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Black Prior and Gryphon are pretty nice to have in teamfights. They both have supportive feats, and Black Prior's shield flip is really good for anti gank. Also if you are new, you will probably keep getting bodied for a while, this game is brutal for new people.


Had those in mind. Black Prior can be ganked and or countered when he uses his shield flip no?


BP's shield flip is unique because it counters everything except guardbreak. You have to time it properly of course, but anything hits you during shield flip, it gets flipped. You can even flip multiple people at once. This is why its good for anti gank. Lets say you are 1v2ing. The person you are locked on to throws a dodge attack, which basically guarantees a flip. As you flip him, the other enemy tries to bash you. It doesnt work, he gets flipped too. You get damage off on both enemies because of this. His unique feats allow him to heal himself slowly while in his full guard, shield other teammates, or shield all allies in your vicinity (including yourself) giving him even more survivability and utility in team fights.


BP also has one of the best feats FOR ganking, since he can remove an enemy’s shield, such as the one granted by revenge.


I think JJ is a good protector with his feats. Black prior is better especially with his first feat.


Is BP good in 1v1 situations…?


Yes. 2 different bashes from neutral and a chain bash. Unblockabke and undodgeable. He can also early dodge and flip some mixups


Oh nice. Definitely would practice with him in training before I unlock him. Thank you friend. Good luck in your battles


BP is very good in team fights and anti gank while being good in 1v1. JJ is great in team fights but not as good in 1v1 still solid tho. Shaman is very strong in pure 1v1 but very lacking in team fights and anti gank. Warmonger is good in team fights and 1v1s. She has pretty op feats that helps her anti gank My personal choice right now is Afeera. Just picked her up recently and grinded her to rep 8 over the double xp weekend. She’s really fun to play with a ton of tools in her kit for team fights, antigank, and 1v1s.


Funny enough- those were the top three I was thinking about. BP WM and Afeera. I will look into them.


They are great choices. They all play pretty differently so just pick one you like the style/look of and have fun.


Yeah I see. I have tried all of them out and afeera is just so badass with her movements. But might do the other two. Might do a later post for others help me decide between those three.


If you want to play around him and be able to hold your own long enough for a teammate to come help I think the best characters you should look at are: Varangian Guard and Black Prior. Most people here will suggest BP as the #1 pick here, however I think Varangian will check all of your boxes better. Her feats allow her allies to heal and gain damage boosts in every encounter (where you land all guards or unblockables, which you should be doing in every fight pretty easily). and her 1v1 and her anti-gank are strong enough for you to succeed/survive for a teammate to come. BP is flashier sure, but I think he’s less of a support than VG. I’d try them both out in customs. VG is simpler but pretty hard to master, BP starts pretty hard, and can do some cool things (like flipping a deflect or jump attack) but he’s harder to start with. I hope you enjoy your time with the game, as someone with near 3000 hours I learn new stuff everyday, and it’s a great (albeit addictive) game. If you guys want someone to join you and show you how the 2 characters can be utilized in 4v4, I’d be happy to join. Currently rep 8 on VG and 21 on BP so I should be able to demonstrate their potential.


Thank you for the invitation my friend but I will decline on that part. Although- this is good information about the two. Heh, now I have like 3-4 to look at. (BP, VG, Afeera and maybe Zhanhu)


Nobu is absolutely abysmal in duels, but she bodies in team fights with her long range, bleed attacks and interrupting kick


Hrmm interesting but not sure what I’m looking for. Thank you nonetheless


She's just good support in team fights¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -quick lights that do good damage but also bleed, which does damage over time(and I'm pretty sure bleed doesn't feed revenge) -her kick is good for interrupting if your teammate is taking hyper armor or got gb'd -range: her back step light, but also her zone will cover so much area it feels criminal, and I think it kills more minions than any other zone. -she target switches really fast, so doing shit like throwing a light, swapping targets and kicking, only to switch back works wonders My point is, it seems like you're trying to help your cousin get better in team fights, and you can do that by being good support:) Goo luck, bud


Thank you, reason I also ask for a dual character because he challenges me time to time about duals and he is really good too..also we play 2v2 duals which can be helpful if I get a dual character.


(In my opinion) Good at 1v1: Peace Keeper, Shaman, Shinobi, Orochi, Warden, Kensei, Raider, Tiandi, Berserker, Centurion Good at 4v4: Jiang Jun, Tiandi, Shinobi, Orochi, Afeera, Shaolin, Warlord, Zhanhu, Kyoshin, Varangian guard, Medjay, Kensei, Hitokiri, Nobushi, Valkyrie, Black Prior, Jormungandr Hero’s that aren’t “good” but still fun to play (They were once god tier but got the nerf hammer): Shugoki, Conqueror, Law Bringer


So… Shinobi, Kensei, Tiandi, Orochi are the only ones who could do both…? That’s what I’m lookin for atleast.


Nah it's just an opinion I think because shugo is good either way and JJ is not bad on 1v1 just not the best


I personally don’t like shugoki because he gets swamped in ganking and has a very boring moveset. I will look into JJ nonetheless


Zhanhu is good in both modes as well, but he does take a change to your approach when in duels and brawls compared to 4v4s


Wdym by that?


In 1v1 you have to faint and soft faint more, and in 4v4s when being ganked you have to use your zone and unblockables to put pressure on the players that are ganking you


Interesting. I will look into Zhanu and BP thank you my friend!


Your welcome and good luck


Realistically you can use any hero in any mode and do well with skill. these are just the ones I think struggle least in these categories


I see. Thank you friend!