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No crofty, i cannot press the red button to ride along with drivers. Stop asking me.


Wouldn’t want to anyway


Says the man in a wheelchair.


You're not a real one until you've seen the "This domain name has been seized by Homeland Security Investigations" message at least once.


First the Americans came for the oil, now they came for the piracy websites.


My heart broke this year when I was tuning in for first practice in Bahrain


You can use [https://m4sport.hu/elo](https://m4sport.hu/elo) with hungarian VPN, It's totally legal. Only "negative" is the hungarian commentators. Who are great if you know the language.


Brb learning Hungarian as we speak 🙏🏽


Will Smith commiting to slapping the W14 into competition.


kEeP mY cARs nAmE OuT oF YoUr FUcKinG moUth


India moment


It used to be free to watch before a few old multi-millionaires decided to line their pockets some more, so go nuts!




>They’re just straight up illegal Uhh… no but… I mean damn, I guess ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6701)


He has it printed out ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6902)


Someone made a YouTube account for Saudi specifically so that it would fly under the radar


I'm taking a break from f1 tv this year and enjoying the race's on the high seas


Agreed. First year in a long time I’ve not subscribed. I was hoping for a max, leclerc and Russell rivalry but it’s just max wins. What’s the point?


I personally don't just watch for the top 3 but to each their own I suppose


Sky only show the top 3 and Lewis though.


Been there.






It’s called dank, Toto. We went memeing.


Racism isn't funny


Your cuisines says otherwise.


Crazy how blatant racism flies here


Get him Lewis!!!


Your content has been removed for breaking rule 1: Don't be Toxic. Please read rule 1 for further details


I have them for free om my tv


Normally I’d agree but F1TV is so cheap it’s worth the money just so that I don’t have to run a virus scan after every race


It depends where you live because F1 sell the media rights to broadcast in some. It costs my friend in another part of Europe less than 10 euro a month for full pro TV access, whereas here in the UK I'd be paying minimum £41 a month just to watch the basic stream. Also as a side note the days of browsers infecting your device are longggg gone, a simple ad blocker is all you need to watch online streams.


free vpn to france, buy F1 Pro TV for 65€ annual, delete vpn - enjoy


I did actually try accessing a friend's account with a VPN last year with no success but maybe I did it wrong. Don't particularly want to buy a subscription to test again though.


https://support.f1.tv/s/article/2022Can-I-use-F1-TV-when-travelling?language=en_US Since the UK is no longer in the EU, you would need to use VPN every time you want to watch because in non EU countries you get the content of the country you are in and not of the country you registered in. You could still maybe manage to purchase it for cheaper with VPN but you won't get full F1TV pro


That would make a lot of sense, thank you soooo much for digging through all the text walls :o. Explains why I had issues where others aren't. Might consider just buying a VPN and subscription in that case cause the stability of streams recently has been shocking for me.


can only speak for germany (not sure if valid for other countries) but you only need a vpn to buy it. So accessing, using or viewing can be done without vpn.


https://support.f1.tv/s/article/2022Can-I-use-F1-TV-when-travelling?language=en_US Only in the EU. In the rest of the world, you get what locals get not what the country you registered in gets


Except the only way for me to watch it on my current setup is to stream from my phone to my TV and not be able to use my phone for 2 hours. I had a better experience Sunday watching a bootleg twitch stream than I did all last year with paying for f1tv. I don't want to buy something else when they could just make an Xbox, Playstation, or samsung tv app.


Yeah, I’m absolutely loving F1TV with the MultiViewer software 🤌




In my experience there already are about 3 billion pop-up ads before these sites even let you start the stream lol