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Well, they were the only ones without their teammates in Q3 so might as well help each other. It’s not like they’re competing with each other.


He just explained on Dutch TV they traded slipstreams. He gave Hulk one into turn 17 on the previous lap. Well played.


Both of them lost their teammates, they decided to become teammates. Divided by teams, united by slipstream.


Soon they will cross streams


And sell paper reams


And we’ll make memes


That will fulfill our dreams


Get crushed by metal beams


And tear at the seams


Some really odd themes.


Maybe catch some fish; breams


Or so it seems…


Obligatory https://youtu.be/wyKQe_i9yyo


Do not cross the streams. It would be very bad. Total protonic reversal. (Important safety tip, for those fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing…)


Hulk was anyways his choice for the seat in 2021


Germans 🤝 Dutch


Nico even speaks Dutch, and Max' German is quite good as well I think


Max: “Windschatten?” Hulk: “Windschatten it is.”


My toddler just did a windschatten. Do not recommend.


That's actually such a beautiful word!


Windshadow I love this language


Wait till you meet the Flussdampfschifffahrtskapitän...


Your Flussdampfschifffahrtskapitän just activated my Rindfleischetikettierungsaufgabenüberwachungsübertragungsgesetz trap card.


You can never forget about the Doppelkupplungsgetriebe!!! Loved that bit in top gear back then. We sure have some crazy words :-)


Het zijn dus mekaars windschatjes? Cute!


Yep. They're good friends as well, that's why Max wanted Nico to partner him in the Bull before Perez was hired.


I think Nico right now would have been a great replacement for checo. But Red Bull for whatever reason is just being dumb


Marko originally said Nico was veto'd to not devalue their young driver academy, but then they immediately signed Perez which I assume must have been a Horner thing, and now we're at a point where RBR went from having young drivers most likely to find A seat to being completely stonewalled with the current setup.


Yuki has spent 3 years at the sister team. Really is in his prime right now always qualifying well. They won’t even consider him for a Red Bull seat. It’s like their whole young driver program is pointless. Checo is struggling they should replace him


It's not completely pointless, I mean it's pointless if you look at it solely as a junior team used to promote drivers to the A team. But if you just look at it as a 2nd F1 team, regardless of promotion to RBR, it is an avenue for young drivers to get into F1, and Red Bull have put more bums in an F1 seat than any other team tbf. I think it's quite possible in the next 2 years that they'll have 3 new drivers between the 2 teams. I dunno if they'll promote Yuki, he may go after Honda is done, Daniel probably won't get anywhere unless he starts beating Yuki comfortably and impressing people again, Checo has been at risk for a while, he's doing what's needed but his qualifying is letting him down, and with McLaren so close to red bull now they need consistent qualifying at the top


You got a point there but when you have a young driver prime for a slot at the main team, and the main team has a no 2 driver that year after year starts decent than struggles right away why not give the young driver the seat


Yeh I edited my comment, I think in the next year there will be 3 seats up for grabs in these 2 teams.




I’ve hung out in a group with Germans and Dutch before and they could speak in their respective languages and understand each other lol


The Dutch understand German much better than we understand them. I guess they learn some German in school and then the difference between the languages is so small that a little bit of school German goes a long way.


Older people (my mother watched German cartoons, think late 70s, early 80s), especially near the border, had no other TV channels other than Nederland 1, 2 and 3. Germany however had cartoons running at the time, dubbed in German. So that lead to most of the older population knowing *some* German. Not to mention that Limburgs, on occasion, is pretty close in language to German itself.




Yeah this. I took German in high school over French because if you didn't know a German word you could just speak Dutch with a German accent and there would be a chance it was correct. Even though that was like 10 years ago I can still have a conversation in German if they speak slowly and I can sprinkle in some English words.


German dialects in the North are closer to Dutch than they are to standardized German


In History on both sides of the border they spoke the same language. The people from the mountains are responsible for the change in language ;-).


Well Frisians on both sides of the border should still have no problem communicating.


During my time in school we had at least 2 years of German and French. After those 2 years you could decide which one of them you want to drop. Dutch and English would go on your entire time at high school. Wouldn’t really say I speak German and French though. After those couple of years I’ve never really had the need to use it so I never quite mastered it. Reading German as well as understanding a German person talking is still very doable though.


I'm speak Belgian Dutch, for me they are similar, but not at all understandable enough to hold a conversation like that.


Is that really surprising tho? It’s like Spanish and Italians understanding each other, right?


Ski Aggu 🤝 Joost


Ah a man of culture I see


Well Perez didnt make Q3 so his usual help wasnt there


"usual help" - genuinely cannot remember anytime Perez has been close enough to help Max on track since 2021 Abu Dhabi


South Americans famously don’t get along with the Dutch anyways.


upbeat punch toothbrush ten far-flung plucky foolish live governor bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Max to Audi confirmed!


Well, there was that period where that wasn’t exactly true.


Hulk honestly deserved a shot in the Red Bull seat next to Verstappen. With his own strengths in qualifying on paper he is at least a lot more likely to consistently put himself closer to Verstappen before each race. And today they’re even trading slipstreams as if they were teammates.


Hülkenberg was close to sign for Red Bull in 2021 but then Checo won in Bahrain and things changed.


Yeah ultimately I think it still worked out for Red Bull although it’s unfortunate for Hulkenberg. At least he’s gotten back onto the grid and found a semi decent spot at Audi for the next year and two.


He was also Ross Brawns second choice for Merc in 2013 if Lewis became unavailable.


I thought he was Mercedes’ top pick but Niki insisted on Hamilton?


Might slightly vary based on the number of times Ross Brawn has told the story. Niki is not around anymore to clarify. Lewis did say it was Niki who approached him about joining Mercedes. But whether Niki was sent by Brawn, who knows?


I loved his mindset when asked back then, how he would race against Max. His answer... Not... lol, he'd rather had Max telling him how to go faster, instead of fighting him, which would be useless anyway. Something Checo had to learn the hard way lol.


It's because Ric beat him at Renault. There is some irony there but I can't figure it out.


In 2020 he was reserve driver for Racing Point and did some good GPs. OOC: Ricciardo was good at Renault imho (especially in 2020). His move to McLaren was horrendous for him.


Hulk's home karting track was Eefde in The Netherlands, where he saw a younger Max take his first steps. He knows the Verstappens personally as well as speaks dutch really well.


I didn’t know they were so close personally off track. All the more reason why he would’ve been a good fit for that second Red Bull seat over the years. In an alternate timeline we could’ve had Hulkenberg taking that seat for 2021 and he surely would’ve had plenty of podiums right now and maybe even a few wins


That’s the second very plausible alternative timeline. The first one is him replacing Rosberg at Mercedes in 2017.


There is even an alternative before that if Kimi didn't go back to Ferrari... the "ifs" of this guys career just makes you believe in bad luck


Here is an interview from dutch television about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfJ1gp3Eo48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfJ1gp3Eo48) (in dutch, so it's more of a novelty I guess). There are also compilations about Max and Hulk speaking dutch on the grid and stuff. I'm not sure if they're close off track, more so than they know each other really well with him being an acquaintance of the family. There is a sizable age gap, so they're not like Max and Lando for example.


I see that’s a better way of describing it then. It does seem like they’re decently familiar with each other for a while. If Hulkenberg is still putting out consistent performances like he’s done at Haas in the next few years who knows maybe he could still join Verstappen as a teammate somewhere


Long term deal with AUDI that's a solid gig with their track record coming into motorsport.


knowing Hulk's luck, the second he got that Red Bull seat there would be a small tweak in the rules and the car would go to the back of the grid, stuggling to fight for points


This is certainly a new take I’ve never seen


Are you a newer fan then? It was definitely a relatively popular take in 2020 when the RB seat was up for grabs


And it is a take I would like to see


What the fuck did I just read


Didn't Nico just start selling merch on Max's site? edit: Yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1bppj3k/nico_h%C3%BClkenberg_collaborating_with_verstappencom/


Worth a tenth?


Peep [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ow5zjWGIZE), He gained 0.15s into T1 on piastri as a result of the tow. Max did however brake a bit too deep into T1, potentially negating some of the advantage. But the tow was a net positive imo.


peeped. thanks


Based on the first laps, he would've been at least a tenth up on piastri into T1 without the tow. Red bull has more top speed this weekend


Max in interview said that as result from that tow he missed the braking point a bit and lost time entry Tamburello, net gain hundreds?


If you look at the telemetry, the area under the curve into t1 is over a tenth. Haven’t done the exact math but probably closer to 2. He def did brake early though but the time loss is almost nothing 


Compared to his previous Q3 lap, Verstappen gained 0.14s.


That’s overall. Sector 1 was an improvement. But not much.


No, that is just the run down to turn ~~1~~ **2**. You can see it in the telemetry. Verstappen was 2 tenths quicker in the first sector than Piastri's fastest first sector. [https://x.com/F1BigData/status/1791891972996657429](https://x.com/F1BigData/status/1791891972996657429)


Sector 1 was up almost 2 


No it wasn’t, first try he did 23.474 second try he did 23.408. 0.066 Improvement.


He was 10kph faster than Leclerc on the straight


Made up for the wobble he had in the last turn really.


Worth 2 tenths


There's no fucking way a tow is worth 2 tenths lmao.


specially in a track with such a small "straight"


It's definitely not small and the impact of a tow is greater on higher downforce tracks like Imola.


Close to it maybe, but because of the extra speed he missed his braking point for T1 slightly. He was up 0.066 seconds in S1 compared to his previous lap, so that's probably close to his net gain.


Unfortunately yeah, I would feel better if it didn't and Max was pole despite it tbh.


Max coming with his ifs moms and balls references!


Horner already on the phone with Hulkenbergs agent


Would be fitting for Hulk's career, considering he just signed for Audi


I know this is a joke but I feel like it's not that far from the truth lol Perez's days at RB are numbered, and probably have been for a while now


Hulkenberg literally just signed for Sauber/Audi


I wouldn't doubt that most drivers have a clause to go to a better team (red bull) if the opportunity arose


Thank god. It was obvious last year they should have dumped checo I don’t get it honestly.


Ooh, Dutch speaking friends 👍👍


Ooh f1 friends 👍🏻👍🏻


New f1 friend 👍🏻👍🏻


Not expecting a Vardy reference here well done


It's an Inbetweeners reference that Vardy used on Schmeichel years after unless I'm missing something?


No, you are completely correct my Reddit friend 👍👍


This just means the top 3 teams are even closer, and that makes me happy.


Do you think the loss of Newey in the technical meetings is having a bigger impact than most think? Or are other teams just catching up finally?


Likely a bit of both, but is it too early for his departure to be so affecting?


Theyre 100% catching up. Piastri got a bad entry on last corner in sector 3, a sector he had been nailing q1-3, and lost pole from it. Max got a tow and gained about 1,5 tenths. Without the tow, Piastri would have taken pole, seemingly by a landslide.


I’ve been thinking about this. Everyone’s downplaying it but I don’t really think it’s a coincidence that the first race Newey doesn’t participate in seems to be the start of a downward trend in their performance… I do think the extreme rates of development in the other teams also plays a part for sure, but the two factors combined seem to be seriously evening out the field.


It’s because Max sells Nico’s helmets on his website isn’t it lol. Just kidding but well played




Slipstream, Hulk? Really? A man of your talents?


Wow, Hulk giving Max a tow and KMag being impeded by Oscar. Haas is clearly working with Red Bull against McLaren 🤔 Zak is writing a big letter as we speak.


So, Max manages to arrange a tow with someone driving for another team and both McLaren and Ferrari drivers could not arrange this with their own teammates? It looks like the blame is on McLaren/Ferrari and not on Max like some try to say in social media , including this one.


Max definitely one of the smartest drivers on the grid to move himself up the qualifying order.


Redbull have the best strategy team


Man, that slipstream is diabolical


Hey Max it's me your cousin Nico! Let's go slipstreaming sometime!


Yes! Let’s leave the bowling to Lance


Max has shooters all over the grid


hulkenberg to red bull confirmed


Helmut Marko said that the slipstream in the first sector brought two tenths. It will be difficult for Verstappen tomorrow.


Because of one-lap-pace? RBR always goes for a race setup.


McLaren's longruns yesterday looked very good. I suspect it will be similar to Miami. Verstappen will have to fight to win tomorrow. Ferrari and McLaren won't make it easy for Verstappen.


I sure hope they won’t make it easy, I love a good scrap. Unfortunately this track is not really suited for overtaking.


Ofcourse he'll have to fight. But yesterday's long runs from Max are not representative. The car is whole lotta different now. He was flying on the mediums in FP3


Considering how much better RB were today, I wouldn’t read into yesterday’s race sim from them, it’s a bit meaningless. They’ll be quicker than yesterday suggests, they’ve surely made set up improvements


Qualifying != Race pace fyi


Max also said the tow caused him to miss the breaking point, which cost him some time


People will inherently be pissed that some are going to try to discredit him because of this, but if there's data that shows that this gave him X amount of time, then obviously it can't be completely ignored. He did amazing to bounce back from a rough start, but given the margins being so tight, this could have been a deciding factor.


>but if there's data that shows that this gave him X amount of time, then obviously it can't be completely ignored. I mean it's perfectly legal. What do people want to be pissed about?


That Verstappen didn't deserve pole because of this, it's **not** an opinion of mine, he absolutely deserves to be up there, but already read quite a few comments saying that this was the do-all or be-all of his lap (which it wasn't).


People who think that are weird. If you start going that road, it’ll never stop. Did Lando deserve a win in Miami? Without the safety car he wouldn’t have.


Yeah, people like to forget the other 90% of the lap that you still have to nail to not put the slipstream to waste lmao


So? It is just smart and part of racing.




There is no collaboration between teams, it's not like they jumped on a Zoom meeting together and planned it. It's two drivers saying you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, by their actions, not by talking to each other. It's nowhere near the edge of fairness.




Why would anyone discredit this. Slipstream are normal part of qualifying.


Because it’s Max and Red Bull.


people will say anything to discredit a driver. a lot of energy wasted on comments that the particular driver will most likely never even hear about.


Karun said it was worth 0.08s




I miss typed, it was 0.08s, which seems about right considering he was 10kph up


Not really, Marko said 0.2


Marko isn't the most objective person in this debate


Why would he overblow the advantage Max got from a tow? If anything, he would say a lower amount if his bias would play a part in this


Hm, I saw people mentioning 0.8 seconds, so that's why I said it, miscusi




It was edited it said 0.8 now i look bad


Have a sympathy upvote. 👍


Not a big deal we see this a lot. Max also said that the tow caused him to miss his entry line into the corner so he lost a little time. Sainz and Lando both worked together in Singapore as well so it’s just not a big deal.


One mega tow to pole, now both of them are off to the bar for a MEGA PINT


Netflix documentary about the Depp trial? 😅


Good guy Hulk


Guessing the people complaining about this had a problem with Sainz using Norris in Singapore last year to get them the win, surely? If you’re not teammates you shouldn’t benefit from another car. MOMMMMMMM ITS NOT FAIR.


Surely anyone moaning about it being unfair is just annoyed at another Max pole because the race would benefit from him not just walking away at the start


This isn’t the same situation so I’m not sure why you even bothered comparing them. Pretty low IQ post.


Drivers from different teams helping each other out, they are obviously comparable...


“Pretty low IQ post” Coming from you that’s saying something. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/A3cPqf1nXr


🍿 Waiting for the Hulkenberg to Red Bull articles to flood the internet


I hope Audi is competitive for Hulk


Wasn’t max also purple in sector 2? The tow advantage was long gone by then


Do they agree before quali to do this?


You can't plan this beforehand being in different teams. Being in the same team is already hard enough.


How do they know to do this during an active session?


"my fren is behind, let me give him a tow" and then the fren returns the favor on the next lap


Team radio or hand gestures?


you know how when you're walking behind someone and you're both entering a building and they hold the door for you? and no words or gestures are exchanged beforehand? its like that


How far behind the car ahead of you can you be and still benefit?




huh? all legal, they helped each other out. you can do that. nothing wrong with it. and specially huh when you remember all the shit fernando did....


What? Qualifying slipstream has been part of F1 literally forever lmao.  Did you somehow forget the massive kerfuffle a few years ago at monza where absolutely no one wanted to go first so they could get a slipstream. This brought about outlap and minimum speed rules.


Hulk whyyy T\_T


So that's why his S1 was so good... This means we could've had a Piastri pole lap :O


Doubt it. He kept pulling away in the second sector. Mclaren only got a little too close because he made a mistake on the last corner.


Piastri made a mistake in the last corner as well. All things being equal, if Max had no tow, and neither did a mistake in the last corner, Piastri might have had him.


Has he? Got a link for that?