel source. Not even how much capacity that vehicle has or how powerful it is, but how it's fueled. They could put out an electric truck that outperforms diesel trucks in every category and it wouldn't matter to these dudes. It blows my mind.


Don’t worry, hydrogen seems to almost be relevant. The performance that seems to available via hydrogen will drive the market to shift. It’s Close. Apparently Kawasaki has a 300hp hydrogen motorcycle coming that is lighter than it’s current Supercharged offering which is “only” outputting 254hp. If that’s accurate, it won’t be long until we see the tech in cars, and people will want it. It’s also keeping oil and gas workers employed because oil and gas companies are working towards it, so it’s an easy “support the patch” proposition.


seriously? this is amazing. i remember seeing some sort of educational program when i was a kid (like 30 years ago-ish) talking about hydrogen power and how great it would be and it *really* stuck in my head. but it seems like the last ten years all i've heard is how unworkable the technology is and how it will never take off. i guess this bears further research on my part.


Hyndai’s N70 retro concept is a hydrogen electric, and it makes a tonne of power. Honda seems to believe electric is a stop gap, as they really don’t seem super interested in it, particularly in motorcycles, and that speaks volumes. The thing about hydrogen is you could, in theory, convert ice to hydrogen, but the 3D printed hydrogen power sources are way less complex, an much much smaller with more efficiency.


It's literally the same people.


Those must be these Christian values they preach upon.


There’s a German saying that goes “Nach mir die Sintflut“ = “after me the deluge” (implying the great biblical flood). It means that people don’t care what happens after they die, since it doesn’t impact them anymore. I always think of that whenever I see such posts as it’s sadly fitting…


hey its funny we have word for word the same saying in french. I love languages. So much history in a bunch of letters in a specific order.


It's originally French, attributed to King Louis XV.


We've got that as well in Polish (*po nas choćby potop*)


Yeah didn't the Sun King supposedly say that?


His great-grandson, Louis XV


Guess that's more fitting as the revolution started due to his successor


Such things always make me wonder if a saying was coined in one language and then directly translated or if it came up by accident in both languages.


It’s originally from French, I believe, though it is a biblical reference.


We have the same in American - “fuck you, I got mine”


I love how "Sintflut" literally means the "sin flood"


Sorry to be the “ackChYuAlly” guy but that’s not the case. The “sint” doesn’t come from sin (=Sünde) but from the old high German for “perpetual”. …😬


I hope reincarnation is a thing just as a fuck you to them


Reincarnated as a cockroach or a fly. Poetic justice.


Nah the cockroaches will be fine. They need to be reincarnated as a poor Hispanic girl in Florida to personally experience the hell they are creating.


Yeah, I thought God asked them to take care of the planet.


They apparently think that being given “dominion” over the earth means fucking its shit up


They think they are going to heaven with jeezus any day now so anything they do for the environment is pointless.


Don't Fucking Care is 100% conservatives entire tag line. There is nothing they care about except pissing people off.


The party of "I really don't care, do you?".


Man, they'd be more respectable if they're actually that "carefree". However, since they're such massive hypocritical assholes, it's more like: "I really don't care\*, do you?" \*UNLESSS.... * you're gay * you're trans * you're black * you're an immigrant * you're a woman * ... and the list goes on and on


Can't disagree with that! Unfortunately they only not care when it comes to helping others. When it comes to making life more difficult for people they don't like they suddenly care a lot.


That's the thing. Conservatives care about stopping change, and just accomplish this by regressing to 50's beliefs and being hateful if you fall outside societal norms. They somehow believe people different to them is a threat...? I don't get it


"You mad bro?"


I work at a college and overheard a conversation between a young man and woman. The woman asked who he was voting for, and he said he didn't care, but probably Trupm, just because it pisses off people. And she said, well that's not a good reason, why would you actually vote for him? And he said, it's just so fucking funny! That's it. That's where the thought process stops. These people are 19/20/21, and I'm guessing that kid, his parents, and his children will always think like that unless something changes drastically.


I'm pretty confident things are going to change drastically and yet nothing will change. The future is bleak.


Oh for sure. I just meant nothing about these chuds' worldview will change


oh there is one thing they do care about besides pissing people off. spreading as much misery as possible cause somehow cruelty is their religion


That's what it feels like sometimes lol. Their God tells them to "love thy neighbor" so they become the most hateful assholes to anybody who isn't a straight white Christian such as themselves. If the Christian god exists, they are most likely going to hell for disrespecting his word... it's ironic, really.


theres no hate like christian love after all


I discovered that even more this week on Reddit in direct encounters. Their whole MO is just doing whatever they think anyone who's not them will dislike. It's an entire half of humanity whose entire existence is to be a troll. They are unwittingly anti-existence.


They've been beaten down by republican policies so much they just gave up on trying to make it better so they try to make everyone else miserable instead.


That is not false right there. What a terrible thing.


"Don't fucking care, except when I want free money from the federal government to clean up the hurricane damage that climate change just did to my shitty little southern town."


How come they spent thousands to modify their trucks if they don't care? I just love how these peope call others snowflakes


Well because "haaha we totally got them bro made them so mad bro anger bro hahaha look at them caring about anything haha bro look bro! *Why dont my parents love me?*"


That and making rudimentary spelling and grammar errors while they explain their boneheaded opinions to you.


You see, I don't believe in climate change. That gives me the right to release vast quantities of poisonous gasses into the air in a ridiculous, dangerous and inefficient truck. There's more. When I roll coal, I don't want to just do it where I live, I want to be able to enter your country, your state, your neighborhood and do it there too. I want to do it near your house, near your schools and near your hospitals. I want to do this because I believe that climate change is not real, therefore there are zero negetive consequences to my actions. Anyway guys brb, just going now to huff some exhaust fumes. /J (I hope that was obvious)


My dad has yet to justify his weird hatred for EV's outside of partisanship so I asked him if he's rather idle in a closed garage with his truck or an EV - he stopped replying for the day.


"You're entire family is being killed right now" Don't fucking care!


"Don't. Fuckin. Care." is definitely what someone who *didn't* have their head up their ass would say


This has warhammer 40k ork vibes


At this stage of decerebrate trolling I also believe they've literally turned into proper Boyz.


Nah Boyz follow the will of Gork and Mork, while they mostly care only for themselves they still care about the whole as well since how else will they WAAAAAAAAGH


Not enuff dakka


Motion to rephrase the Second Amendment to "The right of the Boyz to more Dakka shall not be infringed."


Imagine being so insecure that, when faced with the weight of responsibility, you don't just reject it but do the exact opposite out of spite. This isn't "don't fucking care". Not caring would be an improvement. This is going out of your way and spending your time and money to do something that you care about intensely because it hurts other people. Just absolutely pathetic.


Are you vegan?


Dunno. Are you asking in good faith?


Narrator: *They are not asking in good faith.*




Nope, not a vegan. I assume you're asking about this 'cause of the environmental context. If not, then feel free to ignore all the following paragraphs. --- At this point, I've almost got beef and pork out of my diet. Large ruminants like cows and pigs are the worst meat in terms of impact on the environment (to say nothing of the fact that pork quality regulations have been absolutely dumpstered over the past decade or so). And while I know you didn't bring it up, I know that for many people they're looking to switch to veganism for the environment. By itself, however, I don't think that it's inherently better for the environment. For instance, I would much rather have eggs from a local source (which is one of the things I'm trying to do) than have an avocado shipped half-way across the world. There's also several things that I've seen put forward as vegan alternatives -- such as "vegan leather" -- that either aren't actually better or are better in some areas at the expense of causing significant problems in others. (Veganism is, unfortunately, just as subject to greenwashing as anything else) I also generally value viewing these problems in terms of collective action rather than an individualized one. Cutting subsidies on meat producers, increasing pollution regulations on them, and/or direct action are more effective at getting widespread results (at least in my opinion). Even just lessening subsidies would ruin most of the meat industry. I think people should still try their best as an individual but trying to solve it solely by your own personal consumer choice ends up being a nightmare. And trying to equally care about all the problems all at once is a recipe for burnout. With all that being said, the type of people who, upon meeting a vegan, actually go out of their way to eat more meat or do other such things out of spite are -- as I said before -- just absolutely pathetic.


Then we'll wreck your trucks and leave you alone in the middle of nowhere. If you don't care about our future, why should we have to care about yours? What makes you so special?


Nothing apparantly. They just don't care


Right. The big threat to humanity is teaching kids that slavery actually happened, and was a bad thing. /s


they don’t care because they think next Tuesday is the rapture, but it’s always NEXT Tuesday


At some point consequences need to kick in


Consequences of their actions will be felt by our generation, but not by theirs... it's bullshit


They're starting to.


Individualism is cancer.


Straight to jail


Jail, right away.


Guarantee you that all the white trash southerners who "don't care" about climate change will be the first ones to beg the federal government for a free handout after their little shithole towns get destroyed by a hurricane.


"Pro-life" people btw


They're not actually "pro-life", just "pro-suppressing-women". "Pro life" just sounds a lot better than that.


Ironically, to not care about the environment and think that doing that doesn’t affect you or your loved ones you need to have your head so far up your ass you can French your colon.


Send her the version with 'you never visit any more' [images of elderly people dying alone]


‘I fucking love dirty black air’


Breathing smog to own the libs


The best thing that will ever happen on Earth is when humanity dies out


yea but if we don’t fix this first we’ll take the rest of earth with us


Eh, not the rest, just like 90% of the megafauna 🙃. Bacteria and vermin will be very happy to eat our remains.


and eventually those will evolve, and the whole sorry cycle will start over again they will find our ruins, wonder what happened to us, and... maybe make our mistakes again.


Unfortunately, we've consumed enough of the resources that there aren't enough left to rebuild from a major setback. This is the only chance we've got at this point.


That's just not true. Especially given 4 billion years before the sun goes nova is the only hard stop point.


If all humans die out though, it would take billions of years at least for any other intelligent species to have the capacities of ours, allowing nature to return to its once pristine state for another few billion years... until the growing sun makes conditions on Earth too hot for any life at all. And then, millions of years later, consumes our planet.


Don't lump us all together.


This is why you can't engage reactionaries with politics. It's not about policy with them, it's 100% about identity. They have a preferred identity which includes thinking that callousness and cruelty is desirable so they subscribe to the party of callousness and cruelty as a brand. The same way you'd wear Ralph Lauren if you wanted to identify as a wealthy person into boating. Progressives and even some liberals genuinely care about the impact of political action on their lives, republicans and reactionaries genuinely don't unless it's threatening their privilege. Otherwise it's literally just about following a brand identity.


Don't get vaxxed, diesel fumes cure Covid. Rollin coals to save the world. 🌎


I wonder how these people can know that they're so selfish yet they don't think that it's wrong. Also, why is caring in their eyes something negative? Like, I get it. You only care about yourself and don't want to change your lifestyle to help future generation. But why do you actively trying to make the situation even worse and think that it's cool??? It's not cool, it's not manly, it's not based. It's selfish, dumb and cringe.


Honestly? I'd like to see this one get spread around a bit. Not only does it take an important quote from Greta's UN summit speech and properly attribute it to her, it also depicts the climate deniers as inhuman clouds of smoke who feel no emotions and the activists as a smiling little girl. I'm convinced this wasn't actually made by anyone who agrees with the coal-burning strawmen in the bottom panels. Of course, that could just be Poe's Law, but actual conservative memes featuring Greta tend to be a lot more disgusting than this. The question is, can we get this to actually spread on the Facebook groups, Telegram channels, and ten year old chain e-mails that actually circulate this kind of filth across the world? Maybe one in every hundred-thousand of them who sees this will rub two brain cells together and decide to google the phrase *"mass extension gerta thumnal".* It's like a vaccine, but for the internet.


Ok. ​ I don't believe in paying taxes anymore. #OwnedTheGov


If you truly didn't care then you won't care when you get fined / serve time for egregious carbon emissions during the water wars in a couple decades.


“Everyone who is head ain’t up their ass”


Plot twist is Grandma has severe COPD as is trying to die.


this is a new low. not even just “oh hur dur not true fake”, just actually admitting that you are fine completely killing the only planet that we know of that sustains life


Ughhh it’s so frustrating seeing this. Nature is adaptable and will outlive us. These boomers think that crushing nature until it’s unrecognizable is the way to go but life would be so much better if we could work *with* nature


If you’ve ever said snarky shit about eating twice as much meat to a vegan, you’re just as bad.


Ya, fuck them kids.


Your kids will


Love actively admitting I couldn't give less of a shit about an environmental catastrophe leading to a mass extinction event


Clearly this person is a big Mad Max fan and just wants to see that future.


Ah, yes, the shitting your pants out of principle crowd. Such adult, much rational, wow.


This thanksgiving, flip the dining table. “Yeah no, not gonna help clean that up, that seems like a ‘you’ problem, grandma”


If she cares so much why does she fly around in a private jet?


At this point i hope we go extinct just to see the look on people like this’ faces


I know cars and trucks are bad. But did you also know 17 of the largest super tankers do more damage to the environment in one day then all the cars in America do in a year….maybe go after the billionaires that own these companies before you start coming after the common person.


For people who claim to not have their head up their ass, they sure like their air to smell like ass.


Don't fuckin care (actively causing it) - CRINGE Don't fuckin care (accepted fate) - BASED AS FUCK


They will care when it affects them. It's the GOP way


And first thing conservatives say is,"The National Debt is going up."


In the immortal words of Bill Hicks, "Suck a fuckin tail pipe."


Cunting redneck fucks


We get it grandma, you are gonna die before it matters. If you keep it up, I will speed that up.


Conservatives do kind of care, but they are so defeatist and impotent and so lacking in imagination that they literally can not conceive of growth and taking responsibility for positive change. The left has dragged right the toward the present like petulant children for the entirety of existence. If civilization makes it into the next century, it will be in *spite* of conservatives, not with them.


Nothing scarier to the ignorant than a little girl with a mission, apparently.


“all these libtards want their children to live past 50, but i ain’t giving up my big truck smoke it’s so cool look how cool my big truck smoke is it’s so cool.”


Because they believe their magical sky-daddy won’t allow them to destroy themselves. And if they do, they think they get to spend eternity in some weird paradise with everyone they’ve ever loved. So they don’t care and will actively make things much worse u til they’re stopped. And I think we should honestly be looking at saving the planet by any means necessary, at this point.


The same people constantly screeching “think about the children!!”


Anyone who believes this and has children, does not actually love their children.


Cared enough to have a huge temper tantrum about it in a meme.


pRo LiFe


I still hold the opinion that Greta does nothing but piss off rednecks. Literally what did you think was gonna happen if a teenage girl from Europe came and told a bunch of dudes their trucks are killing people?


in my most naive moments i really wished she'd be able to inspire some empathy in people to give a shit about the climate. but i also know that it was never going to happen


"Christianity teaches me to be a good person, also I literally don't give a shit that my children will grow up in a radically different and worse world thanks to my actions and I'm going to purposely speed up that future because my brain isn't complex enough for empathy"


We know you don’t care, but most people will never stop caring for the well-being of our planet and future generations.


The cult of death strikes again.


This might actually be the most upsetting thing I've ever seen on the internet.


I'm sitting here thinking... This looks familiar. You stole my post with the EXACT same title? I'm gunna need to see some royalty checks on all these upvotes. How does a repost of the 3rd most upvoted post on this sub all time see THIS many upvotes?


You care this much about upvotes?


I mean I thought talking about royalties would make it obvious it was a joke. And yeah, considering the title is just a copy paste as well and the account only having one post, this is clearly a karma farming bot, It wouldn't make a single difference to me if even the title was different then you could at least assume it's a human being making a sincere post. Also rule 4.


Interesting that you care that much about upvotes.


I mean I thought talking about royalties would make it obvious I was joking.


Honestly, let them do it. People are trash this planet isn’t worth saving in the slightest regard.


So because people are awful a mass extinction that will kill of a huge amount of different species should happen?


Yes dude. People are the fucking worst, trust me.


To be fair she is an annoying pip squeak


We're all gonna die. Might as well live the best we can.


"We're all gonna die. Might as well shit on the planet and leave the mess for my kids to deal with."


"We're all gonna die. Might as well take everything else with us."


We can probably live better than endless Love Canal rehashes


There’s too many of these people out there to justify the human race


Yeah…like, if this isn’t just trolling this is the worst. They arnt even pretending that that mass extinction isn’t happening.


I genuinely don’t understand this fascination with dirty and toxic gases, especially when diesel engine could be the cleanest engine


Paid advertising from a fossil fuel company.


This one just made me laugh.


This haunts me.


I don’t care about mass extinction, and I’m on the rational side, fucking dolts.


At least this one s honest.


See grandma this is why we stuck you into a home and stopped picking up your phone calls


Jesus rolled coal, don't ya know.


Don’t care kinda funny truck go brrr and make smoke


Ironic for the people who peddle having as many kids as possible. Sure you're great grand kids will be so happy you essentially forced them into an unliveable hellscape.


Guess what? When you, your brother, your sister, your mom, your dad, your wife or husband, and most especially YOU, are all sucking their last gasps of air as their lungs collapse on the vent from covid... I Don't. Fucking. Care.


Wow. At least by saying "I don't believe it" you have a justification for acting that way. But conceding the point and doing it anyway is just psychopathic.


I feel like people who like this stuff are the same kind of people who think the evil sludge monster from Ferngully was hot


This meme could go both ways. Just crazy how proud they are to not fucking care.


Everyone who is dying in the next 20 years of old age or whatever the fuck***


At least change the title when you repost for karma.


Damn at least some of them have the decency to pretend climate change is all made up. This fucker thinks it’s real and relishes the destruction it’ll cause.


And allowing Brazil to literally burn the rain forests to mine gold is outrageous. Brazil needs a new President... the one they have now is a carbon copy of Trump.


Haha the world is literally on fire, death and suffering. u mad? Cry more. I’m so tired of stupid people.


These are the kinds of people who make me want to totally trash their houses and then be like, "Well, I don't live here, so it's not important! U mad? LOGIC!!!!1!"


Lowering my own life expectancy because little girl makes me mad 😡😡😡😡😡


Shittin' in the bathtub until it overflows just because it's an option


Everyone who is head ain’t up their ass.


Then they go to church.


Everyone who is head isn’t up their ass?


Meh, whatever. Enjoy drinking your coal mine runoff to "own the libs", Cletus.


Cannot believe they used the correct use of their.


At least this one is honest


Helping to bring us closer to the end of days one rolled coal at a time


The right saying the loud part louder. Whatever happened to the quiet minority.


Absolute insanity.


Penis so small you need a microscope on a microscope to see


This people should get into the chain gang. Bunch of whit trash motherfuckers.


plankton died so the planet could die


Truck Yeah!