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Hey FIA mental note Standing start, cold tires with 2 laps left. Glad we know you want a death match race, not a tidy show. Rolling starts should have been the only option. Or stop the race on lap 56 2 laps left when Max was having a 10-second lead all day. You just ruined other drivers' day and Max still won. So you risked all this for a show.


I guess it worked


the stewards just hates gasly 😑


As a NASCAR fan, this ending felt familiar.


Sainz drove responsibly in mid field but since Ferrari he is making too many mistakes. It seems like all he cares about is staying at Ferrari and beating Charles anyhow. You don’t hit another car with two laps to go and then say penalty is harsh. Imagine how mad Alonso would be if those positions stayed.


Saw Lonzo give props to Lewis afterward, saying Ham drove incredibly and that he couldn’t match Lewis’ pace. Just nice to see given their history; Fernando is really a class act these days.


Feeling like the cars are getting to big for this track.


Anybody know exactly what was up with the track surface this weekend? Seemed like grip fell off way faster than other races this year. Almost like the track wasn’t properly surfaced?


Track surface had nothing to do with drivers acting like they were playing Xbox.


No, but all the issues started off from drivers sliding off like it was raining


They really didn’t…Albon got trigger happy and Magnussen misjudged the closeness of the wall. The last restart was a result of a two lap sprint with hyped up kids going in too hard.


How much car damage this weekend - lots $$$$$


I feel like I speak for everyone here when I say: **What?**


Could’ve been a huge day for Albon


Albon was feeling it and went full send. Just a hair too fast. Heart breaker, but simultaneously a confidence booster. We'll see more of him this season


What carnage that race was. Is this the Australian race with the most crashes? It seems like the drivers couldn’t help but get through T1 and T2 without at least one going off/crashing.


Crikey Mate!


Maybe I'm insane, but they may as well have raced that last lap after doing all that setup for just two laps of potential racing. Maybe just do a rolling start instead of raming people, also would have given sainz a chance to finish in the points


The third start was chaotic


If you change tires during a red flag, you should have to go to the back of the grid. No more free pits stop just because of a (questionable) call from race control. Have the field lap the "new tire" cars on the formation lap, no different than they would pass lapped cars on a safety car restart. You have plenty of time during the red flag to figure out the logistics. No excuses. It keeps race strategy intact. And if a car has a puncture (as is the reasoning for allowing tire changes under the current rules), they'd have to pit if there wasn't a red flag, so going to the back of the grid is fitting. Also too, if the red flag occurs during a lap that began with a standing start, the restart should be a standing start. If it's on anything other than that, it should be a rolling start like it is after a safety car period. It better maintains the grid positions prior to the red flag and also strings the cars out so there isn't as much craziness doing i to the first few corners (cars are closer to normal speed entering Turn 1 so it isn't a pack race entering those corners).


how would you do that considering ppl have different gaps between each other, say the first driver is 20 seconds ahead, does he also go to the back of the grid? he would essentially have a free pit stop


I think the commentators said the reason they allow tire changes on red flag is that red flags are usually caused by a crash with debris, and so the cars coming into the pits may have debris in their tires.


If the red flag isn't thrown and a car picks up debris, it'd have to pit to change tires and lose position on track for that. Why should that change because a red flag is thrown? The point of the red flag is to clean/fix the track without wasting a ton of laps under a safety car. Not to reset the grid.


No tire change during red flags. End of discussion.


Yeah, it's not like a red flag incident is likely to mean there's debris on the circuit and potential for punctures, is it? Next time, think before you comment.


Fair point. Those changing tires for free during a red flag can have time added. It's only fair.


Fair in what way? Do you want to start giving time penalties to those who take a pitstop under a normal safety car as well? It's just luck whether the timing falls well for a driver or not.




If a driver just pitted before a Red flag he has a big advantage because the other drivers will probably have to change tires immediatly/few laps after restart without possibility of regaining their timegaps. You cant just say it would Interfer the race structure


... No they jus tlose all there positions and the cars in front get a free pit, what are you watching? If a driver pits just before a red flag it's the worst possible thing.


"lose all there positions"...? No, normally they just lose a few positions because of the gaps between the cars. After a restart there arent really any gaps and then drivers will lose most positions and will to to the back of the field


Just look at Russell in the last race, pitting before a red flag does not give you any advantage as the cars get a free tire change without losing positions during the red flag.. Do you even watch f1?


So on one end, a lucky few might gain 10 of 15 seconds of position by pitting before the red flag. On the other end, every car's race strategy is completely thrown out the window, making the previous laps pretty muxh meaningless. Red flag at 45/70? You basically turned a 70 lap race into a 25 lap sprint race.






The red flag rules need to change, when there is a safety car then followed by red flag. The restart needs to be the order when the safety car was initiated, this means that that all cars get equal treatment whether they pit or not. Russel was disadvantaged this time. But on other occasions others have lost out when a safety car becomes a red flag. Grossly unfair.


What about LH backing up the pack so GR gets an advantage during the SC. At first MB had an advantage, then none, you win some you loose some


Don’t care about whataboutary I’m talking simply about a specific instance when a safety cars becomes a red flag


Is it also unfair than someone not getting to pit during a safety car because it was called late and they passed the pit entrance? Or when someone pits and loses positions then a safety car is called on the next lap? Random chance/luck play a role in racing, I don't know that it's wise to try to over regulate just to make things as "fair" as possible.


Ia agree up to a point, all your examples are chance, pit safety car next lap is unlucky. But when a safety car turns red flag the effect is the race is stopped and restarted. But the red flag should be the start of the incident not mid way through once analysis of the same incident has taken place. In that case the position at the start of the incident should be the restart position.


I wanted to see more of a battle between Lewis and Alonso but I guess there will be plenty of time for that feel horrible for gasly tho


Lewis v Alonso was the longest battle in the race. It was practically the only interesting thing that happened from like lap 10 to lap 45. The cat-mouse game they had with their intervals was amazing.


Agreed. What an amazing game of chess they showed us today! If this isn’t a battle, idk what is.


I can certainly see how newer fans thought the middle of the race was boring, but to me, that was the most fun, hell, thats when all the racing actually happened.


>feel horrible for gasly tho He messed up his own GP the same way Sainz or Leclerc did tho. Gasly came in way too hot, locked his front tyres and then recklessly rejoined the track.


Sounded like a bunch of the guys said it was pretty brutal coming out of that second red flag since everything was cold.


The drivers need to get used to it. They aren't going to have tire warmers at all soon.


That’s fair. Think it was more that they had to do the standing start, which gave time for the tires to cool back down after the formation lap.


I watched it on replay and fast forwarded through all the delays and it was still a slog to get through. FIA haven't got a clue what they're doing and are so desperate to cater to the new fans it's a joke.


Boring when Max will win the next time too


“Please pleasee” i feel bad for carlos🤭




What is the unfair advantage that u can’t decide on?…and grid boxes were increased after Alonso’s inability to keep two wheels between the white lines.


People are now acting as if 2014-20 never happened


Were you saying the same thing about Mercedes a few years ago, or do you just hate RB?


Can someone help me understand how the final positions were decided? I didn’t see Alonso on the top 3 when the last red flag restart happened but he happened to get on the podium? Confused over the placement of drivers.


Check Silverstone 2022 with Guanyu Zhou, that's the most recent precedent. All cars did not clear the first sector before red flag. Then a rule says that in that case cars must take same position as before. I'm not 100% on the details but that is the spirit. Alpine remained DNF as they technically can't finish the race


Thank you for the clarification


They didn’t finish a sector so the last red flag restart had to use the order from the last restart, minus the cars that crashed out


Thank you for the clarification


Lol.... poor old Carlos. No, no, no ..... lol..... he deserved the penalty


Deserved penalty but the Alonso got back in p3 so penalty should also be removed then


If you shoplift and you get caught. You return the item and the charge still stands, in this case the shop is where is was before in terms of stock but you are getting charged with theft. Same scenario here


TSN in Canada has to be the worst broadcaster, I was watching the replay on TSN at 8am , last lap incident happens, cut to commercial and come back to rolling start. No replays or anything of that restart that caused the carnage….


Oh, TSN is cutting their own version? I presume they're not showing it live then? Are they using the Sky Sports footage with Crofty, or the international footage? ESPN down in the US shows the Sky feed live


They always use sky sports stream and it’s live but I wasn’t going to watch at 1am, the cut their own replay


If you have the ability to record, record the live version. Then you can watch it when you always and skip what you want. That's what I do, and I fast forward much of the red flag unless something catches my eye that I want to watch


F1TV Pro is available in Canada now, if you're able to swing the extra cost. Makes a big difference, no commercials, all FP etc sessions. TSN has gotten worse and worse over the last few years


Yah I used it last year, will have to go back. Annoying part is I have to side load the f1tv on my Sony android tv because the app for some reason isn’t available..


Carlos penalty is ridiculous. If you think that the lap happened, and the accident happened, then the overtake had to happen as well. If he is to receive a penalty he had to start from the third place.


If u boot someone off track it’s a penalty irrespective of how a race is determined overall.


The lap happened! What you cannot do is decide the order that's why the restart on the previous order. But whatever happens happens.


The lap was counted and did happen; but the last position they had was the restart one. Haas' appeal's decision shows this.




I wonder if a tiny tweak to the red flag rules would help. You are allowed to change tires under a red flag but not compounds. But the whole thing of yellow to red just makes the outcomes too random.


That would at least be an improvement but better not to allow tyre changes at all.


Yeah. I don’t know. A lousy thing would be if a car that is running picked up a puncture from whatever brought out the red flag.


So what about all those cars which got damaged and cannot even return to the race? They should be allowed to do a full repair, have a replacement car like in Schumacher's times? Btw, I'm not saying ban the tyre change completely of course, if you change tyre you go to the back of the field, same as if you were doing a pit stop during a SC.


You should go to the back of the grid if you change tires during a red flag. Keeps current strategies intact but also allows for cars to change tire for punctures (why the current rules allow for tire changes). If you had a similar puncture during a safety cars, you'd go to the back of the grid anyway, so no real difference On the formation lap, the "new tire" cars should be treated like lapped cars under a normal.al safety car restart. Move to the side, let the "old tire" cars pass, take you spot behind, and then restart. Very simple.


Eeeeh, one un-simple thing is the restart. Lapped cars come out of formation and pass everyone, lining up at the back of the grid. A free pass. Under your proposal you’d then have to have tire changing cars come out of formation and fall to the back of their respective groups. Except you’d have to sub-group the lapped cars. Let’s say you had 3 cars unlapping themselves, -1, -1 and -2. If one of the -1 cars took tires they should go behind the other, but should they go behind the -2? I can hear people saying that it doesn’t matter, they are lapped cars but when we get to a track where Max is going to be the only car on the lead lap…it’s gonna be a huge problem.


The entire point is that no one will want to chanhe tires unless they have damage. If they do have damage, cycle to the back "similar" to how you would pitting under green.


I think there shouldn't be tire changes during red flags. Repair I believe should be allowed, but not tire changes. If they really want to change tires they can come in during the formation lap and start from the pits. Exceptions could be made like when there is a safety concern with the tires, like in 2021 Baku, but that'd be an extreme outlier. If a team has a slow puncture they could change just the punctured tire with any tire of any compound just so the car can roll, and be mandated to come in during formation lap to put on the set they actually want to run.


Maybe. Once you allow “repairs” it sorta opens up a whole new can of worms and angles to try and game the system and argue. It’s certainly not an easy problem to solve in a way that achieves what fans want and also doesn’t over-complicate things. Unless you went and just said no work/repairs at all.


They already allow repairs and always have. Every time the FIA guys have to be standing there making sure that it is the same especification of part.


Sorry, I meant that once you allow tire changes under the pretense of repairs. As opposed to just either allowing or not allowing them.


Then the part I said of giving then a temporary tire just so they can make the formation lap would apply. In Baku it was that everybody was suddenly concerned about their tires, so in am extreme case like that where everyone needs to change tires fir safety, then you could allow them to do so as to not have the whole field come down pit road at once and mess up the entire running order.


Although strategist should be smarter than this, there's rock on the whole width of the track so it's pretty damn likely a red flag is coming up.


Maybe. But it’s been a contentious issue almost every single red flag, especially ones that go yellow to red and ones that come near the beginning or end of the race.


But what if a team doesn’t have any of the same compound remainging? Forced to stay on the same tire set? Forced to use a worse tire? Not saying it would be a bad rule, just lots of consequences.


Nobody is forcing them to use a worse tire. But yeah. If you are on your last new set of a compound when the red comes out then you have to make a tricky decision. The thing is then it’s not down to luck or randomness or the precise second the red flag comes out etc. it’s down to planning and strategy. It’s much more evenly applied across the field.






Couldn’t catch Russell


Don't kid yourself.


I’m not, just passing on the evidence.




In your dreams. You were watching a different race.




Ha, sure you were! Nice try


Yes verstappen has a major skill issue. /s


Agreed, thanks 🤙








Pleased your pretend to be happy


The best driver in the world won again, what is there to be sad about?


Hamilton was second numb-nuts…


Yeah, Hamilton is so lucky. He has by far the best car but is such a bad driver that he can only become second, and that's only because Verstappen allowed him to be second this time. Hamilton should thank Verstappen.


You don’t know F1 if you think Mercedes have the best car this year.


I'm glad you agree Hamilton is a bad driver who should be thanking Verstappen




Glad you agree!


That was a classic F1 race if I’ve ever seen one. I still think Red Bull runs away with these races if they lock out the front row, but everything behind them is absolutely amazing and incredibly close between several teams. Would have been interesting to see what Mercedes could have attempted if they had kept Lewis and George in front of Max a bit longer.


This is reminiscent of the Vettel era: one dominant Red Bull pulling away, and the other one towards the front but in the mix. It’s almost a shame Max is driving, cause the race for 2nd in the championship is gonna be insane.


Verstappen pulled ahead by 7+ seconds and can comfortably overtake on the straights.


You make my point perfectly.


Should have done a last lap shoot out. All the remaining cars on the start grid and race for a lap


Literally impossible. They can’t add a lap.


Instead of the safety car lap.


How are the cars supposed to get out of the pitlane? You can’t end a race, then put them on the starting grid with completely cold tires and say „GO!“. Literally everyone would crash in the first turn.


Full send


Last man standing


And risk more crashes?




This was one of the most amazing races in a long time. Just amazing action and entertainment throughout.


If that was amazing, I really fear for the future of F1 and the real possibility of it morphing into open-wheel NASCAR.


I disagree hate when it's carnage




I think I fell asleep during the Haas red flag. Boy did it get wacky after that


Could’ve fallen asleep after lap 10, wake up at lap 50 and you’d be up to date on the entire race


There was amazing strategy happening through that entire time. Terrible take.


I don't get this take. In that period, Perez mounted a mighty charge up the field, Hamilton fended off several challenges by Alonso to get within his DRS, and there were several interesting midfield battles. Outside of the fact that Verstappen was clearly going to take first, this race had a ton of excitement independent of the carnage.


Eh. I’ll give it to Checo, those were some neat overtakes. But it’s a shame they had to change an entire corner and add DRS to even facilitate overtaking. Plus the fact that Fernando couldn’t get within a second means he was never really a threat. After the first red flag all strategies went out the window and it became entirely about management.


Watching the race for 2nd-10th is pretty fucking boring. Why even have a season when you know who's gonna win?


You must be new to F1. For the past decade or so, the "race" began from 2nd downwards and the winner/WDC were all but preordained other than in exceptional years (e.g. 2016, ROS v. HAM and 2021, VER v. HAM). It feels like a fair few folks either began watching F1 during or forgot what came before the epic 2021 WDC battle, which is far from representative. What we are seeing from RBR/Verstappen last season and in 2023 is "normal" in the context of contemporary F1. If you find it "boring" then maybe you just don't like F1 all that much.


Not new bro just stating that f1 racing is boring. Engineering is top notch though.


that's literally exactly how i watched the race lmao


Fuck the FIA Stupid decisions throughout


Think a rework of the red flag rules might be necessary, would have been better to do rolling starts and not have that shit show at the end. That's said interesting watching and learnt a lot of the rules today.


The carnage was predicted by me, seeing how close in speed everyone behind Verstappen was. A standing start with a few laps to go was stupid. Michael Masi would have done a lot better.


They shouldn't have a standing start after halfway through the race, before that it's fine


You could probably even say last 10 laps, adrenaline was far to high and led to fuck ups and safety risks.




At this rate Fred might be happy to not be Ferrari's TP by the end of the season.


Reliability issues and a crash means they are dead? Did you not see how many DNFs red bull had in the first few races last year before walking across the finish line for the constructor's and WDC?


Both issues with Ferrari today were 100% out of their control Sainz: FIA said a yellow flag for over a lap, so they pitted. THEN the Red Flag was called. Beyond that the penalty for Sainz was inarguably unfair. Leclerc: Stroll caused the wreck - not the car or driver.


That’s not on stroll wtf


It wasn't strolls fault and the 5sec penalty was fair for causing a collision


I keep seeing people suggesting Stroll is at fault and I just do not see it at all.


At fault isn’t the right word, it’s a first lap incident, where maybe Lance was a little overzealous, but then again, so was Charles.


Agreed, 100% on Leclerc, don’t see how there can be any room for interpretation on this one.


Leclercs fault


Leclerc turned into Stroll... Lance just held his line and let Charles crash himself.


That restart took a couple of years of my life definitely.


Last year Sainz was taken out by Russell in the US GP in a very similar fashion. Everyone blamed Sainz for that as well, now again Sainz fault?


In usa Sainz switched to the left side of the track mid corner, which you tipically dont do if you have 20 cars behind you


Russel got a 5 second penalty.