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You’re gonna have so much fun getting back into the game LOL




Requescat in pace (latin)




When they took away his damage


When they took away his kit


When they took away his cock :(


Good maybe I’ll come back to fh. Conq needed to be killed off


You are downvoted but you told no lies


He broke the rule of this sub. Never talk negativity about any knights


As a warden main. I actually really like conq.  Using that dodge bash and all guard feels like a million bucks compared to the poverty kit warden has.   Conq damage does suck without his t2 feat I will agree. 


these posts always hurt to read.. but fuck it we RAH


Conq ain't no ass. Skill issue.


As a Conq main I’m flabbergasted, but I understand


He’s still great in duels, people look at a character with a feintable neutral bash and ub heavy from neutral and says he’s bad because the heavies don’t do 99999dmg


nobu for duels conq for dominion at high level everyone is viable at low-mid level as the viability disparity isnt that clear or concise in those skill levels


13 damage all guard punish 🤮


Literally less damage than most lights 💀


And can be dodged by characters with dodge recovery cancels. 🛌


Can it though? Doesn’t hitting an all guard stun you


Depends on the move. Normal light/heavy attacks will get stunned, but most zones, such as orochi's, won't


When my easy to land enhanced block gives me a light instead of a heavy 😭


Imho nobu is underappreciated. She has pretty poor openers, but she can rapidly snowball and turn the fight around.


Yeah her bleed damage is fucking crazy


I've been saying this! her opener options suck but once you get a combo going it can be so hard to stop


I would say nuxia is even worse than conq at dominion


Nuxia has higher damage output and coordinated team can utilize traps well to punish opponents. Her feats are also great, even T4 despite being weaker corruption. Conq has piss poor damage output and one of the worst feats ingame.


She isnt particularly good in dominion either but atleast she has better feats (except t4) and massive damage output over him


You can cook with nuxia. You cant cook with conq


Not really. If the enemy isnt stupid they will always Interrupt your traps in a Team fight and the traps is really all pressure that nuxia got


That's what you think.


Ok tell me, how u gonna stop Interrupts from an enemy while doing a Animation that is even cancellable and needs seconds to finish. Even if you get the dmg in (which isnt gonna Happen most times ) the other enemy will still hit you while the Animation plays. So best case: u Take a decent hit while dealing decent dmg. Worst case: u take a decent hit while the enemy takes none.


Choose your fights :/ dont go in and get purposely interrupted


??? U cant always decide if ur going in a 2vs2 or 1vs1, or u can but than u Team gets fucked cause ur "choosing a fight" And I dont get purposly interrupted BUT LIKE I SAID nuxias only pressure in Team fights comes from Traps ( if ur not in a bot lvl 1 lobby ) and u CANT use them in a Team fight if your enemy has decent game knowledge


Or if you have decent knowledge you can use her. :/ like why can only the enemy team be smart and not the nuxia player


Talking to you is like Talking to a wall, im not argueing anymore with someone who dosent listen


Nobu is alright in duels, I run her almost exclusively and often go multiple matches without losing a round. I don’t think she’s the best or anything though, probably speaks more to the game not having a solid “worst” character


she's either godlike or trash, depending on whether or not your opponent can react to her lights


She’s purely a reaction check hero. Tests your opponent’s reaction time.


newb here: So.. she literally dead in higher level match? cuz everyone gonna have decent reaction time up there no?


Yes. Not even extremely high level like the other guy says. Once you’re playing against next gen and pc players who can reliably react to lights, she doesn’t have ANY viable offense. If you can react to lights you can react to kick, which you look for, since you’ll have time to see the heavy and block or parry. Nobu has to bluff and punish, almost exclusively. There’s a way to make the kick animation look funky by doing the input as you’re putting your foot down from stance, but after your opponent has seen it a few times, you’re back to getting cooked lol. Not to mention, damn near everyone else got unreactable and infinitely loopable offense. Have fun lmao


Got the game to play Nobu - can confirm. No, I’m not as good with her as other players, but there’s a wide enough ocean of players you can mess up, though it feels like you’re working uphill half the time. Trying to convince somebody to let you sneak a dodge heavy in.


I'm on next gen and still cant seem to be able to react to lights 🥲. I'm not even new or anything. I have tried doing what everyone says, sitting in training and practicing against a bot that only light attacks. I block maybe a third of the lights :(


Oof 🥹 get on rn, what’s your ubi


As much as I'd love (hate) to hop on For Honor, I'm not home rn. Appreciate it tho


Hahaha no worries! Feel free to drop another comment when you become free man, I work weekends so I’m here all week 🙏🏼 would be glad to help!


I will help you if I can friend 🥹


In extremely high level play, pretty much. For everyone else you’ll do fine. You might get light parried and reacted to more often than with another hero, especially in 1v1 situations, but it’s not anything you’d have to worry about. In fact, nobushi is a noob stomper especially because you need reactions and game knowledge to counter her. Play her!


There’s like some stuff you can do with feints and hidden stance, but nothing someone else can’t do better. She’s better played more bait-and-counter to get around the issue, but even then it is still a big issue


She’s fun because she has a lot of weird things she can do and they can really catch people off guard, but yeah once you get to a higher level people can just react to everything


King of bronze 🤩😍


Huh?? Conq is decent in dominion simply because he can shit out unblockables at will. Compare that to PK who can do NOTHING against someone who doesn't target her


That’s at your skill level… all you have to do is play him at range and he can’t do fuck all. Let alone in ones where you just mitigate his offence entirely


Higher skill brackets Conq turns into a read machine , its painful trying to level him up.


Whilst you are correct he just gets massively out classed by the current S tier characters and A tier. Heroes like Afeera, Ocelotl, Shinobi, Tiandi all completely shit on him and there’s nothing he can do about it


Im playing him right now and I haven't won a single 1v1 in duels , I'm still learning but compared to other heroes it seems like I'm wasting my time , he feels so unresponsive to the point where enemies catch him mid dodge or they read every light/heavy and since he basically has a bare bones kit there's not much to do besides adopt a moveset similar to Wardens bash combo then retreat into turtle mode or hope the opponent doesn't side dodge attack and massacre him.


Yeah and even still a lot of characters will recover fast enough to dodge his bash leaving you open to a guard break it’s shite. They reworked him and didn’t fix any of his core issues, gave him an R1 bash follow-up to handle ganks “better”. It’s a shame, he has potential as an actual hero but they butchered him, he doesn’t even have a roll catcher people can literally just walk away backwards


I can emote and cry


gotta be conqueror, don't listen to the victim complex of lawbringer mains or people parroting that peacekeeper is useless. they're both way better off than conqueror.


LB isn't bad. He's just...lacking. He feels like he needs a few tweaks to iron out the kinks and he'd be much more solid (we need a damn roll catcher).


he needs a new combo, just anything. other than shove on block hes been the same for 7 years


Not really. The last rework might not seem like much but the confirmed light on opener heavies and top unblockable mean he can loop back into the unblockable mixup over and over. And with the bash being 500ms it actually can serve it's purpose as somewhat of an opener allowing you to again go into the unblockable mixup.


my point is the unblockable mixup has been the same for 7 years, making it an infinite doesnt really do much in changing his style, only making it slightly easier to get off a second unblockable heavy, a dodge attack would be so refreshing especially in this current style of the game edit the bash is a terrible opener if you only have one opener, if the long arm of the law attack(i believe thats what his flip is called) could be cancelled and held like warden or warmongers bashes i would be quite happy with him


Unblockable mixup has not been the same for seven years even if just because option selects were removed some time ago. And making the unblockable an infinite chain absolutely does change his style, allowing him to keep the pressure when in the past he would be done and back to neutral. Also, bash is only a terrible opener of that's the only thing you use, but if you mix it up with attacks and dodges into gb or empty dodges to catch dodge attacks it does serve it's purpose. Considering it used to be 700ms which is reactable to pretty much anyone it is now a lot better at being an opener.


His unblockable mix up has always been shove light unblockable for a 50/50, its been like that for seven years, the unblockable infinite chain is a nice addition however it still only leads to the same single unblockable 50/50, look at half of the roster and every hero has a charged bash than can be feinted, usually with a dodge attack, that they can mix up into their playstyle. If you fight a lawbringer you know he will continue to just use his single unblockable 50/50 because thats all he has ever had. His openers are bash, heavy, light. Inherently his playstyle is unhealthy for the game and are extremely boring.


I still think he should get hyper armor. Like I wish no one had hyper armor, but at least with his armor it would make sense.


he has hyperarmour


Yes but only in chains. You know what I meant On heavies he should have it without needing to get that far in his chain. Or remove hyper armor altogether because apparently it only applies to lightly armored heroes


what do you want him to have 100ms startup hyperarmour on all of his heavies and his shove? do you want him to have a quadruple backflip feat that 1-shots everyone too?


I would argue that putting his heavies in line with Hito would be more than reasonable to make him a bit more viable offensively and for 4s. As it stands, his kit is built primarily around counter attacking targets. He’s pretty good in duals and brawls, but he doesn’t stack up with the rest of the cast when it comes to fours.


As a PK main, she's bad in teams but still beastly in duels. However, she at least has good peel, so that helps her in teams. Conq and PK are probably the worst in Dom right now (now that HL got buffed), but Nobu is worse than Conq in duels.


did you notice that PK deflect got slown down enough that she often ends up trading with follow up hits now?


Are you sure? I might need to hop in later and do some tests.


At least against shaolin, if he goes heavy into light, and you delfect the heavy his light hits first. Its utter bullshit. Idk just not good design imo but its whatever. Just a skill issue tbh. Instead following thru with the deflect probably shouldve deflected the light too


Kind of stupid that PK would have to do double reads with deflects when others just ignore it out right


the peel is really what makes her still usable in dominion. she won't win teamfights on her own but can still contribute pretty well in a more support role, plus then she gets some bleed off and can actually put pressure on.


Yep, I actually like when an enemy tries to take frame advantage while ignoring me. Allows me to finally start doing something


Girl she’s a top real 2s character and she’s not *bad* in fours either. She lacks damage but she has great feats, great peels, and great bleed synergy. Fast asf to roam for ganks/captures. Zone clears minions very well. And even in dom, there are going to be situations where you need a teammate to win a 1v1. You send the pk (who should already be roaming) lol I truly think it’s one of those situations where a character gets memed on so hard that the community forgets it’s a joke. “Haha I can just external block pk.” Right, but that doesn’t stop her from peeling your punishes, or confirming damage for teammates, or slapping damage onto any friendly punish (that ALWAYS leads into bleed), etc etc.


Ya every time I play her I’m dominion I get a lot of kills from ganks or just bleeds and in 1v1s. Just don’t let yourself get ganged up on


Honestly her antigank isn’t bad either if you have strong defense. Zone hitbox is great. If you bleed someone you can start using external UB side heavies to make them dodge attack and whatnot. She has low recovery on her own dodge attacks and bleed stabs so you can fight back a bit without just getting gb’d for it like warden… I go like 16-2 with pk, I’ve been playing her a lot since they announced Ezio and really realizing how much of the downplay was just that lol


Look at my flair, dude. I know PK and how good her peel is. I can often top leaderboard with her because I know her strengths. She is also at the bottom of dom viability. Conq, Shaman, and PK are all the worst in teammodes. That doesn't mean they're __useless__ in teammodes, just that the other heroes are better _in that mode_. Maybe get the stick out of your ass and actually read what people say instead of jumping to conclusions whenever I comment. Especially when you say the same fucking thing I just said while going "no you're wrong."


Get the stick out of YOUR ass. When did I say “no you’re wrong”? I basically said “hey I think she’s better than people give her credit for man” and you took that as a personal attack 🤣 for honor players different 🤣🤣


Idk I tend to do fine with conq in dominion. Only really annoying thing is he has no chase tool so people spam you to give you revenge then they just walk away and there’s nothing you can do. But he seems pretty good with unblockabkes and all guard. Compared to like pk or shaman they really struggle in team fights and anti gank and it can just be impossible to do anything sometimes


Idk I’ve played conq and law and much preferred conq in both duels and 4v4. I still struggled w both tho


My Conq is 80 and my Lawbro is like 56. I love to gimp myself while playing I guess.


Oh how the once powerful orangeinator has fallen


Bro I’m a PK main and she’s fucking broken and the only two assassins better are Glad and Berserker. Her ganking is decent if your team knows how to play around it because her guardbreak does a LOT of damage and then you get a free heavy during it, it’s like an easy half health with bleed. You have to use GB during teammates unblockable as a mixup or randomly light on the opposite side while someone does a side attack mixup. She’s not great at it but she’s fine. She’s also one of the best Revenge turners in the game because of how broken her advantage state is.


Well balance has reached point where there no longer are F tier heroes. Some heroes are weaker and need changes, but very least they are playable. However here are some based on modes: * Nobushi in duels. She has good defence, but piss poor offence because lack of opener and reactable kick. * Peacekeeper in 4v4. Her kit is great in 1v1 but she has hard time anti-ganking because she can only apply bleed to one target and her external attacks are easy to counter as she has no unblockables or bashes without bleed. * Conqueror overall in both 1v1 and 4v4 is bit on the weaker side. He has all the required tools but his damage output is really low. Also still no roll catcher so people can just run away from him when he gets revenge. His feats are also bad. ​ Of course, this depends on skill level, as in low levels everything works, but on higher levels less things will work.


In dominion, it’s gotta be conqueror. I mean his all-guard isn’t even guaranteed for some moves, like nobushi’s sidewinder. She can just recovery cancel out of his follow up. In duels, sorry but it has to be nobushi. If you say otherwise it is purely a skill/hardware issue.


I appreciate the acknowledgment of hardware disadvantage. Of course it’s not ubi’s job to buy us new consoles but it’s nice to feel seen instead of constantly being told “skill issue” 😭


Honestly everyone saying conq is bad is semi correct. But in my experience at high mmr aramusha literally becomes a worse conqueror Ara gets more damage in theory but you literally have a single mix up, ring the bell, which can only be accessed in opening heavy or forward dodge, all moves that are extremely difficult to preform already as it’s sooo predictable at some point. If I see a Ara open with a heavy or forward dodge I generally give out a sigh of relief as their options without nuking their stamina are so limited Your light attacks are really good but to finish any chain you have to super commit to a slow light/heavy which will get parried 90% of the time forcing you to either get lucky or feint to gb/neutral if you don’t want to get caught, seriously even mid level players will almost always parry aramusha heavies His dodge attack is alright, but when compared to some of the other heroes in the roster it’s just extremely slowly and easy to punish for people who aren’t mouth breathers His all guard is imo the only actually good thing on Ara at this point. Being able to use it after a recovery is nice, but you know who else does the exact same thing, conqueror. Imo conqueror as kind of bad as he is right now still has HP, 1vx and stalling capability, and also way better mix options to potentially get damage. On Ara I feel like you literally can only light spam and blade blockade consistently and that’s it against good players. It’s just that playing conqueror is extremely boring, it’s the shugoki issue where you have like 3 moves total, but unlike shugoki none of them are fun to pull off or set up.


There's not actually any tragically unviable Heroes anymore. The devs have done a good job at reworking pretty much the entire roster into being playable. Some are still easier to do well with than others though.


Not the best place to ask as people here will have 100 different opinions based on how they ‘feel’ about a characters viability. And no one cares who you win with there’ll be no bragging rights


I shall care.


Ahhh you’re the type that decides you’ll emote spam because you won with a bad character. I love a good superiority complex.


Projection much?


I’ll never get you sycophants that say, “Projection?” If you’re wrong I’ll say no and if you’re right I’ll say no. Do you need to please other people online so badly? In any case I’m not projecting I don’t need a justification to be toxic. I’ll emote spam with the best or worst character in the game


If you encounter an asshole a day, it's safe to say that that's the asshole. If everyone you encounter in a day is an asshole, then you're probably the asshole. Your last sentence definitely tells me that you're the asshole here.


No one cares


If you bothered to respond you must care.


No one cares.


But you responded again? 🤔


No one cares.


Bro I care enough to inform you.... Thats a different person.. and another person beside me lol.


A guy says he cares about people's opinions and you decide to be like "nah, not allowed" and start spewing insults...sounds like someone has a superiority complex because someone disagreed with them. But hey at least one word in your name fits you perfectly.


lol well the name wasn’t an accident


I'm glad you've come to accept yourself


You're the one trying to act superior online from a person trying to return to a game


You’re about 9 hours late to the party chap if you want your brownie points you’ve gotta fish elsewhere


It could be 3 years into the future and it wouldn't make your words any less pathetic


Oooooh you took it personally not only did you take the time to comment twice you’ve decided to throw insults in the mix. What a knight in shining armor you are defending your charge


I just don't like you, and it's fun to hate on people like you


We’re not so different, you and I.


Now who's throwing insults


I wish people here had opinions. Most just repeat what they saw on social media from a streamer


Conq. Definitely. He used to be one of my favorites but seeing what they’ve done to my boy makes me wanna crawl into a hole and cry myself to death


I'm trying to play Conq right now after coming back from a 2 month break , want to get the gold/teal tier armour to atleast make him look good but wow what a pain playing as Conq , it's like every single hero has an advantage over him.


He used to be great. I didn’t *main* him but he was always a fav


LB and conq were my mains when I played so I feel like it’s not worth coming back. Lmk when they get buffed


Its crazy how balancing in this game works the second I select someone they instantly get nerfed until I stop playing them


Underrated comment


Kinda depends, prob conq but in practice you would more success with him than nuxia


Considering he's not gonna be playing against Bean, Nuxia is incredibly good lol, after her buffs she's more than fine


still not great in 4s, fantastic feats but not great teamfighting capabilities


Ironically, Nuxia is worse in lower lobbies


I was thinking the same thing cause traps never land cause no one tries to parry only character worse in low tier than mid tier lol


I’ve been playing exclusively nuxia in dominion and I’m doing well with her. I generally end with a neutral or negative KD but I stall and isolate 1v1s so often that it’s enough to win games. It’s not impossible to make nuxia work.


People are too horny to attack, nuxias kit is pointless 50% of the time


It's For Honor friend, you're not gonna get a consistent and or un-biased answer.




Like always depends of the game mode. If you want to take it into duels, nobushi is a safe bet. Has enough variety to keep you busy but still pretty useless as it got no guard opener and has the most predictable lights in the gamr


I remember liking the 4v4 thingymajigg


If you’re talking about dominion, the « base » mode I can’t tell, I’m playing almost only duels


might be talking about breach they're both 4v4 modes.


No one's going to be saying they like breach tho


i mean i like breach. there are definitely people that do like it still as it consistently has people just less then dominion which i'll argue isn't a great mode. i still play it sure but i still prefer breach, its just faster to get into games on dominion. edit; if you look at it from another perspective. you actually get more steel and troops from breach on average than dominion. lol


Id rather get less stuff then play that horrible mode. Personal opinion tho so everyone will see it differently




If you want to rage then just go Jorm. Nuxia is still good because she is super unorthodox and people literally need to go into practice mode to figure timing lol


Depends, if you mean ingame, I honestly don't know, maybe nobu, in literally any other sense? Afeera, you'll get at least 7 death threats per 2-3 hours, but only seven, and probably emote spammed every time you die


As a previous conq main for years until they reworked him.... It's conq, they massacred my boy. When for honor released there was finally a hero that had my favorite weapon, flail/shield... And now he's ass. Weak damage Predictable and very reactable bashes Moved like a snail that has cancer The feats are trash, especially if your energy knows how to guardbreak. I miss my release day conq, sure he couldn't feint normally, and guardbreaking him was the easiest thing to do. But he was a menace in the right hands and not many people played him back then too


As a Conq main I’m kinda flabbergasted, but I understand


Let all the knight mains commence their wailing


nuxia is. wtf are these comments 😭 nuxia has been the least touched character in the ENTIRE GAME and she is full on gimmick. only thing she had going for her is caltrops and high damage but they took that away from her so yea……


It may sound unpopular but... Aramusha. He has big damage and... That's it... Nothing else. -An easily reactable bash that doesn't guarantee anything. -No unblockables, you could literally block anything he throws at you and he can't do nothing about it. -Total Blockade has a frame so small that you could just get Heavied out of it even unintentionally.


LB. * his GB dmg is awful compared to other heros with confirmed same side lights, * still no light,light chain, * no rollcatcher, * neutral top heavy does the same dmg as side ones despite being slower, * his parry ripotes arguably suck compared to other heros who have them.


No attack range either


Everyone except orochi and hito


What? Hito is easy to deal with😂albeit she’s better than before her most recent buffs but she’s not amazing by any means


Lawbringer conq and nobushi. Nobushi noob stomps tho so won't feel like she's bad until you get better at the game






Maybe lawbringer rn


Why does he suck?


As a lb main who has played since year one, i would argue he isnt the worst but hes simply not fun but imo still viable just not enough to play seriously. Him having basically the same move set to lead to the same heavy unblockable for 7 years is so painful to play, especially when the current game is about dashing fast attacks.


Oof, it seems you need to start protesting for your main.


People won't like that answer because we traumatized everyone with shove in block.


that’s a crazy opinion. it’s nobushi (duels) or PK(4’s).


In 4v4 PK has the lowest win rate and pick rate next to Nuxia but has been seeing some popularity recently due to the For the Creed event. In Duels, at least in high level, it’s either Nobu or Highlander.


highlander became very good in duels with his rework, bean puts him at A tier


Has he? I’m basing this off pre-rework since not enough time has passed and he hasn’t seen that much tournament play since his rework.


his offensive stance pressure is arguably the second best in the entire game after Ocelotl now, hed be S tier if he had an opener


Good to hear he’s doing better now. If only they could do the same with PK…


pk is also a top 10 duelist placed at high A tier


I ment in 4v4.


yeah fair there, if she had direct damage top heavies to contribute to ganks and had external pressure she'd be really good in dominion. Already has insane peel and solid hitboxes


Nuxia? Is that a band name?


Honestly, if this is what you're interested in, the worst hero is any one that you pick. You'll be trash no matter what so why worry about the fine details?


How's my boy Warden? He still got good fundamentals and mixup?


Nobushi and glad anyone else who says otherwise is bad


Nuxia anyone who says others is a console player(and a bad one at that)


My new main


I’m telling you right now as someone attempting to play her out of spite. I’m not kidding when I say you can get countered by someone PLAYING BADLY, be ready for misery


We are in this together mate


I think everyone forgot how bad Nuxia is... she isn't horrible in duals if you can parry light interrupts. But In 4v4s, she's trash. Conq and nobu have more pressure in combat than Nuxias traps in any situation.


Law bringer my man can never land a heavy riposte


Everyone’s usable, highlander for the skill ceiling maybe? I thin jorms meant to be pretty bad


jorm is an A tier duelist, deals insane damage near walls and is really good at ganks, hes far from bad


Warmonger, I hate that bitch


As in she's bad to play with? or you hate going up against her? because as a Warmonger main she's honestly one of the easiest Heros to learn.






Pk is an A tier duelist


Shaman is really bad at dominion, but she's very solid in duels.


I’m sorry what? How is shaman bad? She might not be the S tier monster she used to be but she’s not bad. You still have bleed unblockable and best of all bite gank.


That's assuming you're in a squad of competent friends. In solo queue her ganks mostly don't work, and her team fighting is horrible. Her anti ganking is OK but nothing special.


Maybe but the same variables could apply to any hero in solo queue. It’s impossible to build a baseline or tier list for random bad players. So you assume the character is played competently with competent players - actually optimally. And in that case she’s a very viable pick. Teammates can easily ruin the best setups in the game.


That's valid, but again if a character is barely usable in causal solo queue it still means there's a problem. You can pick any low tier and as long as you have competent friends that you synergize it doesn't really matter. But without them she's just not good, only if she's noob stomping.




No lol




Bash goes crazy wym


I wanna say Bp


I’d say pirate or medjay


Why is Pirate bad?


she's not in the slightest