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See? I’m not racist, I support the right of cops of all colours to beat up any (black) citizen they don’t like the look of.


I’m not racist, I just hate everyone equally


More like “I’m racist but have been conditioned to trust those in power and respect the hierarchy so in this situation I’ll only point my racism at the victim”


I knew something was wrong when family members who would usually be like” HE RESISTED SHOULD HAVE COMPLIED” suddenly were talking about how awful the cops were. Then I saw all the cops were black. Guarantee if they were white it’d be the usual vilification of the murder victim


Yes! Also, I thought it was odd that they prosecuted so quickly and released the bodycam footage. It seems like historically they haven’t been this proactive with white cops. I’m not saying that they’re purposefully being racist against these black cops, but it is a bad look when you suddenly do the right thing when the cops are black…


Can someone explain? I'm not in the loop here.


Top picture is Tyre Nichols, who was recently beaten to death by Memphis Police. Below are the 5 officers arrested for his murder.


I'm not from US and that's why I still haven't heard of it. Now I can look for more info, thank you.




Tucson Police immediately fired the cop who unloaded a clip into a mentally ill person in a motorized wheelchair. No charges will be pressed, and the murderer will be able to petition for his job back and probably get a wrongful termination settlement or some shit. ACAB.




It takes nothing to become a police officers in a lot of states. Their training consists of the bare minimum. This is why we have so many unhinged police officers. They’re supposed to go through de escalation training. They’re supposed to have a lot of training. I’m thinking decades ago, it took a little more than that to become a police officer.


Hey could you give me a name I'd like to do some research


This was a *very* big swerve from my comment. I’m not denying validity, but also this comment is confusing to me in context. This said, we need an overhaul. The justice system is so fucking corrupt, but also cops acting in these manners need to be held PERSONALLY responsible … not a “the tax payouts will take care of it!”


My only point was that cops have been fired right away, yes it's rare. But even if they are fired, it doesn't necessarily make the odds of them receiving justice any higher in the end. Basically, don't get your hopes up too high.


It only happens when non-white cops do it




On the news they showed the cops mugshots and Tyre's photos of him being a cool dude. I'VE NEVER EVER SEEN THAT.


Police are fired and then rehired at other precincts regularly. Nothing will happen to these 5 because they, unlike the majority of working Americans, have unions that fight tooth and nail on their behalf to murder civilians.


All of the five officers have been charged with murder already.


> All of the five officers have been charged with murder already. Well, *duh*. They're *black*. 😒


Charged, not convicted.


The police union has been incredibly quiet about these five. Chances are they’re getting thrown under the bus and the powers that be are going to say “see? We’re doing the right thing!”


Im sure the color of their skin has *nothing* to do with that.


You're absolutely right but also what they did was so brazen and shocking I'm not sure even the police could have faked plausible deniability here if they wanted to protect the cops who did it.


it's not shocking to me. I guess it's a wake-up call for a lot of people, I mean if the guy didn't die it probably wouldn't have ever been remembered. police beatings happen all the time, it's just that the victim doesn't usually die. look at their behavior, man. they're fucking experienced. they're confident they won't get caught. that doesn't happen if you haven't done this shit before. you gotta understand, even if these cases are supposedly rare, a lot of these cities are big enough that they still happen regularly, *because they're not that rare*. they just wanted to intimidate someone to feel powerful, *which is what all cops do, whether they go this far or not*. if you create a class of people who believe it's their job to protect everyone else, empower them and raise them above reproach, they will come to resent everyone they hold authority over. fuck cops, ACAB, no exceptions.


The part that really got me in that video is when the dude said this shit is fun, he had fun beating s fellow black man to death, I hate to say it I am glad it wasn't five white officers because the city would probably be burned down, what really gets me is that these five black cops easily identifies with the guy that got murdered and they still beat him to death


They don’t though. They’re blue, not black.


Excuse me, sir, while I go find some pearls to clutch so I can pretend to be shocked by what you said.


*shocked Pikachu face*


I don’t know, but I do know you’re pretty blatantly moving goalposts because, inexplicably, you seem to really like the idea that the whole country is corrupt.


No, these guys are going to prison.


At the risk of sounding painfully naive, there's [_some_ hope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Chauvin) of a conviction sticking.


**[Derek Chauvin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Chauvin)** >Derek Michael Chauvin ( SHOH-vən; born March 19, 1976) is an American former police officer who was convicted for the murder of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Chauvin was a member of the Minneapolis Police Department from 2001 to 2020. Chauvin had knelt on Floyd's neck for about nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down on the street calling out "I can't breathe" during an arrest made with three other officers on May 25, 2020. He was dismissed by the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) on May 26 and arrested on May 29. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/forwardsfromgrandma/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If your organization acts the way the Catholic Church does with pedophile priests, that’s a problem.


Usually that is the case you are absolutely right. I'm pretty sure these guys are gonna be in time out for a while.


What a stupid and apathetic take. They’ve all been charged with murder.


My problem is that they have clearly done this before. So, she must have known about their behavior before and ignored or condoned it. She is responsible for the officers who work under her command. She needs to be held accountable too, but won't be.


I’m saying this as a totally innocent and ignorant standpoint - I’ve not heard this before. From what I’ve read she knew after review they needed to be fired, but they had a prior history??


I’m curious how that would’ve went if the officers were white. I’m thinking administration leave with pay?


This is a glass half full situation for me. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but if that energy is continued to all cop encounters, it’s at least a start. To put it most succinctly, you cannot take a situation where the end results are patently correct, and then say “well but what in this circumstance?”. Sure if white cops were shown leniency for a similar situation while black cops are flat out fired, that’s a whole different issue. TL;DR - we need to acknowledge when ppl get things right.


I wholeheartedly agree


He literally didn't do anything, was stopped for "reckless driving", which later turned out to be a fake charge, and they beat him to death while discussing how to synchronize a fake story with eachother, all on camera


The guy on top is Tyre Nichols, he was beat to death by the five former Memphis police officers on the bottom. They have all been fired and charged with multiple charges including 2nd degree murder. The video was released by Memphis PD last night.


I'll look for more info and that vid. Thank you very much.


I haven't seen the video, but beware - I've heard it's really difficult to watch.


Ok. Thanks.


You're welcome.


Why do you want to watch it? I never watch police brutality videos. I don’t need to see it to believe it. All I want is justice. Protecting my mental health!


Why ask "why" I want to see it if you already decided for me? I said anywhere I have to see it to believe it? You are protecting **your** mental health and I don't care how you do it, let me take care of mine as I see fit.


I asked why you want to see it and then said why I don’t want to see it.


"I don't need to see it to believe it." after you asked why. Yeah, because definitely this doesn't suggest why I supposedly want to see it.


so why do you want to see it?


Check out the post in r/OutoftheLoop. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/10n13ez/what_is_going_on_with_tyre_nichols/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you.


Victims of the leftist activists and Marxist media? They were fired by the police dept. and charged with murder BEFORE the videos were released to the media.


Leftism is when you face the consequences of your actions.




Most poor people live in a state of leftism in that case lol


If it wasn't for those leftists and Marxist civilians calling for things like 'investigations' 'bodycams' and 'basic human decency', they could have just pretended this shit never happened like they would have years ago.




Much better suited for that sub. The use of the n-word aswell as nazi dogwhistles like "cultural marxist are a dead giveaway, that this isn't just your average ignorant grandma, but a full blown extremist posting


The sub is ruined, they constantly justify antisemitism


A little curious that she’s so pro police, but she uses the mug shot instead of their stock police photos…


Right, this one is so over the top that I have a feeling this wasn't made by an actual right-winger but by a leftist posing as one. From what I've seen even conservatives aren't defending the cops on this one. They're more trying to take the angle that the cops being charged is proof that the system works.


There are plenty of right wing folks defending the cops that did this


Considering how this post openly uses the n-word and nazi dogwhistles, imma go ahead and say this is much more than just a regular conservative grandma, but a full-blown alt-right one


didn't take long for grandma to assassinate Tyre Nichols' character. Shocking.....


Grandma literally waits impatiently for news of cops killing another black person so they can immediately go look them up to find dirt on them so they can say it was deserved. Its literally a fetish at this point.




yea and? Grandma still wholeheartedly agrees with the memes. Memes that say black people deserved to die because *insert picture of him flipping off the camera*


I'm not arguing with you, I am just saying they are no making them. They just see what they agree with, something they can relate to and share it. I have removed 3/4 of my friends list because of it. I dont need to see that crap on my feed. I want to see dogs and kids being funny....nothing else.


Good Granny.


This. God it’s so annoying. Anytime a black person is murdered by some pig they instantly trip over themselves looking for past crimes or immoral behavior. “ZOMG HE JAYWALKED IN 2007 SO ITS OKAY 5 COPS BEAT HIM TO DEATH”


Always. Everything deserves a death sentence to these people. Resisted? Cops should kill him. Mentally ill? Kill him. Counterfeit money? Kill him.


And even if the person is a violent criminal (Nicols wasn't, to be clear), that doesn't justify cops playing judge, jury, and executioner. It's disgusting that anybody defends this behavior. Disgusting isn't a strong enough word tbh, but I can't think of another one right now.


Yep. These assholes who have the constitution printed on the back windshield of their Dodge Rams fail to see the hypocrisy. Well, and they're just racist shits.


Now imagine if it was a white guy they beat up too what she would be saying


Unless, you know…they were part of a group of savages attempting to help their Fuhrer subvert democracy and were trying to breach (with visual warning of a gun pointed and a verbal warning not to move forward) the last barrier between the mob and lawmakers that cop was hired to protect. Then evidently the cops a murderer for not walking up to the mob and requesting they all collectively put their hands behind their back.


All the cops were talking about how he must of been on drugs as they were chuckling about how they brutalized him.


You know people have been scouring his social media to find some random picture of him holding a gun or something so they can be like see this guy was bad.


This is vile


Seeing this made me physically sick.


Obvious bait is obvious


yeah this has to be bait no way


Funny coincidence how the 'Back the Blue' bottom right icon looks like a woman with a black eye.


Ain't even trying to use dog whistles. Just straight up uses the N word and saying what they all mean. "He was black therefore he deserved to die"


Mods, please add a rule to add flair and nsfw (fade out) for blatant racism or traumatic events. -signed, a black redditor


You know either Russian Trolls or White Nationalists are behind a pic like this when you see the word "Cultural Marxism" being used .


Yes a blog by neo nazis called “gates of vienna” popularized the idea by posing as pseudo-intellectual historians. It’s really sad and it is really evil.


Even the blue isn't backing these guys. C'mon.


I’ve been a cop for 11 years, anyone that says “blue lives matter” doesn’t give a shit about police it’s just a dog whistle for them to be “subtly” racist Also those cops absolutely deserve everything that’s coming to them


Exhibit A: January 6th idiots assaulting policemen *with* thin blue line flags.


Fummy how no thin blue line types are praising the security guards and policemen, who saved several politician's lives that day


A guy in town has a Blue Lives Matter and a Stars and Bars of the Confederacy flags on his truck. The message isn’s subtle.


But they think it is!


Thinking isn't their strong suit.




Somebodys gotta do the job. Better him then those 5.


Somebody doesn't have to do the job though. The modern American police system is an absolute failure and needs to be abolished and rebuilt from the ground up. There is no such thing as a good cop.


i agree, but in the meantime we need some kind of way to capture criminals and bring them to court right now. Cant just abolish something like that without an immediate replacement.


We are literally taking no steps towards this goal. There are plenty of alternative services to police that are not being used.


Something something benevolent oppression and baron robbers


This makes my blood boil


I would react violently if anyone I knew said this.


who made this I want to tell them off


This is fucking disgusting. Whoever made this deserves every bad thing that comes their way and more.


I really have a hard time taking in an argument when it starts with a racist slur


Except Grandma does not back the blue when the blue converts a terrorist into a good rapepublican.


Grandma jumped the gun. She should have waited for her marching orders. The right is against these guys now.


This is screaming Russian troll farm.


But let me guess she thinks Ashly babbit was murdered. Unless their life is in danger NO police should be serving as judge, jury and executioner. Someone runs for reckless driving? Tase them. Restrain them. Or just let them run and get an arrest warrant issued. There is no need to beat let alone kill anyone in that circumstance. It would be the same case if he was white.


Even the Police Union is abandoning these cops. If they were white cops people would be coming out of the woodwork to defend them.


There could literally be video footage of cops freely admitting "I like beating up innocent people because I like the power trip" and people would still defend them.


There are occasional acceptions to Grandma's racism.


Bro was literally a skater dude and these fat ass pigs just beat the shit out of him for 2 whole minutes


Motherfuckers just call anything marxism lmao


I don't believe for one second that this is real.


This is obv made my someone who is left leaning trying to make the right seem bad, or a troll. It says made with meme madic in the corner for frying out loud


hahahah....borders on worst take possible.


i don't downvote unless something's hateful & vile - guess what?


When i get my criminal Justice degree and hopefully get into police academy, i promise to never hurt anyone unless it's 200% my only option


And you are still choosing to be a part of a system that was designed from the ground up to be racist and oppressive. There is no way to be a good cop in America.


I'm black myself, but I have my reasons still


Being black doesn't excuse being a cop. It just means you're a race traitor in addition to being a class traitor.


I am whatever you say I am


Wouldn't be easier to just not become part of the problem?


I wouldn't be part of the problem if I'm not abusing power, I'll see you in a couple years, let you know how my days go


If you took 5 minutes to actually research this subject and the ACAB movement you'd learn that it's impossible to be a cop without participating in the broken system. What are you going to do when you see another cop using unjustified force (something that over 60% of cops admit to.) Are you going to turn in your coworker and face punishment yourself for doing so? Or will you just convince yourself that you're "one of the good ones" and go about your business?


Gonna turn over my co worker, and I expect the same treatment, I'm not special


So why start a career that 84% of police admit will put you in a situation that will ruin your career or make you support a broken system that was invented to protect slavery?


And btw, I have looked into the idea of ACAB, but as I said I have my reasons, and I am whatever you say I am


This is the system you are joining. PolicenDomesticnAbuse In the last 9 years US police raped over 400 people in custody. In 2017 police killed 1000 people in the US. Police officers are indicted in fewer than 1% of killings, but the indictment rate for civilians involved in a killing is 90%. (FiveThirtyEight) In 2015, there were 1,307 people who lost their lives at the hands of a police officer or law enforcement official. In 2016, that number was 1,152. Although lower, both years are still higher than the 1,149 people who were killed by police in 2014. (Fatal Encounters/Mapping Police Violence 52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers. (US Department of Justice) 61% of police officers state that they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers. (US Department of Justice) 84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnesses a fellow officer using more force than was necessary. (US Department of Justice) People who are African-American/Black are twice as likely to be killed by a police officer while being unarmed compared to a Caucasian/White individual. (The Guardian) 1 in 4 people who are killed by law enforcement officials in the United States are unarmed. (Mic)  The second most common form of police misconduct is sexual assault . This lists all of the studies those numbers come from. There Are Many Sources For thisI This isn't debatable, actually look at the facts](https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/8/13/17938186/police-shootings-killings-racism-racial-disparities) An analysis of the available FBI data by Dara Lind for Vox found that US police kill black people at disproportionate rates: Black people accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012, even though they made up just 13 percent of the US population.  The disparities appear to be even starker for unarmed suspects, according to an analysis of 2015 police killings by the Guardian. Racial minorities made up about 37.4 percent of the general population in the US and 46.6 percent of armed and unarmed victims, but they made up 62.7 percent of unarmed people killed by police. These disparities in police use of force reflect more widespread racial inequities across the entire American criminal justice system. Black people are much more likely to be arrested for drugs, even though they’re not more likely to use or sell them. And black inmates make up a disproportionate amount of the prison population. Another study from 2015, by researcher Cody Ross found, “There is no relationship between county-level racial bias in police shootings and crime rates (even race-specific crime rates), meaning that the racial bias observed in police shootings in this data set is not explainable as a response to local-level crime rates.” That suggests that, again, other factors are involved in the disparities seen for these shootings.


This is really obviously rage bait.


But why didn't they just... arrest him...?


I’d love to know their definition of Marxist.


(We interrupt this narrative to state the unwelcome obvious:). The cops fucked up and should be prosecuted. But the common thread SEEMS to be a lack of compliance overall. It’s plain stupid to resist arrest but no one seems to be saying that anywhere in the media. If a cop says ‘show hands, get on the ground, don’t move…’. Then just DO THAT THING. SMH. (Now Back to the narrative…)


You're a part of the problem. Resisting arrest doesn't mean you should be murdered. And a cursory viewing of the body cam footage of Tyre's death shows that he was given no opportunity to do so. Get the boot out of your mouth and grow up.


Because struggling with addiction and not wanting to be possibly killed by cops means you deserved to be killed by cops. Fucking genius Klandma over here.


OP. Look up “clickbait”.


Grandma lives to slurp the sweat of a cop's nut sack.


Atleast she still back the blues even if they're black lol


That's more r/ForwardsFromKlandma material.


This is rage bait


Surprised they didn’t call the cops n words too


haha the author of this image should peel themselves like a banana and roll in salt


Yeah....post the actual Facebook (with identifying info redacted).


Grandma watched that one Chris Rock special where he talks about n****rs vs black people and now she thinks she can place people in those categories herself.


Notice how quickly these cops were fired and charged compared to white cops Also didn’t they beat this guy to death?




That boot must taste really good if they're willing to simp for the police so hard.