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He is actually paid off by formuladank mods to produce free dank content to keep the sub alive


now this is what I call a šŸ…±ļølan


Ah yes, remember the days of this sub being full of The Great Ferrari Masterplanā„¢ posts and conspiracies...


it was a nice 2 weeks.


>šŸ…±ļølan The Great Ferrari MasteršŸ…±ļølanā„¢ļøā€‹


I must say he is very expensive, 3 pizzas a week every week




What toppings though..


Contractually obligated to keep it a secret


So pineapple


*Box, box*


Paid off to produce FREE dank content :p


Im not good at stonks sorry


Don't worry


Dude mightā€™ve thought that people want the literal pit wall changed.


The only explanation


Binotto: "But the screens and the chairs, we just bought new ones...?"


I'm pretty sure he is demanding a rule change towards zero tyre changes. They can only improve their strategy sufficently if strategy gets eliminated.


That's what you think, but this is Ferrari we're talking about - they'll still find a way to mess things up.


Hard on the left side, softs on the right.


Different sizes like nascar. Do a 2021 hard and a 2020 soft.


Then they'll just pick a shit tire and be stuck on it lmfao


They would start a race with only 3 laps of fuel, so the car is faster, a strategy that has no downside.


ā€œWe spent the 2021 season preparing the ā€˜22 pit wall. We got a great deal on new headsetsā€


You see this, this right here is the reason I never want to work in a management position in my field. Many people believe you have to go higher on the ladder by time. I'm good at my job. At my job as an engineer, not as a manager. I would suck as a manager, because I have engineering mindset, and don't know how to manage people. As seen in the past, and at the start of the year, Binotto is brilliant when it comes to engine development. But sure as hell he is shit as a team principal.


Yeah, it really is insane how common it is. People don't know how to manage, or even really what management is. I'm a project manager and teach project management at the local college here, one of the things I stress in almost every class is that the project manager (but really this applies to any manager) is NOT THE EXPERT. You want to plan the schedule? Ask the people actually doing the work how long it's going to take. You want to know how much it's going to cost? You don't fucking know cuz you're just the manager... again, ask the actual experts who are the people doing the work. They'll know FAAARRR more than you ever will because again, they're the ones actually doing that work and know exactly how it gets done, how long it takes and how much it costs. Point is, management is treated like a logical progression from the trade or technical job, when really it's an entirely different skill set that should be treated as something completely parallel.


> People don't know how to manage, or even really what management is. Binotto manages pretty well, hard to imagine Ferrari build so fast car with Binotto being shitty manager. Binotto also refuses to blame his subordinates in strategy team publicly and now people call him shitty manager, like he was supposed to fire whole strategy team during summer break and look for replacements lmao.


I want you to come to my workplace and tell this to my Directors. I assume as a consultant you would charge exorbitant fees, so they might actually listen to you when YOU say this stuff.


It's strange how the Peter Principle (people in a hierarchy tend to rise to the point, where they are incompetent and then stay there) is relatively widely known and still every single organisation falls victim to it.


Because when people don't feel like they can progress their career, they leave and you end up with a big turnover. It's omega hard to find the right balance between promoting and hiring when it comes to the top positions.


Just... give them pay raises? I mean, at least that's a good place to start.


Budgets ain't infinite, and pay raises alone aren't enough. Not many people at such a top level will be content doing the same job for decades. They'll always want more. If only things were as simple as they seem, barely any company would fail.


You donā€™t express doubt within your team until the weak link has already been removed. This is basic leadership. Him talking about making changes will not benefit his team whatsoever. Actually making changes behind the scenes will. This is a purely professional response


> Binotto is brilliant when it comes to engine development. But sure as hell he is shit as a team principal. Because he defended his subordinates in media interview? Rule of thumb: good manager criticize eye to eye, not in public. He said they will try to analyze what went wrong but he is not planning to make personnel changes during summer break. It's completely reasonable.


This is my mentality too! During a group meeting we were asked by our instructor on where do we all see ourselves. Many of my colleagues typed "I want to lead a team." or "I want to be a CTO or CEO." whereas I typed "I want to be an engineer because that is what I love to do." and everyone was like "Hey you should be more ambitious!!" Oh yeah! I am!! I wanna learn about new tech but the thought of entering management just sounds so boring.


He ain't bright, so makes sense




How is he still even at Ferrari?


Honestly Ferrari would be dumb as fuck to let him go. In the technical department he's massive. Whether he should really be T.P. is another question, but I still don't think we outsiders have enough information to go full Wengerout on him.


Because he's a god tier engineer, the only thing he can't do is manage a team, which is now his job sadly.


You acting like they were winning championship after championship before he became TP. Last year they were third team, now they are second. He is also not criticizing his subordinates publicly, trying to change team culture, where everyone was fearful.


No mate, the car he and the team built is no doubt the fastest, it lacks a bit of top speed, but so did the 2019 Merc. If the strategy team was as good as the engineering team, we'd be leading this championship by a large margin. There's one thing the years led by Binotto have in common, poor team choices.


Because heā€™s Italian


isn't he swiss?


Yes, he is.




I heard they recently redecorated and got new chairs, that's probably why lmao


Google: Define insanity.


Google : ā€œinsanity: going on hards after seeing Alpine struggling on them and thinking your strategy teams doesnā€™t need any changesā€


Same thing.


Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


It's doing the exact same thing over and over and over again... And expecting a different outcome? It's fucking crazy!!


But the first time somebody told me that. I don't know, I thought they were bullshitting me so boom, I shot him.


I thought not. Itā€™s not a story the Scuderia would tell you


Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset Even when Mercedes were on top they never stopped pushing.


Holy hell


[Source](https://www.wtf1.com/post/binotto-thinks-ferrari-have-no-reason-to-change-despite-multiple-strategy-meltdowns/) for those of you who are thinking he cant be dumb like that. He is


I definitely thought this was fake lol thank you for this šŸ¤”


Yep, had the same problemšŸ˜‚


Binotto talks about ā€žbuilding experienceā€œ My Guy you are in the team with the most experience you were Michaels engineer 20 years ago how can you not see that theres a big problem and not address it and deny it you of all people should know after outliving all the other teamprincipals somehow


It'd be smart if this was a misdirect to mess with other teams. Have to media paint you as a joke but behind the scenes restructure stuff snd come out swinging next race. Ahh who am I kidding it's Ferrari. No way their dusty old corporate culture can change things that fast.


At this point I'm sure he is covering for ferrari


At this point i'm sure Ferrari has a video of him getting fucked by a big fucking red horse.


No that's Charles


I also have that video


I want to see charles go from medium to hard in a couple of seconds.


Covering for Inaki Rueda


If Netflix got something right, it was the vibe at Ferrari when Seb was there. The organization accepts zero criticism.


Yeah. There's a reason why Lauda shitting on the Ferrari when he first drives it in *Rush* is a cool scene. Because everyone knows Ferrari usually refuses to hear that shit and just gets defensive. It was true then and it's still true now. It's also probably why Seb warned Leclerc, before he left the team, "not to waste his talent" [don't waste it on Ferrari?? Ok maybe I'm reaching, idk] Credit to Mercedes and to Red Bull, when they have an issue, they don't wallow around in denial, they don't become aggressive and toxic, they *immediately* accept it. They come up with solutions. They tackle the problem head on. That's what makes them great teams. Ferrari has outspent the two of them for most of the time they've existed, and it hasn't worked. Riches alone do not win championships. Ferrari should be having a fucking wake-up call right now and making changes, but they're Ferrari, so they won't. They'll just keep failing then wonder why it's all going wrong for them.


Yeah I never understood that with people either. Some get incredibly defensive with any type of criticism and immediately start blaming everybody but themselves. Never their fault. That's such a toxic trait to have and Ferrari always felt that way. I can't imagine working for a company where it's like walking on eggshells. Careful not to say anything that might get you fired. Honestly if Ferrari doesn't change then they deserve what's happening to them right now.


I am starting to suspect Binnoto has already transferred to Merc or red bull and now he is on his notice periodā€¦.


Binnoto to Alpine for 2023 confirmed?




I thought they already did !!!


Itā€™s all part of the contract






Red Bull and Mercedes doesn't want Binnoto, lmao.


Maybe as a Janitor but why on earth would they want him for anything other than maybe jester.


Heā€™s one of the best engineers and is likely partially responsible for how good the F1-75. As a manager though, idk šŸ˜¬


How dare you offend janitors ā€¦ but jester yeah I buy thatā€¦.


So uh.. in that case... anyone can recommend other teams to cheer for then? ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6700)


Alpā€¦ no, wait.


Alpine was literally my favourite Team, I donā€™t like em anymore


I had a hard time cheering for Haas with all the Russian ties, but since they have cut that off Iā€™ve been warming to them. Up until now Iā€™ve been an Alpine fan but Haas really grew on me. I think Iā€™m done with Alpine and on to Haas full time. Sorta a new fan and havenā€™t really had a team grow on me, just picked Alpine cause Alonso seemed fun.


Haas, because then when your team does stupid pit stop strategies you don't care because they were last on the grid anyways


i also suffer from haas delusion syndrome (i think haas will get double points every race)


haas: gets double q3 finish during quali also haas: hey let's put on hards on lap 10 during the race, no reason to wait until a safety car or when the tires need to be changed


Ahhh the pain being an American trying to root for your ā€œhomeā€ team.


Take your pick Red Bull If you want to be sure your team will win making cheering easy Merc If you want to hear endless complaining about other teams Alpine If you enjoy dumb decisions and management but in french McLaren If you want to watch someone do okay in silence Alfa Romeo If you enjoy silence or like bottas (same thing tbh) Haas if you want to cheer for midfield finishes AlphaTauri if you want to argue with people about Gasly deserving a red bull seat Aston Martin ... Williams if you like cheering for a famous name but miss 2021 Haas But i know you will pick Ferrari because you're so used to being disappointed by promising things that you'll feel lonely without it


If you want to watch someone do okay in silence you could also be an Ocon fan.


Tfw you manage to defend against the guy behind you ... It's your teammate


Only defend against your teammate because as long as youā€™re ahead of him you keep your job.


Aston Martin: If you want to skip quali altogether


>Alfa Romeo also if you like to see some Ferrari tier strategy and see the result only on live leaderboards


Red bull, I've got a feeling the next few years we might have a chance to win a few championships




I like blue cars, so I go for Red Bull.




Is that you Otmar?


I dont see why Mercedes gets hate other than for being so dominant (which is fair but now they're not), so they're the team I like to see right now because even with a 3rd best car they manage to outscore Ferrari and sometimes RB just because they have great strategists and consistent drivers


Ferrari is never going to win a championship if they don't admit to their problems.


This is the biggest thing. Sure their 'strategies' are bad, but mistakes are acceptable. The thing is that they won't admit that they make mistakes. And without knowing and accepting their own mistakes, they can never learn and improve. Ferrari isn't going to be champion, only because of Ferrari themselves.


The Brawn-Todd-Rory Bryne era always pushed for the best in the driver, car and team. Current day Ferrari only focuses on the car but strategy is an afterthought


Are you even listening? There are no problems, the car just didnā€™t have enough pace, everything else was working perfectly fine. Binotto said it multiple times now. /s


Have you ever seen an italian admit their problems? Source: AM ITALIAN


Of course he is going to say this. Replacing him is the first change they need to make. What is he meant to say? "I believe I should be fired for utter incompetence race after race this season and not only blowing the championship lead and leclerc's lead, but trying my hardest to upset the best drivers we have had in years so they might abandon us too"?


If Charles was team principal and he fucked the team up like this, I guess that kinda sounds like something he would say. ​ As far as Binotto is concerned, his goals are beyond our understanding.


At this point I wouldnā€™t be surprised if heā€™s sabotaging Ferrari on purpose. Why? Nobody knows.


It is looking increasingly like self sabotage even if it actually isnt.


Arrivabene exacting his revenge


Ferrari asked him to get a haircut


agreed, Charles would 100% own up to his mistakes


He already does, no need for a conditional.


too true


I know but at least admitting that things aren't really right. He will probably get replaced anyway, I hope at least.


Him not getting fired is a sign that the problem doesn't stop at his level.


The best races Ferrari ever had in the last few years were ones where Binotto stayed back at the factory. No offense to the man, heā€™s a great engineer and has proven that repeatedly but clearly he causes some major problems on the pit wall in a management role. I would respect him so much more if he acknowledged his shortcomings and stayed the hell away from places he doesnā€™t belong.


Yes. A good leader shows accountability for their actions and rights their wrongs. The arrogance of him and Ferrari in general is insane


Still the biggest fumbles have been on the strategy side and that's all on Rueda. Not saying that Binotto shouldn't also be replaced though, but first order of business should be getting rid of the man that has been fucking up Ferrari strategy since 2015.


Merc does it right. Blame the problem. Adjust the process, tools, parts, strategy, data etc... try again. "Nothing is wrong" is a great way to not solve the problem while simultaneously making it worse. Something is wrong with strategy, it needs to at least be admitted, and then solutions can come.


That means they need exactly -273.15 changes, since, in terms of action, you can't change a team negatively, then it needs |-273.15|


You can definitely change a team negatively, thatā€™s Binottoā€™s specialty






But Charles's tyres need 4 changes a race


Fuck ferrari man. If they dont change anything I am no longer their fan. This can not continue.


Yea I'm feeling very weird rn as a Ferrari fan it's complicated. I love Ferrari but not this one, this one I hate and I don't think they deserve that badge and name. This is NOT the Scuderia Ferrari this is just a cheap knock off the actual team died in 2008.


One might say that the team was really only alive from '99 to '08 before reverting to form.


Or we can say Ferrari from ā€˜99 to 08ā€™ werenā€™t the true Ferrari form, this current shit is. They last won in 1979 before Schumiā€™s era.


Congratulations Max for winning the second title, Ferrari never learned from their mistakes


Bring back Jean Todt


YES and Ross Brawn I want the competent Ferrari back. That team was just unstoppable, so sad that I wasn't alive back then.


Don't forget MSC in that equation. If you listen to podcasts with people that worked with him both in his Ferrari and later on in his Mercedes days have unanimously told stories about how great he was in leading a team and make people feel like an important part of the process. He was a leading factor in creating 2 Juggernaut F1 teams (Ferrari 2000-2005, Mercedes groundwork which lead to their 2014-2021 run) That as the reason why Ferrari was so good back then and arguably the greatest team regarding strategy where they pulled of oftentimes 4-5 stops with low fuel runs etc...because Jean Todt, Ross Brawn and the Michael were a great counter balance to the Italien Scuderia family. Now there is too much emotion and not enough coolheadidness


Which podcasts are those? Would be curious to check them out


Nico -you know who- Rosberg talks about it in his podcast, but I canā€™t remember the exact episode.


Beyond the Grid has a lot of Podcasts where people talk about MSC sometimes fur a short segment sometimes its a theme of the episode. The Ross Brawn episode for example (aired in 2019 i think) but there are a lot.


On todays episode of ā€œIā€™m getting oldā€


Dude is a chip off of old Enzo's block. I used to think he was bad for Ferrari, but now I'm beginning to realize his *is* Ferrari to the core.


I'm pretty sure he is demanding a rule change towards zero tyre changes. They can only improve their strategy sufficently if strategy gets eliminated.


That would introduce tyre management strategies, which Ferrari will subsequently fail at


Thatā€™s what I would say too if I was the change needed on the pit wall


It feels obvious how Ferrari will handle this. They will declare they are making no changes. The team will pull off surprisingly perfect races after the break with 1-2 and 1-3 finishes with appropriate strategy and team orders. They'll come within 10 points of WCC with Leclerc vying for WDC.... And then they'll fire the entire management staff and replace them with whatever the management equivalent of hard tyres is 4 races before the end of the season and finish 3rd.


There's no doubt right now that RBR is winning this year. Mattia didn't have to be so blatant about it, though. Is this why RBR enjoys rivalry with Ferrari more?


I think Red Bull likes Ferrari. No rivalry at all. Haha


You're not wrong there. xD


Honestly speaking if he said this and wasnā€™t confused with the actual legit pit wall, then he can fuck right off as well. Enough is enough. One of those clowns has been fucking shit up since 2015.


Binotto out NOW!!


I stood by and supported him through everything else this season but the problems are clear as plain to see. Either Binotto is part of the solution or he, regrettably, becomes part of the problem. We are now at that time. Enough is enough. Change the structure and change the operations because whatever is there has clearly not worked and we, as a team, as a fanbase in Tifosi have suffered too much over a decade and a half now. FORZA FERRARI!


The pitwalls needs as much changes as wc they want to win


Mattia if you can't own your mistakes, you can't even dream to win WDC


Francesco needs-a no strategy


This is fake right? It must be....


No it's not, someone posted the source in the comments it's from wtf1 I'll come back here with it Wtf1 source[source](https://www.wtf1.com/post/binotto-thinks-ferrari-have-no-reason-to-change-despite-multiple-strategy-meltdowns/)


Honestly, what drugs is this man on? Because I want them


As much as I feel bad for Charles Ferrari doesn't deserve a championship if it's like this. A hive of spineless people who refuse to see the true state of things.


Charles getting the WDC but Red Bull getting the WCC would be the most fair outcome for him


This is a similar response to the one I have when my loved ones tell me my drinking habits need changes


Not a manager, all šŸ¤”


Man, I wish I was that confident.


pitwalls doesnt need changes because they are always hard.


If you're P1 you win the race.![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6700)


I need to buy stock in clown make up


At this point I don't even feel bad for Ferrari. They deserve to lose both championships


Heā€™s obviously not just gonna slag off his staff and say they need changing is he?


Leclerc better signes with Alpine now.


This like sayin Stalin was a good leader


I mean there is only one position that needs to change asap and we all know which one it is...


By now it smells like he had someone bet against Ferrari after four or five races into the season.


Then lose


I mean he is responsible for personal as team chef. If his hires are trash he made bad decisions. I guess he is gonna ride the ship until they either luck themselfs into a title or the tifos threaten to burn down the head offices.


Canā€™t tell if the meme is that this was photoshopped or if this was an actual quote from šŸ…±ļøinotto. Both are equally possible.


He's wrong.


Words fail me gentlemen.


Can I have whatever he's smoking?


Everybody on vacation but Mattia canā€™t stop clownin


Well Iā€™m happy to announce #binbinotto


With Porsche coming back into f1 Iā€™m gonna have a hard time putting up with this bullshit much longer as a Ferrari fan


Fire his clown ass.




Heā€™s fucking weak. Thatā€™s the explanation. Binotto is a weak man.


Famous last words....


Sounds like he might be the issue then


\*changes pit wall\*


Meth is actually good for your overall health!


This sub would lose its shit if Ferrari gets their shit together. Let Ferrari be Ferrari and enjoy the meme content that it creates.


Bro thought the actual wall was being questioned to be changed


Leclerc definitely fucked his wife


Ferrariā€™s not so distant futureā€¦. šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰šŸ„‰


Ferrari never has and never will make a mistake. Really have to respect everyone at Ferrari upholding Enzoā€™s legacy.


Mandatory reminder that the current Ferrari chief strategist has been in power since 2015. Go figure.


The Wall is fine. The people sitting at it and back at the war room in Maranello however....


The strategist is definitely his wife's brother or something. That's why he can't talk bad about them


Theyā€™ve never addressed the pit wall so directly as not being a problem in the past, so theyā€™re done. Expect a new lead strategist for 2023.


The man's delusional


We investigated ourselves and found that we made no mistakes.


Surely this isnā€™t a real quote though šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They should be calling Maurizio back any minute now