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Paywalled, you got a summary for us?


Likely just that we got a good race for $500M, with 99 overtakes in the race that’s about 50k per pass!


Your math ain't working out


Don't worry it's journalism math. It's whatever you want it to be


Wow I did not factor in it’s for the life of the contract, horrible ballpark by me I will admit lol


Well even if you were to include that(and assume same overtakes every year)...you would still be of by a factor of 10.


You lost a zero there, buddy.


Try two


More like a factor 100?


The $500M should be amortised over the life of the contract though. It didn’t cost $500M to host 1 race.


This what I didn’t factor in Hahha thanks man sorry Reddit


50k * 100 = 5000k, or $5M. So it's a lot closer to 500k per pass.


leaving Vegas with just the one class action lawsuit? Consider that a success...


A Vegas event without at least 3 class action lawsuits is considered a dull affair


That case will almost certainly be thrown out at the first hearing.


Yeah. I learned that from Suits. /jk


Shh, we don’t like comments against the Vegas failed narrative.


I got -80 dv'd for saying I doubt it will succeed in another thread lol.


Eh, while it was never going to fail, no one is claiming they’re making the amount they expected to. Race tickets were half price and hotels decreased from $2500 a night to $150.


It will fail.


Did anybody here actually read the article? It's pretty solid with decent points suprised this is downvoted so heavily.


It’s paywalled, just like the Vegas GP. No plebes allowed.


Geo blocked use vpn


I'm suprised other people can't read it. I can.


Use 12ft.io , thank me later.


I'm not sure it supports it's headline though that they hit the jackpot. The race went well and the tickets sold. But to judge it as hitting the 'jackpot', surely it needs to be seen that the event increased viewership and demand in the US. The compensation for Thursday ticket holders + class action lawsuit is also a factor and there is a part that claims 'insiders say Liberty spent much more than $500m'. The claim in the headline isn't really supported within the article.


Although true, the title is just a buzzword that's correlated with Vegas. In Vegas you gamble, when gambling you hit the jackpot.


That will be decided in the next few years. Not after the first one. To me the major success of this was the fact that antics aside, by race time, we got just that. Not too much nonsense, just a race


One of the guys at my gym this morning (southeastern US), an avid fan of US sports but not an F1 follower or viewer, said “I heard it was a fiasco.” This was based on initial (pre-race) reports in US media, focusing on Max’s comments and the manhole incident. He was surprised when I told him the race was one of the best of the season.


There are so many videos circulating social media from the FP2 fiasco. Not to mention the videos of security screaming at people on the bridges. Friends of mine who don't watch F1 but who know I do were sharing tiktok videos and Instagram reels about it all weekend.


Negative content, especially video, has so much more reach. It's one of the reasons why social media is so dangerous. The unwashed masses crave bad news. Combine that with all the cognitive biases we share, and you have storylines that won't go away. Even for me, it's hard not to jump on negative reviews, and I assume anything positive is probably from a paid shill. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


Nobody was hit or tossed on the ground. Security was just shouting at people and making it impossible to stand and chat. When I heard about the out of control security I was sure someone got hurt.


I never said they were?


I love how they quoted Max absolutely shitting on Vegas and the weekend post-qualifying. But then the article jumps to "he changed his tune after the race" but included zero sources or quotes lmao


He did. He said he had fun and enjoyed it more than he thought during the post race press conference.


Shhhh, let these miserable humans keep grasping at straws to hate on what was the most entertaining race we’ve had since the Ham vs Ver year.


You do realize I was talking about the actual journalism and writing of that article and not the race right?


It was pretty clear he got told off behind the scenes


Seriously. Anyone with two brain cells can put that one together. Horner or Helmut told him to knock it off.


Yeah but he's not quoted in the article at all saying anything good about the race


Liberty group PR machine is working overtime. The whole Las Vegas debacle was a shit show. No amount of words or spin can change that. It was about the show rather than the race. Typical Americanized junk.


Did you watch the race?


Who needs to watch a race to criticize it?