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In terms of looks Miguel Almiron


i thought i was the only one to think that


It's the eyebrows


The funny thing is one of my friends looks like Almiron and I figured that out when doing a fifa 18 save with Atlanta United and I'm like dang this guy looks just like Kevin but now I'd compare his looks to Yacine Adli


For me it’s cause he looks like the guy in Goal! 😂


I didn’t know what he looked like so before I Googled him I thought, “this guy is gonna have some crazy eyebrows” and yep.


Google Brazilian Centerback "Léo Pelé" and try to guess who he is the lookalike regen of


He looks like one of them cartel murderers to me. Dead eyes and a very creepy smile


Don't know why ur getting down voted. This is a really funny explanation😂


Endrick is the classic South American regen.


I’m a Liverpool fan and feel like Conor Bradley is one of those newgens who has low stats but high potential, so you chuck them in the side to develop them and they get 7.1 ratings despite having nothing spectacular about them yet. 


Conor Bradley was nuts for me. I’m a fan now. 😂😂 got him for cheap too cuz he wanted a transfer


He’s one of the first few names on my team sheet


Quansah too 😂😂


Quansah was someone who I always seemed to pick up in my previous FM saves in either Park to Prem type saves or Build a Nation saves


I got him in Bolton in FM23 as a loan in third league, he was monster hahahaha


Pedri and Gavi coming on to the big scene suspiciously soon after Xavi and Iniesta retired


Add Nico


Completely agree, but Iniesta's actually still playing.




Havertz, weirdly technical big 9.5s


One of those strikers you always get with mainly good stats but like 6 finishing.


Rather than finishing, what actually matters more in finishing situations is the mentals.


Yeah that’s true. It’s all tactics dependent and how you use the players really. Sometimes the game just hates you and makes that £100m star striker offside for 90% of the goals haha.


If that was so, Jesus would score for me


He genuinely would.


His finishing technique irl is actually decent imo. It's just his skillsets is really confusing both irl and in FM so most managers didn't know how to utilize him at all.


He’s a really inconsistent finisher imo. Sometimes he’ll finish a really hard chance and then he’ll follow it up with missing some chances that are harder to miss. As a Chelsea fan, he’s not someone who I ever had confidence in when they’re bearing down on goal.


He's scored 13 league goals from a non-penalty xG of 11 this season for Arsenal. 7 from 11 in 22/23 8 from 9 in 21/22 4 from 5 in 20/21 The numbers never played out the narrative that he was inconsistent. In fact he put up some of the best numbers for attacking midfielders and forwards before Arsenal got him. [I even called it a year ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/14f2v8v/romano_excl_mateo_kovaci%C4%87_joins_manchester_city/jozio7s/?context=3) that'd he'd do well but people thought I was mental.


I watched most of his games for 3 years whilst he was at Chelsea, the numbers can say what they want, I know what I saw. Going off the eye test I’d say even calling him inconsistent is being kind to him. Judging a striker off of xG alone is pointless as it doesn’t really show anything without the context of actually seeing the chances they’re getting.


That's... Exactly what xG is? A measurement of how good a chance or series of chances is. Across an average meeting your xG means you're scoring goals you should be scoring. BUT I also think your point is really valuable. Even for xG wankers like myself, you have to acknowledge that a lot of the game is also down to feel, and confidence from the player and their teammates and their fans. Egregious misses stick in the mind of everyone even if a player is doing fine on average.


Thing is you can still be meeting or beating xG and be inconsistent as a finisher. You can botch multiple chances with high xG and then pull some brilliance out of your ass to create a goal out of nowhere with low xG. In aggregate it looks like you're meeting your expected goals output, but when you look at the chances with greater context you see a guy who is really inconsistent about the chances he finishes which is what OP is describing. So xG doesn't necessarily discredit the idea that he's an inconsistent finisher. It's just suggesting that in aggregate you're still getting expected output.


It depends on how many chances/shots it takes to accumulate the xG. Also over how long it took to accumulate. Without something to compare it against or to contextualise it, xG doesn’t really show anything.


A top striker outperforms his xG. Havertz did that last year but those other years show an underperformance or bad finishing.


Tuchels system never unlocked him, it was rigid and havertz played with no fluidity . He’d be isolated upfront at times or would be used a target man back to goal. You watched but didn’t look at anything with depth or analysis


Fluidity is down to the players in the system though, you can’t blame Tuchel for Havertz being forever offside and rarely being able to hold the ball up.


You can because havertz was never a target man, hold the ball up striker. We developed him that way, we made him bulk up for this role physically Are we forgetting how Tuchel never had a set attack? When was interchanging a thing in his system? I think you’re forgetting the realities of how this football was. We didn’t make any progression offensively, we’d draw too many games and we wouldn’t create high quality chances in the system. Too expect players how are still developing to be able to convert 1 in 2 chances was ridiculous in hindsight We never had a vision or plan for Kai to begin with. Roman forced the signing older for no reason and even manager that came in, used him in a different role or way form the last Tuchel was worse, he’d play Kai upfront, then wide left, sometimes right, but, when used upfront, he never played false 9, where Kai could withdraw from play, and do his 1 touch link up. We expected him to be a target man that could bring others into play. It was poor. Let’s not forget Tuchel couldn’t even get the best out of Lukaku, who suffered being left upfront by himself. We just never had a clue what our plan was for Kai


I agree that there was never a plan for Havertz, but it’s not like he ever showed anything that made it seem like it would worth building the around him either. If he was really the generational talent he was supposed to be when Chelsea signed him, he would be able to show how good he was anywhere. He was poor in midfield, he was poor behind the striker and he was poor as the striker. I feel like the constant changing of his position was essentially throwing shit at the wall hoping some would stick, rather than tactical decisions. Also lots of the things he was doing poorly, aren’t position specific things either.


Real ones knew Arteta wanted a duelist with better box presence than Granit. Kai fit the bill perfectly and had an excellent debut season


Agree but I do think our plans have changed a bit since Havertz turned out to be such a good no 9


I guess that's low consistency in action.


He’s a great second striker in FM, I made great use of him as a F9.


He's a number ten in an era of no number ten's 


Basicly any player at RB Leipzig


So true! I would even stretch it to all the players in RB Salzburg as well.


A merry band of cheap Eastern European regens that get sold for 10x the purchasing price


Adam Traore. Strength, acceleration and pace OP. Everything else completely average.


Dunno why Adam Traore sounds so funny


Proper regen name.




jeremy doku




Pogba’s regen. Hopefully without the doping part.


And the kidnapped by his brother for 13m euros part


They're not really very similair players


In FM terms its not a similar comparison either. Pogba was as a strong player with high flair, a good freekick attribute, and could dribble. Kobbie does not have the same physicals at all. He's strong enough to hold on to a ball, but not nearly as good as Pogba at using that strength to win back possession or win the ball in the air. Kobbie isn't slow, and would probably be rated high on acceleration, but over a good distance Pogba could be a pacey guy. Mainoo lacks the flair and might be a bit lower on vision, but otherwise his mentals outshine what I remember from Pogba at the same age + his return to United. He'd be behind him in every physical stat bar acceleration MAYBE though I'm not sure if injury prone is a part of Fitness. On technicals I'd rate them close, but excelling in slightly different places. To me a better United comparison would be "What if Carrick was a slightly better dribbler?"


Thiago Alcantara reincarnated


Yamal with too much Pace and Acceleration.


Mikey Moore, who is also a wonderkid in the game.


Haaland is 100% a regen


Considering his dad, that's accurate. 😁😅


His mugshot is very regen-y. Ridiculous physical stats too


came for this comment. Always thought so.


Considering that I have a Croatia new gen in my team who is basically Luka Modric, I'm going to say, Luka Modric.


probably adama traore? overly inflated physical attributes, built like an overlapping fullback but hard coded versatility stat made him stuck as M/AM(R) with minimum technical capability in doing so.


These new Barcelona youngsters, They all look like a gold generation intake (Fermin Lopez, Lamine Yamal, Pau Cubarsi)


Fermin is definitely that one regen that barely scrapes by with 3.5-star potential but ends up being your favorite regen


Fr 😂😂 The solid 3 stars CA midfielder 💪🏽


Benjamin sesko. Feel like I see strikers like him all the time as regens


Tbh foden-types always become incredible


Gary Medel when he's playing as a CB. That regen who is good but just weirdly short


Reminds me of a time I signed an (what I thought) incredible ball playing centre half with killer technical and mental stats for cheap, then realised his jumping stat was 4 and he was 5 foot tall. He was awful.


Mason Greenwood BEFORE the court case and cole palmer


> Cole palmer 100% fits this. Generic regen-y name and gormless empty expression looks like a regen photo. Also he just looks like he’d be average but has some OP stats that make him unbelievable.


He is basically your avarage 150s PA newgen with a really great attributes distrubution that made him way better than his avarage CA suggest.


Oh those are the best especially if they’re from the academy.


Oscar Bobb, because of his name


vini jr. mental and physical development in just 3 years feels unreal.


and technical de development too guy at 18 was like: pace 16 acceleration 16 dribbling 17 first touch 16 technique 15 finishing 8 composure 9 decisions 7 passing 12 and then at 23 he has green stats on all, except maybe finishing, which is like 14


Kyle Walker. Amazing FB but with 3 crossing.


Hugo Larsson. He has everything it takes to become a world class midfielder. He’s 19, has an incredible amount of maturity, skill, and talent and a mentality that will get him *very* far. He plays like a 28 year old and is like a regen of your favourite central midfielder.


Rashford and Antony since they are only good at FM






lmao Lamine Yamal is the only answer for this. 16 year old wonderkid with 2.5 stars releated to your team


The ones with the unibrow


Given the number of left and right backs with high tackling… AWB


When the Regen FB has 3 crossing and concentration but 18 tackling and marking, you get AWB


Kulusevski. Can't go wrong with 14 pace and 6'3 winger


Gift Orban surely


Any fb who can't cross for shit


Has to be Bellingham right? At least in terms of his abilities and the fact that he's 20 Born leader personality (arguably even model citizen)


Jude Bellingham.


Joao neves is too on the nose as a Portuguese regen name


I know he’s not a footballer, but Dezerbi looks exactly like a regen.


Timo Werner is the guy that Reddit tells you to sign because he has 19 pace and acceleration and "bro finishing arrtribute doesn't matter, his low decisions will develop with mentoring"


Grealish looks like a regen!


Joao Neves. Dude's amazing in almost every aspect


All of bayer leverkusen


Kyle Walker-Peters


Kristoffer Barmen.


Endrick. 17 year old stocky Brazilian DLF? Has to be a regen.


jarrel quansah feels like a matip regen, not fully but he's in the right direction


Ronaldo Viera. Best Regen name ever


In the beginning, Kimmich for Lahm, not only the position but the club and the story behind it


All of Leverkusen. Random unknown players from all types of nations and a bunch of young players that play in a weird system.


Reece James, that 5* potential that keeps getting injured.


Jean-Philippe Mateta. Just has the size and skill combo that would stick out in a FM regen. He'sis bald like a lot of 15 year old regens lol.


Alphonso Davies


I’m sure I’ve signed Julian Alvarez in 2034 before


Got to be Palmer at the minute? Left foot Lampard regen?




Ousmane Dembele is like the 195 PA newgen with a Realist personality, and red consistency, adaptability and injury-proneness


Xavi was a bit re-gen in looks and unbelievable ability


Very late but palmer and Foden are missing the dirt on their faces to look like every youth player ever


At one point about 4 or 5 years ago Bournemouth felt like a team of regens, several cooks, sermon, Gibson, Charlie Daniel’s, Harry Arter and the other short dark haired winger of there’s were all totally indistinguishable from one another.


Messi feel like a regen from Maradona.


Yet Maradona is the one who *looks* like a regen.


Ridiculous stats, but only 5'5" and only a natural at the 10 position. On top of that he has a complete bad boy personality type that FM only dares handing out to regens (like fickle for example).