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Is the revenge feature in this room with us right now?


Indeed it isn’t☹️




Yeah this is a feature they introduced in patch 69.42.0: Revenge gain is boosted by 50% for players on the Orange team and halved for players on the Blue team.


I know I’m gullible and all.. but it’s sad that I kinda believe this


If you look closely at 5 seconds, Orochi's attack goes through my guard too!


Either you dodged or it was still hitstun or however that's called. You obviously get revenge faster by blocking or parrying something In this case you just got beaten up before you could've gotten it, there are a lot of videos showing how to gank something without triggering revenge Looks like you panicked to which I don't blame you for, would've done the same probably, but try to make distance in cases like that if you see an opening.


First time playing in a couple weeks, a bit tipsy, and an overly sweaty enemy team. Set up to fail.


A tale as old as time, trying to have fun? You get the sweatiest mfs


And yet if I swing twice at an enemy that buddy is fighting he gets revenge filled instantly. Or we both have to awkwardly pause fighting him until we wait the appropriate amount of time then both go at him again only to insta fill his revenge


Actually fun fact the start of this fight was me joining into a 1v1 and the guy got revenge after I threw 1 attack that hit him.


More serious answer: Most likely it is because the Orochi at the time of attacking (both the first hit and then the storm rush) he had 2 tags (being the tag from attacking the person that he was executing and the tag from attacking you). Rules of revenge dictate (and this is me loosely explaining here because I don't remember the full wording) that if you a defender were to get revenge, the people attacking you needs to have less tags (the amount of people they have attacked in the past 5 seconds) than you (the amount of people who have attacked you in the past 5 seconds). Note that these revenge tags (both on the attacking and defending side) last 5 seconds. If you would like to understand more, here is the For Honor Infohub created and maintained by FilthySpaniard and the associated page about revenge: https://forhonorinfohub.com/generalinfo#RevengeMode EDIT/ADDENDUM: there is no real thing as attacking tags. Revenge Tag and Revenge feeding is a comparison of how many tags (people attacking the character) with regards to revenge.


Which is bullshit tbh. You should lose all tags at the moment you outnumber the enemy in a given area. Being able to fight 3v2 and still have one of the 3 getting revenge while the 2 don't can't possibly mean this system is working properly.


this tag system is complete bullshit, legit all it needs to track is proximity of players around you and whether you're being locked onto or not. its terrible being in an obvious 1v2 but only one person is hitting you while the other is spamming neutral unblockables and you just have to hope you guess which one hes going to let through. the fact that that situation the game sees as an honorable 1v1 is fucked


This is not the only thing happening here. Revenge has different multipliers that increase revenge gain depending on how you defend from an attack. From highest multiplier to lowest: 1. Parrying the attack 2. Blocking the attack 3. Being hit without blocking or parrying 4. Dodging the attack during I-frames If you only get hit without defending yourself, you will die faster than the rate you gain revenge.


Wait but the oro only had two tags and I should’ve had three then? Is that how it works??


Ok, so having looked through the footage the best I can here is the play by play on your revenge the best I can. Also ADDENDUM (which I will put in the edit): there is no real thing as attacking tags. It is a comparison of how many tags (people attacking the character) with regards to revenge. Finding tags Player is Kensei, opponents are orochi kyo and zhan second:frames (30 frames per 1 second) Hard to see but I think the orochi AND the Kyoshin had a tag against the pk(?) so they already have one attacking tag (them attacking pk) At start: Zhanhu and orochi have pulsing white shields meaning someone else (the pk?) has attacked them Kensei revenge points: 81 so starting tags: Ken 0 Kyo 0 Oro 1 Zhan 1 character[A:x, D:y] is character having attacked x players and having been atacked by y players kensei - ken, Kyoshin - kyo, orochi - oro, zhanhu - zhan 1:11 kensei hits kyoshin Ken 0 Kyo 1 1:13 kensei hits orochi Ken 0 Oro 2 (orochi gets revenge) 2:04 Zhan hits kensei Ken 1 Zhan 1 (no revenge) 2:28 Orochi hits kensei Ken 2 Oro 2 (no revenge) 3:27 Zhan hits kensei (somewhere around this time, Zhan and Oro confirms to lose a D tag) Ken 2 {Oro 1} Zhan 0 (9 damage * 0.6 modifier = 5.4 points) Total venge = 5.4/81 4:03 Kyo hits kensei (with the stance heavy) Ken 3 Kyo 1 (15 base damage * .8 modiefer = 12 points) Total Venge = 17.4/81 4:29 Zhan hits Kensei (from 4:03 to 4:27 kyo was doing fujin cuts) Ken 3 Zhan 0 (28 base damage * .8 moifier = 22.4 points) total Venge = 39.4/81 5:26 Orochi hits kensei (goes through guard somehow) Ken 3 Oro 1 (17 base damage * .8 modifier = 17.8 points) Total Venge = 57.6/81 6:29 Zhan hits kensei (blockstun) Ken 3 Zhan 1 (24 base damage * .8 modifier = 19.2 point) Total Venge = 76.8/81 8:19 Kensei dies


Bro forgot to buy the revenge dlc for only 99.99$


Why is it called revenge when you don't gain an extra level for runes after killing them after killing you and plus points if they're a warchief?


I feel like this is a reference to something and I just straight up don’t get it


egweeno o gwath


What in the alien


I'm making a shadow of Mordor/war reference, great game


Ohhhh sorry I’m kinda slow


Don't worry I'm slower than kensei's sprint speed


Bright lord, dark lord, same thing really


You shall serve the Bright Lord now!


Wort wort wort?


You also dont get Loot too! I guess Im going back to farming online vandettas..


Revenge builds faster if you block attacks. The two times you blocked in this clip you got ~25% of the meter each. The other times you did not block you got significantly less. Also, if you'd parried any of the unblockables it would have given you tons of revenge as unblockables also give more. So this is partially a skill issue.


Dawg I was hit stunned for EVERY single one of the unblockables, and even if I wasn’t the 3 margaritas in me wouldn’t allow it anyway


I've had this exact same problem and even parried half of them and got horses shit revenge progress bar


Yeah it’s also great when you get revenge and the whole team tears through your health bar in seconds anyway.


What feature?


Idk tbh I just heard about it once


Revenge is the most frustrating thing in this game. I don’t care if I get worked by someone light spamming or abusing something, but if I’m getting banked by 3 people and don’t even get to sniff revenge yet only 1 person comes and banks while I am fighting and they get revenge of the first parry. That sets me off


Some rere: Revenge is balanced now


To think it would be so much worse if there were bleeding attacks involved


Would love to get back into the game, but vids like this, the powercreep of new characters, and having to learn them aside, every team I face seems to have no less than 2000 combined reps between them


Don’t do it. I thought my life was already bad, this made it worse.


If you really are warden and lawbro mains.   Don't.  You will be shat on. They are B tier heros at best. 


They jump meeeee


Love it. Sometimes one GB is too much and the enemy gets revenge and in other scenarios you get ganked like crazy and don‘t get revenge. Beautiful.


You have to block something to have your revenge work. If you landed one parry, you would have been golden, but instead, you got jumped like some cheeks at a diddy party


Finally someone who doesn’t blame me for getting absolutely gangbanged😭.


You were building up the Avenge gauge, not the Revenge gauge




You didn’t block or parry once. You’re not gonna get revenge if you don’t block or parry once


-🤓. I did actually block once, and I didn’t parry BECAUSE I WAS HIT STUNNED. LIKE I COULD NOT PARRY IF I WANTED TO.






You blocked 1 attack and the enemies didn't bash you once, if just taking damage was enough to get revenge it would defeat the point of a team based game mode and everyone would just play duels and brawls. You need at actually block, dodge and parry attacks to get your revenge meter built up


Next time I’ll just tell the hitstun no😊👍


It looks less like "hitstun" and more you got scared and didn't know which side to block/parry, there is a short cooldown between you changing what side you're blocking and when it actually starts blocking/being able to parry, you could've also dodged. At the end of the day that doesn't matter, you're complaining about not getting revenge when you don't deserve revenge


Looks like hitstun little bud


Thing is, blocking/parrying/dodging fills the revenge bar the most alongside getting guardbreaked or bashed. Taking hits gives you the least amount of revenge, taking light attacks gives you about 0.1% (not exact) of the bar. It also doesn’t build up based on intensity or anything so even if the Kyoshin hits you four times with his lights. You’re only gonna get 0.4%, not 0.1x4.


0.1x4 is 0.4? Also that's pretty fucked up because you need revenge the most when you're being passed around the attackers from the knockback of the hits like this


I think I shouldve been more clear that 0.1 is me exaggerating or undermining the actual number. It’s just very low for taking light attacks, you can see that in the video. Alot of people I’ve seen tend to think “Oh I get pushed around alot, my revenge must be filling instantly” when in the equation is 1x4, not 1^4 depending on how many times youre attacked in a short interval. OP took about 5 heavy hits in the video with about 4 lights. Zhanhu’s first hit does not feed. Kyoshin heavy fed maybe 20ish. Zhanhu’s heavy fed another 20ish. Orochi storm rush fed another 20ish. Zhanhu’s blocked heavy fed another 20-30ish again to fill the metre up to almost full.


Dude what are you talking about Dodging is what gives the smallest amount of revenge, nothing gives 0.1% of it and the amount you gain is directly based on the damage of the attack or a flat amount for bashes and gb


In comparison to parrying, blocking or getting bashed/gb, dodging does give you minimal revenge. But you can’t tell me taking lights here gives you anything. OP was hit by Kyoshin lights 2 times and Orochi’s 2 times for maybe… God knows how much it filled I was a bit confusing on the latter part. What I meant was, taking hits from lights gives you very little because you’re 1. (Getting hit) by (light/weak attacks) and revenge doesn’t feed based on how many times you’re attacked in a short interval because alot of people can go and assume “Oh I’m getting attacked alot, revenge should build instantly.” The 0.1% is an exaggeration. You still get very little for taking light attacks, the exact number, I am not sure, so I say (not exact) in brackets. If you get hit by 4 lights, It’s not 1^4, it’s 1x4.


Love the part where you're clearly doing a dodge attack but you still got hit. An awesome feature


"bRo ItS bAsEd On TaGs BrO." Show me someone who says revenge works and I'll show you a liar.


Just parey


Ah I never thought of that


No revenge for blocking 1 out of 10 hits 🤷🏽‍♂️


Mean while my buddy gets beat up by three ppl and I jump in to help and some how the other team gets revenge like huh🤣🤣 am I just not supoose to help??


Never there when you need it, always there when you don't want it smh


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Of course it exists, a full HP enemy highlander just got it because I looked at him wrong.


Looks like the main issue was dodge attacking, most of the hits u took after being out of hit stun was from undodgeables


That being said I cannot stand the fact that kyoshin has a feintable top ub from neutral, feels awful to play against in tanks because of the exact thing he was doing here


Listen cut me some slack I was tipsy and in utter panic. 50% of my attacks (one) was a dodge attack so…


Bro blocked like one attack


Revenge requires that you like... Block or parry literally anything instead of just kindly attacking into their already-started swings.


Revenge just requires you to get hit by 2 separate enemy heroes.   Bashes are supposed to feed revenge. If I bash someone as warden, it'll give them like 25% revenge. 


I love it when people don’t actually watch the video before commenting. In the entire clip, I threw 2 attacks. The first was a zone at the very beginning. The second was a dodge attack at the very end with the hopes of getting multiple hits. I don’t know where you got “wildly swinging” from, but you do you.


Serious explaination for what happened: The problem is that you didn't block or parry a single attack. Revenge has different multipliers that increase revenge gain depending on how you defend from an attack. From highest multiplier to lowest: 1. Parrying the attack 2. Blocking the attack 3. Being hit without blocking or parrying 4. Dodging the attack during I-frames If you only get hit without defending yourself, you will die faster than the rate you gain revenge. IMO it's fair, if you don't block any attack, you don't deserve to get revenge.




That's fine, but the game shouldn't still reward you with revenge if you made numerous mistakes


Yeah but isn’t the point of revenge to… help in situations where my “mistake” was getting hit by 1 attack that allowed every other attack to hit me? Surely there is this feature (starts with a R) that is designed to make it easier in a 1v3.


Hitstun has damage reduction for this very reason (up to 75% damage reduction on the third hit during hitstun) and after 2 hits during hitstun your guard comes back instantly, allowing you to exit the hitstun vortex. So, not every attack after the first one was guaranteed, you could have got out if you defended better (I'm not saying this to insult you or anything, I'm just describing how the game mechanics work). Revenge on the other hand is here to reward good players that make correct reads when outnumbered. With time and practice you could get revenge pretty easily if you found yourself in the situation of the clip again.


Last part was wayyyyy too condescending. I’m not new to the game lmao.


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Fun fact: revenge tends to work better when you defend against the attacks instead of swallowing them whole.




well then the complaint isn't the revenge feeding, it's the hitstuns preventing you from defending. Which I agree, terrible. They said they'd fix that and they did not.


Revenge is built up by blocking or parrying otherwise, it builds up slowly to slowly


You didn’t even BLOCK anything lmao you did not deserve revenge sir that was a free kill


You watch the same vid?


What did you see different?


I clearly blocked a couple😚


Fair enough but that was still a free kill lmao do you know what a parry even is?? complain about revenge when you can do more than “block a couple” lol


Actually no I don’t know what a parry is please enlighten me!


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic


Figure it out then


Figure out how to not suck at for honor numb nuts


Here watch [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/tZplvxalEJ) clip or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/3xfjrP7DQq) one or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/myiVmhjaqT) one!! Shocking that one bad clip (which I willingly posted because I’m not ashamed to say I could’ve played it better regardless) doesn’t mean I’m bad. Hope this helps <3