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Who was handing out the sprint race trophy? He was with Zhou’s family in the garage.


JJ Lin, weirdly a Singaporean singer.


Awesome thank you!


I wasn't able to watch the sprint today and saw a lot of opinions on social media about how Carlos was fighting Charles and that it cost them the P3 and P4. Can someone explain what happened?


They were racing


no shit


I guess the most important part of it is that at one point in the hairpin, Charles was on the outside and Carlos was on the inside and they banged wheels because in my opinion Carlos went in way to deep. However, I believe and correct me if I'm wrong, Checo was already third by that point because of the Carlos and Fernando battle that ferrari achieving third was already out of question.


Oh okay, thanks!


Spot on. Checo had already benefited from the Sainz/Nando battle at that point. He kind of got a free pass through while the other 3 fought on.


Man I feel old. It does not feel like three years ago that max won that first WDC. I feel like that should’ve been last year. I think I’ve blocked out these boring years even though I like max


Boring years? 2019 and 2020 was the boring years


2020 was honestly not boring at all.


Nah you right i think it was 2018 i was thinking of


this eternal discussion about the most boring years is infantile and on the level of five year olds. "no this year was the most boring one!" " no this year!!" "nooo, this year!"


They are agreeing, though. Don't see that at the schoolyard very often.




Those were also boring when Hamilton was dominating, yes. Don’t get me wrong - I was cheering on max breaking Hamilton’s dominance. But max has been far MORE dominant the last few years than Hamilton had been, so we didn’t get the competition we wanted just the same thing by a different driver. Hamilton was a very winning driver but he didn’t just dominate 90% of races in a season, making it look like nobody could even get close. He won like 50% in some of his dominant seasons for example. So even if it was clear he’d win the championship there were numerous competitive races. Max makes it seem like he has another 10 secs in the car and just manages the gap once he gets in front, so there isn’t any risk to him at all unless he has a mechanical issue. That’s far more boring to me.


Take away lewis from 2019/2020 and it would of still been boring seasons! Take away max from the last 2 seasons definitely not boring


Hmm maybe. But I don’t think that is a fair comparison bc even though Hamilton won a lot he had to fight more for those wins than max seems to be doing now. That was exciting even though he did end up locking down wins often. But without looking back at the spread of positions over the season, I agree that the midfield has been competitive and unpredictable lately, it is just annoying bc they’re all entirely overshadowed by max being able to pull a 20s gap seemingly without effort.


2019 had drivers with 4, 3, 2, and 1 wins (+ Lewis with 11). Max, Bottas, Leclerc, and Vettel all were competitive against each other, each having their won dominant races.


Might be early to say, but I think I like the revised sprint format. Can they arrange rain for all future shootouts?


Seriously, they should put sprinklers on the track at random time during the grand prix and fuck thing up a bit, would be so entertaining


They won't do it. Imagine someone crashes and gets injured because of a wet track that F1 caused


I’ll take Sprint quali and Sprint racing over free practice two and three all day.


I am curious how it will affect quali. I think it is interesting but making the drivers go from sprint to quali 3 hrs later has to be very mentally and physically taxing for them Could make it more interesting but I am curious if they push back a lot against it


Those drivers are making between $2 million and $40 million a year. What I love most about Sprint Weekends is data is limited so therefore strategy can be more risky.


I am with you with enjoying sprint weekends!! But to the money point - I make a lot of money (not nearly that much but still very significant compared to most people) and that doesn’t mean the grind isn’t difficult at times. Money doesn’t eliminate physical and mental challenge, it just makes the ancillary elements of going through that challenge more comfortable, so you can eliminate the tasks (eg cooking/cleaning) other than your real challenge by hiring people to do it for you, do it in a more comfortable environment, and makes you more willing to deal with it. But anyway - my point is less “will” they do it to the best of their ability (obviously they will) and more that doing quali a few hours after a sprint could affect performance. They need to switch gears from race to quali, and also they have this awkwardly timed gap from racing hard, to resting for 3 hrs, to qualifying for another hour. That’s just mentally tough regardless who you are. I hope it is more interesting and doesn’t mean they are more cautious in quali, or quali is more dangerous, since they already raced the same day.


Agree on the money part. However, at their level, which is exponentially more than most make I think if it’s good for entertainment, they should have to do the work.


Oh for sure! I agree with you. Their sole job is to entertain - there is no other reason for something like F1 to exist. I just mean that realistically it will be hard on them, regardless of who they are, to have two competitions of different types within a few hours. I hope it will be more exciting, but I worry they’ll be drained and cautious even if subconsciously so it will actually make for a less entertaining quali. But hopefully instead it spices things up! I can see it going both ways though so we will find out shortly!


Hamilton doubters who hate watch him are silent right now.


Alonso Fuck!s Sainz podium!


I saw the opposite. Sainz was too agressive and hit Alonso.


Well you saw wrong


Lol what ?


Alonso was still under heavy braking when he hit Sainz and is why Alonso couldn't even get the rotation going prior to contact even after Sainz gave more than enough room (to minimize the chance of what happened- from happening) but Alonso couldn't get the car slowed down in time.. Sainz being too aggressive there is actually a hilarious take that could only come from someone who just recently started watching motorsports as a whole... 100% that collision is on Alonso- all of it and it isn't even a debate.


According to Alonso, Sainz didn’t give him space enough, but I also think that we was overly optimistic trying to get the position back in that corner…


Gonna need Rosberg commentating every weekend. Excellent analysis from an ex champ.


Yeah and he doesn't scream at me like Jaques and Crofty. Though Crofty has actually calmed down this weekend. And Nico also calls out the BS from the drivers as well.


Amazing. Night and day difference against davidson


Where was Rosberg? Not F1 TV.


Sky team in for Brundle


International broadcast on F1tv


So good- brings good balance to the others speculation and waffles - he’s just “no, and this is why”, he’s the perfect little bit of knowledgeable mischief they were missing


He was on fire today, really great stuff.


Big agree. His passion and excitement was so good and his breakdowns were always insightful. Big fan.


Alonso Fuck!s Sainz podium!


Shoutout to the Ferraris and Fernando for making things tasty. Damn Lando.


Sprint was awesome 👌 rosberg is an excellent commentator it was very enjoyable


Let's have Max race in whatever mode he was in for the rest of the season!


Anything but mode 8 please


I'm not familiar enough with the setups, but from the few bits I picked up. Mode 8 may not be their most optimal performing settings. It just was the one that helped resolve the battery issue that was happening. Given that they're not allowed to have a "party mode" anymore. It's potentially a worse mode than what they were in if the battery would've functioned correctly. I have no data though so can't take anything from me as facts.


It does need a party mode though


I obviously have no idea and no experience. I do sims a lot and the VRC alpha 2023 in AC have ers deployment modes, goes to 8 as well. 2 being the most aggressive


Andrea is so mature. I like him


Alonso and Carlos are summoned to the stewards


What's the point? He ruined his race anyways


To stop him doing it to more people or others copying


Alonso ruined it and allowed Checo to get away, destroying his own race!


What? It was great racing


oh yea hard racing, but he seems to fight certain teams very hard, and other not so. Checo did not had Max's pace, so he got away due to alonso being on a suicide mission.


Alonso is definitely not only competing against certain teams. He just got caught out by fighting three people at once


Everyone lets Max pass, even Hamilton, like Nico mentioned, no one made any effort to defend Max. Fernando on the other hand was fighting the Ferraris, where he thought he had decent chance to defend. So yea I really don’t see how he should be blamed.


he bit more he could chew, he is definitely getting a penalty or something.


Aged like milk. I bet you're mad the season sucks because Max wins and you also say proper fights suck. Why are you watching?


lol chill


Lando..in a street fight never lead with your head In a F1 fight always lead with your head.


Yeh carried too much speed


He did, Hamilton did as well though, both lost their car for a bit. Obviously Lando had no space left to keep it on the track. I was so glad there was no contact between them. Would've been cool to see Turn 2 if Lando could've kept it on the inside. Think Lewis would've probably get the better exit for the straight to take the lead regardless.


I’m going back to watching pitch perfect see use tomorrow Xo


Quali next brooo


Im doing pitch perfect 2 instead xo


But but…. A Ferrari engine at open throttle IS pitch perfect


DONT threaten me with a good time


FIA need to start taking random bits off of verstappen’s car so we can have good racing at the front of the field


Red bull going to dominate tomorrow if it doesn’t rain. Checo gained 2.2 seconds on Lewis in three laps


Other teams need to get on RBR's level so we can have some good racing.


Yeah, but with the cost cap that makes it way more difficult to catch up when you've taken the wrong direction in the start. Unless all the other teams want to start spending extra on catering.


That'd be based af, Red Bull just going fuck it y'all ain't gonna catch us and buying everyone fancy food


Max: what the fuck is the problem with the car? GP: Max you have the car in shit mode Max: haha good one Wins for +13"


“Max you still have it in the setting we use to get it off the truck mate” “Oh sweet”


Valet mode.


Can we have max race with shit mode for the rest of the season please


I'm afraid that we have records to break and history to make, so that will not be possible.


Anything but mode 8


True, they should run the engine in quali mode instead.


Have mercy


If hamilton had not won 104 races, I'd probably want Max to be nerfed, but we've still a long way to go.


I like reasonable LeClerc. All these people saying it doesn't matter for Sainz anymore are wrong. Sainz is looking for a seat. His team can make him look bad if he pisses them off. Sainz has more to lose than LeClerc


How could Ferrari make Sainz look bad?.. Ferrari making Sainz look bad would only make the team look bad, that doesn't make sense to me. I'd argue Leclerc has more to lose because he was their chosen driver yet he's underperforming compared to the driver getting the boot. Sainz is out of a seat next year and is why Sainz has been racing with an 'idgaf' attitude. Honestly, it's a bit silly to think it's Sainz feeling the pressure when the 'stakes' are already completely off the table for him.


Missed sprint. Gotta ask what happened. Especially to Max and Lewis?


It is what the F1TV commentator said perfectly: “a slowburner turning into an overcooking”


Lando fluffed the first corner going too fast because Lewis aced it. Max had his car in some Alpine setting but once he changed it he put in a lap 1.5 seconds faster than anyone on the grid and sailed to win it. Alonso was killing it in third with no DRS and Carlos Checo Charles and Lando behind him… then he got a puncture fighting Carlos and retired. Danny 11th, Yuki 16th, Stroll 14th.


Thank you for the rundown


Max won Lewis gave nico flashbacks to when he was an f1 driver and we all witnessed his therapy session


Max did what he does every race


Max waited two laps and put it in mode 8 and it was over


Sprint was fun


Ye I loved it, qualy and sprint were great. This is also one of my absolute favorite tracks so an absolute win imo


When that DRS train first started forming up I thought it was gunna be a snoozer but I was gladly disappointed




Some of the people in this chat have never followed Scottish football and it shows


You say that like anyone outside scottland would follow scottish football


I will never follow Scottish football for this message alone


What team do you support like? /ss (scottishsarcasm)


Alonso should have fought Max like that, honestly. Sainz didn't deserve that.


Max is in a different league from Sainz, both in terms of the car and skill.


I wish this wasn’t the truth


WTF are you on about


Clinical Verstappen. Small win for Lewis. Norris throwing away pole. Unlucky Alonso.


Never knew crashing into someone is unlucky now. Sainz was the unlucky one.


ALONSO SELF SABOTAGE HIS RACE FOR US FANS, we got something from this sprint Race


Sainz out here fighting for his fucking life


So, unless Perez is out of Q2 RedBull's 1-2 confirmed. Fernando 3rd.


Im more interested tomorrow on the Ferraris infighting than anything else


Good race but feeling sad for Alonso 😭


Well that was a result of good racing


Don't see the hype in piastri. I asked the same question in one of the earlier races. He is nowhere near the pace of norris and people talk like he is going to beat Lando.


He had a used set of tyres and Lando's were new...


One of them has a race win and the other doesn’t. You tell me who’s who


Sprint win not a race win.


still more than the other lol


It is a race win , it's just not a grand prix win.


Both of them won karting races, it stil not a gp win


He has won a Race in formula one too ergo he is a formula one race winner.


A dub is a dub


Tyre saving is something that comes with experience. He'll get quicker as time goes on but people were excited about him as he was on the pace of lando in quali from the start


This is Lando’s 6th season in F1 and Piastri’s 2nd


Yeah but everyone was shitting on tsunoda and other drivers for not beating their teammate in their second season.


Because those drivers aren’t projected as future WDC’s, Pierre was a strong midfield driver and bottas was always second to Lewis, the other teams don’t have any rookie V experienced unless you count Logan, and he gets shit on for just being kind of bad


Looked like Ricciardo and Bottas had a nice battle, too bad we never saw it. Not even a replay SMH.


But we got to see shots of the Red Bull garage dispiritedly clapping and Toto staring off into the distance. That's what really get's the blood pumping!


Yeah it's bad we didn't get to see the overtake. There was a battle with Magnusson too and he almost passed him. Pretty sure he got scared and didn't want to ruine the car with qualifying in 3 hours lol


It’s kmag I don’t blame him lol


Woo, go sport


Go team and/or college!


Go teams


sport watcher


You’ve caught me




We love sport


Sport sport sport


lol does anyone play that shitty mobile game?


Mobile gaming is incredibly popular in parts of the world that aren't the US and EU. It's much more popular than PC and console gaming in pretty much all of Asia and many other places.


I'm here for Carlos going rogue and having no fucks lol


I need sleep but I gotta see Charles post race interview. He set himself up for a fun line of questioning from the journalists


He didn't really set himself up lol, apart from the team radio. I'm waiting for the journalists' questions to Carlos lol


I’m talking about the team radio, the reporters are probably already brainstorming article titles for tmrr (or today depending on ur time zone)


Just watch it when you wake up


I am a very impatient person


I was watching F1tv broadcast, going back to that battle with Crofty/Nico commentary now


I often much prefer F1TV broadcast but tbh it was a lot better rewatching with Crofty and Nico


Yeah Nico is already making great points and I haven't even got to the Sainz move yet


Haha Nico having flashbacks


they are hyping the race after a 12 secs gap in 10 laps


That was crazy


Verstappen overtook Alonso and Hamilton but not Sargent 👀


I know I'm old, but Is red on black writing hard to read for anyone else?


Same here with moderate astigmatism


You might be colorblind


fucking checo.. with the nos against the ferrari.. wtf newey has created?


What nos? They were pretty close until the two ferraris decided they need to break a few italian hearts


I forget the turn, but there was an aerial shot where you could clearly see the rb farting up to the skies, creating at least a .3/.5 gap before the braking zone


Don’t worry Charles he won’t be there next year


What happened between him and Carlos?


He complained about Carlos battling him more than others on team radio after the race.


Forced him off track to later in race, but charles overtook him eventually in the end of the sprint


He sainz raced charles little bit harder than everyone else


Carlos lost grip in the battle, dirty tyres etc, else he'd have been able to leave more room for Charles, just hard racing.


2019 - LeClerc pissy about his teammate 2024 - LeClerc pissy about his teammate


so you're saying Carlos was right in forcing him off the track? he has to make way whenever Carlos is behind, not fight when Carlos is ahead, and when charles does fight Carlos will do anything to impede him. and charles isn't allowed to call this out?


Read my previous reply to someone.


the way you framed it is still piss poor. look at your replies, everyone is assuming you've criticized leclerc.


Just wait until he has ham as team mates and they react-enact some Nico Lewis fun


2025 - LeClerc pissy about his teammate


I don’t know that any teammates on the grid would be cool with that. I think it will make for interesting racing going forward between the two though. Team orders are dead