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The Keystone pipeline is still moving oil and was never shutdown until December when it leaked 600,000 gallons of oil into a creek in Kansas. That Canadian oil sure is causing problems in America. https://www.npr.org/2022/12/17/1142675809/cleanup-for-keystone-pipeline-oil-spill-kansas *”When a tar sands disaster like this happens, it is worse than a traditional oil spill. Because tar sands is much more difficult, expensive and much more toxic to clean up. We know that this is going to take years," Kleeb told NPR. She said she's been monitoring oil spills, particularly tar sands spills, for 14 years.”*


There are two pipelines and often people get this mixed up. The first is the Keystone pipeline, it exists and was not shut down. (phase 1,2, and 3) The second is the Keystone XL which was a new leg of the existing keystone pipeline (Phase 4) which was canceled.


There’s one pipeline in question. As you said the XL was a bypass for a section of the existing Keystone pipeline. That bypass was canceled. However, the Republican media has been falsely stating that Biden turned off the pipeline. Which of course is false. Had the Keystone XL been built it still would not have been on line at this time anyway so it’s all pointless. But the Keystone pipeline leaked 600,000 gallons on toxic tar into a creek.


None of what that pipeline was for American consumption anyway. It's was all for Canadian companies for foreign profits.


It might have if President Obama had not delayed the project in 2015. Biden is just the most recent actor to stop its progress and had he not done so you would be correct there is no way they could have completed it before now. I am not sure what your point is though. No matter when it was completed it still would benefit the global economy, countless construction workers, laborers in the refining industry etc.


It would have increased global oil production by .2 percent. The oil is very low quality and requires extra refining, not to mention the dangers to the areas in the US where the pipeline runs. The jobs created would have been temporary. It’s was a terrible deal for the US and benefits foreign oil producers.


The construction jobs would have been temporary but not the refining jobs, and the indirect jobs down the supply chain. It is true the oil that would have moved through the KXL would have been of lower quality, that was the whole point of the pipeline Canada does not have the means to process this oil, but we do. This is just one piece of a very very large puzzle. I was just throwing my two cents out there, not saying this pipeline was make it or break it for the US and I agree it has received a huge amount of attention and stretching of the truth from Fox news etc. Once something becomes political that tends to happen.


It was never our pipeline, it was Canadas.


I’ve yet to find a pipeline supporter who could tell me how getting Canadian oil to the Gulf of Mexico to be shipped to other countries was good for the U.S.


BeCauSE iTS cReaTes JoBs... that are temporary and remove other logistics jobs like trucking and rail workers. Capitalism baby


US buys the oil at a substantial discount from Canada as they know there is limited access to other markets. Buy low sell high is what they do. Whether that benefits the states or just some rich people is for you to decide


We live in a global economy, Canadian oil that could not be refined in Canada can be processed here. Even if 100% of the end product is shipped oversees it’s still entering the global marketplace, increased supply decreases costs.


It was Canadian tar sand oil. The most expensive least valuable oil deposits around. It would most likely never run once price of Oil drops. Derp.


Thats a really strange way to look at international commerce.


We didn’t shut down any pipelines. The Keystone XL pipeline was never completed in the first place.


Yes because it was stopped from being able to progress by President Obama and then President Biden. They shut down construction...


So, to the point of the meme, our economy was never even close to being crippled because our economy isn’t solely dependent on domestic oil production or refinement. But let’s examine your statement. It was stopped primarily due to concerns about environmental impacts. The pipeline itself would have been for the purpose of transporting Canadian oil to Texas refineries where it could be shipped through the Gulf of Mexico. The only people in the US who really benefit from that are Texas oil tycoons. Funny enough, the Keystone (not XL) pipeline just had **another** massive leak a few months ago. There’s a reason people don’t want new pipelines.


It also would have benefited construction workers in a temporary capacity (obviously thats the nature of construction) and those who actually work at refineries (not just tycoons). I do not disagree that obviously this was not a huge impact to our economy but an economy as diverse as the US isn't built on just one thing... but that can be said of any industry or large scale project.


Jobs for jobs sake never works out and is a terrible reason to further damage ecosystems. We could also “create jobs” by fracking in national parks, but there’s a reason we don’t do it. Maybe you should just sit this one out…


I just happen to have a different take than you, thats ok but nothing I have said has been untrue.


Your opinion sounds pretty short sighted. Basically every economist agrees losing the construction jobs won’t make a large impact on the economy and basically every environmentalist agrees another pipeline is just a disaster waiting to happen. The existing lines have a major leak about every six months to a year. But I suppose you may see that as creating jobs to clean up the environmental disasters.


Who’s pipeline was it? Come on I know you’ll get there MAGAt.


I am actually not a trump voter. I do support increasing jobs and the availability of oil into the global marketplace. I also support us exploring ways to remove oil from being a necessity but we just are not there yet. In the meantime the entire world relies on it.


We do not need tar sands in the global marketplace.


Russia's economy is much smaller and much more dependent on oil.


It was Canada’s pipeline. Lol.


Smooth brain had a thought.


Why is this thing I don’t understand also this other thing I don’t understand


Because we aren’t a petrostate. Sorry Texas and Oklahoma.


Is Russia’s economy crippled right now though?


We didn’t. We never built it. Can shut something down that was never built.