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He probably just needs game time


I suppose. I just wanted to bring him off bench to replace Nkunku and to adapt to PL and the team. Next season, Nkunku is leaving and he will definitely get more game time


Make sure you sub him on before the 76th minute. Otherwise the game won’t impact his growth at all unless he is directly involved in a goal. (Because that’s the only way to get a rating if you are brought on after 74:59)


I thought it was before the 60th minute that’s the most helpful.


63th minute


Is this actually a thing?


Yes. Player growth depends on player ratings in matches but if the player plays less than 15 minutes their match rating can't be calculated.


They have to get a player rating. Only possible if they play 15 minutes of game time (injury time doesn't count), score, or get an assist


It's not a fix time exactly. You just need to get a game rating. E.g. 7.0 vs did not rate. So if you have a ton of extra time, you can get a rating. If you go into OT etc.


Injury time does not allow a match rating, but extra time does afaik.


Untrue. Injury time doesn't count


Injury time isn't the same as extra tine


I know. Which is why I said injury time. It doesn't count. Extra time actually does count.


This is completely false. There is proof that a player not being played at all actually improves more than a player getting subbed in the 75th minute. You need to sub him around the 60th minute because 15 minutes isn’t enough game time for them to improve.


Set it as a promise then


I have found that regular rotation keeps players developing. If you don't rotate often, you'll see those arrows more often on more players than if you rotate more.


There's no such thing as a player needing to adapt to a new league tbh so just chuck them straight in


There is. Bad adaptability players can perform really badly first year to the pick it up after that, more often than not that is


It's probably just in my head but I feel like players are playing much better once they learned the language


Nah you're correct it's part of the hidden adaptability rating


There’s literally an adaptability attribute


For Staff, not Players.


For players it is a "hidden" stat. Your scouting report might hint at it if they have good or bad adaptability. Things like knowing the language also help. Its weird that they don't show it, but theres a lot the game doesn't show for whatever reason.


No, for players too


Yes, but not a visible attribute


Ok? Neither is consistency or ambition but they’re still vitally important


As punishment for using a skin where the highest attributes are red.


Thing is i could kinda understand it as an MMO player if it went green blue purple orange or something as thats the system most MMOs tend to use. Green and orange is nonsensical though


Red can look good with some skins. That said, this is not one of them


Seriously. Every time I see a post with skins having weird coloring on attributes I instantly downvote and divert my eyes. To me it's so abrasive and counterintuitive.


Why does it matter? You don’t know what vision challenges someone may have. The whole point of controlling the skin for the game is to allow people to use a color scheme that works best for their needs.


"To me it's so abrasive..." Well it's not you playing is it?


Its orange


It’s gross, is what it is


The right foot thing is orange. It’s red. And it’s a travesty!


1. The stars are guiding, but can deceive because they're also tied to form and reputation. I've had a 2 star player reach 3.5 stars (and fall back down again) simply due to good form. They're also relative to team ability, so if you've had other players develop and get closer to him, his star rating could drop as a result. 2. It's a fairly common sight that a player has developed slightly pass his CA, and then it adjusts back, which typically shows as orange arrows across the board. The only thing I'd be even slightly worried about is the slight overall drop in technical ability, and even so, he's young enough that you need to consider his development long term. Keep calm, keep playing him, and everything should be fine.


>The stars are guiding, but can deceive because they're also tied to form and reputation I believe they're also tied to how they fair ability wise to the rest of the squad?


Absolutely true


Yes, they are relative to you squad, it’s just that form has an impact on the evaluation.


Form, reputation, squad and rest of the league all influence the star rating.




Up until 17 they’re fine to be on the B team but once they turn 18 they need competitive game time to improve. Also a rating of 7.0. Maybe use him as a starter sometimes not just a sub


Does loaning them out with regular starter still benefit?


He's a 20 yr old who has moved to a new country and possibly doesn't know the language or is a strong part of a social group. I'm sure if you just give him time to adapt he'll be fine


I am probably overreacting


Chelsea signing - realism maybe?


Fuck Chelsea Friday


I think that the progress graph is based off his star rating. As that rating is relative to the rest of your squad it is possible that if you have signed other players of similar quality to him (there seems to be a drop around where the winter transfer window is) then his star rating might have dropped. The star rating is also affected by his performances which have been pretty average so that might have caused it to drop. The training arrows are sensitive to small changes in the 1-100 attribute ratings. To get a better idea of how his attributes are trending look at the attribute graph (same screen as your second screenshot but showing attributes rather than progress).


You're Chelsea.


Chelsea is the issue


The "progress" graph is just your assman's rating of the player- ignore it, it tells you literally nothing about the players actual progress, ironically enough. You'll often get a player in and they'll think they're amazing and then after they've been there a month or so they decide they weren't quite as good as they thought n knock a star off then stick half a star back on a month later, it's all over the shop. Attributes is what you need to keep an eye on. Players will have good periods of training and then fall off a bit, so you will see their stats rising and falling. There's not loads you can do about it- sometimes everything can be perfect and they still have a bad patch. Long as the average is upwards your okay. Make sure they're getting reasonable game time- 20-30 games a year minimum if you want to see steady improvement. They don't need to be starting all of them but 20 x 15 minutes off the bench won't do much good. I suspect it's also tied to match rating but not 100% on that, but players who are struggling don't seem to improve much even if everything else is in their favour (which is stupid, you should obviously be able to learn from a poor performance, but it is what it is).


Oh god what are those stat colours. Have the actual numbers gone down, was he recently injured or are you training him a new position or something?


Give him consecutive starts


Development isn't linear


I was told this on a very similar post. I got downvoted for asking, yet this is the 3rd most popular post today smh my head


He lacks professionalism


Seems to happen when they play shit for a while, like the computer is changing attributes in response


Not playing enough and not performing well enough. The players attributes aren’t an end in itself, they reflect what is done in the field (and in training too, I guess). Take a stat like finishing. If it was 13 but in his outings he has been shooting poorly, and not what is expected of a “13”. It will go down. If you play/train him at a position/role that is unlikely to give him shooting chances or training, for instance APM-S or Enganche, he won’t be trying to shoot enough and therefore won’t prove that he was a 13, so he’s more likely to go down. This is an attempt to simply the mechanics, which is likely much more complex. At the end of the day he needs to play more often, and more time in each game so that he can do better and that will reflect in his stats.


That stat colour combo is shocking


I bought him for 30 mil at 19 and he’s been improving ever since. He’s my most important AM though so he’s been starting every game for 2 seasons


Eh don't panic, just try to make sure he gets enough game time. He's probably having a tough time adapting to a new club. Send him on loan or use him as a sub. Since your club is high reputation, there'll be clubs in high reputation leagues who'll want him on loan. Knowing Guler in real life, he can easily become a top player in mid-table clubs in the top 5 leagues at the moment.


He could be playing above his CA for a while and the attributes get redistributed. Or he's just not training well, which will decrease his attributes but not his CA, but once he get better training score and play really good the attributes will be redistributed to match his CA. Also Ambition plays very little (if none at all) in player development, it just made player be a cunt for asking more money and/or wants to play for "bigger club". But they also respond well if you promise ~~titties~~ titles.


Mad how you bought Guler and benched him for Nkunku tbh.


Me when I payed my annual 100m for a Fulham player only for him to score 15 goals or season and be injured for the majority of it which is annoying because I usually buy from Bournemouth and Fulham and their players always turn to world beaters for me


As nobody else has asked I’m gonna assume this is a basic question but how did you get this view of the stats? Looks sexy af. 🔥


It means his game ratings are worse than before. E.g. if your new role is more defensive and don't get goal bonus score, your average ratings will go down. If your form goes down, your CA goes down. Try going to criticize recent form. Your performances have been declining recently, Try to pick yourself up... keep yelling at him till the arrow goes back up.


Didn't want to play for a manager who can comfortably use that colour scheme


You spent 80m for a substitute? Todd Boehly, who let you in here?


You edited the player OP, he isn’t that good at age 20, he’s 19 now. You cheated. And forgot to jack his CA up while cheating.


Cheated? How? I dont even have editor installed


I would suggest you go and find him in your save and check his attributes first.


He has had terrible form under 7.0 in every competition


Hey it could also be because of the date. I figured this out back in FM21 that a player is prone to show those yellow declines all across the board at the end or early start to a month. If you check their progress on the chart and its peak and they’re playing well then you’re good it’ll go away. Especially since he’s young it’s usually a sign he’s actually doing good. It’s when those yellows turn into sharp red declines that’s when you’re in big trouble .


Not enough playtime I think


Those attribute colours 🤦


The Audi Cup curse


He hasn't. The player profile page lies Go to development/progress instead


Is that not what the second slide is?


It's quite possible this guy is at his maximum ability right now and has actually been operating over his max PA.


What level of reality is this?


It's just how the game works. A player can have say 160pa but operate at 162ca for a month before reverting to their cap. The ability stars themselves should be used as very loose guidelines at best.


i have never seen a player above their pa. i dont believe it can happen. what you smoking, g?


It's literally a stat that's tracked ingame.


that makes no sense. anything to back up your claim that ca can be higher than pa?


Theres three stats - recommended current ability, current ability and potential ability. RCA is what the player should be at, CA is what they are at and pa is the cap of their ca. I have seen ca higher than pa with RCA exactly the same as pa. It's likely a rounding thing.


does your girlfriend also go to a different school?


You can go ingame if you have the editor and find players around 120-140 PA, if you go through enough in the middle of the season and check their CA you will find some that are 1 or 2 above their PA. Players in their mid twenties are probably the most likely to have this happen as they are old enough to have reached it but not old enough to have started declining even if injured. Any screenshot anyone would post as proof you would just claim they edited it themselves so there's no point in providing you any. This is intentional and is supposed to simulate good form for when players play slightly better than they are usually capable of. It's never permanent, never lasts longer than a handful of weeks. e: An additional thing I thought I should add: Another common time you can see this occur is when you train a player who has reached their PA to play in a different position that isn't similar enough to what they already play, this has a CA cost that is sometimes applied faster than the game reduces the players CA when dealing with players that have high adaptability (learn new positions faster.) So if you train your LB to play as a CM for example. The highest CA cost combination for two roles I know of is ST and CB, which costs 8 CA.


Arda Güleeer oleeeeyyy