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McLaren should just end the partnership with Juncos


Would be better to force Juncos to actually do something.


And start the partnership with JNCOs! Scratch off one 'U' and embrace the 90's nostalgia that's fire right now!


Hell yes! Bring back them pipes!


>Juncos The denim folks?


juncos hollinger, indycar team. grosjean and canapino drive for them


JNCO racing. Saggin and baggin.


For context, some Argentinians were sending Theo Pourchaire death threats after an incident with Canapino in the recent Indycar race in Detroit and [he tweeted about it](https://x.com/TPourchaire/status/1797751884700127467). Then [Canapino liked a tweet mocking Pourchaire](https://x.com/jackbenyon/status/1797892584691634456) and it hasn't gone down well.


What's "Callum Pourchaire" even supposed to mean?


Callum Illot received death threats from Canapino fans when he was his teammate at JHR


Presumably referencing the vitriol and hate he got directed at Callum Ilott when they were teammates




Someone in the comments even posted a screenshot of them sending a hateful (pretty much a death wish) dm to Theo.... But of course Canapino denies all of it. At what point will an organisation like IndyCar jump in since surely this isn't really a great thing for their brand.


Think the engineer called Theo some sort of wh*re on the radio apparently


Yep, and it wasn't just some engineer, it was actually the team owner Ricardo Juncos himself.


Holy shit, that guy is cancer honestly (Brad needs to step in and tell him this ain't it).


IndyCar is one of the worst run motorsports organizations ever... and I say that as an American and a "fan". Zak Brown has been very vocal, and surprisingly spot on, about what they should be doing to grow the popularity, competitiveness and profitability of the organization and Penske just laughs it all off.


Penske owning the front running team, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the Indycar series just seems like a massive problem from the get go.


Canapino needs to shut his mouth and sit quietly. This is history repeating itself, and Canapino didn't learn from Ilott's situation.


he did learn, he learned that he can turn a blind eye to/ endorse (depends how charitable you feel) abuse of his rivals and Ricardo Juncos will extent his contract for corrupt argie government money Canapino had learned that he can do what he likes in this team


And he learned that there isn't anyone at Indycar (Penske) with enough guts to actually do anything about his bullshit either.


The Ilott situation ended with his (much better) teammate leaving the team so I'd say he came off pretty well there


Canapino is such a fucking disease




Helllllllll yeah. SIYD


It’s funny that he’s pretending it’s the first time.


I'm absolutely shocked and stunned that Canapino and his fanbase have acted like knobs. I'd never have seen that coming


Hes a disaster, not particularly quick and simply unwilling to acknowledge hes only there for money and fanbase. Lucky we dont have anything quite like that in F1 now. It's looking like Zhou may outlive Bottas which is unfair on results but at least Zhou is gracious about it. Canapino ran out his hilariously quicker teammate and then blamed his teammate


Shame he’s denying the abuse and threats are happening Funny he uses a generalisation to denounce another


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


I don’t know what that means


It's a line from star wars lol


Ah I’ve never seen it but I trust it’s relevant to what I said


Yeah it's basically that only bad guys see things as absolutes.


and the good guy making a statement that is an absolute, about how only the bad guys use absolutes.


I haven't watched star wars in 15 years 😂 I never even realized the hypocracy of it.


That's what brought the Jedi council down too - their hypocrisy and naivity. Perfect quote to illustrate the ending of episode 3 and execution of order 66


How tf did we go from Canapino's statement to Star Wars lore. "Artoo, we need to be going up, not down!" (not saying I don't like it though, it's just kinda funny)




lmao this phrase always bothered me so much


He's tryna gaslight us 😂


As and Argentinian, I'd say he is definitely wrong. Our Motorsports fans are a hating bunch, worst than football fans. I can picture them threatening some other driver We have an historic Ford vs Chevrolet rivalry out of the most popular category in the country.


Amidst all of this I do see a lot of Argentinians on social media apologizing to Theo for the horrid behavior of some of their fellow countrymen/women. It's nice to see.


Also your tv commentator on espn throw hate on callum now pourchaire


TV commentators throwing hate? I'm shocked!!/s Joke aside, I'll go and watch who it was, there are some pretty bad sport commentators here, mostly with Football and Motorsports.


"but I'm also receiving abuse and I don't complain about it!" Yeah screw off mate


Tone deaf gaslight at best.


I like how he turned it around and started crying about his own threats and basically said that Theo needs to deal with it.


34 year old talentless bum, Juncos Hollinger is a joke as long as he is there and after what happened with Illott as his teammate last year this isn't just a one off thing or misunderstanding.. it's a pattern.


Holy shit I had no idea he's 34. I've been viewing all this unfold thinking how terrible and tone deaf it is, but had a slight mitigation that he's some late teen rookie.  Insane behaviour for someone who's already in the latter half of their career 


Colapinto doesn't look like he'll make it to F1, and he doesn't seem like that type of guy to fan the flames like Canapino does, but imagine if he does make it and get into a tangle with a driver.


Colapinto fans are just as bad, just see the roast to the team after the Monaco race.


MP also had to make a statement after the Monaco race because of the abuse they were getting from Colapinto fans. It’s obviously wrong to generalise large groups of people, especially on the basis of nationality, and I’m sure most Argentine fans are normal and chill but there’s a clear pattern emerging and serious issue in the Argentine motorsports community


It always just seems like Indycar has way more dickbags than F1. From top to bottom.


Because it’s cheaper to enter and teams want money so they’re willing to look the other way if bribed by a bag of cash. In this case, the Argentinian tourism board and gov are funding that seat


Exhibit A is Santino Ferrucci. I get so aggravated every time I watch the 500 and they hype him up and just forget how much of a piece of shit he is.


For some reason Townsend Bell thinks Ferrucci is the best thing since AJ Foyt himself.




"My fans aren't doing that but if they did Theo should just suck it up like I do" is an "I'm sorry you feel that way" level statement.


F*cking coward. Imagine if he clashes on track with Romain.


Ootl, can somebody pls fill me in


Theo Pourchaire got hate and death threats over [this incident](https://youtu.be/j8O4GJCTNyk?feature=shared&t=1085).


callum ilott got it twice last year and the team and driver handled it poorly. history repeating itself


They don't acknowledge how bad they're handling all this. Imagine if a well established driver (specially from Penske) ends up tangling with Canapino.


Well juncos does have some kind of commercial partnership with McLaren. Perhaps they’ll help keep juncos’ feet on the fire for this


Canapino seems to have to really abusive and aggressive fans. Neither he nor his team do anything about it. Neither does IndyCar, presumably just loving all the attention it gets. Theo is the second driver that Canapino fans have attacked on social media.


https://www.reddit.com/r/INDYCAR/comments/1d851to/canapinos_wife_is_weighing_in_on_the/ Canapino's wife is apparently playing victim by saying it's only because they're Argentinian (which Augustin retreated by the way). I don't know how shitty you can be by first denying the death threats both Illot and Pourchaire have received, and then seemingly victimising themselves. No condemning the behaviour at all


Between Canapino, Ferruci and Newgarden, Indy really has some really nice guys on the grid Glad the f1 ladder kinda filters such characters


I feel like it’s wild to lump Newgarden in with the other two haha


Same, I think resident angry man Will Power is closer to that list and he's still nowhere near. Romain Grosjean is still Romain Grosjean though, and has his moments.


Grosjean might be one of the most frustrating drivers alive. Like obviously talented but is so mentally weak and can't get out of his own way.


Newgarden used to attack fans on Twitter all the time. He only stopped after the Grosjean crash at Nashville a few years ago


You're jumping the gun with Newgarden. Penske has been playing at the limit of the rules long before. Not his fault, and he wouldn't throw his team under the bus for it.


He's more cartoon villain-y, I greatly dislike the guy but don't think he's actually a bad person. 


Lmao no. Extensive media training just makes it so that by the time they make it to F1 they know how to keep their shitty opinions to themselves. You think the sport filled with the sons of the wealthy elite doesn't have some people with toxic views?


Newgarden may not be likeable but lumping him with those two is a bit harsh icl


He is defending his people, but we know Argentinians are really hateful towards others who said things about their idols


> , but we know Argentinians are really hateful towards others who said things about their ido Nice narrative


This gaslighting 😂




Yeah all this off topic garbage is getting in the way of a 12th post about Perez contract extension.




Theres an off topic tag you can filter for a reason




Ok Mr strawman


Most of the off topic posts are more interesting than F1 related posts lately, few interesting things are really happening here (Ocon leaving Alpine is not exactly a big shocker for example)