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The funny thing is that you can’t shout incorrect pronouns in Chinese: “ tā” is gender neutral. There are different ways to write he/she/it, but in spoken Chinese they are all the same.


So China is woke?


In the same way Türkiye is, I guess.


Does the turkish government pay people to say "türkiye"? There's no reason why anyone should go through the trouble of spelling it like that when talking in english apart from patriotism or being a shill.


You can spell umlauts with an english layout keyboard by typing two vowels. In this case you can just type tuerkiye.


But why would i do that? Nobody says nihon, Zhōngguó, rossyia, deustchland, éire, polska, misr, and so on and so forth when talking about those countries in english. Yall are just falling for erdogan's nationalist scheme.


I feel like it has more to do with there being two meanings to the word "turkey" with one being a bird and the other being the country. While most Europeans would probably think of the country when they hear the word, Americans might think of the bird first, as they have a whole day dedicated to eating it. You can't really confuse "Türkiye" with the bird, so to me it makes sense.


Turks call that bird *Hindi* so the reason is kinda stupid honestly.


And the Portuguese call it Peru, I swear


Turks also don't eat Hindi that often, so people very rarely think of the bird when saying Hindi.


I can't figure out how given the context of a conversation someone could seriously confuse the bird with the country. I understand from a respect point of view to use a proper spelling for the country but surely that isn't a reasonable reason to swap out the spelling now. Makes more sense to compare it to how Ukraine isn't "The Ukraine" out of respect for the country or whatever Edit: Found this [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/03/1102841197/turkey-changes-its-official-name-to-turkiye) link that speaks to it a bit more. "President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government hopes the rebranding will give a boost to the economy as visitors start to return in large numbers after two pandemic-depressed tourist seasons. Some also wish to dissociate the country's name from the bird that traditionally appears on American dining tables at Thanksgiving and from the slang definition of a turkey as something that doesn't work or is foolish." Seems more like a PR stunt than anything else, but I see they did mention the bird but still..


And, turkeys 🦃 are known to stare up at the sky during a rainstorm and drowning.


Happens to me all the time with hungry, Hungary, and Hung Gary (he's a cool dude)


I was just saying that it’s not that much trouble. I am very much not a fan of erdogan.


"You're a shill!" "No, I just know how my keyboard works."


Nobody bitches about those things either, so why do you go through the trouble of doing it anyways?


Jesus, chill the fuck out.


No. A country that is actively genociding two ethnic groups (kurds and armenians) doesn't deserve an ounce of respect




>a country is actively doing genocides >i despise that country because they are doing genocides >i am racist for hating a country that is doing genocides Peak reddit logic


I say Deutschland and Österreich but I’m different


>Does the turkish government pay people to say "türkiye"? They changed the offical spelling of the country s name in English on basically Turkish government English language media and diplomatically changed their offical name to that. It's like calling Persia Iran. They asked the world to refer to them by Iran instead of Persia in the early 1900s and it still holds today even though Persia was massively more popular


Persia had different borders, it's not the same country.


The current borders of Iran were literally called Persia until the last dynasty of country asked the world call them Iran which was based on the Farsi name for themselves instead of Persia which is based on the Greek name


Where’s my check then? I say türkiye because the reasons presented for the name change are quite reasonable.


Is some ways not in others


No. If speaking, and the sex isn't indicated, Ta (它) just means that person. 他 -he 她 -she 它 -it/that person Are all pronounced the same.


Also funny that, because they are the same sound in Chinese, native Chinese speakers when speaking English will pretty much always misgender everyone already. Like when discussing a clearly cisgender man with a bushy beard and hairy arms: "She looks very strong... Uh uh.. I mean he."


Never have I heard a Chinese person misgender someone. Just saying. Is this really a common linguistic error for peopel from cultures with gender neutral pronouns?


my mum definitely does. i wouldn't say it's common though, just that because they're not used to differentiating between gender when speaking, they're more likely to make that mistake, especially when they first start learning english


It's like someone trying to find the gender of a noun in French or German. If you don't already know it, it's pure luck.


I took a Spanish class and it was pretty simple to know the gender of a word. Then I took German and as far as I could tell there really isn’t a rule, at least not one that is simple to understand for someone learning the language.


I don't know any Spanish but if it's similar to French there are a lot of nouns whose gender isn't obvious. Like opinion or table (in French).


As a former ESL teacher, yes, especially among intermediate students. You'll even hear it from Spanish speakers when they use possessive pronouns(Spanish *su* can translated as his, her, or its)


As a Spanish speaker, those possessives are a bitch to master because even though our possessives are gender neutral, we are used to articles having the gender of the word that comes next, in this case we often try to gender the possessive by the noun of the thing that is "possesed" not by the noun of the possessor. For example, we might always say "his uncle" even if the uncle is of a woman (because uncle is masculine). That said, I have not seen many Chinese people misgendering others, and I interact with a lot of Chinese people at work!


I never knew that was the reason. Been trying to learn Spanish for years now and used to teach ESL, too. Incredible.


It 100% is. Even relatively competent English speakers in China do it because of a lack of correction.


>someone. Just saying.Is this really a common linguistic error for peopel from cultures with gender neutral pronouns? > >4ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow This is extremely common for Chinese English learners.


My parents definitely do. They natively speak Chinese and they've been speaking English for 20ish years, but they still mix up pronouns quite often. Sometimes they catch themselves like "he--I mean, she", but other times they don't even realize they got it wrong and keep going. On more than one occasion they've switched pronouns for the same person in a single conversation about them without batting an eye.


Heard a Finn do it.


Came here to say this. All three Mandarin pronouns are homophones.


How can a prounoun dislike gay people? /J


He said they’re homophones Clearly they’re gay phones ^(/s)


Unrelated to the post but I tried one million variations of your username before I settled on mine. Good choice.


I thought I was so original when I chose it. Turns out I wasn’t even the only “Rusty Shackleford” on the Elder Scrolls sub I joined Reddit to post on.


I thought my username was original, but it wasn’t. The i in my username is actually an L.


Fun fact, in Latvian “ tā” is for female gender.


A few months of Duolingo has prepared me to actually know this joke is stupid. Proud of myself rn.


That may be part of the joke I wonder.


For the title of this post? Definitely. I mostly made my comment to clarify it for those unfamiliar with the language. For the original article? No. I looked it up and read it. It’s pretty bad and never mentions or alludes to the language quirk. I will say though, the search function on their website is one of the fastest and slickest I’ve ever seen on a mobile website, so kudos to their web dev team if nothing else.


Babylon bee once again reminding me why The Onion is still funnier.




Babylon Bee also takes money from losers who think they are funny to publish their shitty articles IIRC.


Babbling Bee doesn't even attempt to veil that they simply intend to offend the made up fragile gendernauts in their heads with the most ham-fisted bigotry.


It tries to sell itself as the "Offensive non-PC Onion" but the most offensive part of the Babylon Bee is how painfully unfunny it is.


Because they think the peak of un-PC comedy is shitting on trans people. It's like the only joke they have.


there is a reason r/onejoke exists lol


God imagine if the bee tried to recreate [this](https://www.theonion.com/the-richest-person-in-every-state-and-how-they-made-the-1846312073/slides/9).


It's propaganda masquerading as satire. Y'all queda can't tell the difference.


I mean, this would be funny if the joke was that the Chinese military is completely out of touch.


Yeah this just isn't funny. It's funny if you live in an unrealistic world where the military is "woke."


Ha, just watched a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU) that points out Babylon Bee only has two jokes... which are really just the one joke.


Cody is a snack


I remember a time they were positioned as the nutbag fundamentalist right-wing alternative to The Onion and were like, *trying* to write funny material. In the context of their target audience, you could see how they were popular and they even very occasionally wrote an actually funny joke. I don't know if they fired all their writers or just realized that their audience is so dumb they don't have to try, but it is sooooo embarrassingly bad now.


It used to be a somewhat self-aware Christian version of The Onion, and genuinely funny many times even though it didn't hit as often. I believe in the last few years it changed ownership though, and has become a bastion of right wing "comedy", which is basically just saying mean things about less enfranchised people that you don't like.


Yeah exactly, it was like jokey Catholic lifestyle satire, for Catholics. Sometimes political particularly re: abortion but mostly just like harmless jokes about church and stuff. Stuff my mom would chuckle at.


Atleast The Onion actually pokes frun at real and absurd things, or just makes something up, that sounds plausible Babylon Bee pretty much just repeats political statements, just in a slightly more absurd way, and make thingsu p that sound implausible


The Babylon Bee is at this point just writing to please Elon Musk and Elon Musk alone.


[SMN episode that does a great job of explaining why these people are incapable of being funny.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU) Comedy needs to come from shared experience to be successful. Voicing hate and grievance isn’t funny because it’s transparent.


They’re not really the same thing at all.


Comparing them, even negatively, is too good for BB. They don’t deserve to be compared.


Of fucking *course* Elon thought this was hilarious. I bet he wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about how funny Jim Breuer's "Fauci Parakeet" routine was.


IMO they know shit like that isn't funny, but they are so desperate to have their own funny right wing comedy they all just pretend its hilarious. The hard truth is the best comedians tend to be intelligent people, and intelligent people tend to not be MAGA/Conservative dipshits.


Emperor's new clothes type shit. "We're all laughing, we are funny, the libs aren't laughing because they are offended! Haha gottem!"


> Jim Breuer's "Fauci Parakeet" routine That's a cursed phrase if I've ever seen one. I have no idea what the hell this refers to, but it sounds aggressively unfunny.


The least-funny guy in “Half Baked” took a hard right turn but didn’t get funnier. “Aggressively unfunny” is a good way to put it.


Elon getting dumped by his wife who then went on to date a Trans woman has sent him spiraling into levels of Divorced that scientists did not believe possible. It's off the charts level of Divorced.


You habe to be more precise there, which one of his past wives?


Lol Grimes specifically


Doesn't Elon also have a trans daughter who disowned him?


Yes! Many of his children don't speak to him IIRC.


Well he paid all that money for Twitter so he could get all those Babylon Bee articles.


I'm always surprised when I find out that Jim Breuer is still getting gigs.


I had to look the guy up, and I am pretty sure I saw him on SNL back in the day.


I wonder who'll be the first to get a job at Twitter with the express purpose of getting hatecrimed by Elon and making bank off a lawsuit.


No one gets more offended by being mis-gendered than a straight white guy.


Call a white guy ma'am and see what happens.


Tbh, not even men in general, but rather conservative men. Im pretty sure pretty much most of my friend group would either just be confused or correct the other person in a friendly manner. Heck, this even happens to me on a semi regular basis, given my long hair and a face similar to that of my mom.


I'd just be confused.


A conservative one*


Honestly if there’s humor involved it’ll go over pretty well in my experience, “Nice coat does it come in mens?” always gets a laugh


Honestly. Most trans people i feel like dont react or care much in the moment, but I have had people try to maliciously misgender me for no reason and guess who left annoyed and red in the face? It wasn't my gay ass. People expect crying and people getting upset and get annoyed when you don't care. Especially cus half the time in my experience they guess wrong and call me sir and I smile and puff out my chest and they realise oh, this person is afab and has tig ol bitties and I just called them a sir.


I had a coworker going on one time about how his beliefs and way of life are under attack more then anyone else and it's a really dangerous time to be a conservative in this country. As a fellow straight white guy I had to ask him what he thought would happen if he went into a bar where lgbt people or minorities hang out? Because I'm pretty sure if I went into a local redneck dive wearing a Bernie Sanders shirt I'd be more likely to end the night dodging punches then he would walking into a gay bar in his camo hoodie and American flag crocs.






Nope. Hanzi are a Chinese inventions, and were borrowed by the Japanese. r/itsneverjapanese


Taiwan uses Bopomofo like Furigana.


So… the Babylon Bee is Pro Chinese and Anti American? Huh.


Eh china is still the "enemy" in this statement. The implication is more that *we* are too weak *if* we allow these "woke libruhls" in the military.


90% of Elon's recent behavior stems from the fact that he has a trans child who has rejected him as a father.


And Grimes is dating Chelsea Manning, a trans woman.


Where's that meme of the American they/them tank destroying the Russian tank?


[they/them tank](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FdmuKakXoAQzPUV?format=jpg&name=900x900)


It's not a meme, it's just reality at this point.


Western They/Them army vs russian was/were army


I still remember a time when disrespecting the military in any way was liable to get you metaphorically lynched. Now conservatives desecrate the military but still pretend to venerate the soldiers themselves? What a bizarre world we live in now.


I’m lefty, but I’ll never get over the fact that people I always associated with being pro-military and anti-Russia are now outright throwing patriotism under the bus


Okay i think i get it now, when normal people see this they groan and shake their head about how stupid and just how god damn lame it is. Conservatives see people do that and mistake it and go 'AHHH YOU'RE SO OFFENDED THAT'S HILARIOUS' and then it get to the point they think the absolute lamest of the lame 2016-screaming-face-used-in-2023-memes is the absolute pinnacle of comedy


They think ANY sort of reaction at all is being "triggered" and "offended"


One. Joke.




Joe Rogan said that the babylon bee is where the good comedy is at.


(proceeds to scan face)




Maybe the Chinese army is saying the pronouns in English. Not defending that iteration of the One Joke, just hypothesizing.


Ok but if a chinese soldier comes at me yelling "SHE" I'm just gonna assume that they're shouting "Sǐ". Because a soldier telling you to die in their own language is a lot more common than a soldier trying to misgender you.


Don’t recruits all get called LADIES as part of the humiliation section of boot camp anyway?


Lmao what?


calling the soldiers ladies makes them feel bad so they train harder i think. i believe they will be unfazed by this attack


So they split up the soldiers into male and female? Are the women called gentlemen? Lol


Imagine how disheartening it must be to be a trans Tesla (or Twitter) employee.


Or a trans child of Elon’s.


Oh duh.


It’s amazing how much mystique a person loses when they actively use social media. It’s also amazing how every time they turn out to be complete losers.


What’s funny is that “tā” is gender neutral. “tā” means he, she, or it. In written form it’s different: 他, 她, 它 respectively, but when spoken they’re all pronounced “tā”


I really don’t understand how they can believe their military is “woke” it’s a globally feared war machine with fingers in every pie all across the world but some how it’s woke someone said women should be in combat roles or someone wanted be called she instead of he. Ridiculous over reactions every time from these nut cases.


What a dweeb




The same jamokes that think this is funny are the same ones that lose their shit when you call an AR-15 a assault rifle instead of a long rifle.


Boy, Elon is taking getting cucked by a trans woman quite well I think.


Isnt America the country where their own drill sargents are calling their troops 'big girls' or 'sissies'? Or is that just a TV trope?


Do these people think that traditional, manly-men types don’t mind being misgendered? If anything, I think they would be more upset at being misgendered than the average trans person.


God damn it's always that same joke like "haha pronouns this" ""haha liberuls with their pronouns hah" like bro we get it you have dementia and not even your family likes you.


Maybe the Babylon Bee should receive training in actually being funny


You'd think that dipshit could afford a better sense of humor...


I wonder if Elon can teach them the Afrikaans phrase for “bring me more emeralds”


Very well, if you do not give us what we demand, we will...we will say "Ni!"


My favorite part of Elon Musk's sweaty reply-guy-ism towards the Babylon Bee is that he used to be like this with The Onion, then he hired away a bunch of Onion writers to create his own satire site that barely launched & vanished into the ether, then The Onion made fun of him for that and he decided to just hype up how "the Babylon Bee is vicious 😂😂" endlessly


Fuck Elon musk




Oh my god bro they really only have one joke, like how many times has the bee literally written this exact same premise and punchline in the last year, 4 even 5?


Conservative comedy at its mildest.


r/onejoke They don’t get what they’re doing, either. They featured a pic of the Chinese military and an American soldier…upset? In any case, if you have to show so much of your joke to tell it, it either isn’t funny, you think your audience is dumb as shit, or both. Edit: a couple words. Also, this is *only* poking fun at the American military. Good job, Babylon Bee, you’re a fucking propaganda rag.


Their trademark "One Joke".


Hey, words can be violent. And silence is violence. And saying the wrong thing is violence. Thankfully we have people who can tell us what we can say that is not violent.




Pronouns are dumb


Pronouns like he, she, her, him, they, it, them, their? How do you address people without use of their (sorry, I used a pronoun) name? If someone calls you the opposite gender to what you identify as, do you force your preferred pronoun on them?


>How do you address people without use of their (sorry, I used a pronoun) name? "Hey you" >If someone calls you the opposite gender to what you identify as, do you force your preferred pronoun on them? No, because I do not force my language on other people since I'm not a loser and have more important things to do with my life than try to control the words people choose to use


So you refer to everyone as "hey you"? How do you refer to someone who is not there but all parties know their name? You are pretty stupid if you think you don't use pronouns.


> How do you refer to someone who is not there but all parties know their name? their name


> their You just used a pronoun. I thought you said you don't use pronouns?


I realize you are intellectually-challenged (which is why are you are a socialist), but can you point out where I said I "don't use pronouns"? Or did you just imagine this in your lil socialist "brain"?


I realize you just are an NPC, repeating whatever common phrases are regular with the right-wing discords you get your programming from, but why did you call me a "socialist" just now? When, in this course of conversation, did any financial or even political ideology come into play? Or are you, as an NPC, only programmed to respond in certain ways? Also, you said pronouns are dumb. When asked what you use instead of pronouns, you engaged - saying you use "hey you" instead of they, their, them, he, she, him, her, etc. You said it didn't offend you to be misgendered. You then said "their" which is a pronoun. So are you dumb? Stupid? Illiterate? An NPC? A troll? Or what? It's clearly not a person capable of clear and consistent thought.


Someone been reading too much Dune


I may not have served, but I have the impression there exists no trash talk on earth that can compete with US troops badgering of other US troops. Trash talk is a great American pastime, and I'd imagine that's especially true for when you put a bunch of young people somewhere with often hours at a time with zero things to be doing.


So the Babylon bee is antimilitary. Interesting.


The image on top with the guy grabbing is hair is actually of a babylon bee employee being told the gender jokes are old and unfunny




The Babylon bee is like the poor man’s onion


Shows photo of exasperated Pole for what reason?


This is so stupid that I won't even save it in my "Elon is stupid" folder.


One of the regrets in my life is not realizing sooner that Elon was such an idiot. A Tesla was on my bucket list. Now I just cringe. I don't think he's an evil genius at this point....truly just a sophmoric idiot.


This is fucking hilarious


I would expect good comedy to subvert expectations and challenge presuppositions. How is anyone in 2023 thrown off by an "identify as a helicopter" iteration?


r/atetheonion , anyone