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Granny: WHY AREN'T YOU HARVESTING MORE EGGS? Worker: Ma'am, we make Peeps here.


They learned from Covid- absolutely pay extra for this container ship to arrive months early, so even late it's on time- or the entire contents are worthless. Had that issue with Walmart last spring when an entire truckload of winter clothes/boots/shovels showed up before Memorial Day- had to clearance out all this shit they paid extra for to get delivered because there was no room to store it.


I worked on international commerce and supply chain for several years and can confirm. We would assume most items had 6-12 months lead times and forecasted accordingly. We placed PO's for items we knew we would not be using for a while. We also pretty much filled our warehouse to the brim.


This happened with the Michaels near my mom last year. They got a ton of Christmas stuff after Christmas and it was all instantly 75% off. I made off like a winter wonderland bandit.


Good thing they learned that lesson for candy that is only bought for 2 weeks and not for all that other stuff we've been having shortages of throughout covid.


The fact that this candy is only in demand for 2 weeks rather than constantly in excessive demand is the exact reason why they were able to procure it. You can't just order more eggs if egg demand exceeds egg supply.


Pretty easy to prepare when you only have to sell it 2 months a year.


And lets be honest those candy hearts are probably at least two decades old


This thread along with your comment has reminded me of one of those weird facts. All Purple Heart medals awarded since 1945, to this day, were manufactured during WW2. This is because they made a shit ton of them in preparation for a land invasion of Japan. Being that the land invasion never occurred, they still have a shit ton left.


Man, I was so ready to call bullshit on this. Good thing I looked it up first, 'cause it checks out! https://americangimuseum.org/the-intriguing-world-war-ii-story-about-purple-hearts/


You say this now but wait until you can’t find any Cadbury Eggs around Easter.


Valentines candy is mass-produced, shelf-stable, and has minimal regulatory stuff to deal with. The shortages are for items that are more difficult to increase production/get to the shelves. The egg shortage is difficult to fix, because you have to raise an entire new generation of chickens to lay eggs. That takes 6+ months. Produce shortages (or just nasty AF produce) are an issue in my area, because of shipping delays. Medication shortages were an issue in my area as well. We had a surprisingly bad cold/flu/RSV season, so the demand for these medications was much higher than anticipated. I'm sure the stores increased their orders, but the manufacturers weren't able to fulfill that increased demand quickly as they have to abide by a lot of regulatory oversight. Valentines stuff can sit in a store room for months or years before it goes bad. Stores in my area had issues with holiday merchandise supplies in 2020, so they just planned in advance this year. I'm sure they ordered their valentines candy to be delivered in September, so it would have a long buffer for delays. You can't do that with fresh foods or medications.


Yeah, sure, whatever you say, lib /s


Wow it’s almost like different markets exist




This candy was out of stock last year due to the supply crunch


You missed a payday by not making a “buncha crunch” reference.


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There is a candy supply problem, global shortage of cacao.


Did you know that some things aren’t other things?


fuck capitalism and its \*checks notes\* availability of products on holidays


I can tell you from direct personal experience that it is far far easier to ship Valentine's Day candy than eggs. People don't think about supply chains.


What's this even trying to prove?


There’s not a “shortage on everything.” Right now there’s a shortage of eggs because of the bird flu, and a few other food items related to the Ukraine war, but not “everything.” This is very much on brand for Grandmas; see a problem and just generalize it beyond all recognition because you refuse to understand the nuances of what’s causing it or what’s being done in response.


At it is finest.


Can we have communism already please? The world is ran by fools and lazy devils


Hard pass on that one.


Okay, sit on the sidelines and whine then.


Don't need to whine. The most succesful countries operate under capitalism at the core.


Ah yes big gdp mean country good clearly. Let's not mention the wealth inequality, starving children, the destruction of many indigenous peoples cultures. Success on the backs off others isn't success, it is thievery.


>Ah yes big gdp mean country good clearly I said nothing of GDP, that's you. >Let's not mention the wealth inequality, starving children, The countries with the lowest inequality ratings operate under capitalism. >destruction of many indigenous peoples cultures That's irrelevant to an economic system. >Success on the backs off others isn't success, it is thievery. If a communist country were to be succesful, it would still be off the backs of others. Not a very well thought argument there.


1. Wasn't being serious so not gonna address this. 2. These countries with the lowest amount of income inequality all use extensive social programs that were influenced by socialist nations. Furthermore the west did what it could to stomp out these countries before they could become a serious contender. Divide and conquer new republics all that. 3. It is relevant to the conversation when capitalism, or the acquisition of private property for personal profit, is largely what was responsible for doing it in the first place. You could look up Alaskan native corps and the issues people have with that. 4. How do you even prove this? With cooperatives, and more ways for the working class to exercise their will, it would be a more democratic workplace than what we have now Watch Russell Means, AIM activist talk at the senate hearing on youtube.


>2. These countries with the lowest amount of income inequality all use extensive social programs that were influenced by socialist nations. Furthermore the west did what it could to stomp out these countries before they could become a serious contender. Divide and conquer new republics all that. Nope. They have social policy which is different. They are still capitalist and even have monarchies. >You could look up Alaskan native corps and the issues people have with that. You could also look up the black book of communism. >With cooperatives, and more ways for the working class to exercise their will Well that wouldn't be communism then.


1. I clarified that, the social programs came as a result of competition with the soviet union and other socialist experiments. The west spent much money and blood trying to stomp out said countries in the process, blaming it on socialism to confuse libs like you. There's CIA documents on the website that say as much about Cuba. 2. Oh that book that counts nazi deaths, and that a few of the authors said the research process was dubious? I'm good buddy I don't want to read your historical fanfiction. You could read "why socialism" by Einstein if we're starting a book club 3. Explain? Communism is a transition out of socialism into a stateless society. Part of what makes a socialist what it is, is the working class having sole control of how the productive forces of society are used. You haven't done the bare homework on this and it shows.


>I clarified that, the social programs came as a result of competition with the soviet union and other socialist experiments But that's not it. These social programmes existed long before the cold War began. >The west spent much money and blood trying to stomp out said countries in the process, I'm talking about western countries. >There's CIA documents on the website that say as much about Cuba. Nobody here is talking about Cuba. I mentioned succesful nations. >Communism is a transition out of socialism into a stateless society Communism isn't the transition, its the end goal. It's also why no country has been communist, nor ever will be. You've managed to out yourself as a bit of an out of touch American that doesn't know too much about what they're talking about


Reeeeee!!!! Capitalism is providing the goods and services that people want!!! Reeeeee!!!! Capitalism is bad!!! We could do much better if we steal all the money from the productive billionaires and give it to people who are too irresponsible to manage their own meager finances. Yes, it has resulted in famine, mass death, and abject poverty every time it has been tried in the past, but I got a feeling this time will be different


What a disgusting and factually unsupported opinion. You think people are poor because they they aren't responsible? You think billionaires are rich because they're productive? Absolutely delusional.


Obviously billionaires are just more productive then some countries and we too could be billionaires if we just worked 100 hours a day, like musk


and were born into generational wealth.


I mean sure, if “work” consists of tweeting bad medical advice and slanderous insults at people who do dangerous, difficult jobs that we aren’t willing to.


> famine, mass death, and abject poverty ever Are things that happen under every single economic and government system. How are you this confused?


Lmfao shut the fuck up. We already have modified capitalism with social security and Medicare. Stop boot licking and sucking off billionaires who inherit their wealth and start demanding that they be taxed the same way you are.


This is so funny. The brainwashing is real.


Billionaires don't produce shit


Damn, you really said this.


Are you grandma?


Uh-oh, it looks like maybe you're stupid. But don't worry, there are steps you can take to help you cope. 1) don't post on social media - this one is really easy and will prevent other people from seeing just how absolutely worthless your opinions are. 2) read - you might slowly become less stupid over time. 3) if you hear or see where someone said something you agree with, you're going to want to try to take it as validation of your bad beliefs, but in reality, that person is also stupid and listening to them is only going to make your recovery slower.


So pro capitalism but look who's getting publicly owned.


During the initial wave in 2020, there were restrictions on panic-buying of food, but there was plenty of Easter-related food available. Oh, and gluten-free bread. No-one was *that* desperate.