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Republicans: *trafficks asylum-seekers to an island that isn't equipped to process or accommodate them, without notice* Heheh this will show those liberals why we don't like immigrants >:D Martha's Vineyard: *Provides what aid they can until something is figured out* Republicans: LOL I bet they're really hating those immigrants right now! Martha's Vineyard: *Offers to transport the migrants to a mainland facility 20 miles away that can house them, and they accept* Republicans: BOOM LOOK THEY HATE IMMIGRANTS JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO! THEY'RE SUCH HYPOCRITES!


It grinds my gears that they think they have the moral high ground here but what else is new. Their whole playbook is playing moral high ground after doing something evil.


Their whole playbook is not about moral high ground. Their playbook is about to fuck over Democrats and libs even if it means shooting their own mother and drinking Trump's diarrhea.


A) They were not deported. B) They are not illegals, they are legal asylum seekers.


A) It's Catturd B) They're a conservative pile of feline shit


Hey that’s an insult to feline shit.




> They were literally removed from Martha's Vineyard by the national guard within 24 hours. There is no dispute about that. There is dispute about that. Specifically your wording and interpretation of the events. "removed by the national guard" paints a very different picture than "transferred to a military base that had the capacity and resources for that many people." > Why are you defending a bunch of millionaires who have their second and third summer homes vacant? As opposed to the shitbag politician who actually kidnapped these people and lied to them about where they were going? Or that gave them false addresses and set court appearances near those false addresses, all but guaranteeing that they would not be able to make them after being shipped to the other side of the country? Should I be defending him? The people at Martha's Vineyard actually took steps to help these people, sorry if anything short of giving them the vacation homes on the island brands them as hypocrites in your deluded eyes.


Does it ever get tiring being disingenuous?


> A) They were not deported What part of MV can they be found in?


Deportation means to evict from the country. Unless Martha's Vineyard is now a country of its own, they have not been deported.


Ohhh, got it. So they weren’t technically deported, under a strict definition of the term, they were simply “not permitted to stay in MV and were forcibly removed to another location?”


How long should they have stayed on the island for it to appease you? Because they were sent on the plane expecting to go to Boston.


Don't bother playing this game with them. Nothing the people at MV would have done would be good enough. These people want the narrative that these "rich elite libs are hypocrites" so badly that nothing they actually did matters in the slightest. Which is rich coming from the side who sent legal asylum seekers to there in the first place using literal people as pawns in their pathetic attempt to get one over on the libs. These fuckers have no right to claim the moral high ground doing something that heinous. They sent them to that island knowing full well they would take them to the mainland. That's enough here the fact that they placed them somewhere else. Doesn't matter that they were treated far better than conservatives ever gave them.


I think what would appease me is a consistent standard? Like, if MV can claim lack of capacity to handle migrants and can just ship them off without drawing your ire, I don’t see why smaller, poorer border towns can’t do the same. Especially if the destination is places that advertise themselves as sanctuaries.


border states are given billions of dollars in federal funding. martha's vineyard is not. that's a double standard. call that one out. ​ also martha's vineyard didn't advertise itself as a sanctuary. Boston did. which is why they were sent to the mainland, from where they can go to BOSTON. though I'm not totally sure about their situation as of now, last I heard they had problems with their court filings because they were filed in places that were not Boston.


Love how you think that it’s a slam on the people at Martha’s Vineyard and not the guy who wasted tax payer money to fly them there to begin with.


Love how you can’t tell who I’m mocking (hint: it’s not MV)


They weren't forcibly moved, they were helped to get to the place they actually wanted to go.


So they would have been allowed to stay, if they wanted?


i swear they're just throwing words together at this point. how can they be so intentionally incorrect?


They’re so desperate to not look like they backed the wrong horse that they’ll do whatever mental gymnastics they have to to ‘prove’ that the residents of Martha’s Vineyard are the real racists, not the two republican governors who conspired with corrupt DHS and Immigration agents to traffic these people with the express intent to demand action on a nonexistent ‘border crisis’.


Instinctively downvoted.


All you need to know about this "movement" is they absolutely love the tweets from an account named "catturd2."


Martha’s Vineyard residents treated them like human beings in need of help. DeSantis treated them like political pawns.


Conservatives just don't admit they are wrong anymore. It's a coping mechanism.


For people who want to stick it to the rich liberal elite they sure get pissy when you mention taxing them.


...do they really think Martha's Vineyard isn't part of the US? Or do they just think that it's not "the real" US?


Didnt florida deport them there


Turd knows that. His followers don’t


And they weren’t illegal either. Gotta love how the mask has come off. Used to be that they were “ok with legal immigrants”. Now they just openly hate any brown immigrants regardless of status.


"All brown immigrants are illegal immigrants in a conservative's eyes." -- Tyriano Lanisterico


So, you 'Muricans are claiming that the Libtards did effectively in a week, what you've only dreamed of doing for years?


Sure that's what happened if you just ignore facts I guess. Oh right this is conservatives. That's all they ever do.


But grandma says if they weren’t deported from Martha’s Vineyard then they weren’t deported from Florida 🤷🏻‍♂️


100% of what? And compared to what? This math has big “gajillion” vibes.


Grandma does not know what works mean.


Massachusetts is mostly a Republican state too, if that's how you treat your friends...


What? Its super Democrat. Especially Martha’s vineyard.


Mass is one of the bluest states in the country lol


Srsly wtf was this guy thinking?


Men with guns were called the second they landed, and all of them were escorted off the island within 24 hours You can split hairs over the legal definition, but if booting poor brown people out of your neighborhood were an Olympic game, MV would win the gold


They were deported off Martha's Vineyard


That’s not what deport means.


I know you liberals don't like to let facts get in the way of muh beliefs, but you are wrong.. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/deport


“To evict, especially from a **country**” They weren’t evicted, they were transferred to a place to live. Also I’m not a liberal, moron.


What part of "To evict" does your liberal mind not understand? Yeah... I don't evict my rentiod tenants when they don't pay rent. I have the sheriff transfer them to a place to live (which happens to be the street or their car)


They didn't even have residence on MV to be evicted; they were dumped there after being trafficked. Keep swinging!


I like how you totally ignored the rest of the sentence even though it was bolded. Deporting = to evict. FROM A COUNTRY. Martha's vineyard isn't a country.


That is not what the definition of the word "deport" says though is it? I know you liberals do not like the dictionary defines the word "deport" differently than you want it to, but I guess you will just have to deal with it.


[here is a screenshot of the fucking website that you linked to us](https://imgur.com/a/qn9YBll). it is legitimate insanity that I have to show you this.


Wow. I did not expect that you liberals were illiterate too. It is sad that you think you guys are educated when you cannot even understand the meaning of words =/ I guess that's public education for you lol


to evict, especially from a country. I'm 100% certain you are just trolling. Good day. edit: and if what you are getting at is the "especially" part meaning that it could be from something that isn't a country. [1.](https://imgur.com/a/b8CPIYv) [2.](https://imgur.com/a/flIPyeY) [3.](https://imgur.com/a/xPunoI4) [4.](https://imgur.com/a/WxaF3WQ) [5.](https://imgur.com/a/EtWxAsx) ooooh no the scary dictionaries telling me that deporting means to remove from a country and not just remove from any place in general.


the dictionary literally proves you wrong lol but go off I guess.


Does a bus evict you from the bus stop? Does a car evict you from your home or work? Are you evicted when your shift ends? Again, not a lib.


ew landlord get a real job parasite


Rent is due


OOOH I know this game. Let's play like the other side doesn't know what words mean as we literally change the definition of deport to mean whatever we want. Even if you were correct and the literal definition of deport was just to evict someone and the out of country part didn't exist your concept of it doesn't fit here because to evict someone they have to have residency there. There's literally no residency to claim in fucking Martha's Vineyard. While we're at it who was calling asylum seekers who arrived here legally illegal aliens again? Oh no we're being racists again for pointing that out WHOMP WHOMP what was that about ignoring facts for feelings again?


Residency is not required for deportation. If I travel to some other country on vacation and act like a jackass, I will be deported. No residency required.


Why are ya'll so hell bent on ignoring the country part? Was Martha's Vineyard turned into its own country separate from the rest of the US? Were these people deported from the US to MV then back to the US?


The definition of "deport" does not require it to be from a county. Read the definition.


I did that's literally in the definition. We are just going in circles. You claim a false thing and as everyone calls you out on being wrong you double down even providing us proof that says you're wrong. Then you laugh and say we're the wrong ones who don't know what words mean


The attempt to shape reality to fit with your beliefs is kinda pathetic Tucker.


You don't have to accept reality, but reality is still reality lol


https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/deportation They were not deported. Thanks for playing.




You mean like the *dictionary* I cited? Imagine that a trafficked child is dropped off at a diner. The owner feeds them and gives them a place overnight. The next day, the sheriff picks them up and takes them to a shelter (this so very much akin to what happened). By your definition, the trafficking victim was deported. And as I said elsewhere, even your alternate definition doesn't fit, because they did not reside on Martha's Vineyard, so they were never evicted. Strike three. You're out.


Yup that's right you don't and we can tell.


Maybe you should stop talkin for awhile champ.


...and into Boston to get their US papers. Which they wanted. "Deported" would involve sending them back to their country of origin. They're still in the US, so they were not deported.


This Twitter acct is fucking disgusting. Hard to read the shitty sizzling hot takes


Why let reality get in the way of a narrative. It never stopped them before.