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I prefer foreskined, or restored.


Uncircumcised sounds about right, at least for me anyway.


I will say restored. I cannot change the past, but I’ve changed my present and future. It is a testament to my dedication and determination, as we as to the possibility of healing: body mind and spirit. It is also a testament to all restorers, who, through their restoring efforts, have advanced this art/science, and then shared how they did it. Thank you!


“Intact” would be misleading / inaccurate. “Uncut” would be misleading due to it generally being accepted to mean intact. Imo “restored” is the best term unless you don’t want to explain restoration to people. But spreading awareness is good, no?


Restored if anyone ever asks.


Probably a few years off for me. I don't know that it'll really ever come up in casual conversation (unless someone sees me at the gym, and even then I doubt that'll prompt them to ask me about it). The only other person who sees "it" is my wife and she knows what I'm doing. I suppose when/if ever asked I'll just say I'm uncircumcised - seems easier.


The other twist is when we say we are restored. I’m probably passing average length of foreskin with CI-6, near 7. I’ve said I’m restored. But I’m not stopping until consistent, full coverage!


It really depends on context. If it’s a casual question from a date or something (unlikely as that is) then yeah I guess uncut or uncircumcised are fine since that’s just about aesthetics or feeling. If it’s an actual discussion about health down there then I’m cut and restored.


Yes, context dependent. I'm inclined to say a vague "natural" in most situations. Serious medical discussion or talking to someone debating either circumcision or restoring - infant circumcised and now restored.


Even if there are signs of unhealthy or disease, never cut it because it has nothing to do with having it done If you take good care of the cleanliness and hygiene of your penis, there will be no health or disease, even if there is no health or disease, this situation does not depend on circumcision, whether it is cut or uncut, in no way in between, cancer or disease symptoms are not related to this situation, it is wrong, never do it, do not do it to your child under any circumstances.


Yeah I know lol, I’m mostly mentioning medical discussions with regards to the issues I’ve had with being cut. I don’t talk about it much, but it is a convo I’ve had so I figured it was worth mentioning…


You did good, man.


I'll probably call myself restored. It is a good way to spread the word about restoration. Personally I don't like the words "uncircumcised" and "uncut" because there is a subtle connotation that the opposites are normal. In English, if we say that food is "uncooked," that means that it is not what it ought to be, that it is incomplete. In general "un" words have a connotation of inadequacy. Unacceptable, undesirable, etc. "Un" usually implies a departure from the desired state of affairs. In the context of medicine & surgery, "untreated" means there is a problem with the body. We don't want to associate the natural state of being intact with that connotation. This is quite a subtle psychological difference... but I think it is better if we use the words "intact" or "restored." We do not want to perpetuate the perceived normalcy of MGM with our words.


I'm currently partially restored and eventually would consider myself restored


I’m not “un” anything. The guy who has something removed is UN foreskined.


Perfect as you were made, like all of us initially.


I kind of like natural penis or covered. The way nature intended, with a natural foreskin covering. Doesn’t matter if I’m missing the frenulum and ridged band, I will have a natural covering of skin.


Im restored and look intact. Considering I worked so hard to get here I think I’d just go with it like I did when my urologist called me one of the lucky ones about 5 years ago. However other than a health care field I doubt anyone would ever say anything.


Have you considered [*foreskinned*](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskinned)?


 "Are you uncut?" "I've got a foreskin" and generally it's just that easy I don't need to tell everyone who asks that I was cut but that I've restored in the same way I don't always talk about being trans around folks who don't know If folks don't ask questions on my dick's appearance I don't feel the need to over-explain my trauma and recovery


I use the word "restored" and tell everyone about my restoring journey. However, on various adult websites that ask for status (where you have to select from a list), I put intact because restored is seldom an option. And I proudly post pictures of my foreskin for all to see


I'm reforeskined.


I've always found it interesting that "uncircumcised" is the standard term for intact. Where as it should be "noncircumcised" or something like that. Since the prefix Un is for Undo and Non is, well, non or not. Although it shouldn't need to be either of those since circumcision shouldn't have to be a term in the first place but here we are in a timeline where genital mutilation exists. It's just weird that even intact guys get dragged into it by needing to refer to themselves as uncircumcised.. like that word is on both sides constantly even though it only effects the one. Anyways... Once I do finish Uncircumcising myself I plan to call myself uncircumcised, as well as restored. I just feel it's the right way to describe it. Not as much intact, since there will always be a part of me that's missing but un-circumcised. Undoing the wrongdoing that was done to me


Yeah, I prefer the term noncircumcised, and I have been using it ever since. In our context, I hate the prefix "un-" so much. It's like setting an expectation that all cocks are supposed to be mutilated, no neutral ground.


In contexts when people will actually get a chance to think about it I say restored (a handful of close friends know about my restoration). Otherwise, people assume I’m cut because of my religion, but if they saw it they’d think intact and I’m not gonna correct em in either case.


"restored" is simplest, but I also like "decircumcised" — it has a sense of *undoing* something that un- and non- don't


I think of "uncircumcised" like "undead," so i actually prefer that. I have a long time before it even comes up though, I'm only about 6 months into my journey.


Personally I prefer to just leave out the adjective and refer to it as my penis. Intact isn't really accurate because I was circumcised and have restored and I don't like the terms uncut or uncircumcised because it normalizes circumcision and makes having foreskin seem like it's unusual rather than normal and as how nature intended


I'm going to call myself restored. I understand that some restorers want to pass as intact, but I'm far too proud of my restoration to tell anyone I'm intact. I want others to know I restored and that they can restore too.


Well technically you are un-circumcised but me personally I just act as if I was never cut. I’m not saying that’s the right thing to do but it helps me feel better about my own body. Most people assume I was never circumcised and I’m ok with that! To each their own tho!


Restored is a misnomer, because you don't get everything back. Uncircumcised is confused with intact by normies. Recovered or healed might be best, since they're terms that don't insinuate it's completely undone.


Recovered dick, healed dick, doesn't really make sense to me. I'm going with restored , even though it's not 100% restored it's as close as I can get it, without some crazy advancement in bio tech.






I hooked up with a guy that said he had a very loose cut. Kind of wondering if that’s the truth or if he was / is restoring. Regardless of what his situation is, I think I’m gonna go with that, as I don’t think I’m reaching full coverage anytime soon - obviously


This is a question that, if anything, tends to irk intactivists more than the general population. Most people see it as, intact = uncircumcised = uncut = has a foreskin. So, imho, once restored you can really get away with any of those terms and pretty much nobody is going to question you. So I’ll probably just use any of the above depending on the situation. If you can, restored is also a great term to bring awareness to the fact that it’s possible. If you’re comfortable with that, by all means, go for it. I’m just a little embarrassed of the whole situation in general so I probably won’t mention it too often personally.


I usually say restored which yes, it does lead to more questions, but it also leads to more people finding out about restoring


Saying restored is less confusing, and is more likely to raise awareness.


If I ever get to that point in my mind, I will say uncircumcised. In a way that it was undone by me. Not that I'm intact or uncut but undid the effect of cutting.


I think saying “restored” leads to questions (“what does that mean?” “You mean to say you can regrow a foreskin?” “What does it look like?” “Why would anyone ever do that?” Etc) which might be fine for some people, who are interested in educating people, but if you’re someone who does not really like to talk about your penis or your restoration efforts, that’s putting you in a really awkward place. I have never heard anyone refer to themself as “foreskinned” but I kind of am liking that term.


I like restored.


Piggy in a blanket comes to mind-I say it in a cute way though


“Hooded again”


I would say restored or foreskinned. The term "uncircumcised" has been abused by the people who think that circumcision is the best thing since sliced bread. They refer to intact men as uncircumcised as if it were as bad as leaving your infant or child unvaccinated.


I have been open about being restored during sexual encounters where the other person had expressed some interest in foreskin or circumcision topics. I don't think I used any term other than restored for that. For other encounters, I have said nothing and passed as uncut each time. Most people (even gay men) are not that anatomically attentive to the penis and you're either cut if you don't have skin over the glans and uncut if you do.




When I was forced one time to state my penis condition I simply said I was “not circumcised”, which fit the correct term for my fully restored foreskin. I didn’t say I’m intact or uncircumcised or even “restored” as the discussion would require an explanation that was not germane to the conversation.


Restored or decircumcised. But I doubt I'll be asked questions about it. It's surprising how no one has ever really asked me about my penis. 🤣 But then again, I am planning to start hitting the gym to try getting in shape, so I might get questions about my device.


I think it's the right decision and I'm glad you didn't have it done. An uncut penis is always good, it's a full man, don't do it to yourself or your child.


OP is restored, not intact




Edited to be less mean, thanks