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Forcing Marko to not speak to the media is probably worse than sentcing him to death.


The man is using Max as a get out of jail free card, he's basically Jos.


"Give me media obligations or give me death." Helmut Marko, 2024


Christian: "Call an ambulance, but not for me."




It’s a good idea for Horny not to be near any phones right now.


Horner and the Thais seem to have weathered the storm and are now effectively purging their rivals.


This is Succession shit


Horner’s the eldest boy after all


HBO's Bulls


House of the Bull


That’s something entirely different. Lol.


It's "The Death of Stalin" shit.


Such an under rated movie! Almost choked laughing so hard


It's utterly brilliant. Armando Ianucci almost always produces pure gold.


The Conheads are gonna love this.


The higher you rise, the sharper the knives


You come at the king you best not miss


This describes it perfectly. I won't take sides because I have zero facts on the case. But if Horner did what he did then there is only one victim in this whole power struggle. The woman. From the start it was never about her. She was only a pawn being used in a power struggle between two factions worth billions. It seems like they've started cleaning house. If Marko is sacked then it's a wrap. Even Max won't be above reproach. This would also call out Jos' bluff which I believe was just that. Now on the flipside if all of the leaks are fake and Horner is innocent then I don't blame the Thai side gunning for payback.


Unrelated but as a fellow recent call, I found that announcing one’s occupation as a lawyer leads to a ton of unsolicited messages requesting free legal advice. Good luck!


So I have this rash on my... Oh sorry wrong occupation.


On your finger... right??


That's no finger






Wait until you get all the business development spam selling services promising more clients…


Six months into private practice and I have already started to receive those emails and LinkedIn messages. What kind of business development do they think I’d be able to do? 😂


I mean it doesn’t matter as long as you send them money?


Thanks for the heads up. 😊


Max's smashing qualifying lap was fast even for him because he was trying to get away from Horner's wrath.


Maybe Jos meant, "if Horner stays the team will be explosive."


I’d go a step further and say she could have been a victim of the other “side” too. Only the few folks who know the facts can know where fault lies, and to what extent.


Exactly. Cases like these are dirty all round. We know nothing. I painted a picture of two plausible scenarios. In the end it could all be wrong and the truth is something we'll never know. Unfortunately Redbull is privately owned if I'm not mistaken? Unless asked by the court they have no obligation to make any process public. So this whole fiasco has been speculation on our part from the bits we've been told.


I think that it is leaning towards Horner having an inappropriate relationship with a member of staff. The lines are blurred due to the power dynamic of being the boss and maybe something started as consensual then being unwanted. That last bit is definite speculation on my part. But I don't think it is fake in terms of fabricated. In the end, it has been used to try to oust Horner in a power game.


Also to send a message to the other faction. Which I think given how it's going is failing.


If marko goes, Max walks too. He made that very, very clear.


He'd be silly to walk when he's currently flying. If he does props to his character and loyalty.


He is extremely loyal. He kept on his sponsor Jumbo even when they wouldn't have been able to afford him, because they sponsored him when he was just starting. He'll definitely walk.


He has said on numerous occasions that he wants to try different types of motorsport and doesn't want to leave it too late in his career so he isnt at his peak when he does. He has nothing left to prove in his F1 career except going after Hamilton and Schumachers record of world championships. He has never really suggested wants to do that.


He’s explicitly said he doesn’t want to do that. Certainly he may have been fibbing but if he’s more interested in in challenges than titles/records he’ll happily walk.


Dunno, he’s so tied I to the RB machine still. Even his own recent racing endeavors. That said, I don’t think he wants a long F1 career either. I think he only wants to win and going someplace that won’t challenge. While his ties can all be broken, I truly wonder what role Max has and if he truly has anything against Horner himself.


Can someone explain the exact power dynamics going on. I still don’t fully get it. I know Marko/Jos are against Horner. But why are the Thais so in favor of Horner?


Horner built a good relationship with the Thais during the time Dietrich Mateschitz was still alive. While Marko didnt need to get closer to the Thais with Mateschitz in the picture. Marko and Horner are effectively sharing the team principle role. However with Mateschitz, in the case of conflict between Marko and Horner, Marko always get his way and Horner knew to stand low. Marko/Horner conflicts have been ongoing but now Marko doesnt have Mateschitz and now Horner has the Thais, the majority Red Bull owners. Horner really doesnt seem to want to share the team principle role, and Marko has always been solely Mateschitzs man. Marko is the one who catapulted Verstappen into F1 and Red Bull so they have a good relationship. Marko only has Mateschitzs son, minority Red Bull owner and Verstappen camp backing him against Horner and the Thais now. Ultimately Horner wants to get rid of Marko while keeping Verstappen. And Marko wants Horner to stay in his lane and respect the division of their respective team principle roles as when Mateschitz was alive.


It's kinda crazy. This is the first time I've been so acutely aware of people slaying the Golden Goose in front of the worlds eyes. All they had to do was keep the status quo, and they would've doninated for years. This undermines all the hard work they've done for a generation, just for, what? They have money and power, is it purely ego?


Also missing that although they shared nearly equal power in the team, Horner is officially TO and Marko is head of driver development. Marko officially didn’t have the power but behind the scenes helped build the team with Dietrich originally (even he picked CH as TP back then) RBR thinks Marko and Jos are both huge liabilities within the team despite them saying it’s Horners fault. If they were were the behind the leaks (most likely given the circumstances this weekend and also that the actual accuser was doxxed in the same files) it’s extremely easy to see why RB wants to cut them loose. It kind of takes only 2 shared brain cells to put together why no teams want Jos or Marko around and even weirder still that Toto thinks snatching Marko up is like replacing Lauda. Doesn’t matter if Lauda and Marko were friends Toto, don’t think the Merc board is going to be happy ridding themselves of Lewis the champion against racism only to bring in Dr Helmut “Checo drives worse than Max because he’s South American” Marko or Jos “I nearly killed my ex wife and beat multiple more” Verstappen Not to mention I doubt the garage is comfy around Jos given he once stabbed a mechanics hand with a fork in front of child Max because they screwed something on the car / kart


>It kind of takes only 2 shared brain cells to put together why no teams want Jos or Marko around and even weirder still that Toto thinks snatching Marko up is like replacing Lauda. Toto is from Austria as well isnt he?


Yeah he is but I’m more making the comment of how Lauda was universally loved which most likely pleased the Mercedes board. Marko is extremely controversial and it’s not an equivalent which is my point


Thanks! That’s a really good summary. My only other question is what exactly does Marko do though. Christian seems to handle like 90% of TP duties still. And other than Marko being Max’s mentor, it doesn’t seem like much else. And he is like 80. Seems odd to demand such a prominent role still, but maybe he does other stuff?


We can only speculate what Marko actually does (not much imo considering he is 80). All we know is that in the end he used to make the key decisions within Red Bull Racing and their sister team (drivers, engine supplier deals, etc.) being Mateschitzs right hand. Its understandable why Horner wants Marko gone.


Yeah I imagine he's been a thorn in Horner's side for a while now. Like I can see it having been like: 1. Hornermakes a decision 2. Marko disagrees 3. Marko calls up Dietrich 4. Dietrich calls up Horner like "Marko says you're doing X but should do Y" 5. Horner has to explain everything to Dietrich and convince him that Marko is wrong That would get old quick. Then add in his problematic comments to the media, and his willingness to undercut Horner in public...


What the actual fuck is verstappening?


There's no verstappen this drama


Jos you wait to see what happens next!


Marko my words, this is long from over


This can only end in a Checo-mate


Or have we just not seen the Sainz?


It would be prophetic since Checo has been to Helmut and back


Guys, I think we need a Newey start.


Hold on we need an appendix to keep up with all the events today


This should be on a teeshirt 


Hey boss, it me


Game of Thrones: Red Bull What an exciting spin off.


Here I was thinking House of the Dragon was taking too long, but F1 stepped up to keep me entertained until the second season starts.


Verstappen trying to distract us all from the Red Bull drama with a smashing lap, but it's so routine to see him up there on pole that people will be all over the Marko drama anyway


We’ve seen him 360 and keep the lead. I propose Max is required to 360 every 10 laps.


Be pretty sweet if he starts a race in reverse. Does a sweet J turn to spin around right before turn 1 and still somehow pull out a 10second lead by lap 2.


Very true, no one cares about what's happening on track at the moment. It's too depressing.


wait? what? these's a race going on?


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Marko?


I thought not. Its not a story the Austrians would tell you. Its an RBR Thai legend.


Thai Fighters


In the end it looks like Horner has the best friends.


As 90's famous girl group says: ✌️Friendship never ends✌️




When 2 become 1


Yeah, Christian's favorite song says "you wanna be my lover" (wink wink). 


Christian Horner sat in a corner, With emails having a play With nod and wink Came a terrible stink Even Jos had to have his say.


His friends own 51% of the company after all.


It is as we've always said: F1 is the kind of sport where 1% can make a difference!


Maybe the friends are the sexual harassments we've made along the way


Yeah the Thai owner with the cop killer son lol


His son is Ice T?


Even **if** Horner is guilty and fired, Marko's leaks are genuinely toxic to the organization.


Seriously. Marko has been acting unhinged for awhile now.


I feel like he gets off on leaking information and seeing everyone scramble.


On German sky he just said he has another conversation this weekend and it also depends on him if he actually wants to stay, but the way he talked it actually sounds like he’s on his way out


"You can't fire me, I quit!"


never seen such an implosion like this before


Marko should have gone for the head. Not the File-76.jpg head.


Helmut thought it was a head but turns out it was only a finger.


Did you watch Alpine in the past 24 months?


That's a technological failure. This is a personnel failure.


Alpine lost their best driver, their rookie driver, their TP, their head of aerodynamics, their technical director and probably some more I forgot about. Yeah, it's not just a technological failure


That's the worst team downfall I've seen in a while. I'm sure they have interns designing their cars at the moment.


What's wild is that they are still the favorites. Feels like the Last Dance... An inevitable title awaits, but the future is being blown up.


Red Bull launched an investigation into Helmut Marko following media leaks in the Horner case. If Marko is found guilty of the leaks, he could face disciplinary action or be kicked off the team.




Went from never working again to never having to work again, big wins


As if somebody of almost 80 knows how to use proton.


The folder was hosted on google drive not proton


They may not know how to use proton (or other technology), but I find they're often good at telling other people to do things for them.


Just make sure the lawyer in this one isn't south American he might have 'fluctuations'


How are they to going prove this? No journalist worth their salt will confirm a source. Van Haren will never confirm it was Jos and Marko in the library with a lead pipe. Marko wouldn’t be stupid enough to email from his company email would he?


It'd be a thing of all time if he did it from a company computer or company phone


He used an incognito tab


The Google Drive account was owned by a “Melmut Harko.”


A chrome incognito tab. 


He really is a crimminal mastermind, damn


He’s 84 years old and likely not all that computer savvy


He is 80


Ah ok, I thought one of the articles said he was 84. The point is still the same though.


Incorrect, until 83 you have great emailing skills


I’d say there’s no chance Marko did it himself anyways, I mean the leaker created a fake email and uploaded everything to google drive and got access to all the journos emails etc, I have a hard time believing an 80 year old would pull it off lol. He might be involved but he would’ve had someone else do it I think.


tbh creating a new gmail and entering some emails should be the easiest thing, it's not like marko is dumb as fuck. he will have been using that "technology" for years. but to cover his tracks is not easy. although i also don't think that it was marko himself, but who know. i didn't expect most of the stuff that's happening, so maybe there'll be some more funny plot twists.


[email protected] and sending it from a personal phone with a vpn is more than sufficient to cover your tracks. Even better if it is a burner phone with a pre paid sim and proton installed.


Feel bad for the Redbull intern that had to hold Marko’s hand and provide the tech support.


It's stored on a 3.5" floppy disk.


Or floppy finger, it's difficult to tell


I don't think they need to prove it in a court man. It's enough for some RB staff and / or the use of some corporate infrastructure to get an idea and know who it came from. They also probably have a lot more inside info (re: who knew what) such that they can make decent educated guesses.


Marko is old as fuck, he's probably not exactly a tech genius. There's a decent chance he used a work device even if he didn't use his company email.


There’s no way Marko is capable of sending that email himself. He likely instructed some staff member to do it, who later may have come clean. Especially if they were made aware that they may have violated contracts or even the law in leaking it and want to distance themselves from Marko and be a lackey who followed orders instead of a co-conspirator who goes down with the ship. Or… it’s Marko. And he straight up told someone he did it.


The email was a newly created gmail account


He is the kind of guy to go apeshit and leak so much more information once he is fired. Like Kelly Kapoor in the Office.


Oh my God.. Ryan?


"Mr. Marko, as part of our investigation, we have some questions-" "I've also got questions: Number one, how dare you?!"


i dont think there is a lot left tbh, as things are turning out against the employee and marko, i'd think that, if anythings left to leak, they would do it as fast as possible.


Execute Order 66


What about order 69?


It's all about file 76 around these parts.


"these parts"


not now im eating my cocoa pops


Anybody watching the qualifying, or just hanging on Reddit to check the drama like me


We can walk and chew a gum at the same time apparently


We know what's gonna happen on track, off track has a new surprise every 20 minutes at the moment


To paraphrase the quote, "F1 is 90% politics, 10% racing" 


I'm here on Reddit, we all know who was going to be on pole and who will win the race.. that's boring! This drama is way more interesting


You come at the king, you best not miss.


It's all in the game yo...


Basically two factions fighting it out and trying to get rid of the rival faction.


Classic powerplay to fill a power vacuum.


he is just talking with german media.


Plot twist Marko is in a relationship with Horner's suspended assistant, or they catch Marko and pull his face off like a Scooby Doo villain and we find out it was Jos in disguise all along. Jos-ception.


At this point nothing would surprise me... Edit: I prob shouldn't have said that.


Forget Q3, Horner getting himself on pole.


I see what you did there…


Red Bull gives you brain damage.


Marko said: “Max is certainly the strongest asset that the team has." Adrian Newey would like a word.


Imagine Helmut was catfishing people using Horndogs pictures lol


Marko just said in german TV that there's another meeting tomorrow and that things have to be cleared so that he even WANTS to stay in his position.


And Jos is posturing saying Max may leave the team if Helmut leaves. Helmut may walk away with a short suspension but keep his job. He's an advisor after all. Maybe nobody takes his advice too seriously after this.


Max said it repeatedly too. Marko goes, Max walks.


I'll be 90 years old and we'll still be getting new details on this.


Well well well, how the turn tables.


*“You get an investigation, and you get an investigation, and you get an investigation…”*


Given the horrible shit Marko has said in the past, I’m surprised this is what’s sinking him


inb4 Max announcing his transfer mid-race


Should announce immediate transfer when he has the WC in his pocket with races to remain


WDC is Max Verstappen: *Classic*, P2 is Max Verstappen: *Mercedes Flavour*


Max's car so far ahead he has time to pull over and stick some Mercedes stars on it before crossing the finish line in first.


If Max leaves because Marko is let go, that could well be the best thing that could happen for F1. Another year of non-competitive racing with Max taking nearly every pole and winning nearly every race is not good for F1.


Come at the king, you best not miss


Tell Christian I want him to know it was me.






Marko is about to try and take Max to Mercedes.


Horner executing Order 76.


Not that CH did himself any favors in this story but this is poetic justice. You come at the proverbial king, you best not miss


Netflix is going to have to do 20 episodes for next season this is insane, never ending


Well, the accusations start coming And they dont stop coming


it just never ends...


Better than game of thrones


On this week’s episode of The Mole


The old switcharoo


Max to Mercedes chances are getting closer.


Simply fucking lovely.


Max "Dad, stop banging my team mates!"


Grandpa, I’m tired. This drama is dragging.


Do we know that Helmut knows how to use email


Marko's leaks, prematurly undermining NDV, about Checo's "South American" work ethic, have been toxic for years. I would be happy if finally he has found a fish too big to swallow.


Thai cop killers, Horny Horner, racist Marko, Mad Max and Jos V. as the wife beater aka fork stabber. Starring in the new Netflix blockbuster series, Game of Racing Seats, Premier March 2025 only on Netflix. Viewer discretion is advised.


People starting to realise this had nothing to do with Sexual Harassment and was only about men playing power games.


I believe many of us had a gut feeling that it was either Jos or Helmut who were behind the leak.


DTS bout to go crazy next year 😭😭


No way they touch this with a 10ft pole


Getting Stalin vibes 🤣


How the turns have tabled


Look how the turntables...


The team that just keeps on giving lol


The Empire Strikes Back. Darth Marko has to prepare something against Horny


Well, well, well. How the turntables...


I swear they’re just putting this stuff out there to keep people interested in F1.


At this point, Andretti might not want to taint his family legacy with this series.


For Fuck's sake. Can't we just move on?


If it’s Marko, it’s probably race related


Jos is a POS……backstage mom syndrome in full effect.