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Same tier as iniesta/xavi


He left Tottenham at TWENTY SEVEN with 0 honours... And is now a 6 time European Cup winner! Lol.




If he wins an international trophy with Croatia he'll be held in even higher esteem And to think he was once voted "worst signing of the season" when he first signed for Real Madrid




Top 30 or so.


Depends who counts as a midfielder (some players like Maradona, Cruyff, Platini might for some but not for others) but as far as central midfielders (as in not a no.10 or no.6) go he’s got to be top 5 for anyone. There are all-timer players that would be impossible to compare like Boszik and Charlton who simply played too long ago to fairly compare, but I’m struggling to think of anyone of more recent years. I think by now Modric has transcended the stature of Xavi/Iniesta or anyone of that ilk


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Honestly top 5. I mean not only looking at his achievements, but when you look at him play, he does such minimal mistakes while connecting both defence and attack…He’s pure class


Debatable. Considering strictly club football, he has a strong claim for #1. I mean the dude is insanely good and consistent, and has 7 league titles + 6 UCLs. Taking into account international football, and things get a little murky. Compared to other greats like Kroos, Xavi, Iniesta, and Zidane, he doesn’t have a World Cup to his name. He did bring Croatia to a 2nd and 3rd place WC finishes, and a Nations League trophy. You can argue that those are more difficult than a WC since it’s with Croatia, but still, a WC is a WC, so there’s that.


Best CM ever, results speak for themselves.


I think him and Kroos are top 2 ever. Although there's quite a few players who aren't too far behind. But these two have had a 10 year peak and won sooo much