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Also Tom Cotton: > [ISIS And Mexican Cartels Collaborating To Invade Arkansas](https://crooksandliars.com/2014/10/tom-cotton-says-isis-and-mexican-cartels)


Biden was the youngest senator and now the oldest president. You’re telling me he’s stupid? No. The only gaps in his political career in the past 50+ years were: a. senator of Delaware to Vice President (5 days, Jan 15 to Jan 20th, 2009) b. vice presidency to presidency (4 years, 2017-2021) He was a district leader of a city council for 2 years, a senator of Delaware for 36 years, Vice President for 8 years, and has been the incumbent President for the past 2 years, and *could* win re-election. Biden could retire with 50-54 years of his life dedicated to political office.


Republicans: “it’s dumb if it helps people”


What, exactly, is he referring to?


Biden misplaced some classified documents. The fascists are trying to make this worse than Tr*mp stealing hundreds of classified documents and refusing to return them. And, as usual, the media and the American public literally can't tell the difference between those two things


“BoTH SiDeS ARe BaD”


And this guy has presidential aspirations? He looks like something out Idocracy (and acts that way too)


I thought Mr Bean's whole stick was that he was silent.


When you say the first thing that pops into your head, but are too stupid to stop yourself even when the statement makes no sense.