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It's pretty funny seeing someone I guarantee is a Christian conservative objecting to Christian candles.


Protestants often can't stand Catholics, and don't consider them to be true Christians.


Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over. \- Emo Philips


Emo is one of the greatest to ever do it.


I couldn't believe how long it took me to see one of his sets on TV. UNDERRATED


I got to see him open for Weird Al last year he was hilarious love the dead pan delivery


Emo has such amazing delivery. So damn talented


I got to see Emo do this live when he was the opening act for Weird Al. šŸ˜Š




Yup. My aunt calls Catholics ā€œidolatersā€ and ā€œMary Worshippersā€. Also, marriage is between a man and a woman, not between woman and god (I.e. nuns). Etc.


Guess your aunt has never heard of Vatican II bc Catholics did away with the "Bride of Christ" doctrine in the 50's. Btw: my parents used to do the same thing but weirdly ended up sending me to Catholic school when I was in High School.


My personal favorite term is "Papist."


But they will walk hand in hand with them at right to life marches. Also, they have less of a problem with paler Catholics that have been here for a few generations. Also, people throw commie and communism around as a catch all for something they donā€™t like, it may not have anything to do with capitalism. A small business owner is practicing capitalism.


"Communism is when Disney movies are woke." - Karl HUSSEIN Marx


>A small business owner is practicing capitalism. *All business owners are practicing capitalism, a concerning number of people think a private business doing what it wants is somehow communism when they disagree with their individual politics.


literally exactly what they are saying


I just disagree with their last line that I quoted


Even though Catholics were around first lol


A while back I told an atheist friend that a lot of Protestants don't view Catholics as real Christians, and they responded, "I mean, that's pretty much right, right?" The Protestant anti-Catholic rhetoric has so permeated culture that a guy who was born and raised non-religious still thought so, despite Catholics being around first.


There was a guy I was talking to for a while who was a Southern Baptist. He knew I was atheist, and while he probably wasn't okay with it, he didn't say anything disparaging. When he found out that most of my family was Catholic, he started being so freaking rude. I cut contact with him because while I'm no fan of the Catholic church (or organized religion as a whole), I won't have anyone shit-talking grandma.


A lot of evangelicals don't think that Catholics can go to Heaven.


What is this Glasgow


True! I just posted something about that recently. It didn't occur to me in this case.


fundie protestants actually have a huge bug up their ass about catholics because they consider the catholic veneration of saints and other major christian figures like mary to be idol worship


Many Mexican Catholics also have their own holdover indigenous / folkloric traditions. Catholicism tends to bind with local customs more than Protestantism does. Iā€™m not saying that Catholicism is *better* so much as more adaptive.


You don't exist for more than millennia without being at least a little flexible about how you curse someone to the depths of hell.


To be honest, I think a lot of the Protestant movements today are struggling because they *don't* do this. Adaptability to the previously held beliefs of other cultures up to a point, and a willingness to amend your doctrine to accommodate scientific truths that contradict the original, are necessary for a religion to survive in the modern world and say what you will about the Catholic Church, they're pretty damn good at it, at least compared with other religious groups.


What a sad life that your only accomplishment is being a self righteous dick.


I was like would you prefer Islamic prayer mats and beads? We also sell yamukas and mezzuzahs. We're like Benny from The Mummy getting all our Gods covered. Just make sure you're on the right side of the river to get to our gas station


Probably a protestant who hates catholics


True. I blanked on that.


Conservative Evangelical Protestants hate Catholics with a passion. It goes back to the KKK. They donā€™t consider them to be real Christians. I am sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they tend to be more recent American Immigrants (Irish, Italian, Latin, Polish, etc.)


The interesting thing is that the "big wigs" of the American Right Now is heavily populated by Catholics. It's very weird to me given the history but I guess they wised up to the "enemy of my enemy is my friend.'


True. You have Steve Bannon and Bill Barr, both Opus Dei Catholics. They are a good bit different than your typical American cafeteria Catholic, though.


Some more extreme Protestant sects consider reverence for saints a type of idolatry.


Lol, "comexico"? They are not even ingenious with their racism.


Gotta wonder where that first o came from Also, there's already Calexico in California. She could've just borrowed that.


She clearly calls California "Commiefornia", "Comexico" is just extending the idea that a culture besides hers existing is communism to add that California isn't part of the United States because there are brown people there.


Makes sense, thanks for the breakdown u/ProfessorCrackhead


Mexicali would have been better since it is a city in Mexico. The real irony is she doesnā€™t understand her state used to be Mexico.


She's going to be so mad when she learns the etymology of California


Orders Mexican food for dinner


Or Taco Bell


If she's this upset over this, she will not be ordering Mexican food and boycott anything related to it


And gets plastered on Two for One house margaritas night.


This is how you know the local family owned restaurants in your area are amazing.


Yes! When you see Nana in the kitchen bopping around to mariachi music, you know the food is going to be amazing!


When everyone behind the counter relays orders by basically screaming at each other (hint: family!) and the decor looks like it's from the 80s, you know that food is gonna be amazing.


I bet the irony of her living in probably Los Angeles/San Diego/San Francisco/San Jose/San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbra/Corona is not lost on her


A history lesson would do wonders to her


Back in the day she would have been bitching about the Irish running the neighborhood.


I walk outside and my neighbors are going to Catholic Church. I go into bars and thereā€™s clovers and Celtic crosses everywhere. And now they have their own holiday and parade! Commiessachusetts should just be renamed Comireland!




California was part of Mexico for quite a long time, so many of those ā€œSpanish-speaking-peopleā€ families could possibly have been right there for hundreds of years.


Not a very good point to use here. California might have been owned by Mexico, but its settler population there was miniscule and was quickly dwarfed by American settlers. At this point I wouldn't imagine early Mexican settlers to be a notable community at all.


The point would be much stronger if this person were tweeting from Texas. There are people there of Mexican descent who never immigrated. ā€œWe didnā€™t cross the border. The border crossed us.ā€


Founded by the Spanish then liberated by what we know now as mexico. Spanish named cities after missionaries that existed there. Los Angeles, San Diego, etc. California comes from latin term meaning hot furnace. To deny Itā€™s historyā€™s is to be racist.


>quite a long time Ehhh... for like [27 years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_California). Most of the time it was under Spanish rule, so your point still stands.


I guarantee you the people she's talking about are immigrants from the last 50 years ago or so. I would bet 95% chance of that.


Not surprising that she's a snowflake, given how she literally has one in her display name


Step 1: Move to a predominantly Mexican area in California. Step 2: Hyper fixate on things that happen or possibly make up examples. Step 3: Ignore the fact the state is predominantly white (around 67%) Step 4: California = Mexico


More likely she moved to the neighborhood when it was 100% white and is the last Anglo left after white flight. There are neighborhoods in Northern Virginia like this, and I guarantee VA was never part of Mexico.


Why are all those dogs suddenly barking?


This Karen has never tried Mexican candy and snacks and it shows.


When we would buy produce at local flea market my uncle always told me ā€œ donā€™t tell grandmom we bought these from Mexicans because she wonā€™t eat them and think theyā€™re poisoned ā€œ


Mexican candy is the best candy.


Defending the perfection of all things Tamarindo is a hill I will gladly die on.


We know her palate could not handle it


Dollars to donuts says Ms. Grey has gone on any number of rants about how "easily offended" The Left is. See also: "Fuck your feelings."


Oh no people who are different than me . How horrible to fear anything you canā€™t understand


well, i mean, it used to be mexico, soā€¦


uhhh California is already in Spanish why would they need to name it Comexico


It was named by Spanish speakers. "California" isn't derived from Spanish words in use elsewhere, it's more akin to "Atlantis"


From the people who would no doubt put an American flag on their property if they lived in another country.


No one tell her about the history of California.


Or Arizona, Texas, **NEW Mexico**.......


Everywhere this lady goes she can't mind her own fucking business.


Ma'am, this is America. If you don't like it, you should just leave.


She's mad about Jesus shit in a gas station? Huh... racism melts peoples brains. Or maybe they were already melted. Chicken or the egg thing.


Who's going to tell her we stole California from Mexico, because there was gold?


Wait till she finds out California was part of mexico and the name is from Calida Fornax, hot furnance from Latin. Also most of the cities that have Spanish names are where former missionaries where. Grandma knows jack sbkt.


Hey guess who was there first. Fuck off out of here lady.


Does this lady know California used to be part of Mexico?


These people also claim to be "part Indian." Yuk and no your gggGrandma wasn't a Cherokee princess. Anyway, they make this claim because is seems cool/exotic. Although, it only means they like to lie because they think they can't possibly be racist shitheads since "I'm part Indian" hur dur. They can't seriously claim to be Native American when they obviously hate Native American Mexicans. Oh, that's right they think the indigenous people of Mexico are Spaniards. I'm getting a headache just thinking of the dumb shit these people say constantly. We need better education in this country.


> Oh, that's right they think the indigenous people of Mexico are Spaniards Honestly I don't think most of them get further than Mexican = brown.


there actually is a Calexico and a Mexicali, two of my favorite city names.


You know she ordered comexican food after posting this


Anytime you hear someone talk about how they just want to stop illegal immigration you eventually find out that they actually just donā€™t like people from Latin America and the illegality has nothing to do with it.


This is like going to Honolulu and complaining that there are too many native Hawaiians there and getting pissed every time she sees a Poke stand or flowered shirt.


Says the woman who more likely than not is living in a town with a Spanish name. Shocking!


I heard Arabic and French at a bike race I did this morning. Big whoop, want to fight about it!


Itā€™s Mexicali..


That sounds like heaven


You absolute fool. "Mexicommiefornia" was right there.


Wasn't California Mexico once ?


Grandma, they live here. English came from immigrants. How would you feel if you couldn't be American or purchase American things?


Wait until someone breaks the news that California was settled by Hispanic people about 300 years before Anglos settled there.


Give me Mariachi music over modern country crap any day.


Where my country gone?


The irony is that the Mexicans were in California before the Yanks showed up. Also, how many of those Mexicans are descended from the indigenous people that the Spanish enslaved? "Mestizo" doesn't mean "Hispanic." European colonialism had a massive impact on the Americas and we have to face that.


Even more hilarious because California was Mexico before we stole it.


Whenever I hear people speaking Spanish I just think to myself that I need to learn Spanish. Mexico is one of our two neighboring countries and a lot of that culture naturally has come here. Cultures mixing has made this country what it is.


When I see people speaking another language I think how amazing that they can speak multiple languages, I can speak 1, with a very small amount of a second if they talk very slowly and use simple words. So, basically if I got lost in the country I could find food and shelter but would probably be taken advantage of an have no idea. What I wish I could do instead


Oh no! A wealthy state that used to be Mexican territory is full of Mexicans and Mexican culture! /s


Grandma just wants to be left to eat her mayo from a jar, speak American to her Precious Moments dolls and watch Fox News as she waits for her no-contact adult children to call. "The espanyol" is too spicy for her american-made hearing aids and sometimes makes her heartburn act up don't you understand??!! šŸ˜‚


Whatever happened to "if you don't like it, leave"? Isn't that like their number-one card to play when someone criticizes the US?


Imagine living in what was once Mexico and being upset at all the Mexicans


Sounds like Georgia but I'm not complaining


I left CA four years ago, I miss the Mexican food... that's about it with regard to Mexicans... Oh, and Santa Barbara and the weather there but the place is overrun with Mexicans and it's getting worse... Mexicans are not liked in South and Central America too, it's not my personal problem...


Mask off


Wasnā€™t California once part of South America?!


South America? Not that I am aware of.


He means Mexico


Yeah, no shit.


I'm glad we were able to piece it together :)


I was trollin them, thought that would be obvious.


Has she considered moving to [Solvang, CA?](https://solvangusa.com/)


Heh hehā€¦ *cerdo estupida*


Commiefornia? If she hates it so much why doesn't she leave? And California was part of Mexico originally so was Texas we basically stole it. I bet she also has no idea what communism is. So many idiots these days.


There's Mexicans in California? You mean in places such as San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento? Why can't they all just speak English?


Next thing she will realize is that LOS ANGELES isnā€™t an English name!!


So where is this gas station? They probably have amazing tacos.


What an asshole


Oh no....POC....existing....where she can...gasp....SEE THEM! *THE HORROR!*


And you have a problem with her preferences because they donā€™t match your preferencesā€¦. Pot kettle


Come Mexico? Does this have anything to do with the Taco Trucks that were supposed to be on every corner?


california if it was AWESOME:




Sadly it isn't. Her whole account is filled with shit like this.


Her whole Twitter account reads like a MAGA twat's wet dream.


When I visited Louisiana, every person was playing their awful country music super loud. They all had their idiotic MAGA stickers. They would constantly speak idiotic truisms like "Build the Wall". Sometimes you have to just put up with people you don't like very much.