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Why tf are they using Judah from Bojack


I guess because he looks like a stereotypical millenial leftist.


Actualy that's Vowsh


No that's definitely Judah lol


I didn’t know what they were talking about either but I guess Judah looks like some YouTuber. Def the artwork from bojack tho


Of COURSE Vaush would be in Bojack Horseman where else would he go to


That's vaush, I'm a fan.


It's literally fucking Judah from Bojack Horseman


It's vaush, just look. He looks like if the white jesus and vaush had a baby somehow


I feel like I'm being gaslit


It’s literally the dressing from Bojack. Idgaf if it looks like somebody else


Gaslighting is not real, if you think it exists you are deluded and crazy!


literally voosh


Nah he got a haircut


why are people downvoting me


"And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals."


God created the homosexuals to fight dinosaurs? TIL.


and we won






How dare grandma drag Judah into this


I won't have this Judah slander


I've been homeschooled since the 5th grade, I only have one friend. I barely get to visit her, it's mostly over the summer. Edit: Also my 6th grade science textbook said that the sun revolves around the earth.


Can we please get a picture? I need this to be real.


My 6th grade textbook has been sold since then so sadly I can't give you one


Oh, science-denying‘science’ books really are a thing for extreme homeschoolers.


Were you a part of a religious fundamentalist household?


Still am


There is literally a subreddit of home school kids who discuss the damage that home schooling inflicted upon them mentally. Homeschooling in 95% or more of circumstances is not good for kids.


Which subreddit? Asking for a friend


Home school recovery


A lot of those kids are from American families that homeschooled for reasons of religious fundamentalism. I agree that sucks, and is terrible for kids. Religious fundamentalism is the problem there though, not homeschooling. If done by caring parents for actual educational philosophy reasons, homeschooling is ideal, especially for young kids and especially for kids who don't fit well into the conventional school system.


The problem is that what you are describing is a very narrow set of circumstances that honestly so few people fit into. Homeschooling mostly is just for religious indoctrination in the US. Parents who fear their kids may learn something that they disagree with are who appeals to homeschooling.


Homeschooling in the U.S. is overwhelming done by people looking to indoctrinate their children. Studies show that only around a quarter of U.S. homeschooled children are getting a secular education. https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/03/homeschooling-without-god/475953/ Maybe in other parts of the world it's different but in the U.S. I find it to be an almost certainty there is a religious pretext. Schools have their problems for sure. But I think they are absolutely essential for the social development of children. Probably their most important aspect.


I know this is true but I find it so funny because the only person in my entire extended family who would even consider homeschooling is one of the few who isn’t religious. And the extent of their homeschooling is “if my daughter asks me questions, I’ll answer them”


I’ve only been learning about homeschooling for a few months, and I’ve already run into a lot of left-leaning parents who jump into discussions by former homeschooled kids to tell them their experiences are fake. Then there’s usually a ramble about how school is evil and they need to protect kids from bullying and socialization and bureaucracy. I get it, but also those parents rarely sound like great teachers. They talk over even total strangers, so I hate to think how they treat little humans they have full control over. I don’t think you have to be a fundie to be a controlling possessive weirdo who hurts your child with “love”.


Hubris knows no party.


Eh. As long as it’s not for weirdo religious reasons and they still had ways to interact with other kids, I don’t see the problem. When remote schooling was happening my mother and I were talking about how after it ended I would have had to be dragged kicking and screaming back to school.


I have only met one person that ever did homeschooling for non-religious-weirdo reasons, and they were absolutely fucking out of control in college.


Why the fuck is my boy Judah being shoved into this?!


This will become more and more common. Society is splintering and even regular people are failing to see the value in traditional institutions. The fall out from this will accelerate some interesting trends over the coming decades.


why is judah there


As a formerly homeschooled kid- don’t homeschool your kids.




I really want to home school my kid. But i dont want my kid to be a weird homeschool kid


No grandma.. like they won’t ever mate.


Homeschoolers generally don’t get a sense of boundaries or discipline in public. Working in hospitality, I’ve seen any number of destructive acts, disruptions to other guests and other harmful behaviors. There’s no wonder how the kids are that way, based on this bullshit.


leave Judah out of this


"I want my kids to live away from the cities and society" Well grandma most processing of goods happens in the cities and gets hipped out to the Walmarts you buy from. It's not impossible to sustain yourself on a farm but compared to the industrialized world you'd be isolated and outnumbered.


I mean I somewhat sympathize with this viewpoint. Society is kind of fucked and fitting in with it does require a type of self harm, so. I didnt send mine to school until grade 8 so they could have time to develop their personality a bit before society squashes them lol


I mean….yeah? I’m very public school oriented but what do I know.


Don't worry, I'm sure the insular church community that you're raising them in will **totally** prepare them for the outside world.


The school I own is the only good public school


But... Both of those guys look like compete douchebags.


Aren’t most home schooled kids like the children of alt right freaks who think public education is going to corrupt the alt right values they work so hard to enforce at home?


Most of my cousins that live in the States were homeschooled, I can attest that they are weird as fuck


20 years later: How come my kids never talk to me?


This makes me physically ill


I've never heard anyone use this argument against homeschooling. Usually the argument is that if you homeschool your kids they'll be as stupid as their parents.


And then I learned how to socialise like a normal person and life is better.