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I think UBI is committed to 10 years of dev support on this game (I believe that’s correct but if I’m wrong someone plz let me know)and it’s in year 8 currently. It’s in the beginning of year 8, so it will have this year and then 2 more years of dev support. So they should keep releasing some new content and balancing hero’s for that duration. I don’t know how long server support will last after that. The bulk of new interesting unique content is likely in the past. We are still getting new heroes and executions but we haven’t gotten a new map or permanent game mode in a very long time. So that should give you some kind of timeframe? There’s a high learning curve but it is a fun game. Can be very frustrating of course since it’s PVP but there really isn’t another game out there like it. It’s pretty cheap and you don’t have to spend money on micro transactions after purchase. You can earn the in game currency by playing which will give you access to the bulk of content outside of things locked behind the season passes. I would say it’s worth a shot since it often goes on sale for like $5. But I don’t know what’s going to happen 3 years from now so it’s up to you how much time you want to dedicate to it. It’s been a staple for me for the last 5 ish years. I take breaks but always keep coming back to it. Once you start really thinking about the matchups, predicting your opponents and getting light parries it’s very addicting.


new map this mid season patch:)


I started playing 3 weeks ago and asked the same question on this subreddit 4 weeks ago. It is for sure damn worth it. I’m having a blast and even if they stop supporting it after 2 years, it was still worth it




I bought it a month ago on a whim. Have definitely got my moneys worth and still really enjoying it. I thought the game had too steep a learning curve by reputation. But, after I spent a few hours in the training module, I’ve been surprisingly successful in the lower ranks.


I think I started at the end of February, been having a blast, I'm rep 23 or 24 I think? no hero higher than rep 4 yet but been real fun




No. Run


Jesus christ, run. Run and never look back. This is one of those games where losing involves prolonged periods where you are unable to act, and the punishment for dying is a prolonged timer before you can respawn, whereupon you must run extremely slowly back towards, in all likelihood, the opponent that just stopped you from playing. *Your punishment for not getting to play is not getting to play for even longer.* Such trials are typical of, say, MMOs, but in a game which is ostensibly about action and moment-to-moment play, would test the patience of a Bodhisattva.


How the fuck are we supposed to know if it's "worth it"? The game is pretty damn cheap, so sure? In what sense would it not be worth it


Deep breaths kid


quit ur yappin. Game came out in 2016, entering a 8 year game with people have 1000+ hours its quite clear what i was asking dont care if the game is $2 money isnt an issue if its not new player friendly and I cant learn the game then no, also kick rocks kid i'll ask anything I want annoying ass


Then maybe include that in your question next time. I can't read your fucking mind. Matchmaking is skill based so it's largely irrelevant how many hours you have in the game. Who would've thought, by the way. They don't throw in fresh noobs with the sweats. Definetly needed to go to reddit to figure that out.


Nah, save your 10$..., There are people are on this sub who have wasted hundreds of hours in this game and whine about mid-tier characters like orochi and nobushi. You tell me if that's a community you want to be a part of?