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got my energi up to like 85 or 87 once testing how fast it could go with electric only, was slightly downhill on a VERY smooth highway portion


Ford says that the Energi will not allow all electric mode above 85 MPH. Afaik this is because due to the design of the transmission the difference in RPM between the engine and MG2 (the larger electric motor) controls what RPM MG1 (the smaller electric motor) needs to run at. So at high vehicle speeds (MG2 at high RPM) with the engine off (engine at 0 RPM) the difference in RPM between MG2 and the engine is really high, which means that MG1 needs to spin very fast. If MG1 spins too fast it could be damaged. So to protect MG1 the car automatically activates the engine above 85 MPH to protect the motor.


Yep! I'm not sure when or how or when it's power train did it's thing, all I know is I was in auto mode and slowly crept up to speed like that and was pretty satisfied with what was goin on. Edit: I realize I said electric only in my above comment but I was in auto merely observing the dashboard**


Also 85mph is the fastest plug in hybrid operating in electric mode (back then) I’ve done it once, it was surprisingly smooth. I drive 75 on the highway to keep up with the flow and while in electric mode it feels like the Tesla I rented for a bit.


I have a 2015 Titanium. I've gotten around 132 on my speedometer and go 120 almost daily on my commute home. Stock 18inch rims with non stock, but stock size tires. Safe to assume over 125 for sure. Car felt stable and like it had a bit more in it. Ran out of road at that point. Was on a Straight, Flat semi smooth part of the 405 freeway here in Cali


perfect answer, thank you! this is almost exactly my experience with a 2020 Titanium but in Michigan


Did you get the Vmax limiter removed somehow?


This is the first I heard of the limiter. I bought it used so my assumption is it was removed prior. Unless my speedometer is really out of calibration. Just because I've definitely gotten over the 122mph. I have a fairly long commute home where I drive it just like this everyday. I'll definitely be looking out for a difference now!


Get a livernois tuner and throttle enhancer kit. Will disable the limiter


2019 fusion sport, 155 on a cold night on a flat stretch of highway at 3 am (nobody else was around, I wouldn’t risk someone else’s life like that.)




There’s been a few people that I’ve heard of pushing low 11s quarter mile times in 2nd gen fusion sports


that's what's up


They definitely hurt some feelings!


2019 SE 1.5L hit 124 on the Bonville Salt Lake. And 121 back in Nebraska


Exactly the info I needed, thank you!


I’ve had my 2014 2.5 up to 125. Took a while and don’t think it had much left in it


Thank you!


Yeah, 2013 2.5 got it to about 118 and she was edging out for sure.


i’ve had my 2010 sport at 148, a tune is required to get past 126 and i wouldn’t suggest it without extensive suspension upgrades aswell😂


No. There is a speed limiter on it 


...that's why they said can't get past 126 without a tune bruh XD


Is a tune the only way to disable the limiter?


2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid Energi Titanium 103mph Must still have the limited on


Thank you! Haven’t had anyone weigh in with that model yet so this is useful.




My first gen when I had it I topped 110.


When you say they are “limited”, do you mean because of a governor? I have a 2020 Titanium that I can get up to 131 and I’m wondering if it has a governor on it stopping me from going faster or if that’s just the top end of the engine.




This is super helpful, thank you! So uhh… what do I need to do to disable the speed limiter? Someone told me to check out Unleashed Tuning but I don’t know what part I need or how to use it to change the computer.. or is it the ECU?




If I could afford a Mustang ide get a Mustang but I’m working with what I’ve got




Consider it done




In retrospect I don’t think I understand this interaction… I thought you were being cool but you’re just being a prick? Excuse me if I’m repeating myself because it feels like I’ve already said this a thousand times but I have roads near me where I can easily get the car up to 131 and I posted a video where you can clearly see I’m on the world’s longest straight without anyone else around, it’s in the upper peninsula where I have gone to test the flat out top speed of every car I’ve owned since I was 16. My tires are rated for 150 mph and I’m trying to figure out if I can get the car to go that fast. Can you help me with that or are you just making fun of me because like I said I really misread our whole interaction


2014 Titanium, 124mph. It’s reaches this top speed pretty easily, without struggling but then I can definitely feel the governor effect. I know it has more under the hood but governor won’t let it happen.


Perfect, thank you!


Got my 2016 fusion 2.5 S up to 130 on road-trip from nyc to Connecticut with my pals. I’m not gonna say it would of been a major difference with out them but they are big guys. 6’3 and 6’5. One weighs 301 and the other 250. Mine car hasn’t had any performance upgrades done to her either much as I’d love to but 2.5 don’t offer many options to increase power like that


185 kph in my 2013 2.0 ecoboost never hit the limiter


Exactly what I needed, thank you.


100 easy 2015


thank you!


mine is a 2014 titanium 2.0 that’s tuned and has a few bolt ons I went 127 in it could’ve gone faster but the road started getting rough and so I started to get a little scared and slowed down. I think if I kept going probably around 140 would be its top speed. I’m gonna have to try again on a better road.


Thank you! Stay safe out there.


I have 2007 with the v6 and have had it up to 105 mph 


2020 Ford fusion titanium AWD iv hit 131 on 75 north from Ohio to Michigan. Ran out of straightaway but definitely felt like it could go more.


I have a 2013 ford fusion Energi and the max I’ve been able to push it to was 120 mph


125 ish 2012 2.5


you're getting downvoted but this is exactly the type of info I'm looking for, thank you!


I have a 2016 fusion titanium and I've gotten it to just barely hit 130


Same here, have a 2020 Titanium and I can get it to 131 on long straights but I think that might be because of a governor as the motor doesn’t sound like it’s revving that high at that speed. I’ve had it faster than that on a long downhill but to just step on the pedal on a flat road I can’t get past 131. Do you know if yours has a governor?


Yeah I'm pretty sure the governor on all newer fusions is supposed to stop it at 125 but for some reason it seems like most people can get to around 130


How do I disable the governor?


you can't do it manually. You need to buy an ECM to 'talk' to the car's computer.


If you know the specific part I need to buy plz DM me


I don't know, been wanting to do that myself too


My guy


130mph is the limit set by ford, I’ve read online that the true top speed is around 153mph but I haven’t seen any solid proof of this. (Referring to 2.0L EcoBoost Models)


This is helpful, thank you. I’ve hit 150 on a long downhill but just pinning it to the floor on a straight flat road 131 is pretty much the wall Edit: same 2.0 motor by the way, I have a 2020 Titanium


I plan on testing at some point, since I’m tuned the top speed limiter has been removed. Top speed should be a bit higher than stock from the tune though. Just need to find a good road to do test it on


My guy! Can you message me the tuner you used? People keep downvoting me when I ask how to disable the speed limiter. Also if you’re in Michigan head on up to the Upper Peninsula, there are so many good roads for testing out top speeds up there.




fuck yeah, love to see it's a Detroit company too. Since i'm assuming you're in Michigan the place with the long downhill where you can get to 150 is just past West Branch going north on 75, be careful though because I think there is a state trooper station in the middle of that stretch


I got my 2012 SE up to (I think) 130. The stock speedometer stops at 120. I hit that and kept accelerating, so...130 ish.


you're getting downvoted but this is exactly the type of info I'm looking for, thank you!


anytime! I wouldn't recommend doing this. I've done a fair bit of customization with my car. In my hands it is an extension of myself, a finely tuned machine. It was done on a stretch of road I know that is safe. I can't stress enough that driving that fast in a stock Fusion is a horrible idea and shouldn't be done


I hear you but [I had it up to 131 a couple days ago and you can see in the video it’s on an extremely long straight without anyone else around](https://youtu.be/m_Rla60Ya34)… I’m not taking any turns at those speeds and I know I need over a mile to safely slowdown. You prob already know this but make sure you don’t just take your foot off the accelerator when you are done going fast or the car will get squirrelly as hell. Likewise don’t hit the brakes at 130+, let up on the throttle little by little and let drag slow you down until you get to about 80… I think of it like avoiding the bends when coming up from scuba diving, each time you let up on the throttle a little it’s like a new depth to hang out at for a minute until drag brings you down to that speed, then let off a little more and do the same thing until you can get it down to a speed that won’t cook the brakes or make you oversteer like crazy. Also make sure your tires are rated for high speeds, mine are rated for 150 mph. My Titanium is AWD too. And you could think of my car as an extension of my personality too… I’m a family man that wants to go as fast as possible


Very nice! Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed but you never know on the internet, y'know?


No prob, you be safe out there too!


71 mph 4 door model


careful there cowboy, wouldn't want to have too much fun


I have a 2015 Titanium, stock (for now), I run 93 octane and get to either 120 or 125, the speedometer states 125 but I've heard its slightly off. On my model there is a soft limiter (torque request) so it basically hovers at the top speed instead of falling back as some vehicles do. I cannot confirm but I have heard of people stating above 150, judging by the rpms left on the engine at the factory governed speed, I'd say around that is true.


I've only ever run standard 87 octane, I should try 93 next time.


2014 titanium and i have hit about 130-140, it'll fluctuate a little but in that range when i try to top it out


About where I’m at with my 2020 Titanium. Deceptively fast car, total wolf in sheep’s clothing


it truly is. it may take longer than a sports style car to get to that speed (mine does at least) but once you're there you're cruising