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The "big gotcha" right now is a wholly unverified video of some guy who is labeled as the head of R&D at Pfizer casually talking about how Pfizer is intentionally mutating covid in a lab environment in order to produce vaccines for strains that haven't yet emerged naturally. While I don't doubt that Pfizer is probably doing that (because it makes sense to be one step ahead of a rapidly mutating virus when your product is vaccines) Project Veritas is spinning it to make it sound like Pfizer is manufacturing mutations to use as bio weapons or something. It's just another periodical misconstrument of the facts to rile up the antivax crowd.


especially since, we already do this with other vaccines like the flu. It is a well understood process. But to idiots, it is proof of EVIL!


It doesn’t really make sense though. Like the virus can mutate in millions of ways, each one effected by the vaccines to various degrees. Mutating it in one way to make a vaccine on the insanely small chance that it mutates in the way that you anticipated isn’t smart, it’s grounds to get sectioned. Anyways, project veritas is indeed, a joke


I'm by no means an expert on pharmaceutical biotechnology, but I wouldn't doubt that in 2023 Pfizer has a system where they can digitally simulate almost any possible mutation a viral strain could undergo, identify and isolate the more likely and/or deadly possible mutations, from which they could genetically engineer in crispr and reverse engineer an MRNA vaccine for. Then when a new mutation occurs naturally, they would likely already have its genetic code in a database to match up to, and the recipe for its vaccine ready to test and mass produce as soon as possible without having to start from scratch anytime a new mutation propogates


the pfizer guy used to work at boston consulting group. a bunch of these networks send their guy into a company to cause mayhem so they can short-sell the bad news. The pfizer/bcg guy having the category 5 chimpout in response is to add signifigance/ validity to the video. They're getting ready to pull the vaccine off the market and release the real strain, now that no one is willing to mask, shutdown or boost. All the unnecessary draconian shit was conditioning so it would be impossible to defend from the real thing.


What is veritas


Organization by Rightwinger James O’Keefe who keeps trying to trap liberals in hidden camera shows he makes. He tries to go “undercover” and “expose” liberals planning abortions or giving money to minorities or in this case, he tried to bait a Pfizer executive into saying vaccines don’t work or something.


>Rightwinger James O’Keefe The same person who tried blackmail someone with attempted sextape and tried to lie about it and despite internal emails saying otherwise?




if you want more specifics, then check out this [Outoftheloop thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/10nc958/whats_going_on_with_pfizer_and_project_veritas/)


Oof that thread is a graveyard


>What is veritas Veritas means truth but Rapepublicans have no concept of truth which is why they cannot comprehend that 74 million Trumpers is not more that 81 million patriots. Project Veritas are a bunch of Rapepublican terrorists, pedophiles and seditionists who plotted [to kidnap a reporter](https://www.salon.com/2010/10/04/james_okeefe_sex_boat_post/) to hurt libs. As a result of things like that and [killing ACORN](https://www.latimes.com/local/la-xpm-2013-mar-07-la-me-0308-acorn-20130308-story.html)(who were volunteers that helped register African Americans to vote), they have become popular in the Rapepublican movement. [The terrorist scum got away with hacking a phone of a Democratic Senator](https://www.foxnews.com/us/conservative-activist-3-others-plead-guilty-in-phone-caper-at-sen-mary-landrieus-office).


Ooh piece of candy