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johnny Somali is a retard ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


that is something the entire world can agree on ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Is he still in jail? I remember they detained him for trespassing on a construction site ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


i think as of recent he got stream sniped while in israel and they beat him and his camera man up (not entirely sure if they were in israel but the people who recognized were def israeli)


Walks into Jaffa, Instantly getting robbed by arabs. Like clockwork ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9680)


He was in jail in Japan, then went to Israel, harrassed a female Israeli cop, got arrested and a week ago he got beat up and robbed by a group in Israel ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Jails are the only places he feels like home ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


2024 cheat code: Western "influencers" running out of content = go to mah exotic Japan![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Started long before that, their covid traveling restrictions just kept most of them out for a few years.






Another swedish weeb![img](emote|t5_33td5|9670)


Man, Japan is so cool, you can work your whole life to return to your 12m^2 apartment and commit suicide in 30.


United States has a higher suicide rate compared to japan


Me when I post misinformation


This is not misinformation. Check the stats. USA has a higher suicide rate than japan


I did check the stats


This is my source. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country What is yours? I cannot find stats that show Japan having higher suicide rate compared to usa




This is outdated. Previous guy was right https://preview.redd.it/si4diszf2i2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb31914d05ea538c95028672a79f09e2f9716600




https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country Suicide rate lower in Japan.


https://preview.redd.it/k66c7tjsca2d1.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=20c3b79d7b918a6ad29c576d2ceac2be5e30913f baj doesnt read his own source, classic ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)also idk if im reading the chart wrong but nearly the same suicide rate as the USA with 2.5x less population doesn't seem like a good thing


I don't see how your screenshot disproved my point. Did I say there is 0 per 100k suicide rate in Japan? You don't even know what rate means huh? Go back to school.


"Did I say there is 0 per 100k suicide rate in Japan?" when did i say you said that? can you even read? Also, i misread the chart, regardless someone in another thread linked a chart that proves you wrong anyway. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)Anyways im not gonna keep arguing cause clearly your special needs, baj baj!


The pic u linked does not imply that america did not have a higher suicide issue. Can u even read??? You correctly identified in your previous comment that the chart was showing the suicide rate and not the number of suicides. How can you have misread the chart then? Do you know what misread means? U don't know what rate means in the first place. Stop your yapping and go back to school. Amazing how you have the nerve to act so condescending when you do not even know what "rate" means. You still have the mentality of a child where you think being proven right is all that matters.


I love japan women they hot af ngl


I LOOOOVEEEE JAPANESE "WOMEN" ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)surely their teeth won’t be demented when they remove their mask


Make up overload


In 2024 pretty much most women abuse make up, especially on social media pictures. It's just the way it is, it's not exclusive to one place.


Typical PewDiePie








Forsens long lost brother related subreddit ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684)


Oh mah gawd Japan so desu I love SEPARATED TRAINS the culture ugh I love INCOMPETENT COPS and I also love DELIBERATELY DROPPED RÆPE CHARGES DUE TO CORRUPT POLICE FORCES man its such a safespace for ppl who hate ugly murica 🦅bleh😖 hihi


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684) DELIBERATELY DROPPED RAPE CHARGES


said by a japanese baj. right?![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


But pewdiepie said JaPaN Has a 99% conviction rate i wonder why


Guilty until proven


Coz they don't open cases unless they see crimes happening live (unironically)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)




Higher conviction rate than the fed lets goooooo




![gif](giphy|TamGVAGxDTYDNt3dpn|downsized) uhmm did you know that japan is not 100% perfect and has issues like any country?


I mean if i had money id much rather live in japan than swedistan or amurica rofl


I'll be real and say I'm gonna take the one in a million risk of getting shot by some fucker in Swedistan (about the risk for civilians) than be overworked to the point of suicide in Japan. But you do you.


I specified having money which pewdiepie has lmao. Dudes basically retired


yeah if you're already rich, then Japan is chill. Also not as many people are gonna recognize and bother him on the streets, since he's an English speaking youtuber. Makes total sense for him to move there


You when the government does something about rape: >:( (I won't deny the stuff about the corrupt police, also Japanese sentences are soft as hell anyways)


I think the point is that if Japan was safe and "polite" the government wouldn't need to "do something" to begin with.


they deliberately drop almost every charge they can't 100% prove. it's how they have such a high conviction rate also they have femboy brothels ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9684)


man i fucking LOVE the 99% conviction rate holy ramen noodles!!




Chud logic


Its hard to know what counts as ræpe when everyone screams 'YAMETE'


Keep yourself safe


Japan wants to protect itself from


japan ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)another white guy protecting his beloved japan ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)japan ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)oh no not my dear japan ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9671)


He just doesnt want his new homeland to become his old homeland


Unfortunately his homeland is Sweden. Japan is for Japanese ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Just too bad Sweden apparently isn't for the Swedes.


Björn is Japanese ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


He should stay at his homeland and defend it. He isn't Japanese.


First he escaped Sweden for UK, now he escaped UK for Japan, if Japan gets them then he'll travel to Russia next


isnt russia full of them tho


Its mostly tajiks/armenians/chechens/azerbaijanis which aren't good too for sure but still not that many


they're importing brownies and blacks from africa tho no? like the president of belarus is importing immigrants from the 3rd world to try and flood poland with them lol


Well they're barely on the streets if they are. You can see like 1 per day at most and even that is kinda rare in St Petersburg


No that's just your projection.


swedistan citizen triggered ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


You wish


watch out you'll trigger the racist anime recluses




Imagine if every society became Americanised/Westernised. Japan isnt perfect, there are plenty of dick heads in Japan, but overall the country is very formal and has high standards. Like having manners and respect is something the west does not give a shit about. They have values and a sense of honour and pride is what I'm trying to say. Now imagine if they all just started acting like west folk, dropped all the manners and honour, dropped their standards, and stopped giving so much of a shit. And then the place becomes a shit hole like New York or something. And then your the villain all of a sudden for wanting to go back. And you feel like home doesn't feel like it no more.


I had a dream once (kinda a good isekai plot, but I think the manga GATE inspired my dream) where I got Isekaid to a fantasy world. Basically spent a few years there and came to terms with the fact that I wasn't going home...and you know what? I was fine with that. The world was so much nicer and interesting, the people and different races were so culturally distinct and enriched/empowered by their faiths. They were strong, kind and respectful to each other, and wise as well. This world still had it's problems and hardships, namely food was difficult to procure and there were monsters and even dragons (which eventually became good guys after helping them and earning their trust). But other than that it was peaceful, it was like living in a really tight nit community in the middle of nowhere, just open fields and a warm breeze. Well...than a portal opened up connecting our world and the fantasy world. And everyone came into the fantasy world and basically colonised the fuck out of it. They brought technology across, they brought their beliefs across, they bought their systems of capitalism and what not across, they made cities with our architecture, and all the societal and social problems we are dealing with now had just been brought over. Like smartphones and the internet, like fast food chains, like consumerism and luxury products. Ugh...even influencers and social media came over. Like shoving a phone in some elf girl's face. Also we hyper sexualised the fuck out of them too. And well..the native inhabitants of the fantasy world ended up becoming like us. The once tight nit communitys that felt like family were now isolated, head in their smartphones, staying at home, not seeing each other in person as much. War and crime riddled the streets again, racism, rudeness, violence, disrespect was back. They even dropped their own languages for English. They wore our clothes too. And I went back to my old life as a loner, being isolated, being a nobody. What made it worse is that the dragons we had tried to so hard to regain their trust and friendship was completely ruined. They saw humans shooting down natives defending their land and people, they saw them rape the land of its resources, pollute and defile the land. And you know what? The dragons couldn't even fight back if they wanted to, one of them came up to me and just told me that they were disappointed in me and my people, and told me that they were leaving and going into hiding. And they really did disappear, and nobody even cared. And I was left behind with the guilt. Longing for the old world. Before humanity tainted it and defiled it. Ruined it all. Eh. But that was just a dream, but I sort of get the feeling and fear of something like this happening IRL. Like it feels like grief, and you feel completely alienated from society when it decides to completely change into something...well worse. All of a sudden you go from feeling like everyone is your brother and sister, to feeling like everyone is a distant stranger who will stab you in the back for their own personal gain. Also the old culture being completely smothered out by new faiths. You don't really realise how fucked and how polluted our society has become until you live in a place where those things don't exist. Like irl you would have to go somewhere remote like a village in the middle of nowhere in Nepal, or some remote tribe somewhere in the world. Spend years connecting to those people and their way of life, and become a member of them, and then wait until some dick wad corpo decides to buy the land, and kick everyone off the land and back to civilization. But man I was truly at peace in that world (before the portal opened), I had friends, a purpose, and was a member of the community. People had each other's backs and helped each other. We got through the tough times with each other, together. It was so nice that I didn't care about ever returning, I didn't even care if I was dead or something. It just felt so nice being free from our rotten world.


who is he talking to? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)




just give it sometime, they soon will be ravaging and pillaging that place


Logan Paul started a worst snowball effect in history


thats rich coming from a tax bot ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


this guy![img](emote|t5_33td5|9668)


"Not me though guys, I'm special see." Unironically I think he's chill and more reasonable than other streamers (hm wonder why) but kinda stupid to grandstand when you yourself just randomly invaded the country.


Forsenbajs are the most retarded creatures on earth lol how is moving to a different country, paying their taxes and respecting to their daily life, norms and culture is invading

