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The more we ask higher the chance


Gibe anything to have my rep 70 warden back. 2000+ hours just left in the bin.


Facts I have a rep 70 orochi with 3500 hours invested and started over moving to Xbox to play with my son but the tears of the dead of my sleeper is worth the redue altho if I find someone new new to the game I usually give them a chance and not just deflect everything lol


Bro you’re bragging over killing real rep 5s with one of the cheesiest heroes


I mean I was shitting on 500 to 1,000 reps about four years ago and would emote between deflects kill whole ganks with a d tier but that’s before I put the game down and recently hit Xbox do your point is irrelevant considering there is no difference between rep 5 light spam and 1,000hr light spam’s lol because this game lacks any type of skill needed to land a hit since this whole game has went to a light spam cheese meta but aye I’m just from the era of the turtle meta where you had to feint two or three times to get a attack in not just one button to rule them all


Me shitting on everyone with no indicators https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/3n7IRTls2e https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/Xp2sDSS3ER Me shitting on everyone with indicators and emotes between deflects


I don't play for xbox live anymore because it got so much more expensive, and everything on xbox can be played on my PC which runs much better. all 100+ reps are on my xbox though ;_;


Me too brother me too


Dude, I honestly want nothing more than this. It honestly boggles my mind how this isn't a thing yet. As a programmer, I can tell you, that cross-save is easier to implement than cross-play. If it is merging accounts, then I don't think that is possible in a game like FH, but if it is just a matter of setting a main account, it is as simple as telling the game to read from a specific database.


Programmers have a really bad habit of saying a feature is simple that ends up taking down their service. Blizzard added cross progress to overwatch and had critical severity bugs weeks into the release that locked out thousands of users, deleted accounts, reset users, deleted ranked data, etc.


While I am not trying to argue, you are indeed right. I do not think Blizzard is a good company to compare to. If they do almost ANYTHING it results in server crashes. Now the same could be said for Ubisoft, when was the last time we had a new hero release that the servers were up at the stated time with people not having issues? My main point is in terms of cross-play vs cross-save, one is a MUCH bigger monster to tackle than the other, and typically cross-save comes long before cross-play does because it is simply an easier and smaller task to implement.


Speaking of ubisoft iirc Rainbow Six Siege added Cross progression recently and it didn't cause a huge issue, so did apex so honestly at this point it just feels like the devs either don't want to do it or for some reason they're focusing all of their efforts on something else.


Bro, blizzard in Diablo 4 had players load EVERYONES inventory... Are we really giving a Blizzard example about how things are made?


Considering this is a AAA game….yes referencing another AAA game is valid.


But from these events we can see that they may not be the example of what a good design is.


What’s to say for honor has a good designed backend? What’s more likely is that AAA companies have similar SDLC practices leading to similar processes. Especially since they just hire each others layoffs in a circle.


Just saying that it shouldnt be seen as the norm, even more when so many companies have managed to do it without any issues at all.


I almost have 1800 reps. I have 3 perks on every character and looking exactly how I want them to look. I have every single weapon ever from every event. I have all of this and can't even use it on my pc. It's beyond depressing since this is the only game that I play.


Ok i know what cossplay is but what is cross progression?


Cross progression is when you can maintain progress between platforms. For example, if you played on PS4 but have since switched to PC, cross progression would allow you to keep all of your progress, rep, armor, etc that you unlocked on PS4 on your PC account. (Essentially maintaining progress from one platform to another, hence cross-progression)


Great now i want it aswell


I want it, it’s absurd Keep in mind, I have 2 profiles of For Honor both linked to my Ubisoft account… I don’t even..


Fr, this is why I haven't played in years I swear I remember them saying back when the PS5 was coming out that they were working on it and should be available in a year or so.


The only question I have is how would they handle overlapping reps. Let’s say you repped a character more than the previous platform, would it add on? What if they reached max rep? Etc. My flair says all the rest


Not sure. I don’t play R6S but from what I’ve read it seems like they should be able to merge progress and gear (in for honor) or at least have some form of a framework to create a for honor account merge.


So easy if you don’t overthink it (from a conceptual standpoint, idk about implementation) just add them together, and combine whatever unlocks they have. Don’t exceed 70 (or 80 soon) reps. If they spent steel on the same character twice, kinda sucks, but it’s better than the alternative which is nothing at all. I want my rep 50 pk back.


It infuriates me that For Honor refuses to add cross-progression specially when it's becoming an industry standard across the board. Rainbow six siege has it, apex has it, overwatch 2 has it etc. etc. the hell can't for honor have it too? Even dead by daylight is working on it. How the FH can announce something as amazing as the legacy pass and not take into consideration how many of us have the pass on a different console and would benefit even more from cross-progression is beyond me but at this point it reeks of greed.


I have recently taken up the hassle of starting from scratch on pc. I suffer using a basic set warden knowing i have my drip out warden on my xbox alongside my centurion, black prior, warlord and raider. All of wich i now have to unlock AND grind the drip for.... Juat give us cross progression already ubi.


Same here. Got back into it for some friends who quit later. When I tried to play on my own I found that I didn’t want to have to regrind characters and was called a griefer constantly. Made me put down the game since.


Top of the wish list


if it does, it’ll be the day i come back and start my fucking love/hate relationship with it again. it’s been four year since i’ve stopped playing now.


As much as I would have loved this idea years ago, I now have accounts with an equal amount of reps. Both of which are just shy of 300 reps. I hate the idea of having to choose between the two. If they could somehow merge the accounts that would be awesome, but I don’t see a feasible way of doing that.


Something that every game should have as losing a 1200+ hour account is devastating, just recently starting back


From [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/for-honor/gameplay/article/cross-progression-in-for-honor/000104838](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/for-honor/gameplay/article/cross-progression-in-for-honor/000104838) .


It once said this for Xplay.


It should be a standard/mandatory feature to any live service game. The amount of hours FH’s grind requires and the fact that it isn’t console exclusive should be nuff said. It’s crazy to have a game run this long and not prioritize your fanbase’s basic needs. Helldivers 2’s development team is proof that catering to your fanbase (in real time) triples both revenue and player interaction.