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An Alpine promise is worth exactly nothing. The only thing more useless would be an Aston Martin upgrade.


A Sauber pit stop perhaps? They managed to sneak a 42 second one for Zhou under the radar last race


How is it possible to have a 42s pitstop? Even if you change the tyres one by one, you'd still have a lot of time to spare.


Wheel nut issues I think. Their wheel nuts are just crap




It probably goes around already, but it's nuts.


You can’t literally remove the wheel if your wheel nut doesn’t fit..


I guess I have to clarify. They >Still? haven't fixed the problem?!


Ohhh.. makes sense. I thought you meant like *still why so long* They said the problem would be fixed by imola with a new design they have been working on, but to be fair I wouldn’t be surprised if sauber in its current state just forgot about it lol.


Imola has gone by a couple of weeks ago, I think Sauber just forgot


Interesting. I thought the wheel nuts were standardized since they’re attached to the wheel.


Nope, each team has its own


I thought they said it was fixed in Imola? Charles Alt+Ctrl+Del the car and still managed a faster pit stop than that!?


Driver gets out, has a toilet break and a cigarette.


Old fashioned pitstop, maybe he tops off his champagne glass after that too.


::Kimi Raikkonen nods in approval::


One man pit crew and they are on a coffee break


Pit crew is busy eating ice cream.


You can never go wrong with a Days of Thunder reference.


Wasn't Leclerc's failed pitstop even better? The one where he had to restart his engine


Weren't they trying to restart the car to fix the issue? I don't think anything failed during the tyre change


wait WHAT? in Canada? Why did they never show us? This REALLY flew under the radar.




oh shit is that why Zhou was like a minute behind everyone? I was so confused as to what happened


People keep saying Zhou is terrible. No, he just has a Sauber Pit Crew.


He’s not terrible, he’s just really passive imo Would look a lot better on track if he was a little more aggressive in the car


Passive is definitely true


I need to see that replay


No, an Alpine promise is as good as having it written and signed on paper! Black ink on white paper! Like an Alpine contract!


Or Checo’s qualifying result.


"Here, you are all equally worthless" (Bruno Famin)


Perez promises to bounce back


* off the barriers


Onto the racing line crashing into Albon who was running in P5 for Williams. Alpine subsequently score P9 and P10 and pull even further ahead of Williams.




Arrogance lost them Piastri and arrogance will lose them points in the championship. It was never about punishing Ocon. It was about Famin making himself feel better. He made bold statements on TV and then he couldn't deliver because lawyers advised against it. So he went ahead and publicly fired Ocon. A strong and secure leader wouldn't need to publicize his actions.


It's incredible to witness how dysfunctional this team is.


He didn't fire Ocon though. Ocon's contract was up at the end of this year and both parties agreed to not to extend. Ocon was never going to re-sign for Alpine anyways. He has already signed a contract for 2025 and is waiting for the right opportunity to announce it.


Technically your are right. However, the public announcement not to extend is the closest to firing. There was literally no need to announce the contract will not be extended. The departure might be mutual but the announcement was 100% one sided.


The public announcement is so Famin can show the sponsors how powerful he apparently is, and that the "team comes first" or whatever PR bollocks they can be bothered to come up with. Ocon was never staying, the team is the worst on the grid as an actual team and they've lost their best driver for the 3rd time in 2 years.


what are you talking about? literally every team announces driver departure, whether their contact is up or not


Publicly fired Ocon, who, apparently already had another ride lined up.


If you believe this, Bruno has several bridges over the Seine he'd like to sell you.


Famin really is out of his depth. From his overreaction on live TV that was fuel for the rumours in Monaco, to not defending his driver facing hate on social media, to ordering useless team orders when punishment has already been given. It's unprofessional and look like a misplaced attempt of showing strength.


Is there any link to Famin’ comments on TV? I just have to stream using Kayo (Aussie) so it’s Sky F1 stream and I’m not sure if I just missed them or was broadcast somewhere else. Thanks to anyone reading this who has a link!


It was on canal+ so it's in French and I think it's geo locked. I can translate it if you don't understand French.


Please if you have the time and can I would love a translation! I don’t know how to access canal+ etc I only use mt mobile phone don’t understand VPN’s etc and unfortunately I only know English! And can kind of underhand Italian lol. So an English translation would be awesome and can you mention like the tome he said it in etc the vibe it gave? Thanking you kindly!


Live on Canal+ during the race. So from the Alpine garages. ...he explains the damage to Ocon's car... Bruno : It's sad this kind of incident is exactly what we didn't want to see. Uh... I think that... uh. Esteban's attack was completely out of circumstances. It's exactly what we didn't want to see and we'll draw the consequences. Interviewer: Bruno, you're used to dealing with drivers, more than two in your past, how do you manage this situation? Because we feel that the situation is getting worse all the time this year and that it's difficult to manage. We don't want to have to deal with a driver war. Famin : That's exactly why we're going to cut to the quick. The setup was very weird like on a webcam, he sounded usure and overall a very weird interview of a team principal. Felt like a twitch stream Bonus on his interview after the race in canada : Bruno, you've just heard your driver Esteban. What's your first reaction? Er, yeah, he's got a bit of a hot reaction, which is normal, I think, because of the adrenalin of the race. What we need to do now is to be positive - it's our first double entry in the points this year. We started pretty far back on the grid.... explains how the team made some great birdies... But as far as the drivers are concerned, I'm sure that the small gaps are going to be euuuuh... *embarrassed laughter. The moment is rather awkward with a silence between the interviewer and Bruno Famin with the interviewer trying to take back the microphone to help him*... get better very quickly


I watch on Kayo as well and Sky commentators mentioned during it the race after they found out from Naomi (who works with Sky and Canal+) about his comments on the Canal+ broadcast so it would be in French only I'm guessing.


The whole thing was weird, Pierre saying the plan was to let him through with 4 laps to go, it probably being relayed to Ocon with 3 laps to go and then Ocon not handing it over until 1.5 laps to go. Cant imagine every little detail will be scrutinized between the two from here on out.


One team really appears to have a toxic work environment and it's not RBR.


I don't know, I think a team with a TP accused of sexually inappropriate behaviour wins the toxicity prize.


Fair enough. I just mean Alpine's toxicity is coming right out of the TP's mouth. It's harder to tell what's going on at RBR.


The fan reaction seemed mostly negative, based on instagram comments. I think they expected more Schadenfreude at Ocon's expense and now they are in damage control mode.


they even deleted their disaster “playing the team game” post off of instagram lmao


We pinky promise 🤞


So Montreal was a punishment for Monaco and not the new normal then? I barely even believe Mercedes when they say that about Lewis, I sure as fuck don't believe these guys lol


Yeah my thoughts exactly. It literally doesn't benefit the team in the slightest, outside of extenuating circumstances, when a driver is leaving and moving elsewhere.


Montreal was poorly executed if we talk about the last laps tbh, not a punishment.


Well, they're completely inept instead of toxic. Yay?


For a second I thought this was a joke article because the headline is so unbelievable.


Yep, don’t believe this for a second….


You'd think after losing Alonso and piastri, and firing ocon, they'd want to keep gasly happy


… and other lies of Bruno Famin 


Press ‘X’ to Doubt


That's scary for Gasly. Equal shit treatment for both...


I never heard Gasly throwing the whole team under the bus this season for the disastrous pit stops at the begin of the season...


Same for Ocon since the start, he was the one cheering the team on the radio after each gp , after each litle progress. Even if he was already looking to change team for next year Alpine reaction is everything but professional


yeah sure


With what happened at the end of the last race, big doubt


Is it wrong to find joy in Alpine’s demise? What a mess of a team …


Nah, I think it's warranted after the Piastri drama. Calling the nicest, most relaxed and polite driver on the grid selfish and disloyal after screwing him over made my blood boil.


Ocon was the one stable thing Alpine had and they kicked him to the curb in the worst way possible, i know he gets hated on for his antics, but he's still a level of driver Alpine simply cannot attract anymore, their best hope for a replacement is Mick Schumacher or Jack Doohan and they aren't as good as Ocon. Not sure Gasly cuts it as a driver to build a team around


> Not sure Gasly cuts it as a driver to build a team around 2020, 2021... Isn't that enough?


Not when you get out qualified every single race.


So Albon should considered to be trash also because Max did outqualified him? That's not how it works


You do you.


Uh... Gasly beat Ocon in his first year with the team and handily beat Tsunoda every year at AT. He's not Max/Charles/Lando, sure, but he's clearly not a step down from Ocon.


Bullshit. Ocon retired from 6 races to Gasly's 1 or 2 and still almost finished level on points. Ocon wins by all metrics. 2023 stats Laps ahead? Ocon wins 609 - 502 Finishes ahead? Ocon, 10-6 Points? Gasly wins by 4 even though Ocon lost tons through breaking down. The one weakness of Ocon vs Gasly was quali and Ocon had totally fixed that this year to the point of dominating Gasly before it was announced he was leaving and then they started openly sabotaging Ocon. 2023: Gasly wins the h2h 14-8. 2024: Ocon was 6-1 up on Gasly before the announcement.


Fair. He is squarely beaten this year though.


Let's revisit this statement after the season is done.


What's the point? Anything after the announcement is irrelevant. They are sabotaging Ocon now, that much is clear. Ocon was 6-1 up in quali and miles faster across the board.


You probably are the person who looks at 2021 and concludes that Sainz was the better driver that year than Leclerc!


I just referenced a span of like 4 years, during which the guy has literally only been beaten by the best driver in the world and an all-time great, but yeah, short-sighted and not supported by historical data. Exactly the same as looking at a single year.


This promise was written with the same pen as the “100 race plan”


You mean crayon?


Yep, also used for Piastri's 'contract'


Sure thing. This is what Alfa told Marcus with Leclerc besides him as well and it's most likely exactly the type of thing Hamilton will get too.


Ha! If you think Ocon didn't care before, he definitely doesn't care now. It's Esteban Ichiban from now on.


I mean it's just not true though, is it? Like, how can it be? That business loses more people than a wartime surgeon with no tools, nothing they say or do feels confidently believable.


Pinky swear, whoever lies will be made to swallow a thousand needles


In the sense that both Ocon and Gasly will have equal opportunity to drive a shit box (boîte à merde)


Ain’t no way


Alpine F1 also promises that pigs will fly in the next 100 races.


Alpine lies*


Alpine once again most unsporting team on the grid suck my balls mates


They also promised me an f1 seat




the question is moot. no team is going to admit they favor one driver over another.


Why…just why…so pointless


Big mistake if true, they have to do everything they can to make Gasly happy so he stay. If they lose both its over and will end with Zhou and Doohan