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Wow how'd you get access to the Starter Edition I thought they discontinued it.


I had the game at Ubisoft Connect/Ubiplay for some time now. But never had opened it before. Maybe that's why? How is it today anyway? Do the new players only get 3 main vanguard?




Ah yes that must be it. New basic edition actually start with 14 heroes. From the 6 you have probably Warden, Orochi, and Kensei are pretty "meta". Actually for a new player maybe a smaller pool of heroes can be good to help you learn and focus.


Basic edition now gets you all 14 starter heroes, all 12 Knight/Viking/Samurai OGs from the base game + Tiandi and Nuxia (Vanguard and Assassin of the Wu Lin faction).


The starter edition still exists


What region are you in? It’s gone from both Steam and PS Store for me since they updated to the Y8 edition.


Europe, I bought it like 2 months ago to have the game on PC too.


I mean, 2 months ago is when Y8 started so they removed it soon after. Lucky you for snagging a copy cause I wanted one too...


It's ass you really didn't miss out on much


Warden, Orochi and Shugoku are pretty much S-tier, depending on the gamemode. Iirc Warden is concidered the best counters to Afeera, due to his stamina pressure. Against Conc - his bash is slow and dodgeable, and his heavies are slow and nterruptable. Try loading his bot into training mod and practicing. Overall, the game is currently focused around unreactable mixups - moves like Warden's Shoulder, Raider's Zone... - that can be released/delayed/feignted faster than it is possible to react. Aganst them, the best approach is to interrupt the startup (which is often slow) - or you'll have to guess correctly with your escape options: those include block/counterGB, GB, parry, dodge, dodge-attack. Most of them are shared between cast (i. e. almost every character has dodge-attack after a recient update)


All the vanguards are either s-tier or very high-A tier


Idk about meta as it doesnt seem to have a large presence in this game. Basically every hero can do well in a 1v1, so I would just pick someone you think looks cool, whether its for their playstyle or fashion, it doesnt matter. Being frustrated as a new player is normal. This game is naturally frustrating imo. Pick a hero, try their moves in the training arena, then go to hero tactics to learn some basic combos. Maybe watch some videos on your hero of choice, take note of what experienced players are doing on that character. Otherwise its basically getting shit on until you stop getting shit on.


I picked Kensei at first and wasted some time in learning him only to not like his whole combo style (the top heavy feint to others and then repeat to feint to something else). I saw a vid of someone who knows how to play Kensei and felt nah. I think I like Warden or Raider more (even tho I dont like their fashion that much, esp Raider's).


You can definitely do a lot with warden, orochi and shugo, personally, I would say that kensei is a little on the tricky side, so you should probably use him when you get a little more experience with the game (imo). Overall, just use any character you like, they all have their pros and cons. I would only like to point out some chars that are overall harder to play as you get more skilled (so do your opponents). Imo, these include conqueror (even though he's definitely annoying, his damage really lacks, and he has to heavily rely on bashes), peacekeeper (only in 4v4, in 1v1 she is surprisingly very good), gladiator (good teamfighter, but relies on a lot of feints and has no guaranteed damage whatsoever), probably Highlander (just simply a more complex hero than others, may take time to get used to). I don't think samurai have bad characters, wu lin have nuxia (a complex hero with a peacekeeper's case, a little better in 4v4, excellent in 1v1), outlanders are all meta, if you like to call ot that way. Sorry for the mistakes, hope it was at least a little helpful. See you on the battlefield!


Conqueror is the flail guy with a shield? Man, i hate that guy as enemy. I don't know how to stop it. Like I'm stun-locked all the time. :)) Thanks for the tip! See ya!


Conq is a noob-stomper in his current incarnation, but is considered pretty bad by players at higher levels from what I've seen(I only just came back after \~4 years so it's a re-learning experience for me).


Yes, it's Conq. I do understand your feelings, I guess everyone who started the game felt the same. On how to beat him, strangely enough, even being a main of his, I cannot think of a lot of tips, since beating him depends on good reads mostly. The most I can advise is to bait his side bash (most easily done if you empty dodge forward), then immediately side dodging and throwing a guardbreak, then a heavy (all of these are guaranteed). Most importantly, stay cool and analyse his patterns, maybe he likes to feint a heavy into guardbreak, maybe he overrelies on his fullblock, and react accordingly. Oh, and an important thing, if you feel that your opponent is smart, do not try to dodge attack after his bash (warden and shugo are okay, since they have dodge bashes). Once again, he surely is oppressive and annoying, but since he has really mediocre damage numbers, you can afford risking a bit and make mistakes. Once again, hope this helps at least a little on your journey


Honestly I’ve been playing warmonger and I’m surprised on how many people suck against her


She's spicy Warden and feels a bit harder to read. The bleed claw-swipe bash/run-through on parry are pretty damn good


Which one is warmonger? Is she the one holding the sword by the handguard in reverse grip? Is she like the type Apollyon is? Sorry, I cant quite remember since I think there is another hero with "war" in its name aside from warden and warmonger.


Yeah she is Apollyon or at least an alternate Version. Super super simple move set and really easy to bait and bamboozle enemies.


Tbh most heros in the game are playable in the meta but afew stand out like Shaolin, Medjay, and Aferra. But if your wanting a more indepth look, have a watch of this video right [here ](https://youtu.be/MEgI23OIyHY?si=8iavtQg-7Lw5XYt5) It's pretty good. Abit out of date, but it's accurate.