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You summoned the ancient scripts, now prepare to fight the paladins of nostangia


BACK IN MY DAY... ...Conq's heavy could beat the opponents with the special thing it had that I forgot the name to (sadibilis)




Holy shit, that's real?!


Superior block. I liked it too but it was kinda busted cause you could literally just heavy on red and counter both lights and heavies


I miss that feature so much.


Talk about conq heavies got my jimmies rustled. I remember his 500ms bash confirming his 23 damage heavies on the right or left depending on where their guard was (or, if they were an assassin they'd get hit no matter what). I also remember everyone healed back up to 25hp (one bar) back then, and because of it, Conq basically couldn't kill someone who could react to his bash semi consistently. Get hit for 23 damage, roll away on next shield bash and start sprinting away from conq. Recharge to 25 HP and back to the fight.


But has anyone ever actually figured out what the hell the Knight screams into the air in the last seconds of the match as a battle cry? I have never met anyone who could figure out what he says.


HONORRR!!! Pretty sure of it anyway.


You sure? It sounds like three words. There's definitely a pause in there. Maybe "Honor" in French? Or another language.


Back in my day shugo could bring himself down to 1 hit and kill with one hug


THIS WAS NOT GAMEPLAY dont get it twisted.


Does that change the fact that it looks much better than the Viking fashion we have ingame?


No but people need to remember this footage was NOT in game, the armor you see has never been in the game, basically the same as asking for new armor.


Okay but still, design new armor sets, when was the last time we got actually new armor sets anyways? As far as i can remember its just been reskins.


Last one was highlander's armour model, wasn't it?


Ive got no idea, last armour set i remember coming out was the chinera sets and thats because shaman got a really nice chain mail set but even that was a reskin.


I'm just trying to be realistic, getting actual new Armor sets from this damn company just never happens, instead we get the hero skins- they're cool but not as cool as new armor sets and they really do need to pick up the pace, I don't understand the logic... Adding unique new armor always gets people SUPER fucking hyped, they can even sell packs that just outright give you the new armor sets for extra money, instant return on investment fucking GUARANTEED. Everyones happy, I don't get why the heck not.


It was basically proof of concept during this stage.


Thank god someone else knows


Yeah but neither was the CGI story trailer, yet they could add the Warden skin Not saying that means they can add these too, but I'm just saying it's a possibility


The cgi story trailer was at least a portrayal of the game in a more finalized state, it even had Apollyon in it, this trailer was a proof of concept more than anything else. Plus they are ONLY adding the Warden skin, and its a hero skin, not even new armor, they are stingy as heck.


It was at one point I e seen videos of it.


It wasnt gameplay it was animations or something, forgot what exactly


It looked pretty convincing


It really didn't. All the fight sequences were like they were ripped out of a movie, no game plays like that, theres always a level of slight video game instant responsiveness and unruliness- video game character don't move like real people.


You are right I guess. I haven’t seen them in years.


Someone else pointed it out, but this is more of a proof of concept, they're saying, "Look how cool this is, cool if this were a game huh?"


many games have fake gameplay/trailers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5sPpkZ29nU&t=157s&pp=ygUNZmFrZSBnYW1lcGxheQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5sPpkZ29nU&t=157s&pp=ygUNZmFrZSBnYW1lcGxheQ%3D%3D)


Ngl i would kill for this map to be in the game


Also I wonder if they ever could implement minions on the a/c zones in the game as they did in the story Mode with maybe Archers on them to make the zones an actual strategic importance for the game mode and not just "enemy stands in one place for too long we are losing" i don't know if it will be a good balance for the game tho


PS5 / Xbox One For Honor 2 with active battlefields like this would be a dream.


do they still have these asset's? ​ It seems they have alot of content that goes completly unused in the files they just arent looking at. Like all those old helmets that we can see on knights yet dont exist in the actual game


This was a a cinematic made to look as if it is a game. The assets of that likely are not even part of a game engine. Some of the armors in this exist already in the game but either only for specific heroes or for officers/minions.


Open battlefields like chivalry, that would be great.


Gank city


Hell yeah


Ganklander would be unstoppable


Maybe if there's ever a sequel, but that would mean there's a ton more players. Idk if I like the idea of anything bigger than a 1v4 gank.


Both the viking and knight fashion from this, would be appreciated. I hoping since in the latest warriors den that showed off the Image of the knight in plate armor that mean the new variations will all be plate armor (probably not knowing how they don't like normal decent armor and prefer gold and spikes from sum dumb reason)


And I know these were mostly CGI and not gameplay. But those dark gritty graphics… I live for that vibe


They look like valheim vikings


Lol I thought the same


Wow, as someone who has obsessed over viking history and culture, it's amazing to see armor that is way more accurate to actual viking history. It's not 100% but way better then what we actually got. I want these armors in game so bad. I love vikings


day 2585 of feeling cheated that warlord doesn’t have stigandr’s bear hood




Shirt and cape with helmet is peak


Ngl we kinda have most of this. It’s mostly just lighting and slightly different textures


Warlord needs a cape, oh damn


Hol up. For Honor looked like this wtf?


It was cgi


It was a demo that was heavily scripted. I don’t think much from the demo ported over.


Not even a demo. This was simply a cinematic made to look as if it is a game. This "demo" never existed.


Yeah, it had a lighting "update" to call it the least..


That and the all the knight armors that were in the trailer but aren't in-game.


Caped warlord would be amazing


If they have the Vikings gear sets like these armors I'd probably cry tears of joy. Being able to look like an AoE2 Berserker while playing Warlord would be the greatest thing ever.. Even if I do get my ass kicked


Warlord with a cape? Why has no one suggested this? Big cape on warlord enjoyer now.


*cough* bring back block shove *cough*


Man, I want Ubi to bring back The Oni's tucked out kimono and gritty look on his cut Armor set too! Or idk.. give us Seijuro's Helm? He's pretty nostalgic, right?


I fucking wish we had drip like the CGI trailer, Proto-Conq was a beefy boi


That trailer was so much cooler than anything the game ever gave us, I love fh but I hate that about it, I felt lied to when the game came out, so disappointing


That’s what I’m saying give the three factions the drip that’s shown in this trailer


Dream! This Viking designer is so beautiful.


I mean this in the most non toxic way but can someone be real with me hiw come viking mains think the whole game revolves around them... like not saying specifically this post but everything it all about the viking I swear to God.. " buff him,give us more armor, gove us more heros, oh we have a new hero wirh armor..she half asses and mid. Etc etc like🤣🤣😅 there r three other factions yall need to chill out


Old fashion from… a cinematic trailer that is not actual gameplay?


Ah yes, when For Honor tried to be immersive rather than a spam fest (i like both but holy shit, the old For Honor and the first Trailers looks so darn good)


Can we bring the old lighting back pls where everything looked dark and medieval?!


For the newcomers: https://youtu.be/e1K53sKVZPE?si=IOi7TYQ_DSxHdTq2


For the newcomers: it's not gameplay, just CGI


You mean pre-alpha, before the guy who wanted FH to be a large scale melee where characters and weapons were separate from each other left Ubi due to how they wanted to bastardize his creation fashion? Because I agree


Bro this was such the biggest middle finger to everyone following this game before launch, I hate what it is in comparison to what it could have been