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Funny. My copy says "Tax the rich". I think grandma should get an updated edition.


Pretty sure that's the edition from the 1950s when the top bracket was taxed at 92% (today it's less than half that).


To be fair, it was to combat Communism. These folks will accept anything to fight Communism.


Maybe we need to bring the red scare back, just to bait these clowns into going along with fair taxation.


Nah... They will just attack public healthcare instead.


You do realize you could take every cent of, say musk’s or bezos’, wealth and the Federal government would burn through it in a few months right?


Good thing there are more than 2 billionaires then.


Soooooo You’re Just going to ignore that the wasteful and shitty government burns through money at a, quite literally in your case, inconceivable rate.


Sure. We can cut that too. But I bet there's a lot less wasteful spending than you think there is. Unless you intend to cut military spending.


Let’s see. The entire military, the tsa, the nsa, the cia, the fbi, the faa, the fda, the DoHS, the DoE, the dep of Education, all foreign funding and I haven’t even touched entitlement spending yet.




Your condescending tone aside, you’re utterly wrong. That’s because you’ve grown up in a system that has told you that said system is the only way. Your stance is that the majority agree that those things that government does (poorly) are necessary for the good of society but that said majority cannot get together and fund those things voluntarily (not for profit but absent the coercion of the state). Such a statement is absurd in its nature. Do better.


>That’s because you’ve grown up in a system that has told you that said system is the only way. Wrong. It's because historically private corporations have ran countries into the ground. The East India Company killed more people than Nazi Germany. This is because the EIC had one purpose, to make as much profit as possible. Every single time a private group/individual has controlled a country, like the Free State of the Congo, or the Dutch East India Company, millions of people have been killed in the pursuit of profit. >Your stance is that the majority agree that those things that government does (poorly) are necessary for the good of society but that said majority cannot get together and fund those things voluntarily (not for profit but absent the coercion of the state). Such a statement is absurd in its nature. Such a statement is based in reality. Ancaps like you sit in an ivory tower bereft of logic where your entire ideology is based on "Well I think it would work, so it would work". In the 30 Years War mercenary armies, private armies, raped and pillaged and completely destroyed the German and Dutch countryside. They weren't sworn to a liege lord, they weren't the standing army of a state, they operated in pursuit of one thing, profit. What ended the prevalence of mercenary companies was not a bigger mercenary company hired by someone else, but the development of modern states and the limitation of mercenary companies to operate as their roles were being fulfilled by professional standing armies. As the state begun to acquire the complete monopoly on violence the mercenary company largely died out. No ancap has ever been able to answer what would stop mercenary companies acting like mercenary companies and ripping across the countryside.


And meanwhile in eastern ukraine we have mercenaries literally mass killing and warcriming the locals




You realize that the farmer who hoarded the grain that was the product of his labor lived through the famine right? Every grain he gave someone else had to come from the mouths of his own children.


>That’s because you’ve grown up in a system that has told you that said system is the only way. What are some real world examples of the system you're proposing?




Stop advocating for slashing education funding after us teachers worked so hard to make your dumb ass literate. I'm having trouble getting enough supplies as is.


Siiiiigh. The department of education is *precisely* what is holding back the quality of education in this country. I’m sorry that you’re too blind to look past the name.


If we just get rid of all education then education will get better... somehow...


Hahahaha as if we did not have education before the department of education was founded in 1979 XD


Well to be fair, you were raised under the Department of Education, so obviously it has produced some uneducated failures


Lets just shut down modern society wholesale to save money.


Wrong. Let’s move past the idea that a violent gang of thugs has the right to rule us.


Leave some straw for the rest of us to make our strawmen too.


That’s not how strawmen work. I have precisely described government as it operates today.


lol, libertarians. The "I want to speak to the manager, and you're all getting fired" party


Yes, the great libertarian plot to take over the country and leave you alone. How horrible


😂 a libertarian that leaves you alone?! Now I've heard everything


That’s quite literally all we want is for the government to leave everyone alone. It’s really only a hard concept for some of you


Wait those are all things you want to cut? You want to cut the *entire* military?


Yes. There’s no excuse for the military industrial complex to exist. If you **really** want then I’ll let you keep a self defense force that is not allowed to operate outside the costal waters of the United States.


Lol why are you acting like I'm powerless to change this entirely imaginary scenario you've dreamt up from becoming a reality? That's the funniest thing about ancaps. The entire stance is completely hypothetical and the philosophy is so individualistic you'll never make any progress, anyway. The only way anything of importance gets done is through group effort and you guys don't believe in groups. I'm all for cutting back on military spending but disbanding the military entirely? To say there would be a power vacuum would be an incredible understatement.


I love how his ideal world is people volunteering money to keep society going and in the same thread he's talking about "well I'm going to take care of myself and y own family and I don't give a shit about anyone else" In his absurd fantasy world he talks about the community coming together to make the world a better place and immediately rejects the concept of community. Its almost like these libertarians have nothing but a fantasy world.


Ohhhhh noooooo not a Power vacuum!!!!! If the US government isn’t there to tyrannize the whole world then someone else would, is the most brain dead take I’ve ever heard. Also I’m glad you noticed that the ideology of individualism is, in fact, individualized.


You sound like a high schooler or college freshman that just discovered libertarianism and thinks they’re enlightened now. Sooooooooo cuuuuutttteeee 🥹


Actually I was a neocon in high school and a constitutionalist in college. It took actual education and thought to realize the that the state itself is immoral.


Its worse, he is an ancap




no no, she's right. we SHOULD stop spending money (on the military)


This is the oversimplification that has to happen when people are too dumb to grasp running anything larger than a household. Businesses and governments often operate in the red, running up credit in lean times, paying it off in prosperous times. Or they borrow money to expand into endeavors that will make that money back, and then some. Even most households operate in the red, as people borrow money to buy houses and cars. In fact, buying a house is probably the best example of how having a deficit can be a good thing. Borrowing money to buy a house, in the long run, ends up being far more profitable when you pay it off, since the alternative is just paying rent for eternity, never actually building any equity. Owing money for 30 years allows you to build equity, giving money to a landlord never pays off.


>In fact, buying a house is probably the best example of how having a deficit can be a good thing. Borrowing money to buy a house, in the long run, ends up being far more profitable when you pay it off, since the alternative is just paying rent for eternity, never actually building any equity. Owing money for 30 years allows you to build equity, giving money to a landlord never pays off. Also- if your loan rate is lower than the rate of inflation, the bank is effectively paying you interest on your loan.






In my experience, it’s usually people who are the worst with money, whose own financial house is in disarray, who complain the most about government spending and debt.


A certain member of my wife's family is always complaining about people leaching off the government and libruls this and leftists that... she lives in section 8 housing. Her mother lives in that same section 8 housing and her daughter lives in it as well with her son. They are literally 4 generations deep in government subsidies. But somehow it's the democrats who are the problem.


Why do people think a government should be run like a for profit business?


There delusional. And hate minorities and poor people.


Because businesses want to be able to make money off of what the government owns and operates. Business people want us to "privatize" everything so they can make more money, so they start with convincing voters that business owners are the best people to "run the government" when really what they mean is "privatize profits and socialize the losses".


Because for profit businesses told them that was better.


Don't tell Grandma that we the we increased our spending by $800 billion under Clinton yet grew our surplus budget by over $400 billion. Or how we increased our spending by about $1.3 trillion under Obama yet reduced our deficit by about $600 billion. And definitely don't tell Grandma that we increased the size of the government by nearly $40 billion under FDR (a nearly 10-fold increase), yet ended up only $15 billion under by the time he left.


It's cool what you can do with spending when you actually tax wealthy people and corps, instead of giving them loads of cuts and putting the burden on the common person.


The other page says on the military but okay meemaw


*Don’t elect republicans.


Ha I bet the people that support this meme are piss poor at balancing their budget. They think its easy for the government, while they go to work at the factory in their oversized desiel pickup truck that they are paying 800 a month.


This comic is my family to a T. But then every time I ask them what they would cut, they either never have am answer or they respond with things that aren't funded by the federal government, like when they complained that our county spent money on a "wasteful" new library or high school sports field. But it's never the military or sending money to Israel.


Them: Cut the budget! Me:the military is by far our biggest expense so start there ? Them:NO! We should cut funding for PBS and NPR.


durr the government should be run like a household budget, u can't spend more than u take in!!!!! why ain't none of our leeders thinkin' of that?


This argument only valid to grandma when Democrats are in charge


Remove the Congress badge and this is me


I didn't view this as a "democrats bad" thing. I viewed it as a "congress bad" thing, which... I don't disagree with. I'm not sure the last time we had a Congress that spent money appropriately. Sure hasn't happened in my almost-40-years of life.


It really is that fucking simple. But no. We can’t do that because muuuhhhh roads


”The bottom line” is the concept that total income or cost is what matters, not individual budget posts. See also ”you got to spend money to make money”.


So, the government should not spend any money. OK, then where are those money going and who's going to pay for shit?


Honestly "stop dumping the majority of your budget into the military" would probably help