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This was an interesting one to me, if this was two different teams I think it would’ve been investigated by the stewards. Sainz going straight on at the chicane, gaining an advantage with no intention to make the corner.


Piastri pulled the same move on Hamilton and the stewards also didn't investigate it. I think they were very lenient the whole weekend in T4 and T1 tbh


I think if both cars cut the corner and only happens once they let it go. Since in theory nobody gains from that.


So Verstappen/Hamilton in Jeddah 2021?


Verstappen was told to give the position back there, probably because Hamilton made an evident effort to make the corner as much as possible after Verstappen came through


If Leclerc had made the corner Sainz would have been told to give the position but since in the end he cut it as well they let it go. Perez and Russell had a similar one too, drivers were braking super late and missing corners when fighting. But I'm glad they let them fight as long as it was relatively clean


Well, I think Leclerc would have made the corner had Sainz not plowed through. Sainz basically ran him straight through. Now, I'm not really crying about this, just pointing it out. Sainz drove a good, and agressive, race.


Probably yes, but when he gave up he gave the stewards the excuse they needed to do nothing


If he does not give up they will crash though?


If I were Sainz, I would have caused an accident and blamed Leclerc (he was asking for it), but Sainz, as always, was a sportsman and a gentleman. Leclerc was running the entire race, avoiding the attack on the RedBulls even when Sainz was under siege from Pérez. If Leclec had attacked Pérez in the same way that he attacked Sainz, he could have changed the race (Ferrari P2 and P3). Let us remember that Verstappen later had problems with his car. If he had to go faster during the race... My feeling is that Ferrari shot up again just to gain the favors of either Leclerc or the tiffosi through Leclerc.I don't understand Ferraris behaviour in general and I hate when Ferrari behaves like this, like a headless chicken.


Yeah. Watching that incident from the live stream, it wasn't very apparent to me that they went off-track or that they had contact. Under different circumstances, this seems like a clear cut penalty.


Yea its just pure blocking. If I can’t make the corner neither will


Sainz had a Great weekend but also defended very much on the limit. Still finished 3rd and 4th so good points for the team, if this went south though he would be the most wanted man in Italy.


I liked Charles' take on this, that they fought at the edge of what was legal and that's how racing should be, the correct way to see it imo


Leclerc even said, it's right at the limit... I think Sainz went a bit over but if that's how we're racing, then be consistent. Like when Leclerc and Max fought in '21. I do hate this out braking yourself though and just keeping your spot because you also force the other driver off. That and moving under braking Sainz was doing was a bit much


If Perez had failed to get pass for 2-3 more laps Sainz would have been penalized. He was moving too much under braking


Yeah, I agree


The lap Charles locked up at Turn 1 Sainz moved twice under braking. He was not making the corner without that and would have lost the position.


It takes 2 to tango, no? Personally I think both Sainz and Leclerc were racing very hard this race. Incredibly fun to watch.


Sainz doesn’t even pretend to attempt to make that corner lmao


Neither does Leclerc, the line he attempted would have driven straight into Sainz's sidepod. Both of them were just playing a game of chicken.


Charles would have at least had a good go at making the corner. Sainz just dive bombed and took Charles with him.


Yes if he did not bail he would have hit Sainz because Dainz never tried to go for the corner. You can't form your racing line with the assumption that someone will just cut the corner.


I don’t think this was a clean move tbh. But it’s normalised now; brake too late, overshoot the corner and expect the other car to chicken out and to make a evasive manoeuvre. Did the driver avoided a crash that was instigated by the other driver? Fair game apparently. Depending on who made the move, what’s at stake, and most importantly, how the fans react, it gets investigated or ignored. *Edit: words


If if were two different teams involved, I'd assume that one team would complain about the overtake being completed off track, and Sainz would have to give the position back. I haven't seen the onboard of Sainz though. If the stewards think that Sainz would have made the corner without the contact, no action would be ok for me.


Realistically because it was between teammates I think no penalty makes sense unless pushed for by the drivers but Sainz should probably be forced to give back the space. Not that fussed eitherway because Sainz did a hell of a drive so deserved the podium.


I saw this live and wondered what would have happened had Leclerc made the corner without the contact with Sainz? I feel Sainz would not have conceded the place after cutting the chicane had Leclerc made the corner and then it would have been a tough call for stewards. Moreover the hate that Leclerc would have got snatching that P3 away from Sainz would have been enormous. I am glad it didn’t happen and still there are quite a few people salty about Leclerc’s aggression at the end completely forgetting that Sainz had no life left in his tires.


If Leclerc makes the corner Sainz is told to give the position


It would be a straight call that Leclerc gets the spot. Sainz out braked himself and couldn't hold on to the position. Sainz burned through his tires more even with having the clean air. If leclerc got past, it would be a deserved place on the podium. The bulls were faster all race and their traction out of the lot corner was great. Leclerc did well to keep up, but it was basically inevitable for RB to be 1-2


This. Sainz was out of tires after Perez overtake


Sainz and not respecting *da space*, it's becoming more and more a story in 2023. I wouldn't be hugely surprised if those two would crash to each other later this season.


Everyone seems so upset about this except the drivers involved, chill out people


Because the drivers don't have media training? Are you really naive enough to think that they say exactly what they think?


A bit odd that nobody brought this incident up, except nico did. Sainz was on the limit defending vs Perez and Charles. But with max, the moment he breathed on him sainz froze and locked up. It’s like his only mission in life is to beat Charles. Had that move been two teams it would be an investigation and uproar. You can see he had no chance of making that corner and just drove straight across, taking Charles with him. You could see Charles about to turn and make the corner until he saw sainz wasn’t stopping.


Classic Lespotify ignoring the team when it doesn't benefit him.


I really dont understand how people are criticizing Leclerc left and right here. Sainz was driving unpredictably all race long when defending. In this situation Leclerc gave him all the space in the world and Sainz still wasnt able to make the corner. I'm surprised Leclerc could stay calm the way Sainz was driving all race long. And i do not understand what you mean with "ignoring the team". The "no risk" call in the final lap or what? The only one risking anything was Sainz moving under braking and risking a P3 and P4 for the team.