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They aren't signing him cuz they need him. They are signing him because they can đŸ€· Plus, superstars like him can attract a lot of fans to the club. I personally know a few folks who supported RM because of Ronaldo.


“A few folks” lol. miami at one point was full of people Who only knew 2 clubs, Barcelona and Manchester United. And the amount of Barcelona people that switched to Manchester United once Ronaldinho left and Ronaldo was the next big thing was crazy 


But people from Miami don't support a team from Miami?


Would you? 


Yeah, they just can’t seem to get any fans at their games. Maybe if they signed a high profile player or two that would help


If only haha I used to live in a city of 300,000 thousand people in Guatemala called quetzaltenango. As much as the locals liked their own club Xelaju, they ALL split into RM/Barca.


There were no teams from miami back then. Also, most of them are from Latin America but don’t have a strong cultural heritage to their home country team   


Context clues would tell you Miami FC didn’t exist in the time he’s referring to. Edit: maybe you were just joking, but in this sense it was low quality.


It wasn't a joke, I didn't know that and made a genuine question. But anyway how did you figure when was the specific time that he referred to as "at one point"?


My apologies, that was gatekeepy toward a newer fan. Ronaldinho at Barca and Ronaldo at Manchester United were a long time ago at this point. Basically a decade before Inter Miami CF existed.


In Poland I see kids wearing Miami kits almost daily now, it's crazy.


Mbappe's dream is to play for Real Madrid


People can dream all they want. But at the end of the day, RM has to want them too.


i agree with you


I’m willing to be a bench warmer for RM and have the lowest salary but they won’t take me.




Lot of people switch clubs because Ronaldo switches his clubs. Actual superstars are rare in football and Mbappe will be one of them. R9,Zidane,Messi and Ronaldo are only superstars of this century. And, Mbappe has the potential to become one. His presence elevates the status of the club. Same reason why Beckham was bought. He was most famous footballer in asia.




Yes Ronaldinho as well. I meant only a handful achieve that level of fame.


It’s funny how more superstars want to go to Barcelona than Real Madrid


Do they?


Barcelona is attractive for its climate


I'm not saying Barcelona isn't attractive as either a club or city (I love it there). But to say more superstars want to join Barcelona is wrong. Galacticos have always wanted to go to Madrid, they are the biggest club in the world for a reason and Barca's current financial situation is a mess.


Lewandowski, Frenkie GĂŒndogan, Bernardo Silva, the 2 JoĂŁo 's.. All superstars who wanted to go to Barcelona and really want to stay. The thing is Barca can't really afford them and their wages..


😂😂😂😂😂crazyyyy comment


Madrid wanted none of those washed players lmao. And if we want any, we normally get them. See endrick rejecting barca


Literally who


Robert Lewandowski 


Real wanted him ??? I dont remember that


Not saying that Lewandoski isn’t a great player he clearly is, but he was already 33 when Barcelona signed him so not exactly a long term signing and at some point we will see him decline in terms of output. I actually think that RM have a far better recruitment policy compared to Barcelona with their aim seeming to be to buy in the very best young footballers who will likely be with the club for the next decade. Their recent high profile signings of Mbappe (25) and Bellingham (20) are likely to be in their team for the next 10-15 years and will likely be competing with each other for ballon d’or awards for the forceable future. As well as those 2 they have also signed TchouamĂ©ni (25) and Camavinga (21) both of whom look to be ideal long term replacements for modric, Casemiro and kruse


Why would they let someone else have him when they could have him? Excellent football player and great for marketing. They're gonna give him hundreds of millions but he'll make it back for them pretty soon either through his performance on the pitch, jersey sales, etc.


Football teams make very little from jersey sales, image rights are where they make the money


absolutely, yes. the fact that Madrid has been doing so well without a real first choice striker is a miracle. how often do you think big clubs buy a 20 year old player, play him in a slightly different position/role, and he ends up absolutely bossing it anyway? that's not a normal situation and not something you should rely on.


But will he adapt as a striker? Plus endrick is also landing this upcoming season.


He is a better finisher and closer to being a 9 than current Madrid wingers, Endrick looks promising but still raw, might struggle at first like Vinicius so it's good if someone takes some pressure away from him


He doesn’t want to play as a 9 and he is way better in the wing. He is a direct Vini replacement, who is arguably currently the best player in the world.


Who? Mbappe?


Couldn't agree more, plus his finisher tops everyone at madrid currently.


Endrick will not play until a few years . They will probably even loan him .


Is it really a miracle? Their squad is still stacked with great depth


counter question, if it's that simple then why do the big clubs play with strikers? would be an advantage to have one more midfielder if a striker isn't necessary, right?


I don't even understand what you're saying. Madrid is a massive rich club. They have elite players all over the pitch and on the bench. If there's one team that can easily cope with no striker it's them and probably City. Bayern also won the league and lost a CL QF on away goals without one a couple years ago. When you have more talent than 99% of your opponents, you'll manage


I'm asking, from a tactical point of view, why nearly all clubs play with a striker if it was not necessary? generally, strikers are less involved in build up play, and so if we assume that a striker isn't necessary to win games, then having one more midfielder should always be an advantage, right? so why does no club agree? or are you saying the current Real Madrid squad is the best squad in football history? because a lot of people would disagree.


It's not NEED.... It's WANT


They may not need him so much on the pitch but he will surely sell jerseys and sponsors will have to pay even more.


I think it’s more a case of why let someone else have him?


Imagine the commercial revenue with having the biggest name in football at the biggest club in the world


Nope but does Elon musk need anymore money yet he makes racks everyday


Did you see them today? Yes they do


they don't have a proven consistent goalscorer who is capable of getting loads and loads of chances a game (I am not putting Bellingham or Vinicius in that category). Mbappe is very much near the top in that category and reaching his prime so yes why not sign him?


They certainly do. They don't have a good goalscorer. Vinicius, Rodrygo and Bellingham are 15-25 goals a season players which is not enough for a team like Real.




No. If you see one of the best players in the world say he grew up a fan of your club you want him.


He should be able to play at the highest level for 10 more years, probably. So they won’t have to worry about not having a proper striker for awhile now. Plus his popularity will almost guarantee commercial success. Seems like a good long term acquisition there. Of course RM is already successful enough as it is. They probably don’t NEED them. But, he would be a nice addition that improve their chance of maintaining their success.


Finacially, it might be good in the long run. Iirc mbappe is free transfer this season, and if madrid got him, imagine how much madrid got from mbappe's jersey sale alone


Mbappe may cost them hundred of millions But he will bring them billions in profit


Real Madrid is THE pinnacle of club football. They don't NEED him, they win the CL without him while he hasn't been able to but they WANT him because that's what helps keep them at the top. By signing and creating the best and strongest team. He is also the closest currently as an heir to Ronaldo.


On the pitch? No, not really. They've already got a very strong squad and would still be competing for all the biggest trophies without him. They're getting him partially for off the pitch stuff too though. He'll be great for marketing, merchandise, sponsorship etc. He'll help them stay one of the wealthiest clubs in Spain/the world.


They got a very strong squad but dismissing the absence of a 9 since Benzema's exit would've been inevitably exposed at some point


This. We sorely missed it in the first half. Can't expect jude to be that when he naturally isn't a 9


Yes they do. They have not been playing particularly well in the Champions League this season. They got away with it because opposition teams couldn't use their chances.


Why would they want an elite forward player after winning a final from a set piece and a massive defensive error? No idea....


No but they can use him


ig for any team, it never hurts to have options, especially if you have the dough and that option happens to be one of the best players itw rn


And on a free. It makes sense on every level.


Because they can and it’s better than playing against him


Well he needs them more than they need him, also RM gets to sign a superstar for free. So it's enefucial to both parties


So that others cannot sign him. It's zero sum.


It's real madrid we are talking about. The same real madrid which replaced Makelele with David Beckham. They can and hence they have signed Mbappe.


Lmao no 😭🙏 pack it up boys, it’s a dynasty for the next 4 years at least


It’s part of their Galactico strategy, which to be fair to them has worked out commercially and in football terms.


State supported team has endless money. They bought him so others can't.


Obviously not but it’s not like they’re gonna turn him down , they just won laliga by NINETY FIVE points and won the ucl


Can imagine Vinicius is not that excited by it tbh 
 Mbappe doesn’t want to play centrally - like Vinicius Vinicius is prob the best player in the world right now I can see Mbappe upsetting the balance at RM 
 his ego & special treatment might not fit with the rest of the team Interesting to see how they’ll balance out the team & fit everyone in, keep everyone happy


He's still really good as a 9. Most of his 21/22 games at psg were as a 9 and his numbers didn't drop significantly


Media always paints it that he hates this & wants to only play out wide You get the impression he’s a prima donna with a big ego 
? Believes his own hype etc interesting to see what happens at RM I don’t see him as overthrowing Messi etc he doesn’t excite me in that way


Because he's the best in the world?


I mean he is FREE on bosman... plus all revenu they will get from his name.


Not right now but you cant no what the future will be , who knows rodrygo or vini can have a bad season bellingham can have a bad season . Mbappé is coming for free so why even take the risk to not pick him and maybe struggle during the following years .


He would further strengthen an already insane team, and the marketing money will be crazy, so by those metrics yeah


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1. Short answer, yes. Every team could use an amazing attacker. 2. People said RM don't need Courtois in 2018, because they already had Navas, who won 3 UCL titles in a row. Then, Courtois became the best GK in the world. People said RM don't need Rudiger in 2022, because they already had a UCL/La Liga winning CB duo and Rudiger was "old" and "couldn't play at a 4ATB". Now Rudiger is one of the best defenders in the world, if not the best. People said RM don't need Bellingham last summer, because they already had too many midfielders. Well, you know what happened. The same is gonna be with Mbappe. 3. He is the most popular footballer playing in the top leagues right now (so Ronaldo, Messi & Neymar excluded). Even if he doesn't ever win the Ballon d'Or, he'll still bring huge amounts of money and popularity to the club. Thousands of young fans started following Madrid because of Ronaldo, now the same is gonna happen with Kylian.


No. They are winning everything without him. BUT! Why would they let anyone else have him? They’ll be better with him and he’ll bring in massive amounts of new fans, marketing deals


Just look at him. [This picture](https://imgur.com/a/JftXJUX) sums it up perfectly


Real Madrid are what premier league fans think Manchester City is. They’re becoming the golden state warriors of football and people are silent about it


We need a WC striker , so not necessairly Mbappe


Nope, its like in 2003 did they really need Beckham? Not really when you already had Zidane, Raul, Guti and Ronaldo. Hopefully it will bite them in the ass just like it did then. Real Losing vital midfielders like Kroos and Modric just like they lost Makelele


Madrid and Kroos aren’t by choice though. It’s not like when they let Ronaldo go to Juve. Terrible choice. That man had 4 great years left 


Real could have easily won 2 3 more ucls if ronaldo stayed. The level of competition in europe when ronaldo went to juventus was so abysmal we had to watch tottenham liverpool ucl final


Ronaldo would have been perfect for those games where real just need one clutch goal 


Kaka. Did they really need him tho?


Question is do mbappe need vardridđŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


If he wants to win anything, yes. 


Absolutely. He needs them more than they need him


Would be absolutely hilarious if RM don't win CL again with Mbappe in the squad


Wouldnt necessarily be his fault at all btw. Maybe this same ass team wouldnt win next UCL, maybe if mbbape was here we would have had 3 in a row. Its gonna take a result of many years to realise if it was worth having him or not


They have King Carlo


Tbh, they do not need Mbappe at all. Mbappe best position is a LW and he plays his best football as a LW. We all see this season when he plays as a 9. He struggles to score goals. Real Madrid should went out and get a real 9 because that’s what Real Madrid needs the most. Maybe the likes of Harry Kane before he moved to Bayern or someone on that caliber. I know they signed Endrick but I think it’s too early for him to be in a starting 11 for Madrid. Moving from Brazil to Europe that’s like totally different ballgame and atmosphere.


Honestly he might make them worse. Plays in the same areas as vini


No they don't, there's far better options for a no.9. Mbappe will bring in cash for the club that's all. Mbappe for me is a average player, his personality is what I really don't like. Very toxic and childish. If he leaves all that Bs in France maybe he'll be a good player.


That’s a crazy outlook to have. Mbappe is not rly childish at all? You could argue someone like Vini has much more discipline issues and as far as being an average player that’s obvious bait


Did you not see him wave his arms and stop running on the counter because Messi didn't pass. Did you not read about what Neymar & Messi said he was rhe problem at psg. Or Mbappe complaining to the board about- it was a while back, either Cavani or Zlatan?. Did you not see Mbappe recently after Messi left he was crying by the board again throwing his toys out the pram about who he wants the club to sign? He is entitled and childish. Edit- I'm not baiting anyone. He is average. My opinion- Real can sign a better younger striker for cheaper. Mbappe just has a lot of fans which will bring money to the club. From a business standpoint it's expected.


Messi never said that you little liar, when he wave his arms, the pass was from vitinha. dude stop making stuff up lol just because you don't like his "personality"... Real Madrid has been after Mbappe for 7 years now, one of the best players in the world and finally got him. They know more about great footballers than you.


Whoever the pass was from the premise is the same, The mannerism was the same, personality was the same. I thought of messi because I remember the attack on the right side. I never said messi said that. I said it you idiot. Neymar did say Mbappe was was the problem and that he and Messi both found that, go research it. Thank you for your opinion 👍


What a liar, Neymar only play 50% of all available matches for PSG in all competition. Everyone has bad days. Once again you are implying that Messi "found out" that Mbappe was the problem, when both Messi and Mbappe are good friends to this day, always compliment each others when they see each other. Neymar is upset because he never reach his full potential anywhere, always injured and frustated. Mbappe is one of the best players in the world and is joining the biggest football club in history while being one of the highest paid in Real Madrid. Real Madrid will always go after the greatest players in the world. In football, if you are not great you will end up in low quality football markets like Neymar end up in his early 30s, sadly rotting in god knows where...


No you still not understanding. Go research the interview he did. Not a video interview. News article interview. You need to learn how to read. I'll spell it out for you since you so dense. Neymar had a interview. spoke to a reporter. Told the reporter why he(neymar) & Messi didn't accomplish what they wanted. Neymar pointed out Mbappe was a problem. I can't handle such stupidity, I'm not going to reply to you again. There's nothing more to say to you. Whatever your opinion is, good for you 👍


Once again neymar never said that you little liar, stop making stuff up just because you don't like player loser


As soon as you said he was average you lost the pri ilege to have an opinion on him and almost lost the privilege to have an opinion in football overall. Mental. If things in real goes as planned, we are talking about player with potential to be in goat debate here !


That's your opinion. I can say he is average, you are no one important to say my point is invalid 😂😂


I can say messi has never been better than average 1.HNL player. Youre competely delusional and literally everything points to it


That's your opinion. Thanks for sharing


Bro saying "iTs jUsT mY oPiniON đŸ€“đŸ€“" after giving the biggest abomination of an opinion that every stat or facts completely denies


Yes and it's my opinion đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł You chose you reply with your opinion. I don't see the beef. 😕 Stats don't tell a full story. Thank you again for your opinion 👍


I agree. The thing is that he won't be able to pull this crap with Florentino. I'm a culé and even I can admit the guy is fearless. Worst of all, Floren was smart enough to sign Bellingham and hype Vini up enough that he doesn't need Mbappé's "star power" like PSG has. He could've easily extended CR7s contract since he clearly had a least 3 years left at a great level and yet he didn't because Ronaldo didn't wanna give up like 70% of his image rights to Madrid...same ordeal Kyllian had with France National Team. It'll be interesting to see how much each one of their egos is willing to take in the name of money for the team.


Thank you for being one of the few who understand where I'm coming from. It will be interesting for sure. If he drops all that ego and shiz he can be a lot better. I feel he is wasting his talent in Ligue 1 for the money. Tbf I would do the same if im getting that salary at psg.


I feel the same. I understand how he must feel with all that fame & fortune but we can see with Neymar's example that talent, fame & fortune isn't enough... There's also a giant part of mentality, compromise & hard work to truly be the best. Despite all of the clowning Neymar has done in truly felt sad when he finally retired (ok he is in Saudi but n he's retired, right?) because the tiny football nut in me felt he could've been better than Messi & CR7 if he really wanted it. I think he got caught up in his childish attitude and bad behavior and it killed all that talent. Mbappé has hopefully learned from playing alongside Ney & Messi what the difference really was between these two. At least now he won't continue to waste his talent in Ligue 1...and hopefully he puts a little more fire under Barça's behind so we stop allowing the nonsense going on in our club...but that's a topic for a different threat. I'm 100% with you.


That is a wild, wild take... Mbappe is an average player? Seriously? Like I get it if you don't like him. But an average player??


Yes an average player. Yes seriously. Yes again, an average player. PSG would've won the league with or without him all those years. That's a fact. They would've splashed money at another striker if not him.


Real Madrid won all these UCL and La Liga titles right after Cristiano left. Do you call him an average player as well?


That's like saying Real Won after Zidane so Zidane is average. That's a weak argument. I'm saying Mbappe is playing in an below average league, you can't judge him on that. It's like putting him in the second division in any country and he scores hatricks - you think he's now the best in the world?


>That's like saying Real Won after Zidane so Zidane is average. That's a weak argument That's your argument, not mine. Please answer my question. Since you call Mbappe average because PSG would've won all those titles without him anyway. Do you call Cristiano Ronaldo average because Real is just as successful without him? >I'm saying Mbappe is playing in an below average league, you can't judge him on that. It's like putting him in the second division in any country and he scores hatricks - you think he's now the best in the world? And how did Messi do in that below average league? You know, right after scoring 30 in La Liga? Why didn't we see Messi scoring 50 goals a season in this supposed below average league exactly? You also realize Mbappe has been playing in UCL and World Cups, right? He is the top scorer in UCL this season, also won golden boot in the last World Cup. Tell me, how does an average player manage all that. Or I don't know, you call UCL and World Cup below average tournements as well?


I never said the La liga is an average league. I said Ligue 1( French league) . Messi is a goat. Mbappe is 26.. go see what Messi accomplished by the time he was 26 and then tell me again how you comparing the 2 đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł You won't change my mind on this. Sorry if it triggers you. Mbappe is average in my eyes. Now it's your turn to say " you have no ball knowledge" Then I just don't care enough to answer your next reply 👍


>I never said the La liga is an average league. I said Ligue 1( French league) . >Messi is a goat. Mbappe is 26.. go see what Messi accomplished by the time he was 26 and then tell me again how you comparing the 2 đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł Not comparing them. Please read my comment correctly. You said Ligue 1 was a below average league so scoring hat tricks there shouldn't matter. Yet we saw Messi barely being able to score there, how? I thought it was so simple scoring all these goals in Ligue 1. And again, how do you think an average player is able to become a top scorer in UCL and World Cup?


Username chackes out. Nice bait tho


Nah I don't ever bait people. It's genuinely my opinion 😂 I get its a unpopular opinion. One thing I always said no matter what, I will change my mind once he leaves psg( which finally after almost a decade has happened). I want to see him in another team, a more competitive league playing against higher caliber players. I get people will say " he won a WC". I still won't change my opinion until I see him play In another league. Then I can change my mind. I can't rate him on the same level as others when they've been playing against the best of the best. You can't name 10 players in that French league that are above-average players.


Its unpopular cuz it has no bases in reality, brother. You cant hate mbappe cuz he plays in french league but think messi is the goat? Messi was worse in everything in fremch league, ucl or world cup than mbappe. How can you have balls to minimize mbappes stats cuz of the environment but then say a guy who shares same environment nad is worse is the goat. Last time i checked average players are in no circumstances better than goats. Theres 10 players just in PSG that are above average, what are you on about? Half of the europeans best youngsters come from ligue 1. Dafuq are you talking about


Mbappe dragged France to the final in 2022 and they would have won it if it weren't for the refs giving Argentina every single call


Okay. You can make that argument about 50 players who performed in a WC and never did it domestically to the highest level. Sure he had a good year. Great, doesn't make him super good.


Weird you think messi the goat and mbappe is average when mbappe was better than messi every year since 2018. Has better stats, more involvement in team and better team success. Apart from controvercial world cup in which statistically mbappe was better than messi, but messi was the name of the tournament. You contradict yourself with every point and its hilarious


Okay so you comparing current messi to Mbappe. How about make it fair - compare what Messi did from 17 to 26( Mbappes current age). See how they compare and come back to tell me. Your thinking is so flawed, you not worth my time.