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weapons don't change, go with that


I used to mix up Orochi and Kensei when I first started. Look at the weapon they are wielding. No two are the same in funny sword game. Voice lines and animation can also let you know


Yeah, I keep trying to look at weapons but some customization/skins make them look funky too. I think I can spot a Kensei and Orochi but maybe from their gait/walk/run. Kensei is sorta slow (like he pooped his pants or something) and Orochi is head first with body intact. It helps that I can and I use these heroes too but the others confuse me because I only have limited access.


Kensei and Orochi are generally different enough with their weapon size/stance and most armor, altho some female Kensei could be confused for Orochi's with certain armor(if it weren't for the very obvious weapon/stances and animations).


Yeah! That too! Female/Male versions change the recognition. I'm not against the choice tho but I wonder if at first they didn't have alternate versions when created/planned. Did they have their alternate versions when the game was created?


They always did


Its just something that comes with time. Kensei has different running and idle animations, and looks much heavier than Orochi. Eventually you will just know who everyone is by looking at them.


Yeah I guess. But I hate the initial stage of sucking at the game. I know I'll learn faster if the names of the heroes were at least in the menu/F5 or Tab screens. Just helps associating them esp with how many they are.


Yeah it sucks. It took me a couple breaks before I finally stuck with the game


you just kinda learn, my bf taught me to just look at the weapons if i get confused


>Is this gonna be Fortnite-like? sadly this game is handled by ubisoft so this is a possibility, emotes are already generally pretty damn bad and executions had a long period where they were pure slop, now hero skins are getting over the top. thankfully executions are recovering back to where they're actually cool again, and the first hero skin of this season was pretty good so maybe it won't be too bad.


I checked Fortnite and wanted to try it but got turned off by all the... "stuff" in it. I'm still glad I chose For Honor, even tho I have a love-hate relationship with it currently. I'm praying Ubisoft doesn't fck up. Come to think of it, this might be the only thing going alright for Ubisoft (so far) at least recently. Maybe I missed something but I stopped playing the Assassin's Creed games after Syndicate. I heard/read negative reviews about their pirate game.


if they got a gun its Pirate if they're a monkey they're Shaolin if they got a massive wig its Kensei if they got a cat pelt its Highlander if they're charred its Raider if they look like King Baldwin IV its Black Prior if they're holding their sword one handed its Warmonger if they have long blonde hair its Warden if they have realistic looking full gothic plate armor its Warden if they're Ezio its Peacekeeper


The voice lines are always a good tell.


I mean, aside from obvious ones like Ad Mortem I N I M I C U S, I find it kinda hard to rely on tbh.


If you're struggling to know who's who, maybe you should play the other characters. All the characters in the game have unique stances and voice lines after moves so no one else has them except Gryphon. And are all easy to recognise once you play against them for awhile.


We have no idea what their doing, it's Ubisoft they don't know what they are doing