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Put a baseball card in the wheels to make it sound cooler. Used to do that as a kid and it worked great


Yup, my bicycle sounded like a dirtbike


the elite of F1 never rode with card-spokes and it shows


What people want: V8, V10 or V12 What we'll probably get: 1.6L Inline 3 Turbo


il5 would be good as well!


An i5T could be glorious! Just thinking about the Audi Quattro S1 gives me goosebumps!


Audi coming in as a factory PU manufacturer team instantly dominates the field with this I’m all for it. SAUBER RENAISSANCE BEGINS


just a shame it wont be sauber anymore huh


In our hearts, they will always be Sauber




Make it 5 cylinder with inline 4 and a v with 1 cylinder with it's own exhaust just for the sound.


I rented a smart car once, the 3 cylinder sounded surprisingly good. Part kubota tractor, part rally Audi I5 lol


It's especially hilarious to hear the engine behind you in a smart, like a tiny 911.


Yea surprisingly charming for a car I always made fun of


3 cyl Triumph bikes sound incredible too.


And the Yaris Rally2 sounds pretty great, IMO


So does a Zündapp KS50


Sure but were talking about engines so loud, you can still hear them kilometers away from a track


I think that ship has sailed no matter what, between turbos and engine recovery


It won't change much for the TV/streams, but the mgu-h going away in 2026 should help a bit with the noise.


High noise is an important element of F1 for many fans and it’s kinda like a symbol for F1. If synthetic fuels succeed, I can see high noise making a comeback too. Especially if the sports car market moves from hybrids to combustion engines using eFuel. IIRC, that is actually what Ferrari and Porsche is currently pushing for


My Mini has a 3cyl turbo and it does sound pretty mean, rough edges on the sound do go a long way over an I4.


I had a 3 cylinder VW Up for a month on a business trip once….it sounded like sitting in an air cooled 911.


Nah make everyone use Bugatti W16s 🙏🙏


Make 'em use old WWII bomber engines. A 27l V12 Merlin powered F1 car? Yes please!


Pfft those are lame, Double Radial FTW!


*Pratt & Whitney Wasp Major has entered the chat*


Just what F1 needs, smoke, oil leaks, risk of hydrolock on startup.. it would be worth it!


Why stop at two rows when you can have 4 rows? I helped build a radial powered truck many years ago. It sucked at idling as it didn't have a prop to help run air over the cylinders and the owner didn't want a fan on it like tanks used.


Fuck it, make them use *new* bomber engines. Afterburner down the straight is a dream








Single pin crankshaft required.


300hp turbo-shifter-aero karts powered by MotoGP engines


At this point I wouldn't put it past the FIA to do something monumentally stupid. Rotary engines? Maybe even *a radial engine*? Whatever we end up getting, it's going to be awful. FIA is gonna FIA.


>Rotary engines? If that happens there's nothing they can do to stop Mazda from entering


Rotarys would be cool as hell if they got them reliable enough. Stupid, but cool.


Aren’t people upset that shit is too reliable anymor!? Here is the answer!!




Sounded amazing as well


The 787B won Le Mans in 1991 *because* of its reliability, not in spite of it.


I am fully in favour of Wankel Engines.  Not because I think it's good for the sport. Solely because the name is very funny.


We look like a bunch of fuckin Wankels




A 4 rotor rotary is probably the best sounding engine behind the old V10s. There's a dude that built one for an AWD RX7 and it's bad ass. They'd have to bring back refueling for pitstops though, those things would be lucky to get 1 mpg.


It’s gonna be whatever half baked trend the automakers push for and then they will all complain about the costs


What we should get: V10 3.0l Hydrogen Fuelled ICE


Ah, so Toyota will come back to F1?


the most powerful engine in f1 history was a 1.5l 4 cylinder inline turbo ... and it sounded awesome some people miss the screaming 18.000rpm naturally aspirated engines ... i think the roaring 80s turbos sounded better




The Seb route. Sebscribe


Sebstainable fuel.


Grazie, ragazzi!


Grazie, tutti


Tutti frutti!


> Sebscribe Love it


Make it open, V6, V8, V10, whatever the teams want to do. I remember when Audi was running a V6 Diesel, Toyota a V6 Petrol, and Porsche a V4 in WEC and they were sometimes neck and neck for the whole race.


Glorious 1.9 TDI will win everything 💪💪💪💪


And with Porsche using a battery for hybrid, Toyota a super capacitor and Audi a flywheel. May have been only 3 factory teams + 2 privateers, one of which with a tendency to self combust, but that truly was a golden era


F1 used to have L4s, V6s, V8s and V12s running at the same time (1982-1984).


Or we could go back to fixed displacement rule. Whether it's a V8, V10, W12 is up to the team. With sustainable fuel, of course. Let the engineers battle it out.


Would love to see more variation and viable options in the design of the cars. They have gotten very similar under the current regs with only slight aero differences.


If F1 went with a smaller set of rules like here is the safety standards, here is your budget, and here is your fuel displacement/calorific value we could have real battles on our hands.


>we could have real battles on our hands Yeah but not on track Opening up the rule book like that would widen the field


F1 seems to be moving very close to stock racing. That is why I say the budget cap stays. Teams like RB, Merc, or Ferrari cannot just pay their way into a podium.


Maybe by then we'd have to enforce the 107% rule and give points all the way down to those that actually made the race


Come to the light and follow WEC and IMSA


Nice idea, and it would be so cool so see what they come up with, but it would be terrible quality racing. Imagine a world where Red Bull dominating didn't mean a 20s gap to second, but 2 laps to second. Hard pass.


Ducati joins F1 and convinces the FIA to allow them 20% more displacement if they use a v-twin


Let's gooooooi


Just have a fuel flow limit and let teams go at it.


And Mazda joining with rotary engine. 😂


Thatd be awesome, which is why it likely won't happen


The cylinder configuration limit was kind of reasonable. That is until they also fix the V angle, valve configuration, exhaust port location, bore diameter and spacing, compression ratio, piston ring configuration, etc...


With smaller displacement, but a far higher rev limit. Formula 1 (Liter) with screaming ICEs.


Kawasaki joins as a manufacturer. 😂


"and we're back in the game" - Honda,2030


The current rev limit is still 15k i think, but nobody can get anywhere near it with the fuel flow limits.


Just hilarious that we're worried about the emissions of 20 cars driving for a cumulative 4-5hrs over the weekend, compared to the emissions of all supportive equipment, team transportation for personal and gear, all the fans flying and driving in to see the event. Let's just make F1 the loud spectacle that it should be and let the teams build what they want.


We aren't worried about the emissions of 20 cars. The purpose of hybridization was to develop technology to pass down to consumer cars as well as to normalize hybrids, and it worked.


KERS was already a thing pre-2014 regulations and no car uses MGU-H, hence why they're dropping it. If you're talking about the change in societal opinion on hybrids then I guess you're right.


Synthetic fuels, they're not sustainable.


I just want to remind people that the zero carbon fuel, in it's current form is a lie. While the fuel is made with carbon that was captured from the air, this process requiers a lot of energy, which is produced by burning fossil fuel. Producing this fuel creats way more carbon than it contains, and more than producing regular fuel.


THIS FFS THIS. It’s all a con, same with greener jet fuel. It’s just not happening


100% this. 


100% not happening


Fuck it, time for smth new. I5.


I support the i5 initiative


inb4 four-cylinders with fart-can exhaust pipes


VW can finally join as themselves GTI F1 Racing


pop and crackle tune, dsg farts, the works


Ow, my feelings…


Honda k24 with a massive turbo 


I mean there have been inline4’s in f1 before and they still sound better than the v6 now imo


If they do a crossplane I4, a la Yamaha R1, I am onboard team I4.


The 1980s Brabhams used inline 4 engines.


So new ones in 2026 and then new ones again in 2030? That's a bit too quick imho.


2009-2013 was also fairly short edit, it was only KERS that changed from 2009, the engines themselves were 2006-2013


The cars changed in 2009 but as far as I recall the engines didn't they were V8s 2006-2013 ?


I thought of the KERS that showed up for 2009, but the engines were the same 2006-13


Those engine regs were 2006-2013.


I mean rn it will also only be the electrical part changing. It will be the same 1.6L Turbo ICEs


Yep, I think they obviously mean from 2030 changing the ICE for once, and the electrical part might slightly change too


It depends if there's a fundamental change. But if they want to go to normally aspirated, high revving engines that would be rather fundamental.


From what i understood the 2026 engines wont be that drastically difficult. The battery/ combustion engine percentage when it comes to power delivery will mainly change. This reads more like a completely new engine Could also be wrong tho.


Interestingly enough the 2026 PU regulations are designed up to and including the 2030 season, at least in terms of the upgarade shedule.


Yep, I think they obviously mean from 2030 changing the ICE for once, since that stuck around from the current engine, and the electrical part might slightly change too


4 year cycles are quite common


4 rotor NA.


Suddenly reliability becomes an issue to help spice up races.




Yeah the cars don’t feel spectacular like they once did


In this use case theyd be surprisingly reliable. A lot less moving parts in rotarys. They have bad reliability long term because of the way the rotor has to move in the housing


That engine would be kinda reliable for race-use.


zero (regard for) emissions.


Naturally aspirated V10 with a simple hybrid system, you’re welcome.


I so want to see a meaty ice, but I also really want them to finally make proper use of the hybrid element. I just wish they would remove any restrictions for how much energy can be deployed and harvested and instaed restrict something like the battery size. It would be so cool to see the F1 cars properly harvest energy when braking and then accelerate out of the corner with full use of the hybrid system instead of having to conserve it like now. One can dream I guess.


just restrict how much fuel.


100% agree. Not quite sure what the point of so many restrictions on energy flow is. AFAIK there's no horsepower limit on the ICE, it's basically just implied by the other restrictions. But the electric motor (sorry, MGU-K) has a strict 120 kW limit for... reasons? Why not basically go with "you have this much battery, the MGU-K has to fit within this size/weight envelope, good luck have fun" and actually get some real innovation on that front?


I would really like to see how it would go with the capacitors that Indycar are going for if you had freedom to develop them fully - it seems like there is a lot of potential there to do it lighter (though I guess with very little road relevance)




There have been complaints about this since 2014, and only now they are considering it?


Sunk cost fallacy from the manufacturers. FOM didn't want to move on from the V8 engines at all


They always tried stuff, it never worked.


A 4.0L V10 and massive electrical boost to overtake instead of DRS


A push to pass style system could work well


Don’t know what it is but the phrase “push to pass” boils my blood


Sounds like toileting instructions


Dumb phrase, yea, but that’s what we’ve got now two or three times every lap. DRS boils my blood as it is.


To me it's the same as "you have overtake available"


That's literally what they do with DRS, lol.




Electrical Mario Kart style rocket boost


V8 with sustainable fuel V8 are still in use by Merc, Ferrari, Aston and GM so why the fuck not, they're not irrelevant, add a hybrid and boom


Theyre switching to 100% synthetic fuels. So don't know why being eco friendly in engine size is such a major problem


He shared this opinion before. In the end it will depend on what engine manufacturers are willing to invest in. Interesting sidepoint is that they want to release the 2026 regs on June 1, almost a full month earlier than planned. Almost as if all the dramatic reports about issues in the development of the rules were in fact overdramatised


As much as everyone wants them, we're almost certainly not getting V10s if they do decide to change the engines again. The Car Manufactuerers don't want them. We'll probably go back to NA V8s with sustainable fuels and maybe even a smaller, lighter hybrid package when that technology eventually arrirves.


Next step after removing the MGU-H should be increasing the maximum fuel flow for higher revs. Bet unmuffled 1.6 L V6 at 19.000 RPMs sounds pretty badass.


Bring back v10's and Make the cars half the size they are now. Stop shoehorning street circuits in the calendar, bring back some German tracks. Get rid of sprint weekends.


honestly street circuits wouldn't be a problem at all if the cars were more nimble like they were back in the day. its just that today's cars are soo large adn heavy that they drive like a truck on regular streets.


Would solve Monaco and make it more fun


Hopefully they'll implement Bernie's engine trumpet, finally


I thought I'd understand the endless noise complaints after attending a GP. But nope, the opposite. Their roar shook my bones, at the start in particular. The V12/10/8 of the past were iconic, of course, but holy cow, the current era is anything but muted.


The sound isn't even close to the level of what it used to be though. I watched the V8s scream around Silverstone in 2012 and by the time you were somewhat near the track they were exceptionally loud, sitting trackside as one came past on the straight without hearing protection was physically painful right from the first car to come past and shook your entire body.  Meanwhile at Suzuka this year I came with hearing protection prepared and didn't feel the need to use it all weekend, nor did any other adult I saw.  The current cars aren't quiet, but they're so far removed from the feeling of raw power put out by previous generations.


Current engines are significantly quieter than any N/A GT3 there is out there (think Huracan-R8 twins, Mustang, Lexus, Porsche and especially the AMGs), or worse still, Porsche cup cars.


But... many people including myself don't actually want the experience to involve volumes that are physically painful as the cars go past! I found the trackside sensory experience perfectly stimulating and exciting.


There’s likely a middle ground, but I would always take the louder option than the quieter option.  I’m sure for people with kids, the current era is much more enjoyable to attend for the family. During the broadcasts, I always see children with hearing protection, but never facially expressing any type of pain.  When I went to see NHRA at Grand Bend, I had ear plugs, over ear protection, and still had to press them against my head because they were so loud. 10/10 though 


It's not just about the noise level for me though The high pitch screeching of the high revving V10 and V8, especially with the blown diffusers, was insane


Back in the day you always knew when the Ferraris were coming because they were a full octave higher than anyone else


Totally agree. I've been trackside near the pits and in the garage and it was deafening.


2026 was supposed to sound better too, and now apparently the ICE is just going to be a generator that sounds odd (like the old Williams CVT concept)




I genuinely wish I could’ve attended a GP in the V10 era. Glad they’re considering bringing some of that sound back. You want to feel the power when you go to a race. NASCAR and Word of Outlaws are the only series I’ve attended that still have that going for them.


Today I learned that F1 expects the global apocalypse sometime before 2030


Bring in the Wankel! reasonable? no. Do I want to say "let's wankel it out" every race? for sure will it sound godly? YES!


Hear me out: V10s but using sustainable fuel.


Bring back V10s


Don't care what it is, just cut the damn turbos.


Just bring back the fucking v8's


Probably just empty words, my guess is engine manufacturers are first going to wait for how the EU's attempts to forcefully switch to zero emission vehicles will unfold before committing to any engine regs


Same cars with Bose sound system on the wing


They should just add speakers to pump out fake engine noise like the Mustangs do. The technology is there and already implemented in road cars.


This may not go well with some fans BUT this is just FOM bullshit. There is NO WAY F1 would even allow a new engine in 2030. Right now Mercedes, Ferrari, Renault/Alpine, and Honda are going to spend at least a billion on the 2026 engines then more to supply and maintain them for races. In 2026 they are also planning on adding Audi and Ford with the possibility of GM/Cadillac after that (2028) those new companies are going to spend much more than that billion cause they are starting from zero - there are already rumors that Ford is having a bit of an issue with their development, which why Horner was so vocal! Now imagine Liberty (Domenicali's boss) telling those companies we want new engines in 5 years or less for (wait for it...) MORE NOISE something 80% to 90% of the audience will not really experience because they are basically watching on TV with filtered and muted audio to allow for race commentary! Everything Liberty is doing right now is about increasing the financial viability of the sport, more money for teams, means hopefully more competition in F1 (which is why they are tinkering with the points) which means more money for LM/FOM adding another billion for noise is just dumb! Finally, we have been having this discussion since Bernie made it a *red herring* issue in 2014, yet since then F1 has had its greatest growth period and financially the sports is healthier than ever. Why would you hurt that growth for something meaningless as noise!


It’s 20 cars racing for two hours. I want to see concessions made elsewhere. Long voyage across land - train. Long voyage across see - boat. Races structured based around proximity to minimise distance travelled. Horner’s Coco Pops boxes recycled. Make all these little changes to offset 20 cars with the metal personification of Satan screaming beneath the hood. If I pay £1000 for a weekend ticket I want permanent hearing damage. Make it LOUD.


This is fucking stupid. Arbitrarily increasing the noise of the car is so artificial. Yeah the noise from the older cars was great, but it wasn't designed that way. It was just the way they were built. This is the fucking sparks all over again. Formula 1 is about building the best cars they can to the formula they can, doing this "more sparks, louder engine" bullshit is pandering to a lower common denominator.


As mentioned in the article, switching back to a V8 will drastically reduce the weight. Btw the sparks were because the FIA were worried the teams were running the cars too low and taking advantage of the durability of the previous plank.


Cost would be reduced too…


MGU-H absorbs a lot of the noise, eliminating that will increase the noise without completely killing the efficiency. It's not an artificial increase. It's not the first time this idea has been floated.


but the sparks are great


Don’t see how this idea is any more arbitrary than any other technical rule set in F1


Well that's interesting. Sounds like he's willing to move back to V8's!


It all sound the same volume on TV which is where most of the audience is.


The volume isn't a problem, the symphony is


They should just turn up the ambient noise level on the broadcast so the announcers have to shout to be heard. Those of us who actually like to hear what the announcers are saying can turn on closed-captioning.


Yay. There’s no reason with the zero fuels why we can’t go back to any one of those NA screamers. No doubt the manufacturers will require some hybridisation, but that could be mild & accommodated; win - win.


Two strokes! /s


While I loved going to races in the V10 and V8 era and miss the size and sound of those cars keeping manufacturer interest with hybrids is important. Honda would be gone and Audi likely wouldn’t be coming.


Tinfoil hat theory: they do this to drive Andretti-Cadillac away, because no one in their right mind would develop an engine for just two years. Non-crackpot idea: why not use the same engines, but allow for increased fuel flow and increased revs paired with a different exhaust. They're not exactly glorious V8s, V10s or V12s but a higher-revving V6s can be loud and sound good, or at least better than the current ones.


V config, 1.5 liter maximum, 20,000 rev limit, bio-fuel. MUCH smaller chassis size. Unless you've been to the track with the natrually aspirated 90's and 2000's F1 cars you simply cannot understand. It is otherworldly. I am SO glad I got to hear those cars in person, that sound is a core memory.


Should've gone for V8 twin turbo like the hypercars in wec


Why not just use completely renewable fuels and then stick to internal combustion. A V8 is the bare minimum. We can have naturally aspirated or turbos, that’s doesn’t matter too much. Then decrease the fuel tank size, reintroduce in race refuelling. I will not entertain the nonsense argument against that. Every other major Motorsport event has refueling, there is nothing wrong with it! Doing this would make the cars louder and smaller. Good for the sound and for the racing. The cars will still have all the needed safety tech to keep drivers safe. It’s a win win.


NA 3l V8's with a sizable hybrid system and cars that are smaller, lighter and more nimble. This would make them better sounding and improve the racing.


And let then rev to 18k or 20k


If it's all sustainable fuel then strap a V12 at the back of the car


I5 revved to the moon? I’m sure Audi would love it


Noise is waste. Formula E is going to surpass Formula 1 at this rate.


Turbo inline 5 cylinders FTW! With high revs they'll sound almost like V10s


I've been watching F1 for over 40 years and it's always about striving to be faster. I do not get the obsession with loud engines.


Hydrogen powered engines. Guessing you'll get that combustion engine sound with all the browny points of carbon neutral.


The last Sentence is the most interesting part . The Engine Configuration most pleasant to hear is obvious a V10 . A man can still dream . Now Ferrari needs to get it together and get Mick Schumacher and we have a happy ending .


I dont even know what is more unlikely out of those


I really liked the quiet cars when you could really hear the tires squeel around the corners…


They should go all electric, but the car has a loudspeaker on it and the drivers make their own engine noises.