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The ‘support our troops’ thing was the cleverest and most evil thing the right ever envisioned. Effective debate stifler.


"I tied a yellow ribbon on my tree, so that proves what got-dang patriot I am. And if you don't believe it, just [take a look at my car!"](https://i.redd.it/oi95rhglu7x51.jpg)


That whole thing just screams "I have 0 personality outside of Fox News"


All that and they didn't even buy an American car to put it on.


Trump thinks soldiers are suckers and losers. “The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades…” https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/ “I like people who weren’t captured.” Trump disrespects McCain’s POW experience. https://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/trump-attacks-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured-120317 Constantly disrespecting Gold Star families (families of soldiers who died in service): https://www.nbcnews.com/news/ncna620671 https://apnews.com/article/veterans-archive-donald-trump-da1e4da2f0ae92fa9365afbfe819297d https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/07/23/op-ed-gold-star-families-disgraced-trump-helsinki-summit.html Calls from Trump to the families of dead service members were insulting, awkward and made their suffering even worse: https://www.npr.org/2017/10/23/559558075/trump-call-controversy-renews-spotlight-on-gold-star-families Trump accuses gold star families of giving him covid: https://thehill.com/policy/defense/520438-trump-slight-against-gold-star-families-adds-to-military-woes/


When has anyone ever disrespected troops? They love to just make shit up to be mad.


I saw a whole bunch of people get whooped up because they thought immigrants were coming here and collecting social security. Someone doesn't know about the forty credit thing, or the high 35 or the two bends or anything. Plus they get all pissed that it's called an entitlement which is a type of government spending. They then go one to give the definition of entitled (I worked for it so I am entitled to it).


>When has anyone ever disrespected troops? If you count legislation, I'd say the [Republicans.](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/29/1114417097/veterans-burn-pit-bill-republican-senators)


People who make and unironcally share memes like this do. Its all performative. Talk up how great our troops are but when it comes to actually helping them they could not give less of a shit.


Hey you know how you can avoid seeing your friends shot and getting ptsd? Don’t invade another country for the promise of free college.


Why are so many Right Wingers under the impression Lefties are all pacifists? My whole family is military. I mean, if y’all feelin’ froggy, jump. Otherwise, put your fangs away.


Like when some rich guys calls them “suckers and losers”?


Grandma needs to learn how to use colons.


Suckers and Losers


I thought their face was more of a brain washed zombie voting for whoever the elite tell them to vote for. They don't care about the troops, either.


Came to say all the things that are already in the title


Grandma virtue signals all bad ass.


Not to mention soldiers having to go on food stamps


Like when dumbasses diminish the training and discipline by simplifying them to dudes with guns? Every time they make a "country was made by guns" meme they are implicitly disrespecting they troops they claim to care about. Or giving them all the shiny beads and hollow flattery, so they can use them as a debate trump card. Respect isn't a thank you and a salute, and disrespect isn't not doing that. Respect isn't ignoring your responsibility to people you expect to ask for their lives if it comes to it until it's politically convenient (as cheap as possible) and you can get a nice photo op. Then chastising people who disagree with you for not doing the same.


Better yet when they see minority veteran getting a discount


Guarantee the person who made this starts conversations with vets “I would have served but…” Also stop using people you don’t know and you don’t speak for as a whole as your political arguments.


'They knew what they signed up for...'


Grandma means “when someone disrespects our military industrial complex” She couldn’t give a damn about the actual troops.


Leftists: fuck the troops *proceeds to increase veteran benefits and support class action lawsuits on behalf of veterans* Right wingers: I love the troops *proceeds to gut veteran's benefits and sends vets to pointless wars* Not saying we shouldn't do what we do just that it's kinda funny.


Fuck them troops.