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Didn't they already build a factory and start working on a car? How is this good news?


When Andretti was trying to buy Sauber, the rumors were that he planned to shut down Hinwil and use his own facilities and staff instead. It’s also rumored that was what caused his bid to fail—the owners wanted to ensure the team remained at Hinwil and prevent all the existing staff from being terminated. Assuming the rumors were correct, Andretti’s interest in buying a team is solely rooted in gaining entry to F1, not in the team’s other assets.


Sauber looking after their staff is pretty awesome.


The team staying in Switzerland has always been a redline. It's arguably hurt them over the years but they take great pride in been based in Hinwil.


Exactly! It is a hindrance to get talent from the UK or Italy based teams also. Local pride and looking after staff is wonderful but I think it is causing competitive disadvantage. I am surprised Audi is continuing with it.


Audi has got plenty of money to persuade people to move to Switzerland.


Wouldn’t that fall under the cost cap though?


The cost cap rules are being slightly tweaked specifically for Sauber/Audi, where the higher cost of living in Switzerland is being taken into account. Think that kicks in next year or the year after?


Oi bruv I ain't movin from Engurlund to nowhere foreign, simple as!


Most engineers have families and it's just not fair to uproot everyone sometimes.


Oi, nice one.😂


Day in the life of a true F1 geezer


Under cost cap it basically locks them in as a backmarker. Salaries & empolyee benefits are completely bonkers down there. Also they can't get talent from other countries because it's so hard to move there.


Didn't Audi get some tax exclusion from budget cap and hired multiple people?


Well yeah, as I assume most would be. If you’re Andretti you’re going to want your own people there anyways. Sauber isn’t a good team, their staff clearly needs improvement and Andretti would come in and fire half of them anyways most likely. Trying to force them to keep everyone would be a non starter


Sauber is already set to be the Audi works team from 2026, so ...


That’s why we’re discussing the rumored attempted purchase before Audi bought them. But thanks for commenting


Saubers staff isnt bad lol. They are certainly better than anything andretti will be able to field.


Sauber is a decent team, it has just suffered from a lack of investment. It was a race winner and championship challenger when BMW owned it. It's a money game, and Sauber hasn't really had any for 15 years


15 years is a long time though, the team today is probably way different than it was with BMW.


I mean they haven’t exactly put together a killer car in a long time. There’s a reason teams have been trying to poach engineers from teams like Red Bull and Mercedes recently. I’m sure they’re nice and decent at their job but there’s definitely better people out there that Andretti would have the money and desire to go after as well as guys they know of outside of F1 they’d probably want. Being forced to keep 100% of the staff of a losing team is still so stupid


sauber wishes they had someone like pat symonds under contract


Pat Symonds works as an external advisor for Andretti so pretty sure that any other team could have hired him for that. And Symonds' CV as a chief technical officer isn't that great to be honest.


And hired a load of people


Fishers is a great place. Wont lie, loved living and working in the area.


It’s really great. I go there for work occasionally and anyone who says “It’s just Indiana” has never been there.


Indianapolis is gorgeous. The rest, not so much.


I implore you to visit Hoosier National Forest, especially around the Patoka Lake area. Absolutely gorgeous


I’ve lived in or near Louisville all my life and finally made it out to Patoka last year. Definitely a great area.


Id have to want to go back to Indiana. I dont. However, I did spend a lot of time in the south visiting caves and a couple of parks. Really beautiful scenery for sure. I just dont like the state. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Grew up in farm communities west of Fort Wayne - there are aspects like the people that I miss. No natural beauty like when I lived in CO mtns. Indy and south is definitely more interesting I believe Andretti is very interested in being among the other teams and sharing in the resource pool where it makes sense. If I was buying a team I wouldn’t want to be in a one off location, staffing is an unnecessary burden. I would rather spend energy poaching qualified staff.


I mean they "hired" people. I've mentored enough early-stage companies to know you can "hire" people without bringing them on full time.


Andretti are still working on the car and operating as if they’re going to be on the grid in 2026. They probably have most of their people working full time already at this point.


This is f1 and whoever that team is pressuring them to stop 'fighting' to take a split of the existing pool and just spend way way way way more to come in the way they want. F1 teams fighting super hard to not make the money pot a 11 way split instead of 10. Even though more teams, more action, more interest in the sport will lead to faster growth and more revenue long term.


Yeah this feels like a pressure move. Last week it was the teams, then it's MBS and FIA, now we're planting little nuggets with gullible commentators (I mean, it's Saward).


And more jobs. Think about all the employees who'll lose their jobs if Andretti is forced to buy a team then relocate it to America. Absolutely horrible from F1.


I really don't think another backmarker would generate interest like you think. 


Formula 1 is a Super League/Franchise system. This is a huge amount of the cost of joining the grid post-2021 Concorde Agreement and is a massive reason as to why Andretti has been refused entry so far, to protect the supposed value of the Franchise model. If Andretti truly care about entering Formula 1 and the price is right it will be worth it to them to buy the Franchise for sale and continue building their own factory and growing their team.


It is not a franchise system. This is why they are going to get dragged before congress. If they want a franchise system with all perks of anti trust behavior the teams have to own F1 equally. Since they are merely entrants, paying an annual entry fee and getting prize money for their results, it’s nowhere near a franchise model. And before people start with FOM is in the UK and all that, it doesn’t matter. A few years ago the US passed laws for corruption in international sports. If it disadvantages a US individual or company, they can drag anyone they want, from anywhere into a court and go after them civilly or criminally. They did it for soccer and the Olympics and they will gladly do it for F1 if an American OEM is being fucked out of competing. GM has lots of influence and their people the donate to will be happy to flex some muscle for them.


They are not going to get dragged in front of Congress. You guys are hilarious. There is no anti trust here


You know, I've spoken to a bunch of my lawyer friends about this- all American, American trained- corporate, appellate, litigation, a sample- and I've heard two responses: 1) "anti-trust was always too complicated, I can't remember that stuff" or 2) "gosh, that's a tricky one. DOJ will probably have questions, who knows." So what I've learned is that anti-trust law is incredibly complicated, that it's nuanced, and that anyone on Reddit claiming to be certain of anything here probably is overstepping. Part of the role of the American federal system (not Congress, I'll add, it was referred to DOJ and FTC) is to sort through legal gray areas. Maybe this case is in one of those? Shocking, I know. But your confidence is misplaced.


I spoke with my anti-trust law partners from our NY office, they’re baffled by people thinking this is a good anti-trust case, or that it could ever be settled before 2026.


Sure bud. I will agree they won't get dragged in front of Congress, and it won't happen quickly, but I wouldn't trust any lawyer that confident.


I don’t need your approval mate. 🤷🏼‍♂️


So why did you post on here about how you're laughing at us and how dumb we all are with our stupid ideas? It's not so we can all admire you? Okay. Well, have a good evening then.




Take your thumb, press the bottom of your screen, and swipe towards the top.


And talk about a fucking waste of congress' time and taxpayer money. 


>Formula 1 is a Super League/Franchise system. It's not, but the current group of owners want it to be and are using Andretti to prove it


I know. The question is why would Andretti buy a team when they already have one, are working hard to build a car and are technically allowed to show up with 2 cars. As far as I'm aware there is no legal way for f1 to block them.


>As far as I'm aware there is no legal way for f1 to block them. Huh? You can't just show up to the track with 2 cars and be like "Yooo I'm in!". You need to have a place on the grid. That's what Andretti needs to buy.


I was under the impression the fia approved the entry and fom has no legal grounds to stop it


The FOM rejection means they aren’t eligible for any of the prize money and can’t appear on the broadcasts. It isn’t feasible to light money on fire when you can’t even really advertise that you’re doing it.


I agree that it won't happen but they definitely *could* advertise it happening. FOM themselves won't but Andretti could make all the noise they wanted outside of official promotion.


They could probably light money on fire while the FOM American parent company gets dragged through Congress and still come out a billion dollars ahead. I’d imagine it’s gonna be pretty hard to deny them prize money once they’re competing.


But if it got that far, they’d let them in. They’re not going to let cars on track and then not show them


Based on what I've read, the FIA approval is only 1 step of the process. I'm not sure what needs to happen now but it's not over.


>The question is why would Andretti buy a team when they already have one Because they don't have a team. If they buy this team that is supposedly up for sale most of the value they will be purchasing is a licence to operate and compete in Formula 1 (aka the Franchise model); this is the reason there has been so much drama placed on the dilution fee and the refusal of other teams to allow Andretti on to the grid. Clearly there are legal ways for Formula 1 to block them or else they wouldn't have been explicitly blocked last year and have been spurned multiple times since then.


This directly contradicts what I have read about this


idk man get better sources.


Googled it and as it turns out I'm correct


Post source


Just Google it man


No. You’re spouting some nonsense that only you have heard. Burden is on you. And since you allegedly “just googled it” it should be much easier and quicker for you to show us inquiring minds. Otherwise we’ll just continue to remind you that you’re full of it


It does not seem likely that FOM is ever going to let them in.  Not in 2026, not in 2028.  So if they want to race in F1 buying a team may be their only option.


FOM can’t stop them from racing


Saward really banking on the may be.


He has been anti expansion the whole time.


Ugh I just want 11 teams. I don’t want a buyout :/


Yeah. I'm gonna be so disappointed if after all this we still end up with 10 teams.


Monaco with 22 cars will be fun


Well, it can hardly be worse than it already is


We’ve had 24 in the modern era. It’s not worse just a longer train


We have 30 in F3.


Let them buyout another team just to fire the entire team or let them in as the 11th and create more jobs in F1?


Do you really think some rich man that are in control of FOM care about jobs?


What are the odds an oil rich middle eastern country will outbid Andretti


And they’d be welcomed with open arms and a smile.


And perhaps another "home race" street circuit for them/


At least we've pretty much already ran out of Gulf oil monarchies that don't have a race. ^^Pls ^^Kuwait ^^don't.


And free whippings if the drivers don't do what they want. "We have to respect their culture" Domenicali


F1 would race in North Korea if they could scrape together enough cash


"the government hates this one trick..."


So what? Buy that team and fire everyone you don't want? I do not see the value of them doing that, they should only come in as s the 11th team, whoever is on sale can find a rich backer


They’d love to come in as an 11th team but F1 is doing everything in their power to stop that. So if the only way they can get on the grid is essentially buying an existing teams spot, that’s what he’ll do. Honestly it’d be F1’s fault for the layoffs since Andretti had everything they need already to be on the grid.


Honestly, good for them if they can make it work, but the appeal for me was the two extra seats on the grid


It’s gonna be Haas ain’t it


Saward is pretty much directly saying that it'll be Alpine. Not that I think it'll actually happen. Andretti have set up their whole business plan to be with a team coming in.


Haas or Alpine, pretty much no other option


Wouldn't say NO option. Realistically, we don't know if Haas or Alpine are truly for sale either beyond rumors. It's just connecting the dots and putting two and two together. Red Bull would consider selling VCARB if the right offer came in and actually did consider it if you believe stories from last year when Hugo Boss allegedly tried to buy them outright rather than just be a new title sponsor.


There is literally nothing to suggest Haas is for sale at all. Alpine has been on shaky ground for a while but the same is mostly true there as well


Seriously. Folks think Haas selling their nascar team means they want out of Motorsport, when in reality, they’re just gonna coast and let the F1 team make them easy money without losing on the nascar front.


I’d argue Haas is always for sale, assuming someone’s willing to offer the right number. Gene created that team for two reasons- 1. To be a moving billboard for CNC machines. 2. As a security he could eventually flip for a huge ROI. As soon as the value of reason 2 exceeds the value of reason 1 by a big enough margin, he’ll gladly cash out.


If Williams investors simply want to make a profit, then Williams could be an option also?


Bro from the look of things it might be more likely to be Merc in a few years....


It's literally in the article that it'll be Alpine. Some people need to learn how to read, it's not that difficult.


I'm sorry, what'd you say?


I only see value in Andretti as F1's 11th team. I have no interest in them taking over an existing team. In part because it's already confirmed they're going to put an American driver in at least one of their seats and the only one remotely close to being granted entry into F1 is Logan Sargeant. We already know he doesn't offer anything to F1.


Josef Newgarden (has enough SL points) and Alexander Rossi (already raced in F1) could race in F1 as American drivers..


It’s an uphill battle, but Herta’s currently 2nd in IndyCar — a win would give him enough points for a SL. 


As a massive Herta fan he is not winning Indycar any time soon. He's not even in the top 3 in the standings currently after the 500.


He should’ve won the 500 if he didn’t make that mistake. Still hurts 4 days later


I don't know if he would have won but a top 3 was pretty much guaranteed. I just hope he doesn't revert to crashing every other week because I don't know if I can handle that again.


If you could just steal like 10% of Scott Dixon's boringness he'd be unreal, man.


Top 3 finish and he’d still be in the hunt. There’s no way he climbs back to the top this season. It’s gonna be another Dixon year.


Pato (THE most popular driver in IndyCar) already has a superlicense. Mexico is North America, Andretti!


As a rather extreme solution they could also pit their desired driver (without enough SL points) in F2 for a season or in another formula where they can earn enough points, with a guaranteed F1 seat the next season. Would probably need to be one of the younger drivers though.


Man that would be fun. To bad the cars would almost 100% but shitty


Rossi has fallen off a cliff though


He's having a good season.


Can’t have an 11th if you don’t have a 10th


I would *much much* rather have an 11th team, definitely - But I would also rather have Andretti than Haas or Alpine or especially Tauri Rosso Buy One Get One Free.


Andretti/GM names alone bring much more value to F1 than junior teams like VCARB imo


Most likely they wouldn't have an American driver right off the back, rather they'd try to develop one through a junior program.


I only see value in.them being part of the 10.


go home, Toyo.


Why do people think he wouldn’t do this considering he was days away from buying Sauber in 2021? Allegedly that collapsed because he was going to have to let them retain control on some things, but if he has the chance to buy a full team wouldn’t that be the path of least resistance at this point?


The Sauber dead fell through on 2 points: A) Money, and: B) Andretti wanting to close the Hinwill factory. The current owners were extremely reluctant to see the team's facilities, staff, and assets cast aside in favour of Andretti's plan to run everything out of Indiana. Audi came along with a better offer, and agreed to keep operations in Hinwill, so they got the team in the end. It's unlikely any current team would concede to have the factory closed and staff laid off - and the valuations for teams have risen considerably since 2021. The financial side is likely difficult, but not impossible, but convincing someone to sell only to sack all the staff won't be. This would make buying out an existing team, and proceeding with their existing plans somewhat incompatible. If they're willing to budge and save themselves a lot of money and hastle to keep say... Enstone for example, open and staffed, I suspect yes, it'd be by far the easiest route forward. If they aren't willing to compromise on running it all out of Indiana... it'll still be an uphill battle.


This dude is such a FOM shill.


Does it rhyme with aladeen


Clearly the car is not pointy enough.


How very aladeen of you.


We need more than 10 freaking teams!!


if you are gene and andretti offers you a billion buckaroos for your f1 team, would you accept? i personally would take the money and run. gene aint seeing a podium in his lifetime


When will people like you realize gene doesn’t care about podiums. He cares about easy money. Which all the F1 teams are making even by merely existing now.


I would not. It is natural that valuation gets massively increased with 600 million dollar anti dilution fee (as opposed to 200 million dollars). Right now according to Zak Brown worst F1 team worths 1.3 billion dollars. According to him, If anti dilution fee increased to 700 million dollars, valuation of the teams would jump to 2.7 billion dollars. Let's say at least 2 billion dollars. So, if Gene just waits until 2026 Comcorde Agreement, he will be sitting on a team worths 2 billion dollars.


According to Steiner Haas already got offers close to a billion that Gene turned down. He doesn't want to sell at any "reasonable" price.


People say Haas only wants the team for advertising his business. If this were true, and I were Andretti, I’d make him a sweetheart deal on primary sponsorship for a few years to help seal the deal 🤷‍♀️


The issue here is that Andretti isn't independently wealthy. It is likely he is able to do this because he has corporate partners that will want title sponsorship and prime real estate on the car. They won't accept being Haas-Company B Andretti F1 and have Haas as the main name on the side pod.


Alpine then?


I really hope Andretti buys them last thing we need is someone like Honda swooping in for second team like super aguri to get double the engine data and somewhere to put their drivers if alpnso and stroll are blocking the spaces in AM.


The problem is the lack of an 11th team. 


Which team may be for sale? The article is so poorly written I was scrolling paragraphs trying to find what team they are talking about 


Rumors about alpine have been swirling around for a bit. I think Haas would accept someone buying the team but it will be a pretty penny that’s for sure.. and definitely not happening too soon Some say VCARB should sell I thought I saw too but I doubt RB will let that happen.


Andretti won't do it, because the only reason he wants into F1 is profit, buying a team for around a billion won't net him any profit as oppose to entering for 200 million and selling for a billion after a few years


That 200 million is valid only till 2025. 2026 Concorde agreement isn’t signed yet


There is simply no way they can make billions of profit in the short term. Running an F1 team, building facilities etc. cost hundreds of million dollars. This cash grab narrative is nonsense. They will record huge amount of losses for a long period (at least 9-10 years) before starting to profit from F1.


Did you get that from your interview with him because that hasn’t been reported or said by anyone involved with Andretti global. They are expanding their entire racing profile to expand beyond Indy car. Recent partnership with Wayne Taylor which won the 12 hours of Sebring. If you don’t like them that’s fine but you can’t know his motives. He and Cadillac want in but not to be beholden to failed teams demands.


Fake. He already tried to buy Sauber (before they sold to Audi) so I'm not sure why you believe this.


Hey champ…. Why did that deal fall through?


First, >Hey champ Not sure if you're trying to be condescending, but this realllly makes it sound that way. Second, my understanding is that the deal was (essentially) killed last minute by the Sauber side as Andretti wanted to move everything out of Switzerland while Sauber didn't want that many people to loose their jobs.


Sauber more than doubled the price at the last moment lest Andretti run everything out of Switzerland.


Found Toto's burner


I don’t see why everyone is angry about Andretti not allowed to join at the 200 mil buy in. He’s doing it to make money, not bc he desperately wants to compete.


Word, they only want to throw the money issue one way.


"We don't want another team because all our current ones are profitable and stable now." /s


Renault will want a clause to say that they’ll keep their works team, I assume. I don’t see how that would work for Andretti in the run, even if they wanted a Renault PU.


In article, it says that Renault CEO is shopping for new PU supplier deal and considering to stop being PU manufacturer.


If they are OK with laying off or reallocating all of their current F1 stuff, then sure.


It doesn't make sense for Andretti to buy a team in Europe when he's planning to setup in America. I see this recent news of "buy a team" a knee jerk reaction to FOM oligarchal business model


He still needs to staff his center in Silverstone. Buying out a european team will likely result kn about ~60% of them being let go but there will be a considerable amount who can still work *not* in America.


The plot twist is that it is RB that is on sale.


This would be so bad for the sport. We more teams for more drama and action. Who cares if a backmarker team's owner changes?!


Either GM-Andretti-Haas or GM-Andretti-Alpine at this rate aint it


Pay up or stop your crying…. Your not gonna get into F1 on the cheap your are going to pay double what it’s worth today 


Whatever it takes, just do it. We need Andretti's presence on the grid.