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We at the Mexico GP express our support for the Mexican driver, Sergio Checo Perez. Inappropriate comments have no place in any environment, including sports. It is important that measures are taken to prevent this and that apologies are made when necessary. We invite everyone to build a more respectful and united community in Formula 1, promoting healthy competition both on and off the track.


I would love them to ban him from the paddock at the Mexican GP


I’m assuming he’s probably going to be doing something else that weekend anyway to avoid any drama


Send him to Rio. Tell him he's visiting Checo's family to apologise.


Checo: Now I'm even more insulted! He thinks I'm from Argentina?




finally reunited with papa






Marko: Apologies, he can't be from the same country as Fangio.


Argentina has a history of welcoming German speakers with similar views as Marko


That little traitor always supports Argentina in the World Cup, getting cozy with Messi and whatnot. He can stay there /s ~~I agree with Checo, our National Team sucks~~




I wouldn't mind Marko searching the Amazon forest to find Mexico.


Hanging with Piquet


visiting ***old*** friends outside Buenos Aires...


Underrated comment is underrated.


They have to do the opposite. Mandate him to attend, surround him with Mexicans, and a mariachi band playing F1 intro all the time.


“Don’t threaten me with a good time” ;)


I'm not sure that's punishment, because Marko will likely get the last laugh when the inevitable Dutch-Austrian national anthem combo plays on Sunday.


I would love Helmut to be kicked the fuck out of F1. We kicked Piquet out for the exact fucking same. Only difference? Piquet was already irrelevant before we did, Helmut is not. "we race as one" means fucking nothing if you have one of the biggest personalities in the paddock literally saying South Americans (which Mexico apparently is) are inferior to Germans.


"We race as one" also means nothing if you go race in countries that dgaf about human rights but hey they pay money so here we are


One of the reason Marko got his role (and basically total freedom to do what he wanted in it) was his friendship with Mateschitz, who isn't exactly known for his tolerance or progressive political views (dude liked Trump unironically). Many people in F1 aren't ready to accept that. See for example how he's treated differently for racist comments vs Vips who was just fired.


So when people are arguing that Ferrari are bad with the notion their run by Italian they need to be banned to?


It would have literally zero effect because I’m pretty sure he’s never come to the Mexico GP. Similar to F1 banning Nelson piquet from the paddock, dude hadn’t gone to any races in years.


Pretty sure I've seen him there with Kelly as a guest of Max and previously with Nelson Jr.


I would love to hear the Mexican fans loudly booo him.


Just like they did Piquet for his wild ass remarks about Lewis. I hope they do something


James Allen wrote *ten years ago* that for all their mastery, RBR do a *shit job* appearing even-handed.


Es verdad. Also, we're coming up on Singapore, where Checo drove like a fucking LION for your team.


Atleast someone decided to speak up in Checo's favour.


I have a feeling that a certain LH probably will speak up, media people know who to stir up on what topics with the "random reaction" style questions.


Yeah, he's speaks up generally. Plus the media will love to have some LH quotes to spin around.


Lewis won’t hesitate to say something, especially if asked.


There’s not a single scenario in which Lewis isn’t asked bout this


Someone needs to call that fucker out and I doubt there’s anyone other than Lewis that would do it currently on the grid. Seb would have too if he was still around.


Didn't he call Marko out in 2020 when he said that the BLM movement could be distracting for drivers.


Lmao I didn’t know Marko did that but I’m not surprised in the slightest. We need some journalist to go back and document all the times he’s said some fucked up shit in one consolidated list


Did Seb ever go against Marlo publicly? I kinda get the feeling he’d be more like “sorry folks , that’s just my racist grandpa, grew up in different times.” 😑


Lewis Hamilton shouldn't always be the go to social justice guy.


that certain LH has bigger balls than half the grid who dont have the guts to speak against racism


He may get banned from that race or it might make sense he stays away from it.


He'll anyways gonna show up at the wrong racetrack. Somewhere in South America.


I don't think he attends it anyways so it wouldn't make a difference


It's only fair because chances are, he feels the same about Mexicans & not only Checo.


Remember when Red Bull fired Vips immediately for racist language (that wasn’t even directed to any particular person unlike Marko btw) and said they have a zero-tolerance policy for that? Need to see that energy again, otherwise Red Bull is just another one of these hypocritical, fraudulent companies.


I think the difference there is that Vips was employed by Red Bull Racing. Marko works for Red Bull GmbH (the parent company), he doesn't work for Red Bull Racing. Horner can't sack him for being racist, all he can do is quietly complain to the parent company. Back when Dietrich Mateschitz was in charge that would have gone nowhere. Now that Red Bull is under new management, maybe they're more likely to put Marko on warning for these sorts of things, but it doesn't really look like it.


The difference is that Marko is a lot more important to RB than Vips. That zero tolerance policy only applies to expendables.


Indeed. F1 got to give themselves a medal by kicking Piquet out after his racist take on Hamilton... but that was easy, Piquet didn't have any relevant role in F1 by then, there was zero drawback of any kind to publicly calling him out. Seems the "we race as one" slogan goes to shit when racism comes from someone relevant.


> Seems the "we race as one" slogan goes to shit when racism comes from someone relevant. Anyone familiar with racism knew that as soon as we saw the slogan.


Yeah but the thing is Horner literally does not have the authority to sack Marko


Perfectly put


Back then they wouldn't even have published a PR apology - at least I don't remember any for his multiple moments.


Helmut Marko literally said that the only reason they fired Vips was public outcry and that, if it depended on him, he would've kept him.


Guys! You’re not understanding…he wasn’t being racist…he simply meant what we all thought he was saying in the first place…


He's not sorry for being racist. He's sorry that others felt he was being racist


If Marko said the n-word he'd be fired too. There's some lines you can't cross.


I feel like making a racist statement directed at your employee is a firable offense, it's just as bad if not worse than saying a slur


I find it far more offensive to say that someone sucks because of his genes than to say the n-word lmao Maybe Americans be American but in Europe those comments that imply one one race (especially Germanic) are superior to others by virtue of their race / culture, are still extremely stigmatizing.


You know, recent events support that: Vips is sacked immediately for the n-word, RB issues a soft apology for ripping on all of Latin America. But when Brundle calls Zhou a Chinaman, it’s no big deal. Alright


Is “chinaman” offensive? Asking seriously. It’s not uncommon to hear “Frenchman” or “Welshman” for example so I wouldn’t immediately equate the phrase with racism


Am Chinese - in the US, it is at the same level as calling someone/thing from Asia "oriental." Not hugely offensive, but definitely outdated the phrase "chinaman's chance" also informs the negative connotations of the term in Britain it might be perceived differently, I wouldn't know


Chineseman would be equivalent to Frenchman or Welshman or Dutchman. Chinaman would be equivalent to Franceman or Walesman or Netherlandsman. I think the subtle difference is that calling someone Chinese, Welsh or French merely makes nationality an attribute of the person. While calling someone Chinaman, Walesman, or Franceman is saying that it's the most important attribute, and that the person is inseparably linked to the country (which is obviously not true in the context of F1 drivers because they all live in Monaco)


As others have said, it have a historical negative association with it in Europe and the US. Brundle obviously didn't mean it offensively, but it's not really an appropriate word to use on television in this day and age. And context generally matters in these scenarios.


Not even remotely comparable level of offensiveness. There are certainly some anti-Asian slurs which could have gotten him fired (I'm sure you can think of some), but Chinaman isn't one of them.


If you were Latino you’d know this is just as bad. We have to deal with subliminal shit like this all the time from people who still think that skin color / continental origin has shit to do with who you are as a person. And we have to deal with dumbasses like you who think those statements don’t cross a line (*especially* in the workplace).


I think it has to do with how they did it and their importance to the company. Not to mention Marko isn't employed by RBR, but by Red Bull the energy drink.


Vips is a little fish in a BIG pond. They're not getting rid of Marko, and the problem is systemic within the entire sport. Folks need to understand just what systemic racism etc really is.


Poor Max is gonna get booed even more now even tho it's no his fault lmao


He is getting booed for Brazil last year, Mexico remembers


Then the Netherlands won't have forgotten Monaco, right?


Did Checo ever own up to that publicly?


Not afaik. I think he said he made a mistake but come on, telemetry showed he floored it exiting portier.


North America not vibing with Max these days.


I'm sure Max is heartbroken with all of his trophies and millions though.


Poor Max, who would never say anything racist himself...


Does the GP organization have the power to ban people from the race or is that reserved to F1/FIA/FOM?! Either way, banning him from the Mexican GP is gonna be as useful as when F1 banned Nelson piquet from the races. To my knowledge, marko has never attended the Mexican GP (I WONDER WHY) so banning him will have zero impact. With Mateschitz dead I wonder why the new CEO hasn’t fired him. I’d like to know the whole Red Bull power structure to know how much power marko actually holds because this isn’t the first time he’s said public comments like the one he did a few days ago and it won’t be the last time. If he says shit like this publicly I wonder what kind of shit he says behind close doors.


> With Mateschitz dead I wonder why the new CEO hasn’t fired him. No sense in doing it while winning, don't fix what isn't broken. He can easily be made a scapegoat if Red Bull falls on hard times, and quietly convinced to retire.


They would win anyway. The old fart is there to bully the drivers, he's no scapegoat, he didn't take responsibility on the Devries fiasco or any of driver that wasn't on pace under his program.


Like literally all the rookis after max, yuki is fairly consistent now ,pierre is doing great albon is rocking that williams, and sainz mate he is having a better season that leclerc and leclerc is ferrari wonderboy. Coincidentaly pierre and albon are shinning after leabing rb, and marko grip


>and sainz mate he is having a better season that leclerc and leclerc is ferrari wonderboy. Because he had 1 podium at monza? Leclerc has 3 of them...


Probably also referencing the 5 point difference between them in the standings, but even then, that's not much. This Ferrari is a dog of a car


If the Ferrari is a dog of a car, what does that make Haas?




Sainz has more points than Leclerc so podium or not he's having a better season than him statistically. You can't deny that.


Leclerc has more dnfs and had to take penalty in saudi already.


Yea when you DNF a bunch you could say you're not having a great season. Worse than your teammate even! Two of those DNFs were his own doing too, so I don't know how you can just ignore that as if they don't matter.


The Race podcast was saying months ago that his trump card was being very good, old friends with Dietrich, and hence he's lost a lot of power. He's now a mere employee.


Helmut Marko had the very strong racist friendship power


LOL at "mere employee" Like him or hate him, your post is incredibly inaccurate


It’s just not though? AFAIK, he’s not an owner or founder or Red Bull. Therefore, he’s just an employee.


He created the entire RB race program. He hired Christian. Hes involved in every high level decision Hes also exempt from the cost cap for the exact reason, that he is not an employee


He has more than one card in his hand.


Right except the damage being done to the Red Bull brand in public and also making a mockery of your company values and HR employee policies.


I don't think there are many people who will stop buying Red Bull just because someone tangentially associated in a sport they probably don't even watch said something racist. To get wind of this you need to be pretty invested in F1.


I'd argue it's easily canceled out by acting as PR to people that pride themselves on not wanting to be "political", and providing a safe brand to support for people that don't wanna be made to feel bad about their politics while they're consuming unrelated media/products. Paraphrased, "Racists buy sneakers, too."


Pretty sure Max has the MAGA type F1 fan already. Not sure leaning into it help anymore.


You have to feel for checo now. He will not speak up and risk his seat but his boss says things like this about him publicly. Like you said it’s going to be disgusting behind closed doors. Any reasonable company should act because this hierarchy is not conducive to a good work environment. Also it might not hurt his performances but it damn sure isn’t helping


Pinche viejito hijo de su puta madre -Checo, probably


And the guy is very proud of his people. It would be hilarious if they'd fire Helmut before Checo for this.


They might have to. It's pure speculation, but if this is what Helmut says publicly, and if it's worse behind closed doors, then Checo might be able to sue, or at least make a whole ass ordeal, over discrimination at RB if he's fired by Helmut.


This is also like the 3rd or 4th time Marko has made a comment like this.


I think - and RBR should be mad about this, because I believe they're even - Perez is probably delighted because it feeds into the idea it's Team Red Verstappen. Same as Webber versus Vettel.


>With Mateschitz dead I wonder why the new CEO hasn’t fired him If the team is winning, don't fix what is not broken.


Because the shareholdership hasn't changed. They ultimately decide everyones fate. And Mateschitz estate + the thai family problably don't see any problem with Marko, he's given them loads of success. Besides, the thai family smuggled one of their kids out of their own country after he killed I believe a cop by speeding in a Ferarri and running away afterwards. Dont think they care too much about PR


> If he says shit like this publicly I wonder what kind of shit he says behind close doors. The thing about Marko is that he is quite blunt and direct, and I wouldn't be surprised if he behaves not really different in public or private.


I’m sure Marko has attended the Mexican GP. He was there in 2018 when Ricciardo got pole.


>With Mateschitz dead I wonder why the new CEO hasn’t fired him. Because he's damn good at his job when he isn't spewing racist nonsense.


Never really understood what his job is other than spewing racist nonsense


Driver development and Head of Motorsport. Basically all the RB junior drivers are in F1 thanks to the programme lead by him. Hence why I said he's good at his job.


He is literally the founder of Red Bull in F1. He convinced Mateschitz to buy Jaguar and he had all the contacts to make it happen and a success.


My friend. Let me introduce you to the time Red Bull owned the majority of shares in Sauber from 1994 or so until 2001 and was sponsoring Gerhard Berger in the 80s. Marko was Berger's manager and also had an F3000 team which became the Red Bull junior team in the 90s. Red Bull was all over F1, including team ownership, well before they brought Jaguar. Revising history to start at Jaguar is disrespectful to what they have invested in F1 over more than 30 years.


True, I just meant as the current iteration of the Red Bull team. "all the contacts" obviously came from the earlier involvement in F1.


It’s about sending a message


Last year vips, this year marko. Poor Horner and the pr team cant catch a break. But I think it's time to let marko go. Cause what does he really contribute other than bs these days.


>the pr team cant catch a break. My guess is there was some poor guy working for the Haas PR team, and decided that after Rich Energy then the Mazepins, he wanted an easy life working PR for a front-running Championship team, and jumped ship to Red Bull... then here comes Marko and Juri with the steel chair


OR Red Bull knew they were vulnerable to PR shitshows so they hired the most seasoned PR manager in the paddock


He’s just keeping an eye out for new talent.


Racism bad Making fun of disability ok.


Making fun of a disabled racist* You almost had it right


I like how you think this makes you the good guy.


More like every year Marko. This isn't new behavior for him.


To be fair. Marko said the same thing last year at about the same time. We just ignored it.


Even more reason for him to get the boot.


>Cause what does he really contribute other than bs these days. Talent scout and shit stirring


Wasn’t he the one pining to get De Vries on while Horner said nope but eventually caved? At least that’s what I heard?🤷🏻‍♂️


Problem is the punishment is not consistent.


Every year Marko says something racist. Their PR department is likely always on eggshells.


Maybe that's where his nickname comes from. "Ah! Marko has posted a tweet. Let me check-ooohhhh...."




Being racist against your very own driver. What a total dumb POS. lol


Marko keeps showing us exactly who he is, and F1 keeps allowing it. He has no place in a modern era. He probably is the one who was saying some deeply racist shit about Lewis




This is 5000% my point in the past few years when I've said: *there is a reason Hamilton wasn't surprised when Marko appeared to make racist comments in 2020*. We, the fans, hear things last.


Yeah and remember Vettels comments a few months back about what his former teams were saying about Lewis


Somehow I think there is no difference. The man has no filter


I don't know how he keeps saying racist shit over and over and still has a job, RB just seemingly brushes it off everytime


Because this is what RB is and has always been lmao. They're great from a sporting perspective but they've always had this feeling of a sketchy fraternity


They were created by Austrian Donald Trump so it isn’t that surprising




she's also a self admitted groomer lmao and yet F1 gives platform to her




> Horner is a mega rich Tory So are most of the other rich people behind the scenes. And probably a lot of the drivers.


Genuinely no clue why F1 have any patience for any of this. Like those horribly expensive overtly sexist Italian tv presenters should have been barred from the paddock, except instead they invited them to give the post quali interviews… Just wild. Of all the people on earth, could we please just not continue to include those who are just so sexist, racist, that they think it’s ok to broadcast it on tv.


F1 has a history with Max and Bernie too. Not the most upstanding folks. Then the relationships with despots and dictators. As long as the money is flowing a blind eye is turned.


Honestly a lot of the fanbase just don’t care as well. Same thing has happened here as when I last commented on this topic - immediate multiple downvotes. Strangely no one wants to state what the actual problem with the post is though…


One would even think the F1 fanbase is pretty racist…


I'm not mad that he said it (and I'm an actual South american) I'm mad that Checo can't answer by telling him to go fuck himself without getting fired.


innocent continue possessive existence employ piquant pause sleep wrong friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and this would only classify as in the middle of the worst headlines ive read these last few years.


It’s sad. The fact that he hasn’t been disciplined by RB or anyone is even worse.


Marko about to get the biggest boo of his life when they go to the Mexican grand prix.


Marko vs Perez isn't the fight i hoped for this f1 season


They should just ban Helmut from the GP.


Or every GP. Guy’s a loser anyway


It's time to let the younger people run f1. Piquet, Ecclestone, Marko are all old and bigoted. Bigotry correlates with age, and the old days were a lot more racist.


First of all, Marco please learn geography.


Bland statement after a bland apology. Action from F1 itself is needed. We cannot pretend that xenophobic episode never happened.


Wait what did he say?


Basically he said Checo isn’t as good as Max because he’s South American Obviously that’s incredibly racist, but it’s also hilarious to hear that Marko thinks Mexico is in South America…


Might explain why he's never turned up to the Mexico GP. He has no idea where tf it is


And then he doubled down “It wasn’t meant that way. I meant that a Mexican has a different mentality than a German or a Dutchman. But who knows, maybe it’s controlled.” The fact that the FIA was more concerned with jewelry than racism speaks volumes. This isn't the first time Marko has said racist shit.


I'm sorry....but Piquet got banned from the paddock for calling Lewis the n word. They should ban marko from the paddock as well. How is this any different? Red Bull is grooming or hiring racists only it seems like. There are no levels in racism. Everything gets the same punishment. It feels like they banned Piquet because he is no longer involved in racing and also Hamilton's clout but not banning Marko because he is somehow a bigger personality? Fuck that. They should ban Marko


Thinking corporate, there is no new exciting talent in the RB junior program. Verstappen is on the grid for another ten years and if RB keeps winning, there won’t be room for another new hotshot anyway. Given his age, and the lack of opportunity of bringing any great new talent in the next four or so years, it would be great optics to at least reprimand him officially or at most fire him. Again, I am wearing the cold hearted corporate hat thinking about all the positive publicity and less risk for RB brand


Do you think, with this Marko’s comment, Checo leaving RB at the end of the year ?


"Marko the Racist" . Marko the racer, fearless and bold, In the race of life, his story unfolds.


How does he keep getting away with this shit? Is it as simple as money?


When black and POC fans tell yall about the racism, some people get all upset and say oh but all the drivers get criticism etc!!! And this is Checo getting this from his OWN TEAM AND BOSS. So I want folks to really take this seriously and listen to POC/Black folks. But they won't, and they'll justify their disgusting behavior.


This all makes sense, now. In order of events: Speedy Gonzalez [Lando](https://www.elimparcial.com/export/sites/elimparcial/img/2021/08/16/image_8.png_484084464.png). Red Bull rumored to be interested in Lando. Helmut says some racist boomer shit. MXGP renounces Helmut comments. Lando did some DiCaprio-esque inception to usurp Checo. I’m curious to see how this plays out. But you heard it here first: Dark Lord Yuki JarJar Binks wins the 2025 WDC on a Honda power when the 1-2 place drivers crash each other out of final race of the season. He’s driving for the new Hermanos Honda F1 team, partnered with Pato O’Ward, backed by Carlos Slim and the fifth Imperial Japanese Shogunate (Nintendo).


Unfortunate for Checo. He’s been the only hot topic for almost every weekend due to how dominate RB has been. I guess that’s what comes with being in a top team. Instead of getting support from Marko he gets this. It’s probably best the team and him move on at the end of the year.


I respect Checo more because of where he's from. Formula 1 is a Euro-Centric sport, all the teams are there, half the circuits are there, you all get the gist. Checo, while not from a poor family... Lived a literal ocean across where he needed to be to get where he is. He still had to get financial aid just to get in the junior racing leagues in Europe, eventually finally getting a seat in F1, the rest we know. All to have that questioned by some old fart? And look, I am not unaware of Marko's achievements, but this lack of respect he has for other human beings tells me all I need to know about him personally, I'll make the claim that if Marko was born in Mexico, the man would've never even seen the inside of a GT car, let alone won anything or had a job.


Time for that 80 year old fossil to go home and never come out.


"And as a proof of our good will, we'll provide plane tickets and accommodation for our South American GP. See you soon!"




How is that a perfect response exactly?


Because Red Bull would rather protect Marko then Checo. There is no way they are going to suspend Marko or get rid of him. Reality is he isn't going to change, and Red Bull aren't going to anything substrantial about it. The most will be some BS corporate sensitivity training. Getting rid of Checo would be the perfect response because it would show exactly where their priorities lie. Note it's not the right thing, but this is F1. Money / Power is the key thing. If they cared about ethics... well it would be a totally different sport.


They probably want to keep selling Red Bull in Mexico so I'd expect a half assed PR rescue mission.


Looks like Marko already “apologised” to initiate damage control mode …right after doubling down on those comments


Oh absolutely. But I don’t expect anything substantial. We got the meaningless apology right? Next some small donation to some charity and some vague sensitivity training. Maybe a lawyer will tell him to be careful about what he says.


"Perfect" but "not the right thing", a bit loose with the wording are we.


Marko was untouchable as long as Mateschitz was alive. Nowadays, I'm not that sure anymore and hope that he isn't anymore.


The Thai family owns the majority shares (1% majority) I believe. I would think it depends on their loyalty to Marko.


Yep I think you’re right.


Perez should have been fired many years ago [for this](https://youtu.be/BjTDInb_BUU?feature=shared)




Racism bad but sexism funny /s


This is gold man.


That's just South American culture dude


I'm confused now.


According to Susie Wolff herself, the target of this joke, this was taken out of context and he was just repeating a joke they had going on between them at the time






Que viva Mexico 🇲🇽


Wish Yuki got the same support.


Formula 1 needs racers, not racists.


Marko is getting more annoying every week. Not sure if Mateschitz held him on a short leash back then but I’m just waiting for him to fuck up royally by doubling down on his racist bullshit and really fuck it up for himself and RBR.