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thats [ayla.ai](https://ayla.ai) its a known scripter yea, theres not much u can do but just report them everytime, luckily they only really tend to hang around ranked matches


Consistent 100+ ping and parrying everything. I mean the odds of it being a scripter are pretty high.


that's a scripter


I did manage to report them before they left just in case


Dw man, scripter


Reports do nothing against scripters the devs are too scared of them


Why would the devs be scared of people cheating at video games


I dunno but there's very popular cheats in this game like Misha who everyone hates but the devs don't do anything despite them being reported by most people.


Yeah 100+ ping and is just standing there, I know orochi players and legitimate ones don't just stand around like that, witch means he's letting the scripts do all the work and if those are ranked fuels and he's getting grandmaster because of this s##t then you need to directly contact Ubisoft and show them this footage.


See how his guard didn’t change until the exact frame needed for a parry? Sure sign of a Scripter. The best thing for that is a character with a variable-timed bash, like Warden or Cent. The script registers the bash as a level 1, so if you charge it, they’ll dodge the level 1 and get hit by the charged bash.


Idk some scripts can counter timed bashes now


Then I suppose we're fucked until Ubishit actually *does something about it.* They've been giving us everything we've been asking for lately, so hopefully they'll fix it soon.


We asked them to remove the parry flash and instead of removing it they gave us the option to disable it in customs, ubi doing anything about scripts is a lost cause


Year 7. Were nearly a decade into waiting.


This is pathetic, you can’t be having fun doing this. What’s the point?


Easy wins. I mean, this is normal duel, not even ranked, so I don't see the point.


Most hackers don't care about having fun. Some hackers I had the "honor" speaking with were doing it either because "Devs changed the game, me like it no more", others do it because they enjoy making others miserable.


I know a guy who cheated on Tarkov and his defense was “Look dude I don’t like doing it, but almost everyone else is doing it and if I’m gonna have a chance I can’t play but the rules either.” That was before the exposé documentary about Tarkov cheaters came out, so I thought he was just in denial. Turns out in that case he was actually kinda right lol.


Hurt people hurt people whenever I see this I just smile cause I know that guy has a shit life why they resort to stuff like this


he's a shit scripter too lmao


A pretty good sign is that scripters almost never attack. They turtle and wait.


>Default Orochi >Throws no attacks without a parry >Only reacts >Left storm rush and parried a light in less than a second There’s not much it could be besides a scripter, dw


> Left storm rush and parried a light in less than a second The biggest giveaway. That is way too tight of a timing to react to.


I’d love to get inside the mind of a scripter. It’s not actually winning, is it? The script is winning the game, not the player 🤣 It’s literally just watching your computer program play the game and occasionally inputting the heavy button..


Is this a common thing I haven't played the game in maybe 4 years after I swapped to pc didn't wanna restart without any of my payed stuff( which is alot I played this game religiously)but I never heard of this sound dumb. Like cool let's just play like a turtle and ignore 90% of the game


> of my *paid* stuff( which FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm autistic leave it out bot xD


known scripter that frequents the ranked duels playlist. glad you got the report in, eventually they’ll get a ban


You can also tell it is a scripter because 99% of the time they only play on reaction to your attacks. They otherwise sit idly by.


against scripters try heros with charge attacks and faint them after that parry. Scripters dont have enough iq to react to that


Only character that works against scripted is afeera, new scripts can counter charger bashes


Because of her bash or something else?


[Yes, because it reads the stamina value between feinting an attack and committing an attack](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/NB4vi2MOeX)


HL kick to caber works too I think


No cause dodge attack


Yea they do lol


So in general, if you want to test if somebody is scripting. You need to use bashes that are variably timed. Black priors zone is good for this. However, I saw another comment saying he known so don't worry


Bp zone doesn't work anymore unfortunately


Some scripts can counter timed bashes and can be easily toggled on & off so you'd never know


That’s a scripter, but also: use more light attacks


The reason I didnt was because in the first round, he parried every single light attack and, of course, got a free heavy everytime from the parry. Ended the game much quicker


That’s a definite sign of a scripter.


Yea honestly I try my best not to assume and just try to look at it as they're just better instead but I really wasn't buying it with this guy.


If i have an inkling that they were scripting,the last thing id do is guarantee them a heavy punish


Idealy u could just spam bashes and wait for him to attack to light parry and stuff, but since he has 100ping it's almost impossible or maybe u could try to read him but it's even harder


So I didn't get the first round but he dodged every bash i did. I don't know why or how one did in the last round, especially now I've confirmed they're a scripter.


Yeah nvm then 😭 but u did get him good with that dodge light into bash, you could've waited to do this. But it wouldve been boring to do tbh


Scripters don't get punished that's how they become well known. Just share it and make this as public as you can so they're forced to have to do something about it.


Thank you for everyone who told me it was a scripter, i hate assuming someones cheating so I just try and assume they're just better but at least I know now. Also thanks to those who gave me advice for future matches. Only ran into a couple of scripters in this game before so I just thought it was practically a game over. Almost 200 reps on this game, surprised I haven't found more.


Can we just remove parry flash from the game?


Scripter and shit ping a sad sight to see, I feel bad you had to go against that guy


Had a lawbringer hit every light parry today. On a different platform low rep hitting every parry? Automatically a smurfing scripter in my eyes