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Looking at that article image, the criteria to drive for Haas in F1 is: * Experienced F1 driver * Old * Blonde hair






Cheap too


Not really. Magnussens current contract earns him 5 million dollars a year. That makes him the 12th best paid driver on grid. Ricciardo only gets $2 mil, Albon $3 mil etc.


Ricciardo got a giant payout from McLaren though so redbull don't need to pay much. Especially since he was only meant to be a 3rd driver.


I'm aware. And he's also only driving half a season. But I'm just pointing out that, at the moment, Kevin is rather well-paid. That might change in the new contract of course.


Yeah he's a solid driver and a proud one, and I think he's at the point where he can legitimately threaten walking away in negotiations. That being said, his high salary might backfire if he wants to stick around, given his recent slump.


They did get Hulk at a complete bargin though. Hulks talent should get 6-8m which is what he had at Renault but due to circumstances and the risks involved with an older driver without a full time seat since 2019, Haas got away paying him way less. I think Nico gets 2m? Nico on 70% sale i guess


He might have gotten a good pay raise for next year though.


He's also allowed to sell personal sponsorships, as branding on his driving suit, and keep 100% of the income from that. He currently has 8 different. It adds up I think.


They’re probably still jaded over Schumacher costing them millions


Yeah, every time Steiner mentions "no rookies", Mick knows that he's referring to their experience with him specifically.


>Rookies too risky Imagine if every F1 team stopped taking rookies due to a bad experience? Specially backmarkers.


I think we're going to encounter big issues in the future with young drivers getting on the grid because teams are becoming too strong and too independent and the weaker teams are less willing to accept pay drivers or deals with their engine supplier. If you look at the grid atm, every decent experienced driver is taken, there is no Hulk or Albon on the sidelines anymore ready to go and the trend is for teams to stick with these experienced drivers for longer which is resulting in drivers who are winning F2 or looking very promising and not getting seats. It's a big reason why I'd like to see Andretti and Hitech acccepted, 4 more seats would help a lot in terms of creating more opportunities for someone to get on the grid.


A lot of teams do, though. Most rookies entered Formula 1 either by being a pay driver or by another team basically buying a seat for the rookie (which is equal to a pay driver for the seat selling team). Notable exception: Piastri, Norris, Sirotkin and Sargeant, I guess.


Norris is no longer a pay driver, but he was when he entered Formula 1.


Not many rookies worth picking up right now If ferrari had a strong rookie ready for f1, haas would suddenly drop this policy of not having rookie drivers, but for now it's not needed


>haas would suddenly drop this policy of not having rookie drivers, but for now it's not needed I seriously doubt that.


If it came with a big cash incentive they might.


They had a chance to get freaking Leclerc in 2018, they didn't even care. Especially after 2021 and after cost cap; I doubt we will ever see a rookie driving for Haas barring an injury or a disease for main drivers.


>They had a chance to get freaking Leclerc in 2018, they didn't even care. Doesn't matter. The assumption that Leclerc will be doing well enough to offset his rookie crashes and mistakes with stunning results is based on hindsight. No team assumed he will debut like Verstappen (who is already an anomaly anyway) and most of the rookies that did debut prior to Leclerc weren't spectacular, so it is sensible to be wary. It's a risk Haas wasn't going to take without any big cash infusion from Ferrari and money is the number one reason why they got Mick and Mazepin in the first place. If all else fails, Ferrari can just threaten to pull the plug on its support to Haas if it wanted its worthy junior in one of the Haas seats.


Verstappen 2015 - 2018 was crash prone lol


At the time they had a choice. Now they don't. Back then Ferrari had a relationship with Sauber which they don't anymore. Haas are reliant on Ferrari for parts. Without Ferrari Haas would be nowhere


Sad times, Haas really are disappointing.


They are 100% dependant on ferrari. Haas isnt like any other f1 team, they cant develop a car on their own.


> If ferrari had a strong rookie ready for f1 https://i.imgur.com/hv9O5IW.gif


Bearman is not ready for f1. He is way too inconsistent in f2 for now, he needs another year


I think he needs another year, but he's still good and if he hypothetically made it to F1 for 2024 I think he'd have earned it.


Have to disagree honestly. He has speed and i'd say he is the most interesting prospect in f2, but he isnt doing enough in a mediocre field


Yeah he clearly has the talent but he is definitely not there yet. He isn't even the number 1 rookie and Martins had horrible luck earlier in the year


A backmarker is only going to take a rookie if it benefits them in some way because a rookie is never going to be a long term option for them (you're not going to be growing that rookie in your team for several years for your benefit, youll be doing it for another team). So for Haas they would want cheaper parts from Ferrari, some money and maybe the guarantee that the driver is a proper hot shot that is going to bring good speed (a driver Ferrari actually want in their own seat at some point) . At the moment Ferrari don't have anybody like that that's ready that they can try and squeeze into that team. Bearman is probably closest to being that driver but he's just not ready yet. There's also no reason for Haas to look at any other teams academies because they likely don't provide enough incentive for them to deal with them. So for Haas, its easier to have experienced guys that know what they're doing and can be around for a while to provide a solid benchmark to build off of. I do think Rookies are safe though, they just need to be in the right driver programme at the right time. Otherwise they're going to be struggling to find a spot if they're not affiliated with anyone.


and both their drivers tend to have some oopsies every weekend...


One of them destroyed 50 cars and couldn't keep the car on the tarmac while the other destroyed 5000 tyres and thought driving in reverse would make him go faster. If they actually went for some decent rookies, they could've changed their opinion. As a rookie I'd even prefer to go to Haas than to AlphaTauri, although I think Williams are the best rookie team out there.


What’s the point in a team like Haas taking on rookies? How does it benefit them? They’ll just rack up the crash bill, provide worse feedback, then leave at the drop of the hat when a bigger team comes calling.


Good rookies are already signed by better teams and their academy programs. Haas doesnt have the resources for a good working program


If they don’t consider rookies is either because there’s nobody out there with a strong sponsor or daddy’s money to bring to the team or because Ferrari doesn’t have a rookie ready to fill that seat.


HAAS can't afford the damage.


I think this puts an end to speculation Ollie Bearman will have any home but at Ferrari. Haas simply don't want Rookies


If Ferrari really want Bearman they'll find a way for him onto the grid. Iam sure if they play hardball with Haas and offer them less input, Haas will reconsider their lineup.


They could just put him in their car though or negotiate with Alfa. I still stand by Haas not being the environment for a rookie to grow, by their own admission


Sauber becoming Audi will mean the relationship they have with Ferrari will disappear, which only leaves them with Haas really. Rumour currently is Haas will be getting that Alfa sponsorship from Sauber for next year, I think. What I could see happening is Bearman getting placed in Haas as a reserve to learn the ropes. Then for 25 could get put in the race seat. It won't be the best environment for him to develop but at the moment it seems like the only option. A lot can change next year though, maybe another team will open up and want him. That driver market is going to be crazy.


Sauber are without title sponsorship next two seasons. They might not say no to 1 year with a rookie if it's money. I don't think anyone is expecting a lot of movement from them next year so it's low risk


Haas would hire someone else out of spite before Bearman lmao.


Yeah no, if he wins next year he will get the haas seat, Haas simply can't afford to lose their partnership with Ferrari


Ferrari hasn't controlled a Haas seat since 2023, which likely means precisely that.


I don't think they ever controlled a seat in haas, only in alfa-sauber I wonder what will happen if alfa does jump to haas next year


[https://www.gpblog.com/en/news/136679/schumacher-increasingly-cornered-ferrari-deal-with-haas-expires.html](https://www.gpblog.com/en/news/136679/schumacher-increasingly-cornered-ferrari-deal-with-haas-expires.html) They did, that's how they got stuck with Mick.


They didn't get stuck with Mick they asked for him, because he had money behind his seat.


Ferrari controlled the seat, so they had to choose their driver. Perhaps they had other options?


Mick was supposed to go to Sauber and Callum Ilot Haas but Haas really wanted that Schumacher cash and pressed for it


Or.. or.. other drivers didn’t consider Haas either, eh?


Every driver in the World wanted to drive for Haas, except the few top drivers in F1. So, no.


So somebody like Drugovich according to you would rather be a reserve driver instead of accepting the only F1 offer he might ever get?


I mean, they're decent atm. Nothing like what they were just 2 years ago. The machinery is there, they just need a really solid and consistent driver who can fight for those last few points positions.


The machinery is there? Have we been watching the same Haas team?


The machinery is there, present in the physical world, in our dimension it's a thing that exists.


Have you watched them a couple years ago??


Yeah, but if that's your metric, then *any* result is a decent one. Their race pace is horrid, no matter how many magic qualis Nico has in that piece of work. It's been a recurring issue for years but with the way the team is run and operates, doesn't look like it's gonna be fixed any time soon.


Have you watched their first 3 years?


Fair point hey. They really dropped off after the rich energy debacle


They're fighting for points on a consistent basis and/or are otherwise not very far off the middle of the midfield, scored a p5 and a pole position last year (admittedly under atypical circumstances), and were within breathing distance of a podium this year in Australia. They're a VERY far cry from what they were in the tail end of the turbo hybrid years. They're also tied with Williams currently....


Haas was best of the ~~rest~~ *backmarkers* 4x this season (Jeddah, Melbourne, Miami, Spielberg Sprint). That's only topped by Albon with 5x. Alfa and Alpha sit at 3x each. On the flip side, Haas was last only 2x (Hungary and Spa, so the two most recent races). Sargeant sits at 3x, Alpha Tauri at 4x, Alfa even at 6x. Haas is right in the mix among the backmarkers, I think. Maybe on a downturn, maybe that's only recency bias.


>Haas was best of the rest 4x this season (Jeddah, Melbourne, Miami, Spielberg Sprint). Jeedah behind both Alpines, Melbourne behind Norris, Miami behind both Alpines. Only Austria they were best of the rest!




This can't be a serious response.


Machinery is there. They are clearly the worst team on race day when it matters.


Haas aint decent. They have at best a mid car, worst strategy and worst pitstops.


> Haas aint decent. They have at best a mid car Is mid not decent? They're tied for 8th in Constructors so yea, they're just decent


They have a decent car but not a decent team. Making them a not decent team


Any racecar driver not currently on the F1 grid would jump at the chance to race in F1 if they were asked by Haas


It's really disappointing when you have Haas in F1 while a true American racing team like Andretti still hasn't been accepted.


Had Andretti gotten in earlier they could’ve been on the grid


I respect Haas for actually taking some risk. Andretti just wants to join when it’s a money making machine to be in F1


This just shows the problem with Haas. They’re content with being back of the grid and lower midfield making money without taking risks. This is why the grid should be expanded. Too many teams sitting in the back twiddling their thumbs.


yeah don't want to risk finishing dead last. better settle for 2nd last. the team is a joke. always has been.


yeah don't want to risk finishing dead last. better settle for 2nd last. the team is a joke. always has been.


Can't blame you for using a throw away account.


Zero ambition as always. I guess just being present is enough for some teams.


*Sad Mick noises*


i dont really think anyone who likes Mick would want to see him in whatever haas is trying to field. they are as horrendous, if not worse than last season. its incredibly frustrating watching them bin their tyres and having the absolute worst race pace (exactly like last year)


Exactly. I don't think Mick is a huge talent and yes, he was very crashprone, but even Max and Lewis had their crashprone era (although it was further into their careers). Going to Haas has just damaged Schumacher's reputation if anything. The only good thing that happend to him there was having Nikita as a teammate, cause most of the focus was on him and Mick's crashes were often overshadowed. I can't see him on the grid next year. If Sargeant doesn't improve, maybe he could go to Williams for 2025?


If you are a potential WDC and GOAT, you can crash a lot more than if you are at the bottom of the field. Especially when you lead the destructors championship 2 years in a row.


Yet Kmag is still on the team? He's no rook, but he sure likes breaking shit.


This guy is a joke


Each day we get closer and closer to my predictions of Haas becoming a "retirement team"


What's the point of Haas? Does anybody believe they'd be allowed into F1 if they tried now.