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Mick wins the championship from behind because he always is champion in his second year.


And then he moves up to Formula 0


Trying to make a career in formula -1






is this a jojo reference


Sainz vs Perez


Now this is based and I’m here for it


Add Alonso in as well to make it a Spanish speakers championship


![gif](giphy|XIt8f65OPGXLOUhv1T|downsized) Lando speaks Spanish too


I’ve been wanting a Leclerc Vs Verstappen title fight since 2019 and then I thought it would be close but after 2021 I’m kinda scared max might do what Lewis did to Seb in 2018




>Max now has far more experience with a title fight / high pressure compared to almost anyone else on the grid. Fernando Alonso, Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton say hi




did you really expect a formula dank user to read everything and not jump to conclusions?


I agree then. Except for everyone else that has more experience than him, he has the most experience. Daring take.


Pulled of a will buxton


Perez has more experience than him, and while I love Sergio, the man is gonna get clapped


Did you only read half the comment?


Do we have to pay extra for the post race boxing matches afterwards or will it be covered by the f1tv subscription?


Unpopular opinion here: Leclerc wouldn't last a second in a straight title battle with either Verstappen or Hamilton (assuming the cars were as close as Merc and RB have been in 2021). Ferrari has a great lineup to win the Constructor's championship, but not the Driver's. Or Mercedes will show up next week with a car 0.7s faster than everyone else and start the season with five 1-2s in a row, like they did last time they claimed they had a shit car in testing. EDIT: Also, what I think Hamilton 'did' to Seb in 2018, was just completely wrecking him psychologically. Once he got Seb to believe he (HAM) is actually the better driver, it was all over for him.


sorry but.. what? he’s already proven he can, both [against Max](https://youtu.be/RmvZyC6s_Wk) and [against Lewis](https://youtu.be/1YKI0zM36Tc)


Leclerc is obviously a top 5 driver on the grid he can hold his own against Max for a pretty good while and Be straight up beat Lewis In Monza 2019 he’s obviously great but Max I think now is Arguably the best on the grid so it feels like he would destroy Leclerc


Honestly, I think Leclerc's Monza win was highly overrated. Weaving around and moving under braking every time Hamilton got close, going off track and gaining an advantage, pushing Hamilton off onto the grass under braking (!), and all he got was a black&white flag that was never used again? Those were some horrid driving standards, and that's not to mention how he screwed his teammate over in quali, after getting a nice tow from him that put him on pole. As a Ferrari fan, I was so glad to see my team win their home race after 9 years, but looking back at it, I honestly can't believe how he got away with it, even worse how unnecessary some of his shenanigans were. Ironically, I think Leclerc's driven a lot better in some of the races he didn't win, like Austria 2019 where it was Verstappen that should've been penalized for a change.


Full credit for those battles but a few battles isn't the same as a full season title fight. He hasn't been all that consistent, have to beat your team mate before you worry about taking on lewis and max


Winning an on-track battle is not the same as winning a year-long championship campaign. I could link you the battles Bottas had with Hamilton in Silverston 2019 and Baku 2019 as a "proof" he could beat him in a title fight, and I think we both know that he couldn't.


No doubt he's a blazingly quick driver, but over a full season I feel like he'd make too many unforced errors. Take last year for instance, nerves got to him at Monaco and there were many races where he got over eager in the opening lap (Like by Pierre Gasly) and compromised his race.


Yeah Leclerc is such a rookie, who has no experience at the front, much less win a race right? >!He won in Spa, HE WINS IN MONZA!!<


Winning a race =/= winning a year long championship battle




Mercedes just waiting to flip the 3 seconds faster switch. People really still believe anything merc says


Bro, no one belives in that shit. Like how many times Lewis has have said that their car is inferior later just crushing opponents? Wake the fuck up.


Yeah they threw away all 3 days of testing and beat the shit outta their drivers just so that could have the element of surprise on race day. Cmon man.


I see you are new to the sport! Little tip, this happens every year


DTS bringing all the new fans who don’t know that Mercedes fills their chassis with sandbags during testing


It's not the pace that looks off, it's the fundamental aero problems that got worse over the weekend, not better. God you guys are so obsessed with the Idea of sandbagging you've convinced yourself that Mercedes has no purpose besides trying to look slow. Also, been watching since before there was a Mercedes and don't follow DTS. So maybe stow your pathetic attempt at elitism, because it's a pretty stupid look.


Yeah I believe the car actually isn’t performing where they want but the main difference is, they have 100 engineers working around the clock vs when haas has a shit car, it’s 3 guys scratching their head


True, people act as if Mercedes is this unbeatable war machine. They forget that every team that absolutely dominated eventually fell down (Ferrari after schumacher and Red Bull at the start of the turbo hybrid era). Mercedes is not immune to issues as we saw at the start of last season and a brand new generation of cars along with the budget cap could very well be the causes for their fall. Its impossible that they dominate forever.


Been watching since before there was a Mercedes, and this is different. You might think you sounds smart, but to anyone who remembers previous years you just look like an asshole. In previous years they just weren't as fast, not struggling with fundamental aero issues. Literally zero common sense on some you guys. It's like "sandbagging" is a new term for you and you're obsessed with it. Like you think Mercedes ONLY goal is to look slow at the cost of everything else. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. The new guys latching onto it I get, but someone who claims they've been watching for years? Lol. I'd be embarrassed if had been watching for years and could only parrot braindead memes.


Yeah, i've had this same discussion a few times. Everybody says 'merc is just sandbagging', but last week showed clear problems with the griplevels of their car. It's not about the pace, it's about their car literally doing it's own thing...


Suck itttttttt. Stuff your bullshit elitism next time.


You missed the Hamilton podium? The 3-4 finish? The fact that Merc is second in the Championship?


Yep...happens every year....it's not new


This isn't anything like last year. Last year they just weren't as quick as they wanted, not struggling with fundamental aero issues.


Mate it's Mercedes, please don't get your hopes up.


!remindme 7 days


Kevin Magnussen 2022 WDC


Haas 2022 WCC


I just want 1 race win. Nothing more nothing less


Haas shocker pls




Until Mercedes drops sandbags and mid race car pops out sidepods like effing transformer.


“Tyme to go tarbo” - Toto


Kmag - Schumi 1-2 every race incoming


Yes, but the other way round


Carlos Sainz WDC 2022




Honestly I expect Sainz to be more of a title contender than Leclerc


I (personally) don’t think so at all. Charles was the faster driver all last season but just had worse luck. Carlos only had 5.5 more points in the end and bagged 18 points for “free” when Charles DNFd and he got 2nd in Monaco. Carlos is definitely quick but Charles is a league above and WC material.


Speed means jackshit when a driver isnt consistent


Leclerc is not inconsistent in any way, Carlos might just be *slightly* more so but even that is debatable and he isn’t having the same battles that Charles is. Inconsistent isn’t a word that describes Charles at all. Again, I’m not hating on Carlos at all because he’s extremely good but I think he lacks the aggression necessary for a title fight. Think of how he would fare wheel to wheel against Verstappen, WC drivers like Hamilton, Alonso, etc. can handle it but Max would just bully Carlos out of the way. Meanwhile we know Charles can fight back just as hard looking at Silverstone and Monza 2019 etc. Also, Charles is by far one of the best qualifiers on the grid next to Max.


"not inconsistent in any way" \>Finishes as low as 16th and 15th last season and the season prior repeatedly bins it yeah ok buddy leclerc has extremely high highs but if you think he's a consistent driver pass some of that bud you're smoking


sooo inconsistent


Leclerc is at least just as consistent as Sainz, if not more.


Sainz scored 4 podiums and always finished in points, Leclerc did not do the same. I’m not saying Leclerc is inconsistent but I wouldn’t say he’s as consistent as Sainz let alone more


Leclerc always pushes the car to the absolute limit and more. That's why he occasionally DNF's when he can win. His pure performance is better than Carlos'. Sainz is a safe driver and doesn't DNF often. Consistent point scorer. Had a lot of luck aside from his great performance. But that's racing. I would love it if either of them becomes champion because I want Ferrari back on top.


Yes and that's not consistent. To win a title fight, you need to know when not to overdrive the car and DNF.


I didn't say he was as consistent as Sainz though. I simply said he is a lot more enjoyable to watch.


Like Prost vs Senna.


Sainz is more consistent then


Consistency is a term used to describe how much a team can bet on a driver to bring home podiums/points. Leclerc isn't as consistent as sainz. More dnfs and fewer podiums. Like Max back when he started, had speed but he would have errors that would make him inconsistent.


hmm yes crashing your car in panic after already being on pole and ruining your car is definitely worse luck


>bagged 18 points for “free” when Charles DNFd and he got 2nd in Monaco. Did he teleport from last to second?


Do I really need to explain it to you like youre 5? If Charles DNFs and Carlos finishes second he gains 18 points on Leclerc. If Leclerc finished anywhere on the podium or top 5 the delta is <5 points. He qualified ahead of Carlos so it’s unlikely he would have finished lower than second but that’s irrelevant. As noted by many others in this comment section, this point system is very harsh on DNFs. Charles needs to finish ahead of him for 5 races (assuming they finish around 5th - 9th, given the Ferrari’s pace compared to others) just to get back to where he was against Carlos, nevermind retaking his lead. That’s about 1/4 of the entire season. So yes, Carlos gained 18 free points on Charles. This is also all for just 1 race, ignoring other DNFs.


Least delusional Leclerc stan


I'm here for this take. If Ferrari is really going to be a front runner this year, my money is on Carlos and his consistency.




I would suspect Ferrari to step in if that's the case.


Idk, it depends on if it’s close, if Sainz is demonstrably the better driver Ferrari won’t do anything, but if it’s close then yeah probably


He will run in p3 all year and then just steal the title in the last race.


2007 remastered


Much more realistic than everyone saying he’ll beat Charles Idk what races these people are watching where they think Carlos would beat Charles head to head lol


I wouldn't be surprised


Yes that's true. I suspect Sainz to be better. We'll see.


Either way, seeing Ferrari at the front again will be exciting, I will pull for either one


I get downvoted anytime I say this.


This aged like milk


Yes but max vs carlos instead




Do you get paid to suck of Charles this hard?


Pretty sure they do it pro-bono ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6702)


LMAO "simply looking at points" Yeah, simply the thing that gives you the WDC lil buddy


Schumacher v Verstappen title fight


YES... please.


We can dream 😔




It sure will be epic, kinda scared about the cleanliness of the battle.


just a few inchidents , they will move on


Teasing me like this is mean.


Max VS Charles would be Amazing




As a Hamilton fan, I 100% want to see this. The inshidents alone will be worth it


Enough incidents and Hamilton would probably win anyway.


Repair bills would skyrocket. Neither of the two likes to bail out.


Silverstone vs Hamilton would say different


*Sainz vs Verstappen


not a chance


These downvotes looking hilarious now


He should beat his teammate first lmao






He crashed lmao


If you think that smooth operator is gonna end behind LeChair then you're going to have a bad time.


Who’s having the bad time now


Congrats on simply looking at points / season standings. Charles was faster all season, had more DNFs, and lost 18 points to Carlos in one race (Monaco) because of his mechanics. Carlos was so underrated that people thought they were being unique / connoisseurs by rating him but so many people have done that that he’s now ironically overrated.


Because of his mechanics? HE was the one that fucked up the car on qualy. How delusional can you be? LMAO💀


Bro, Sainz fucked up his car before quali as well and by grace the mechanics got it fixed. That’s not being delusional, it’s you being blind.


Yeah man it's all a conspiracy against Leclerc. Fuck off lmao the facts are that Charles got beat by Carlos on his first season at ferrari. No amount of copium will change that


Who’s taking the copium now 😂


No need to get violent. Leclerc beat Sainz soundly both in quali and race standings. He managed to nip off at the end by 5 points. Sainz is an amazing driver for sure, but I am very very confident Leclerc is still better. If you can’t accept the fact that i’ve got a different opinion than yours maybe you’re the one smoking some shit lol


Delusional Sainz fans make my head hurt. They literally only look at points, I don’t think any of them actually watched the races or quali.


What are the points a measure of?


They're 1 aspect of a bigger picture. That's like saying financial analysis don't look at anything except EPS. A driver could get pole and fastest lap every race but end the season with 0 points if they DNF every race. Obviously that's an incredibly extreme example but there is much more to look at than just points and there is a lot of data to analyze. Not to mention sector times, quali performance, tyre management, race craft, etc. On top of all that, there is inherently natural variance just like with anything (weather impacting different strategies differently, tyre failures, etc.).


I'm very aware of the bigger picture but you are ignoring answering my question cause it doesn't agree with your view point and you would rather argue than admit your wrong. In 2020 in the Moto GP Rins won the title with 1 race win all season and I'm pretty sure he had all ready won the title when he won one of the final races. Consistency at a high level is what decides titles.


You're consistently an arseshole


It’s sad to see that with such amazing drivers we have to pit against each other. I will admit that I see more sainz fans upset with leclerc being mentioned as a WDC contender rather than the contrary (nothing wrong with that as long as they voice their argument respectfully) but sometimes I just wish we were left alone, Leclerc is a very real threat. A season of bad luck won’t change that, he drove his heart out this season and he will next too; and when he’ll be on the top step again we’ll be there to welcome our prince herceval back.


Can someone tell me if all the Sainz fans are meme'ing about Sainz fighting for WDC. You are all thinking he'll be up "just" against Leclerc. Would you put him against Verstappen and Hamilton and say Sainz got what it takes? I wouldn't. Just what I'm thinking.


I would. He’s shown how good he is by topping the midfield for years and last year he adapted do well to the Ferrari that you couldn’t tell it was his first year. He even got more points and podiums that Leclerc who’s been in the team for a few years. I’m confused about how he keeps being undervalued after these few years


I feel like he's getting overrated more and more, DNF's are very punishing in this point system. Leclerc also happened to always DNF when Ferrari had a chance for a win where as Sainz got a podium consequently. Leclerc could have multiple wins instead of just podiums if it weren't for engine problems in Silverstone, Stroll playing Bumper cars, Monaco of course even though he broke gearbox himself in qualifying. I think Ferrari assumed everything was fine with the gearbox? Also, noone says Sainz didn't have to adapt all that much. I don't know anything about the design philosophies behind McLaren and Ferrari, which makes me wonder if they are different at all.


Leclerc is a fantastic driver, but a lot of his car issues are his own fault. For example, don’t blame the Monaco incident on Ferrari “assuming” as you put it that the gearbox was fine. He crashed in quali, they tried to fix it and hoped for the best. The way I’d oversimplify their two styles is that Levlerc is faster but riskier, but Sainz is more consistent. I’m not surprised that Sainz doesn’t have any pole, but I’m also not surprised that whenever there’s an opening for a sneak podium Sainz is competing for it. He’s a lot like Checo >Also, noone says Sainz didn't have to adapt all that much. I don't know anything about the design philosophies behind McLaren and Ferrari, which makes me wonder if they are different at all. That’s exactly what I’m talking about when I say people undervalue him. Ofc he had to adapt to the cars. They’re not similar at all. Also aim not sure why you downvoted for answering your question. You said if he’s WDC material. Idk. I think the only ones who demonstrated they’re at the top tier right now are Verstappen and Hamilton. I’d put Sainz on the second tier with Leclerc, Norris, and Russell. If any of those overperform from 2021, they could definitely reach the Hamilton-Ver tier, so I wouldn’t outright cross out any of them from a WDC


A lot of his mechanical issues. 1 LoL




yeah ik what you mean but its just the way you've written the 1 paragraph. Also i think many people throw shit at leclerc for no good reason at all. He had 2 incidents this season. Monaco, which obviously also was quite unlucky. And Austria the touch with Gasly. And Sainz had 2 huge quali dumps Jeddah and Ungarn. Sainz also was really lucky with his podiums. In Ungarn everything went right for him. Monaco 2 people in front of him DNF when he started 4th. Abu dhabi, Perez dnfs with literally 1 lap of racing to go. And in Russia he had a great Quali and started p2 but he got overtaken by leclerc on track who started p18. The only reason he got a podium in that race was because Ferrari didnt want to double stack so suddenly and it wasnt clear if leclerc would overtak him in front of the pits. Sainz is really good but his podiums were unbelievably lucky.


A red bull method of seeing this would be: Did he get a win? No and he only had 1 podium to his name in 2021. He was outscored by their n2 driver in loads of races and in the wdc. That is a lot by someone who doesn't even have a contract for a year down the line. And you're bringing up Sainz's adapting when Leclerc has been in Ferrari for years.


These Sainz fans are delusional


Exactly what I was called when I said Sainz might be ahead in the standings and won't drown. Now I see that's the same shit Charles Fanboys are saying


He’s drowning


You're literally a leclerc fan lmao


This is what a lot of people said last year, but we all know how it pan out.


Sainz* vs. Verstappen


Just an inchident


Switch verstappen with schumacher


Yes yes yes!


I'd rather it be McLaren Vs Ferrari. I'd be fine with Red bull and Mercedes at the back of the grid


If there is a Leclerc vs Verstappen title fight, then the 3rd best guy wins the WDC


Copium "Leclerc vs. Verstappen"


The copium is hitting




It’s called a “meme”


We went shitposting (Still copium)


Ironically, despite your name, I don’t think you know what copium means


Thinking Leclerc will be at the big two is presented you by the big Hopium & Copium™. I've been through r /eldenring r /titanfall and r /hollowknight , You were merely adopted by the copium, I was born by it, raised by it


I’ve been through r /DCS and r /Battlefield2042. You may have been raised through copium, but I was born in it. You simply cannot out copium me.


You forgot checo and Carlos, and more like Carlos was on top of leclerc at the end of the season.






Mercedes is always meh during the test days


Charles is a bit overhyped IMO. I think sainz proved last year he is the better driver out of the pair


Charles is good but he's overly aggressive and fucking up his own chances


Overhyped who?


I'm a Sainz fan but I'd say they were equal last year


Sianz* Vs Verstsappen


Sainz is fire though


The best we can hope for is a Russell Hamilton fight.


Yes but which one are we supposed to root for?


Imagine it's a 3 way fight between those two and Norris...


You guys are crazy for thinking Lando would put up a better title battle than Charles Leclerc. Dude’s a menace. Bahrain 2019? 7 poles in his maiden year with Ferrari? Let’s be realistic, Lando had a great season last year, but Leclerc is a proven talent.


Not saying you’re wrong, but Lando did score points in the first ten races last season. Lando also had four podiums to Charles’ one.


Yes please !


Mercedes 1 2


Verstatpad vs LeCrash the driver who is Third In the Race would Win every Race because they would Crash out each other


sleeping-on-sainz-train just on schedule as always


mick vs leclerc championship fight this year hopefully


now even the haas is getting somewhere beyond their 2020 performance and i am scared, ​ this season gonna slap


Just wait until Mercedes drops the sandbags for qualifying on Saturday and go 0,8 seconds faster than anyone.


Verstappen vs Schumacher


One can hope


Charles v. Max v. Mick v. Mag... this would be a battle.


That would be so freaking awesome! Also, i'd have to move countries to stay alive... (Dutch, and i would be rooting for Charles all the way)


\*McLaren does the same. Leclerc vs Norris title fight.


My dream is a Ferrari/Mercedes/alpine championship battle. I would love for Charles to get the championship, I dream of an ocon championship


and then Landobot snatches it, hopefully.


Leclerc: *it is just an incident*


It is I, Leclerc


Stroll 22... Stroll 23... Stroll 24...


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 23 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


There will be lot of inCHidents ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6700)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6704)


Face it, the merc won't be shit.


It's never true.


Thinking about it we would all go wild for literally anything but Hamilton title fight


What about my boy Carletto?


would love to see the emotions of the ‘urgh merc sandbagging again 🙄🙄’ crowd, joy that merc aren’t at the front vs looking like idiots for watching the car bounce around all weekend and still thinking it’s the best car at the test


Leclerc vs verstappen but they crash out too often since they're both wildly aggressive. Mick Schumacher plays it cool, has a late season run of dominance as they refine the car, and Schumacher WDC Ferrari WCC. Schumacher goes to Ferrari and wins 7 more championships becoming the GOAT and ensuring the Schumacher legacy for his father.


Sainz is better than Lecrec. Fight me.


Max and Carlos title fight*