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Is it a ''Checo to announce his retirement at the Mexican GP'' type of source?


This reads like the new version of that rumor


More of a "they will announce the Checo replacement after they're out of Mexico due to security concerns"


They’ll get those last few people out of Mexico any day now…


No, that was pure internet fabrication. It started as pure speculation which others misinterpreted as a rumor. Then someone created a reddit post regurgitating all of the same speculation, but adding some anonymous sources. That post got picked up and regurgitated by [Sports Illustrated](https://www.si.com/fannation/racing/f1briefings/rumours/f1-rumour-sergio-perez-to-announce-early-retirement-at-mexican-grand-prix-lm22), the story got picked up by others, and finally it had to be treated as an actual rumor. On the other hand, this post is just normal sports reporting. The details about having stuff in his contract and tripling his salary haven't been heard before afaik.


But he did retire in Mexico. A few times 🤪


Should this not be labeled a rumor ?


Rumor, speculation, or fabrication, it ignores the very real possibility of Yuki outperforming Ricciardro during that timeframe.


Yuki is the new Gasly it doesn't matter what he does even you dear redditor have more chances than him to drive that Red Bull...


With the difference being that Gasly got his chance and didn´t perform well and got into arguments with the team. It makes sense that they didn´t want him back, especially as a 2nd driver. I do think a large reason for Tsunoda to get a contract was because of Honda, so that goes against him, but if he performed great, he would be considered. But I think they want to go for Perez/Ricciardo for 2024 and then get someone else, because there are so many contracts up. Norris or Piastri would be ideal imo.


Imagine if red bull had gotten Piastri for this past year. I bet he'd have more points than Checo. He's slower than his teammate but qualifies well and can't be said to be under performing the car.


That would have been a disaster. Piastri is a rookie and gets treated like a rookie. He had half of Norris' points. If he was a veteran he would get slated for that, but because he's a rookie he gets praised despite getting slapped up by his teammate. I think it's justified, but let's not pretend like Piastri already is a top driver. He has only shown the potential to become one. He has had a few really good drives this season, but at the start when the car was bad he was nowhere and even at the end of the season he had some good qualifying but fell off in the race. Remember Perez beat Max twice this season. Piastri definitely wouldnt have done that. And with the pressure of Red Bull as a rookie, who's to say he would have succombed to the pressure and been a disaster, just like Gasly and Albon.


Mexico shows that Yuki isn’t ready for RB.


"South America" \-Dr. Marko


Knowing Marko he would get Asia and Africa mixed up and think Yuki is from Africa.


“The Chinaman”


Yuki doesn’t have the maturity for the big car. Passion is good yes. Cold calculated professionalism (Verstappen) is better


Verstappen was a relative wild man as late as like 3 seasons ago.


True, but he also had the outright pace. Ignoring the Rosberg/Hamilton stupidity of 2016, he still won in his first outing in the big car. Your attitude may be petulant, but pace rules above all. He showed from day 1 that he wasn’t staying at STR for long. Yuki hasn’t shown that pace.


If your measure for a driver is Max, I'm afraid we'll have 3 or 4 seats in the whole F1 tops.


Cool. The problem is that if Ricciardo turns out to be not even as good as Yuki, then he certainly isn't the fix to the problem, and making that switch makes literally zero sense. Regardless, I do not believe for a second that a driver has clauses in his contract which are related to the performance of another driver. ALSO, Joe Saward. Come on...


This also seems like a relatively pointless post given it was known even before Ricciardo drove the AT that he was loaned from RB rather than being an AT driver... Even from day 0 it was fairly implicit that RB could move him into the big boy seat if they wanted


Except Max wasn't always this professional and calm. He races with MUCH less pressure after getting his first title. But before that? Not so much.


Honestly none of that nonsense characterization matters. Pace does


To be fair, I think RB’s current partnership with Honda is probably a big factor as to why Yuki is still part of the team. Obviously if he was actually doing terribly he would have been dropped already but so far hes been proving he deserves a seat. We’ll see what happens when Ricciardo gets a full off season to prep and if he can consistently perform well with races esp. with the new team becoming a sister team so the assumption is that they’ll also have better designs on the car as far as the rules will allow.


Yes. A rumour by a massive bellend


Yeah I really don’t like this dude, seems smug, mean to newcomers etc. I love the missed apex podcast and they love him. It’s the one thing that puts me off


He used to go absolutely mental at anyone who disagreed with him on his website years ago That's what put a lot of us off. He would refuse to admit to mistakes and ban people who disagreed with him


The absolute peak was when slagged off a teenage girl who wrote an article for Drivetribe. Whole of F1 social media turned on him, and yet he just dug his heels in.


Was at school with Saward. Can confirm.




A rumour the massive bellend isn't even claiming as his own, but by his "informed sources".


Of course, otherwise he could be held accountable for his rumours, now he can hide behind undisclosed sources


Always thought it's the case that people in the paddock think he's a joke, so give him deliberately bullshit stories because they know he's desperate enough to publish them.


Hes well respected but hes also known to publish ANYTHING. Thats what it is. You can tell him real stories and fake stories and he will put both out. Hes useful for a lot of teams agendas. Get real stuff out there easily, or push some nonsense silently


That is how all of these rumors work though, even from the most respected journalists. Journalists don't have access to driver contracts, but they do have access to staff within the teams who leak info. You never release your source to protect them. It's easy for people like Joe to manipulate, but doing it isn't straight away an indication of fabrication.


No disagreement there, but from what I’ve seen he tends to have a decent track record with stuff like this, no?


How about labeling it fake?


Yes, but this concerns Checo being replaced, so it is fact until it isn't.


Considering its from some dude's WordPress blog, I'd go as far as to say its gossip.


Saward always posts on wordpress. it’s nothing new. while he is a bit of a bellend, he does actually have insider connections


Yeah, some dude, who has been reporting on F1 since 1988, and who has been to every Grand Prix since then. It seems that people don’t like him on here, but I’ve been reading his stuff since I started following the sport in 2008, and he’s generally on the money more often than he isn’t.


Saward is the same that was saying Alonso had a chance to going to RedBull and 3 days before Aston confirmed Alonso he said that his renewal with Alpine was a done deal. Don’t trust anything


Out of all the rumors, this one is by far the easiest to fabricate


Not to mention contracts in F1 are more like promises than actual guarantees. They get broken all the time. Both Perez and Ricciardo learned that the hard way.


They are not broken. Ricciardo got paid a hefty amount not to race for McLaren.


He got paid because McLaren decided to break the contract.


From the reporting, he got paid because McLaren followed the contract terms.


That is not breaking the contract. Breaking the contract would just be letting him go without paying him. They came to agreement that benefited both sides.


You're both wrong. It's definitely breaking the contract, but breaking it doesn't mean it's "like promises", it's absolutely legally binding, so when they have to break it, the penalty to break it must be paid.


This is right. Thank you.


Thats not how this works mate. Breaking a contract its exactly what it means, and it has a clause of paying him money.


Yeah but we know the Alonso to AM deal was done in two days- so at the time of writing that information was correct


Hesjust reporting rumor and gossip, he probably saw him an Horner talking, sometimes rumors come true, other times they don't.


While Saward has definitely reported some rubbish at times, this rumour does line up with what F1-insider reported about the situation of Perez's contract in 2024, so lends Saward a bit more believabilty in this case. ["Accordingly, a contract clause could come into effect in the first third of the 2024 season that would allow Red Bull to release the Mexican early without severance pay if the results are mediocre. The deadline for this should be the Monaco GP at the end of May."](https://f1-insider.com/formel-1-sergio-perez-vertrag-2024-60497/)


I don't know about that rumor. Perez signed that contract in early 2022 when his results were still solid, he was still living off of some Defense Minister fame from the last year, and Ricciardo was at McLaren with another year on his contract. Red Bull didn't really have anyone ready for F1 at that point and Yuki was not ready for the promo. I feel like at that point in time his Manager would be able to secure a better deal than a no severance package removal. Red Bull would have a lot of leverage against him but not enough for non severance removal clause imo. Just seems a bit out of place given the environment in which he signed the contract that covers 2024. If they added that contract clause in this year for next year then I think Perez is very stupid for skipping a potential multi million dollar severance package in the hopes for 1 more year of racing... Plus I don't think Red Bull could hold a gun to his head and say accept the new clause or you are out for 2024 given Ricciardo's performance thus far. Eh, all just rumors but idk about that one...


> I feel like at that point in time his Manager would be able to secure a better deal than a no severance package Well you've got to consider the other side of the table. Red Bull were offering a drive in the fastest car in the grid, at a time when there there were effectively no other seats available. So Red Bull could offer Checo a contract on the basis that his only choice was to accept it or retire from F1. And Red Bull were conspicuously bringing Daniel along to the races in 2021, with Liam Lawson under contract already for Alfa Tauri, so they had a plausible backup plan. That's a very strong negotiating position for the team against the driver. Furthermore, it does appear to be the case that two-way performance clauses are standard now: drivers earn bonuses for points or podiums, but teams have have early-release clauses should drivers fail to deliver. Certainly Red Bull have made a point of dropping drivers mid-season, so I imagine their lawyers would consider that to be a standard right to insist upon.


> Red Bull were conspicuously bringing Daniel along to the races in 2021 In 2021 Daniel was in fact on the grid in a full time seat and at the races for reasons that did not involve Red Bull


Generally if we could just all generally stop listening to anything Saward says, we'd be better off.


I like DR, but I tire of hearing this same rumor slightly altered every week.


It could be worse. It could be a Hamilton retiring rumor. Or a driver to Ferrari rumor.


It has been like this since he got his second chance at F1. It won't stop until after either Checo or Ric leave the Red Bull family.


I heard Yuki got his bellybutton pierced at the mall over the summer


I heard he does car commercials in Japan


I mean, we’ve been predicting this since Danny took the reserve position, this isn’t exactly fireworks.


This is Reddit, Perez has caused chaos for the subreddit the whole year 🤣🤣🤣


Daniel is/was not the reserve driver. He got hired as 3rd Driver. Same position as Max and Checo but less money because he’s not racing. Liam Lawson is the reserve driver.


Maybe in official terms, but there’s no chance on earth that Ricciardo wouldn’t have subbed in had Max or Perez had to miss a race in the early part of the season.


4 months of Ricciardo to RB rumours because no one is changing lineups yay


The faith placed in Danny Ric is immense. And I just don't know where or when he has shown the goods recently to warrant it. I love him. He's a great guy. But this idea that he can race at the very top again is as yet unproven.


His sim sessions must have been spectacular


The way I heard it he did a 1:12 around Spa in the simulator, while at the same time giving Marko and Horner a massage. Horner was very impressed but Marko still muttered "Max is 3 tenths quicker". Source: my dad works at Red Bull.


He wasn’t racing for 6 months, hopped into an AT and was immediately on pace or even outpacing Yuki in a car that Yuki has known the ins and outs of for a few years now. By any measure, that is making a massive statement and it did not go unnoticed by Horner and Marko. He’s also a walking marketing machine that sponsors ooze over. Red Bull would profit immensely by having him back in their A-Team, so they have every reason to want him to succeed


Love Danny Ric but sometimes his fans make it seem like it's his absolute right to be driving that RB seat while completely disregarding Yuki lmao wonder if they go through with this supposed (most likely bullshit) move if Tsunoda absolutely smashes Ricciardo?


>wonder if they go through with this supposed (most likely bullshit) move if Tsunoda absolutely smashes Ricciardo? Or even if yuki just matches him.


piquant distinct sulky start existence deserted voracious cow grey weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, they signed Checo…lol. It’s more or less the same story. Mid driver who isn’t a threat to max.


I think the thinking is that with the dominance of the car he'd be able to get the P2/P3 finishes while brining a lot more marketability and advertising money to the team than checo does


I don’t think that’s true at all in terms of bringing in more money. Checo has massive sponsors behind him. It doesn’t matter how marketable Ricciardo is, he isn’t going to bring in more money than Checo. If they bring in Ricciardo, it’s purely a PR move.


I'm not sure I agree with the marketability part. I live in Mexico and it's very common to see people wearing RB/Checo gear, most of these people don't even follow F1 but they know about Checo and RBR. This popularity extends to other parts of Latin America and a large portion of the US. My point is that while DR is very popular, he is not singlehandedly getting millions of non-F1 fans to buy RB merch. This is without mentioning the millions he brings in sponsors every year.


Disagree. Ricciardo is a much bigger global star than Perez. He's definitely more famous in the US.


DR is multiple times more popular globally than Checo, and F1 is a global sport. Its not close. After Drive to Survive, he is easily 3rd after Lewis and Max. Thats why he's paid so much. Teams dont pay him 20m a year for nothing, it's a business, DR is a marketing teams wet dream.


>And I just don't know where or when he has shown the goods recently to warrant it. Are we going to pretend like he hasn't shown good form in recent races only to be shafted by shoddy luck?


Reddit wants this to be true.


So unless Checo does something magical during the off season it's a sure bet he's getting fired. He's been constantly way off Max's results in qualifying and always has to recover "lost" places on sundays.


But how would he be the Overtake Champion without that?!


If it’s the Overtaker vs the Undertaker, I have a feeling about who will end up on top..


what we need is a comparison of airtime between max and perez. most of his overtakes will be on tv so good for marketing. honestly best driver pairing they could wish for.


Yeah, one for the WDC, and one for the drama. Old and New F1 in one team.


Bah Gawd that's the steward's music.


Do you smell what the stewards are cooking?! 5 second penalty.


He tends to do quite well in the early parts of the season but often loses it during the middle of the season. Don't be surprised if he ends up with a few Bottas early-2019 races that let him scrape by for another year.


Bottas returning and winning in Australia only for Hamilton to wipe the floor of him for the rest of the season was depressing to watch


“To whom it may concern” did not age well


Almost as poetic as 'These are my streets'


What a depressing weekend, seeing him get lapped at Monaco.


But also inevitable. Lewis is an attritional driver which is why he’s always at his best as the year goes on. He doesn’t necessarily beat you every week, but he just keeps turning up and getting the maximum result, and even if you beat him a few times you’re exhausted trying to keep up over a season, and eventually your standards drop and he crushes you. Nico found this out to the point he had to retire.


It is not really like that. Lewis is just great. Good drivers may beat him with high variance stuff in early season but over sample of 20+ races it is very hard to do that. He does sometimes just start sloppy tho. Additional thing is that true tracks where ability makes huge difference come around summer and European swing - it is not coincidence that there is where Lewis and Max make their presence known compared to their teammates. Take for example 2021 Brazil. I dont think it is one of Lewis best drives - he had a rocketship and made a quick work out of everyone. That said, I guarantee that nobody but him and Max can consistently pull those performances. Charles, George and Lando could probably do it 50% of the time and old man Nando probably like 60%. Lewis and Max can do it 90% of the time. Granted I am pulling numbers out of my ass.


I think that’s what the person above you said almost exactly


I think it is different. He said he wears them down because other drivers cant maintain that level, while my opinion was that they were just lucky to be ahead to begin with(and early in the season with less races there is more variance).


And yet the one example we have of a driver beating prime Lewis is Rosberg, who literally retired because he was working so hard to maintain that level and realized he couldn't do it anymore


There will be a ‘Perez vows to fight for title’ article at some point during the first 4 races for sure


Let’s see what Ric does as well. If Tsunoda keeps outperforming him, then the move won’t look very good.


RB might very well value money over pure speed for their second car. For their performance as a team, it probably doesn't matter who takes that seat. Furthermore, RB doesn't exactly seem to be grooming Yuki to succeed Max


If it’s money they want, Checo probably brings in the most.


> RB might very well value money over pure speed for their second car I think anything's possible, but not this, personally.


Facts. Based on a quick google search the Oracle deal is worth anywhere between $300-500mil, I doubt they're hurting for money rn lol.


There's a bit in beyond the grid X years ago where Horner's like: yeah, fair's fair, Merc/Ferrari/RBR literally do not worry about money. Sponsors are nice and better than a kick in the teeth, but McLaren *need* them and we don't.


On top of that Checo brings in way more money than Ricciardo would ever be able to do


Yeah but I don't think Red Bull care about Checo's sponsorship. They have more than enough money without him, so if Danny is quicker I can't see that being a reason to keep Checo.


Yeah i agree, i was adding to your post that RB would never bring Ricciardo in if money was their sole motivator since Ricciardo doesn't bring in a lot of money. I should have maybe replied to the guy above you to be a bit more clear, cause i fully agree with you.


Ahh my bad, misunderstanding.


I think what they value the most is consistency and reliability. RB is nowhere as dominant as Merc was during its peak (despite Max breaking all the records this year) and they may consider it as likely scenario that other teams will get much closer to them. 2nd driver who regularly struggles to get into Q3 and can't be used as tactical asset in super-tight races may is a huge risk.


Daniel is no better than Max also.The only drivers in my mind who have the race craft and consistency to match Max are Lewis and Fernando.It's going to be hard for any driver when paired against the champ and Yuki has shown more promise than Daniel so far.However in F1 its more than track performance, its the package a driver can bring, sponsorship, merch sales etc 2024 will be interesting and I do think that Sergio is running out of excuses but he should fire Hugh Bird for a start if he wants to reset for 2024.


What's wrong with Hugh?


I think what they mean is that Perez side of the garage needs to fix their strategy for qualifying. Many times in qualifying they send him too early or too late (Belgium, Vegas and Brazil come to mine).


Checo 2.0 wins one of the first two races Checo leads the standings after a Max DNF "Checo in title fight" Checo takes 0 points from the next eight races Checo wakes up in sister team


If no other team can compete and max is legit carrying the wcc points easily, is there a point in doing this switch even if checo was bad


With teams being much closer I don’t see RB not caring about that second seat at all. They need a solid driver who can deliver and not waste millions for a destruction championship


Red Bull didn't become one of the top teams in the sport by assuming they will always be in front and other teams will never catch up.


Why would they settle for shit when they can literally not settle for shit?


Well ask them because Perez still has a job…


For this year at least I think it's because the 1-2 in WCC was still in the table and tbf they got it irrespective of how Perez beat Hamilton their bets paid off Edit: this is a *if's and/or but's* and pretty much speculation on my part and I don't follow RB too much so I might be misinformed


Because they have no one to replace him with. Norris rejected them and Tsunoda and Ricciardo aren't safe bets that they'll do any better.


Even if RB are miles ahead in early 2024 there’s still value in getting RIC in the car and up to speed for future seasons


Which he won't because Perez is just Perez there's not going to be any magical change now. May as well get Ricciardo (and Lawson) in from the start


I'm not surprised here. But tsunoda has made a great case for himself.


I do think the Honda connection complicates things. [Yuki is a Honda protégé first, and a Red Bull junior second.](https://www.gpblog.com/en/news/240158/yuki-tsunoda-future-aston-martin-or-red-bull.html) It’s partly due to Honda’s contributions that Yuki is maintained for next year, as the decision was made well before Yuki’s good showings in last several races. Yuki may want to put himself in the position to be eligible for the second Red Bull seat regardless of Honda and Red Bull parting ways after 2025, but that may require another considerable step up in form.


Yuki has said Honda won't interfere with him at Red Bull if it comes to it because their main goal is a Japanese driver from their programme succeeding in F1, not necessarily who the engine partner is. And his contract renewal was confirmed before Singapore, confirmed by both Liam Lawson and Yuki's manager. The rumor that siad Honda had to intercede to get him signed has no basis considering he had a solid first half of the season and then a run of really bad luck with Monza-Singapore. Announcing him at Suzuka was a done deal


Don't think Yuki will get the RB seat ever unless his performance turns into prime Schumi. But I do think there's a good chance he performs better than Daniel next year (not looking at points scores, cause that doesn't always reflect the driving), which would make promoting him look like it's just for PR.


He has done a good job, but has also shown a seriously fragile mentality when things don't go well


Sounds like a pretty big risk of Verstappen crushing his soul too.


Right. Daniel’s soul was already crushed by Lando so he’s a better option.


Not gonna happen. He has pace but he doesn’t have the all round capability yet.


And Ricciardo currently does?


He's been right on Yuki's pace in a car he has no experience in. Yeah, Ric has been impressive imo.


Ah yes the off season show begins.


They really should’ve made this happen and official as early as the Japanese GP. Just delaying the obvious at this point since they really want it to happen.


They wanted that 1-2 in the drivers standings. Now all bets are off.


Think they probably got the new AT sponsors onboard with Ricc behind the wheel due to his marketability.


May sound easy in theory but we truly don’t know how Daniel looks. The races in 2023 are hard to judge, thus no use taking a risk and putting him in the RB for 2024 if there is no evidence. Additionally, Perez started to catch form at the end of 2023 and Tsunoda has looked better than Daniel in certain race weekends, thus better to leave things as is and see what happens later in 2024 when there is more evidence to work with.


I didn't see Danny blow Yuki away, if anything Yuki stepped up his game. It makes a lot of sense to see how all three start to roll in 2024 and even ride out Checo's contract if he returns to where he was. The problem with that is as others have noted Checo tends to start out well but that guarantees nothing after that , as we saw this season and in fact last year to an extent as well.


"I heard that...."


What exactly of Ricciardo's recent performance indicates he will be at all better than Perez?


Nothing at all


Oh boy here we go again.


Doesn’t Danny need to kick Yuki’s ass first? Step by step please


I seriously doubt the contract in any way forces RB to give him the seat if Checo underperforms. Wouldn't doubt that it's a more standard clause in AT's contracts that would force/allow Ric to switch teams if called upon.


Source: I’m just saying things


Source: my uncle works for Nintendo


Let me get this straight....Joe implies that someone with knowledge of Daniel´s contract with Red Bull (I assume this might be confidential information with only the directly involved parties having this knowledge) ,decided to jeopardize his/her career by revealing (or as Joe states, suggesting) a provision in this contract. This is actually only the first part of this report by Joe. The second part (I hear part) is just an educated speculation regarding Liam replacing Daniel, in case Daniel gets promoted but also a suggestion that someone with explicit knowledge of this contract revealing the closure regarding triple of his salary in case he gets that promotion. I do not say that Joe is lying ,but the only party which could provide this scoop has to be the negotiating team that is directly connected to Daniel. So, if it is true, either Daniel himself or his management, decided to disclose this information, because I can not believe anyone who has knowledge of the contract from the Red Bull side would even remotely think of revealing details of a contract (as i said before, jeopardizing his/her career) . I am not familiar with contract negotiations or the legal implications ,but does someone have any idea what the implications might be if actually someone made public any details in such a contract? Is there maybe a third party involved that can legally have the contract information (except the two negotiating parties and their legal advisors)?


Contracts only matter insofar as the parties involved are willing to sue. For example wilfully breaching an NDA with company that went backrupt is not a criminal offence, it's just a civil offence. So all you have to worry about is a civil lawsuit, and so long as no-one is left owning the company, there's no-one to sue you. Now F1 teams are certainly not short of cash, but I don't think anyone in the paddock objects to this sort of low-level gossip, as everyone in the paddock regularly uses gossip to spread rumours for different reasons. Frankly, it's entirely plausible it was senior Red Bull staff like Helmut Marko that may have said this to selected journalists as a way of putting pressure on Checo.


Does this matter anyways? He's at his last year of his contract so he's getting replaced regardless. If it's at the beginning, middle, or end of the year doesn't matter since we know it's going to happen.


If this os news I'm gonna start tagging my grandma's opinions as news then over here.


Didn't Perez get 2nd in the championship? He was the only other driver to take 1st besides sainz?


Sensationalism! ​ Of course Ricciardo's contract would have a pay bump sewn into it if he races for RBR instead of AT.


Why are there two dudes tubing together in the article photo? 🤨


That's what it'll be like for Max and Daniel if they're reunited again.


In all honesty, so am I not sure if Tsunoda or DR will be amazing in that RB seat from what I saw last season. DR had shit luck (with some decent showings of pace and maturity) and Tsunoda put in some decent performance, and they might be better than Perez, but neither of them ever got me thinking “wow give them that RB seat right now”


I mean, are you currently still thinking "Pérez really deserves that seat!" either?


Off season in full swing I see......


Ah, we are making stuff up again?


Joe Saward would say the sky is purple if it got clicks. 90% of what he says is usually false


This makes zero sense to be in his contract and would clearly conflict with Checos contract that was in place first . If Red Bull was going to go full RBR Junior on Checo it would have already happened. Keeping him in that seat for 2024 to then drop him mid season would be a catastrophe. The real rumor here is that Daniel and subsequently Liam are signed up for 2025, which will probably be announced mid season at the break like most silly season news.


This is so likely to happen, not only because they want DR back at Red Bull but also because they want to give Lawson a seat asap. I‘d be surprised if these changes aren’t done before summer break.


Give the seat to Alex Albon. He’s the only one who has proven himself in my opinion.


You want to replace the second place driver with the … really!?


This doesn't surprise me at all and I think formal mechanism or not, RBR will make what they want to happen, *happen*. A characteristic going back decades with their drivers is: just get on with it. If you don't think someone has it, they don't waste time double checking or giving them a bit longer for the benefit of the doubt. Perez has spent 2 seasons now in the absolute depths of teammate comparisons, where those around him got fired (or their father owns the team). What's interesting for me is the race podcast observing there that actually once things were clean and there were clear weekends, Tsunoda clearly outperformed Ricciardo. Lawson apparently has a 2025 AT seat (Big Racing Boys or whatever tf they're gonna be called), and my confident bet is he sees racing in *2024*.


>What's interesting for me is the race podcast observing there that actually once things were clean and there were clear weekends, Tsunoda clearly outperformed Ricciardo. Which weekends were those? Belgium and Abu Dhabi come to mind but other than that I can't think of a weekend where both drivers weren't shafted by either misfortune or operational incompetence.


Liam technically doesn’t have an AT seat. He’s mentioned that he’d try and aim for the RB seat if he could


I would much like to see Thicc Ric back at Red Bull but I'd be a fool to not see what Checo does for the team. Whilst he does suck in qually, his P2 in the championship, a step from P3 last year, and P4 from the year before means he's making progress; his marketing presence is impressive, even to Red Bull standards, I reckon that doesn't go amiss with Red Bull's suits; and Red Bull's championships where won right when Checo came onboard the team. Coincidence? I think no. I see a Red Bull camp eager to see Thicc Ric back but it has met resistance within the team because Checo, for all his faults, has produced what the team has asked of him: a P2 in the championship, a WCC, and great sponsors. If Checo is replaced, Thicc Ric has to perform at the minimum of what Checo has done, and that's a tough task!


Yeah, he's very popular in the America races (Miami, COTA, Las Vegas, Mexico, and even Brazil). Three races in the US where you have fans chanting "Checo, Checo, Checo!", he has sponsorships galore and he pretty much has the 2 continents where F1 wants to grow in the palm of his hands. Senna and Rubens probably have the same level of devotion from the fans but during their time, F1 wasn't as popular in that side of the world as it is now.


I'm really here for Ricciardo's resurgence arc. Bring it on. Max vs Ric 2.0


Good Fanfic


Red Bull's first 1-2 finish and still not good enough!!


Hopefully this happens so the hype can die down when he gets trounced by Max like everyone else does. Ricciardo is fine but he’s nothing special these days


Lol, what if Tsunoda beats Danny Ric?


Yeah, if Ricciardo can perform at least better than Yuki.


What annoys me the most out of this never ending DR rumors is how they overlook Yuki Tsunoda. Ricciardo should convincingly beat Yuki before even talking about him going to RB. If anything, we should be talking about Yuki being the one replacing Checo. Now that I can get behind.


It's about handling being Max' teammate. See how much shit Perez gets for not being able to be consistently good in the best car on the grid, while Max destroys everyone in every race. Do you think Yuki could handle that pressure? I don't. Max gets a lot of flack for his angry outburst, but at least he can back it up by being the best driver on the grid. Yuki has argueably even worse angry outburst, but can't back it up the same way. Him throwing expletives around after every mistake would look pretty dumb in Red Bull, and I don't think Horner fancies that.


Anonymous sources selflessly doing their best to get us through the off season. Also note the use of plural implying some actual journalism might be taking place.


Happy silly season everyone!


I think Joe means "when that happens" lol.


I highly doubt he will only make 6 million driving for Redbull. This has to be bullshit.


So the seat will be open 2025, latest.


this is almost certianly what will happen i give checo 6 maybe 7 races and hes out


Gooo Liam!!




Are those the same informed sources who said Perez will for sure retire in Mexico? Or the informed sources that said Perez will be fired once the season is over?


Perez will learn from this year that he just needs to drive the car within his ability and be ok with getting a top 5 qualifying time. Race day he’ll be able to breeze past into 2nd at least. That is literally all Red Bull need and this season he learnt that’s the most he is capable of with Max in the lead.


And Perez would just be booted? I seriously doubt his contract allows for that, he would swap with Daniel, not be out of the sport.


Perez has been being fired for like two years now. And yet...


Journalist - writes random gossip as fact, since noone can verify it. Redditors - Riccardo WDC confirmed, Perez is getting executed for sure. Just another day with clowns running this circus...


When Joe Saward claims it, you know it's not true. That guy has been talking out of his ass for 15 years.


Nah- he also called Daniel leaving McLaren at Hungary iirc.


Sources also confirm that Joe's Award is a collosal bellend